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New Mexico Department of Education Records,

Identifier: 1970-004

Scope and Content

As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Department of Education, State Board of Education, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and their predecessors the Territorial Board of Education, Territorial Superintendent of Schools,and Superintendent of Public Instruction (1847-1988).Includes annual and other reports, minutes, administrative correspondence, directories, certificates, legal documents, laws, rules, one scrapbook of clippings (1905-1908), and one letterpress copybook (1915-1920). Also within the collection are materials concerning student transportation, school curricula, Indian education, vocational education, special education, bilingual education in New Mexico, and two letters from 1847 and 1856 concerning public schools.

Partial finding aid.


  • Creation: 1847-[ongoing]


Language of Materials


Access Restrictions


Copy Restrictions

Limited duplication allowed for research purposes. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.


The Territorial Board of Education and the Territorial Superintendent of Schools were both established by a legislative act in 1863. In 1891 a legislative act abolished the Territorial Superintendent of Schools (1891 Laws of N.M., Ch.25, Sec.45). The same legislative act established the Superintendent of Public Instruction (1891 Laws of N.M., Ch.25, Sec.45). Upon New Mexico's attainment of statehood in 1912, the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction were established by the New Mexico State Constitution (Art.12, Sec.6). The Department of Education was established by a legislative act in 1967 (1967 Laws of N.M., Ch.16, Sec.9). The Department's purpose is to supervise all public schools and school officials in New Mexico. The Department is subject to the policies of the State Board of Education and the direction of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.


130 Linear Feet

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Related Material

Contact agency directly for recent materials.

Separated Material

Photographs received with the collection are located in "New Mexico Department of Education Photograph Collection" (SRCA 0069-0072).


Contact Information

  1. New Mexico State Records Center and Archives
  2. Archives and Historical Services Division
  3. 1205 Camino Carlos Rey
  4. Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
  5. Phone: 505-476-7908
  6. Fax: 505-476-7909
  7. Email:
  8. URL:


Inventory of the New Mexico Department of Education Records, 1847-[ongoing]
Edited Full Draft
Processed by staff
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note
Finding aid is in English

Revision Statements

  • June 28, 2004: PUBLIC "-//New Mexico State Records Center and Archives//TEXT (US::Nm-Ar::1970-004::New Mexico Department of Education Records)//EN" "nmar1970-004.sgml" converted from EAD 1.0 to 2002 by v1to02.xsl (sy2003-10-15).
  • Monday, 20210524: Attribute normal is missing or blank.

Repository Details

Part of the New Mexico State Records Center and Archives Repository

1209 Camino Carlos Rey
Santa Fe NM 87507
(505) 476-7948