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Showing Collections: 26 - 50 of 70

New Mexico Adjutant General Records,

Identifier: 1973-019
Scope and Content As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Adjutant General, National Guard, and Office of Military Affairs (1847-1988). Includes administrative correspondence, field reports, general and special orders, ledger books, enlistment and discharge documents, casualty records, photographs, clippings, muster rolls from New Mexico volunteer militias and National Guard (1847-1917), and annual reports for various years between 1875 and 1962. Much of the material concerns the involvement...
Dates: 1847-[ongoing]

New Mexico American Revolution Bicentennial Commission Records,

Identifier: 1977-030
Scope and Content Collection consists of records of the New Mexico American Revolution Bicentennial Commission (1969-1977). Includes annual and other reports, administrative correspondence, promotional documents, clippings, audio tapes, and video tapes. Much of the material concerns local projects and events throughout New Mexico, including documents on federal and state funding for these activities.
Dates: 1969-1977

New Mexico Board of Nursing Records, .

Identifier: 1983-036
Scope and Content As of 1999, collection consists of records of the New Mexico Board of Nursing and its predecessors: the Board of Nurses' Examiners; and the Board of Examiners for Graduate Nurses (1932-1984). Includes minutes (1977-1983); reports (1955-1974), annual reports (1969-1984); bulletins (1971-1984); a manual for schools of nursing (1965); a roster of nurses (1966); rules and regulations (1939-1977); and financial papers (1932-1979), including audits (1932-1968). Records include some certificates and...
Dates: 1932-[ongoing]

New Mexico Capitol Buildings Improvement Commission Records,

Identifier: 1972-004
Scope and Content Collection consists of records of the New Mexico Capitol Buildings Improvement Commission and other territorial and state agencies charged with the duties of construction, maintenance, improvement, and supervision of territorial and state government buildings and lands, particularly those located in the state capital of Santa Fe (1853-1968). Includes records of the New Mexico Public Buildings Commission (1853-1873); Capitol Rebuilding Commission (1892-1901); Capitol Custodian Committee...
Dates: 1853-1968

New Mexico Department of Corrections Records,

Identifier: 1970-006
Scope and Content As of 1997 collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Penitentiary, the Corrections Department, and its predecessors (1884-1990). Some penitentiary records pertain to county and federal inmates. Include are registers of prisoners, visitors, and parolees; annual reports; correspondence; case files; conduct records; medical records; account books; and intake records that usually include an image of the inmate. Intake records are files by inmate number. Includes annual and other reports,...
Dates: 1884-[on-going]

New Mexico Department of Education Records,

Identifier: 1970-004
Scope and Content As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Department of Education, State Board of Education, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and their predecessors the Territorial Board of Education, Territorial Superintendent of Schools,and Superintendent of Public Instruction (1847-1988).Includes annual and other reports, minutes, administrative correspondence, directories, certificates, legal documents, laws, rules, one scrapbook of clippings (1905-1908), and one letterpress...
Dates: 1847-[ongoing]

New Mexico Federation of Women's Clubs Records

Identifier: AC-163
Scope and Content The New Mexico Federation of Women Clubs [NMFWC] is part of the national organization General Federation of Women's Clubs [GFWC], which supervises state chapters. The regional and local chapters, in turn, reported to the NMFWC. The chapters function under the auspices of the NMFWC, and are largely subject to their constitutions, by-laws and governing principles. In Santa Fe, the club was originally called Woman's Board of Trade and Library Association.
Dates: 1840-1952

New Mexico Health Policy Commission Records,

Identifier: 1999-031
Scope and Content Collection consists of records of the New Mexico Health Policy Commission. Includes minutes; documents on health care reform; and Legislative Health Care Task Force reports, press releases, and research materials.
Dates: 1991-1997

New Mexico Indian Education Association Records

Identifier: IAIA-MS013
Abstract MS013 consists of materials originating from the New Mexico Indian Education Association's administrative and publication activities.
Dates: 1981-2009; Majority of material found in 1990-1995

New Mexico Legislative Education Study Committee Records,

Identifier: 1971-026
Scope and Content As of 2000, collection consists of records of the New Mexico Legislative Education Study Committees predecessor the New Mexico Legislative School Study Committee (1964-1972). Includes administrative correspondence, reports, memorandums, minutes, press releases, and financial records. Some of the major topics covered by materials in the collection are teacher salaries, evaluations, and turnover; student-teacher ratios; vocational education; and religion and testing in public schools.
Dates: 1964-[ongoing]

New Mexico Legislative Energy Committee Records,

Identifier: 1977-011
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Legislative Energy Committee (1975-1977). Includes minutes, administrative records, subject files, desk files of Chairman John J. Mershon, and three scrapbooks and unmounted newspaper clippings on energy subjects. Administrative records include correspondence, briefs, budgets, press releases, and reports to the Legislature. Subject files contain reports from state, interstate, and federal agencies.
Dates: 1975-1977

New Mexico Livestock Board Records,

Identifier: 1967-002
Scope and Content As of 2000 collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Livestock Board (1972-1983) and its two predecessors: the New Mexico Cattle Sanitary Board (1887-1957) and the New Mexico Sheep Sanitary Board (1899-1956). Records consists primarily of brand registers. Includes some indexes; registers of strays; annual, special, and fiscal reports; and minutes of board meetings. The listing of brands within the registers varies, some are chronological, some are according to the brand symbol, and...
Dates: 1887-[ongoing]

New Mexico Office of State Treasurer Records,

Identifier: 1974-060
Scope and Content As of 1997 collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Office of the State Treasurer (1955-1974) and its predecessor the Office of the Territorial Treasurer (1849-1911). State records include ledgers, proceedings of financial and investment boards, and administration files. Territorial records include administrative correspondence, annual reports, journals, and ledgers.

Partial finding aid.
Dates: 1847-[ongoing]

New Mexico Property Tax Division Records,

Identifier: 1959-205
Scope and Content As of 1997 collection consists of records of the Property Tax Division and its predecessors the Equalization Board, Territorial Board of Equalization, State Tax Commission, Property Appraisal Department, and Property Tax Department (1887-1978). Records of the Equalization Board and Territorial Board of Equalization include administrative correspondence, tax assessment appeals, and ledger books of minutes from 1887 to 1914. Records of the State Tax Commission include biennial reports...
Dates: 1887-[ongoing]

New Mexico Public Employee Labor Relations Board Records,

Identifier: 1999-028
Scope and Content Collection consists of records of the New Mexico Public Employee Labor Relations Board. Includes certifications, minutes, complaint files, rules, and reports.
Dates: 1992-1998

New Mexico State Auditor Records,

Identifier: 1960-030
Scope and Content As of 1999 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Auditor and its predecessors the Auditor and Territorial Auditor (1846-1998). Territorial records (1846-1912) include annual reports, administrative correspondence, financial records documenting court expenses and payments for bounties, reports on indigents and orphans, bonds for sheriffs and tax collectors bonds, and records of equalization taxes and rebates. Statehood records (1912-1998) include annual reports, and audit...
Dates: 1846-[ongoing].

New Mexico State Board of Thanatopractice Records,

Identifier: 1983-144
Scope and Content As of 1999 the collection consists of the records of the State Board of Thanatopractice and its predecessors (1903-1980). Applications include material submitted to the Territorial Board of Health (1903-1904). Dockets pertain to licensing cases heard before the Board. Miscellaneous papers include correspondence.
Dates: 1903-[ongoing].

New Mexico State Engineer Records,

Identifier: 1971-003
Content Note As of 2000 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Engineer, its predecessor the Territorial Engineer, and the Interstate Stream Commission, which is a statutorily separate agency coordinated and directed by the State Engineer (1888-1992). Includes biennial reports (1932-1978), one annual report from 1979, minutes, legal documents, publications, and ledger books. Most of the records concern water rights, water conservation, irrigation, flood control, and water resources. Includes...
Dates: 1888-[ongoing].

New Mexico State Land Office Records,

Identifier: 1973-046
Scope and Content As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Land Office (including the Commissioner of Public Lands) and its predecessors the Board of Public Lands and the Territorial Public Land Office (1899-1991). Includes various reports, administrative correspondence, minutes, oil and gas leases, publications, clippings, and ledger books. Much of the material concerns mining, grazing, and logging in New Mexico.
Dates: 1899-[ongoing]

New Mexico State Mine Inspector Records,

Identifier: 1965-002
Scope and Content As of 1999 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Mine Inspector (1895-1981). Includes annual reports, administrative correspondence with miners' unions and federal mining agencies, speeches, inspection reports, and materials on various topics such as mining accidents and safety. Also within the collection are annual reports of the U.S. Coal Mine Inspector for the Territory of New Mexico (1895) and the U.S. Mine Inspector for the Territory of New Mexico (1903-1911), and...
Dates: 1895-[on-going]

New Mexico State Police Division Records,

Identifier: 1991-004
Scope and Content As of 1997, collection consists of records of the New Mexico Mounted Police (1905-1911), State Police and State Police Division (1935-1987). Records of the Mounted Police include annual reports, administrative correspondence, investigation files, arrest records, oaths of officers, and wanted posters. Records of the State Police and State Police Division include administrative correspondence, special reports, bulletins, legal opinions, and administrative files. Also within the collection are...
Dates: 1905-[ongoing]

New Mexico Supreme Court Law Library State Agency Collection,

Identifier: 1998-027
Scope and Content The collection is arranged alphabetically by state agency name. Some agencies have been cross-referenced if name changes have occurred. The collection consists of biennial reports, annual reports, laws, orders, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, publications, minutes, financial records, clippings, maps, catalogs, bulletins, pamphlets, newsletters, training guides, governors' messages and inaugurations, directories, memorandums, and correspondence issued by New Mexico State agencies...
Dates: 1875-1979 (bulk 1912-1969)

New Mexico Wildlife Federation Records,

Identifier: 1973-020
Scope and Content Collection consists of records of the New Mexico Wildlife Federation. Series I includes correspondence with the National Wildlife Federation, the Bureau of Land Management, the Plains Electric Company, and a folder of correspondence concerning the Taos Pueblo Blue Lake dispute between Taos Pueblo and the U.S. Government. Series II consists primarily of minutes from Board of Directors meetings of the National Wildlife Federation (1959, 1966-1969) and the New Mexico Wildlife Federation...
Dates: 1931-1969

Old Santa Fe Association records

Identifier: AC-174
Scope and Contents
  1. Papers include the organization's correspondence and financial records.
  2. The association's records also include publications, picture postcards, periodicals, newspaper clippings, and association publications.
Dates: 1966-[ca.1977]

Pot Creek Logging and Lumber Company

Identifier: AC-181
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of the Pot Creek Logging and Lumber Company and its subsidiary lumber companies in the San Luis Valley of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado, 1958-1966.
Dates: 1958-1966

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  • Subject: Minutes (Records) X

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New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 27
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 24
UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 17
Institute of American Indian Arts 1
New Mexico Highlands University 1
Reports 27
State government records 19
Financial records 18
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 18
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 18
∨ more
Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 17
Clippings 17
New Mexico -- Officials and employees 16
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 15
Annual reports 13
Account books 12
By-laws 12
Territorial records 12
Publications 8
Letters 6
Newsletters 6
Photographs. 6
Addresses 5
Correspondence 5
Legal documents 5
Membership lists 5
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 5
Programs 5
Constitutions 4
Press releases 4
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- History 4
Scrapbooks 4
Tax records 4
Contracts 3
Pamphlets 3
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Commerce 3
Sound recordings 3
Wills 3
Administrative reports 2
Agendas (administrative records) 2
Architecture -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Articles of incorporation 2
Audits 2
Bills, Legislative 2
Bonds (legal records) 2
Certificates 2
City planning -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Deeds 2
Diaries 2
Directories 2
Executive departments -- New Mexico 2
Festivals -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Historic preservation -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Indians of North America -- Education -- New Mexico 2
Interviews 2
Legal instruments 2
Letterpress copybooks 2
Licenses 2
Manuals 2
Map 2
Memorandums 2
Mines and mineral resources --New Mexico 2
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- To 1848 2
New Mexico -- Social life and customs 2
Oral histories 2
Registers 2
Regulations 2
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Social life and customs 2
Student Movements -- New Mexico -- History 2
Taos (N.M.) -- History 2
Vocational education -- New Mexico 2
Water rights -- New Mexico 2
Women -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe -- Societies and clubs 2
Women -- Societies and clubs 2
Abstracts 1
Academic libraries 1
African Americans -- Study and teaching 1
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 1
Alcohol -- Law and Legislation -- New Mexico 1
Ambassadors -- United States 1
American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976 -- New Mexico 1
Americans -- Mexico 1
Animal health -- New Mexico 1
Animal industry -- Law and legislation -- New Mexico 1
Archaeology -- New Mexico 1
Archaeology -- United States 1
Archeaology--New Mexico 1
Architecture -- New Mexico 1
Architecture -- New Mexico - Santa Fe -- Conservation and restoration 1
Architecture design -- Law and legislation -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Archives --New Mexico--Catalogs 1
Armories --New Mexico 1
Art -- New Mexico -- Taos 1
Art museums -- New Mexico -- Taos -- History 1
Art--Indian--Southwest--New 1
Articles 1
Artists -- New Mexico 1
Artists -- New Mexico -- Taos 1
Athletics -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque 1
Audiocassettes 1
Banks and banking --Taxation--New Mexico 1
Barrio de Analco (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
Blue Lake (N.M.) 1
Bookstores -- New Mexico -- History 1
∧ less
Undetermined 50
Hewett, Edgar L. (Edgar Lee), 1865-1946 3
Museum of New Mexico 3
Old Santa Fe Association 3
School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 3
Fred Harvey (Firm) 2
∨ more
Historic Santa Fe Foundation 2
Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) 2
National Science Foundation (U.S.) 2
New Mexico. Department of Education 2
United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs 2
Walter, Paul A. F. 2
Adams, Kenneth M. 1
Albuquerque Public Schools 1
American Anthropological Association 1
Amfac Parks & Resorts Company 1
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company 1
Baumann, Gustave, 1881-1971 1
Berninghaus, Oscar E. (Oscar Edmund), 1874-1952 1
Bloom, Lansing Bartlett, 1880- 1
Blumenschein, E. L. (Ernest Leonard), 1874-1960 1
Cassidy, Gerald, 1869-1934 1
Centex Corporation 1
College of Santa Fe 1
Collier, John, 1884-1968 1
Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 1510-1554 1
Couse, E. Irving (Eanger Irving), 1866-1936 1
Dutton, Bertha P. (Bertha Pauline), 1903-1994 1
Fairview Cemetery (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1
Fitzpatrick, George, 1904-1983 1
Fletcher, Alice C. (Alice Cunningham), 1838-1923 1
General Federation of Women's Clubs 1
Hagerman, Herbert J. (Herbert James), 1871-1935 1
Hammond, George P. (George Peter), 1896-1993 1
Harwood Foundation 1
Historical Society of New Mexico 1
Huber, William H., 1922-2009 1
Huckel, J. F. (John Frederick), 1863-1936 1
Indian Motorcycle Club 1
Indian Motorcycle Company 1
Indian Rights Association 1
Institute of American Indian Arts 1
Keller Hall (University of New Mexico) 1
Krakow, Jere L. 1
Lamphere, Louise 1
Long-Term Ecological Research Program 1
Los Alamos National Laboratory 1
Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928 1
Mondragón, Roberto 1
Montoya, Joseph Manuel, 1915-1978 1
Montoya, Linda 1
Montoya, Theodore R. 1
NASA Scientific and Technical Information Facility 1
NCSL Task Force on Indian Affairs 1
National Conference of State Legislatures 1
National Wildlife Federation 1
Netherwood Park Neighborhood Association 1
New Mexico Federation of Women's Clubs 1
New Mexico Highlands University 1
New Mexico Magazine 1
New Mexico Normal University 1
New Mexico. Mounted Police 1
New Mexico. National Guard 1
Nob Hill Main Street, Inc. 1
Nob Hill Neighborhoods Association (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1
Nob Hill Study. 1
Nob Hill main street study 1
Ortiz, Simon J., 1941- 1
Peck, Richard E. 1
Popejoy Hall (University of New Mexico) 1
Rhodes, Eugene Manlove, 1869-1934 1
Romero, Orlando, 1945- 1
Santa Fe Institute (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
School of American Archaeology (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
Schweizer, Harold, 1950- 1
Simonson Cycle Co. 1
Simonson, Alfred C. 1
Slaughter, Jane, 1941- 1
Taos Society of Artists 1
Tingley, Clyde 1
Toledo, José Rey, 1915-1994 1
United States. Army. Volunteer Cavalry, 1st 1
United States. Bureau of Mines 1
University of New Mexico. Associated Students 1
University of New Mexico. College of Fine Arts 1
University of New Mexico. Students 1
Vargas, Diego de, 1643-1704 1
Waide, Robert Bruce 1
Wittick, Ben, 1845-1903 1
∧ less