Showing Collections: 51 - 75 of 84
Henry A. Kiker Papers,
Identifier: 1975-005
Scope and Content
Collection consists of Henry A. Kiker's legal papers. District court records pertain to civil, criminal, and probate cases in Colfax, Eddy, Mora, Quay, Taos, and Union counties. There are extensive records for Colfax County. Cases of note are the Maxwell Land Grant "squatter" cases involving the Maxwell Land Grant Co., the Maxwell Ditch and Reservoir Co., and the Maxwell Irrigated Land Co. Kiker, Bickley, and Voorhees office correspondence includes Kiker's and Bickley's political and personal...
Historical Society of New Mexico Collection,
Identifier: 1960-023
Scope and Content
Collection consists primarily of business records of the Historical Society of New Mexico and a broad range of historical documents. The business records include annual and biennial reports, and vouchers for the purchase of materials by the Historical Society of New Mexico. Most of the historical documents relate to political, military, and religious matters in New Mexico from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries. Includes an 1822 judgement by Cabildo president Manuel Baca quieting title to...
1685-1930 (bulk 1830-1920)
L. Bradford Prince Papers,
Identifier: 1959-174
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the personal papers and research materials of L. Bradford Prince. The political issues and elections series includes political cartoons and clippings, documentation on the governorship of Miguel A. Otero including the Otero-Burke-Sherman alleged public land fraud (1908), documentation on the removal of Governor Herbert Hagerman from office (1907), legislative bills (1892-1921), and clippings and notes pertaining to several New Mexico political elections. The contemporary...
Martin Gardesky Collection of Historical Documents,
Identifier: 1960-019
Scope and Content
Collection consists of original documents, translations, and photostats primarily concerning people and events in New Mexico and Mexico. Documents on New Mexico include a 1681 journal of Antonio de Otermin relating to the Pueblo Revolt of 1680; a photostat of a 1710 royal decree by the Duke of Albuquerque suppressing a bible printed in London; and the report of a 1749 investigation by Governor Tomas Velez de Cachupin regarding French incursions into Taos, New Mexico. English translations...
New Mexico Adjutant General Records,
Identifier: 1973-019
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Adjutant General, National Guard, and Office of Military Affairs (1847-1988). Includes administrative correspondence, field reports, general and special orders, ledger books, enlistment and discharge documents, casualty records, photographs, clippings, muster rolls from New Mexico volunteer militias and National Guard (1847-1917), and annual reports for various years between 1875 and 1962. Much of the material concerns the involvement...
New Mexico American Revolution Bicentennial Commission Records,
Identifier: 1977-030
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records of the New Mexico American Revolution Bicentennial Commission (1969-1977). Includes annual and other reports, administrative correspondence, promotional documents, clippings, audio tapes, and video tapes. Much of the material concerns local projects and events throughout New Mexico, including documents on federal and state funding for these activities.
New Mexico Attorney General Records,
Identifier: 1971-015
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Attorney General and the New Mexico Solicitor General (1892-1995). Includes case files, administrative correspondence, annual reports, legal opinions, letterpress copybooks, financial documents, extraditions, and various legal documents. Materials in the collection concern both general issues such as civil rights and consumer protection, and specific matters such as the 1980 riot at the state penitentiary, and the activities of Alianza...
New Mexico Board of Nursing Records, .
Identifier: 1983-036
Scope and Content
As of 1999, collection consists of records of the New Mexico Board of Nursing and its predecessors: the Board of Nurses' Examiners; and the Board of Examiners for Graduate Nurses (1932-1984). Includes minutes (1977-1983); reports (1955-1974), annual reports (1969-1984); bulletins (1971-1984); a manual for schools of nursing (1965); a roster of nurses (1966); rules and regulations (1939-1977); and financial papers (1932-1979), including audits (1932-1968). Records include some certificates and...
New Mexico Capitol Buildings Improvement Commission Records,
Identifier: 1972-004
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records of the New Mexico Capitol Buildings Improvement Commission and other territorial and state agencies charged with the duties of construction, maintenance, improvement, and supervision of territorial and state government buildings and lands, particularly those located in the state capital of Santa Fe (1853-1968). Includes records of the New Mexico Public Buildings Commission (1853-1873); Capitol Rebuilding Commission (1892-1901); Capitol Custodian Committee...
New Mexico Department of Corrections Records,
Identifier: 1970-006
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Penitentiary, the Corrections Department, and its predecessors (1884-1990). Some penitentiary records pertain to county and federal inmates. Include are registers of prisoners, visitors, and parolees; annual reports; correspondence; case files; conduct records; medical records; account books; and intake records that usually include an image of the inmate. Intake records are files by inmate number. Includes annual and other reports,...
New Mexico Department of Education Records,
Identifier: 1970-004
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Department of Education, State Board of Education, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and their predecessors the Territorial Board of Education, Territorial Superintendent of Schools,and Superintendent of Public Instruction (1847-1988).Includes annual and other reports, minutes, administrative correspondence, directories, certificates, legal documents, laws, rules, one scrapbook of clippings (1905-1908), and one letterpress...
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Records,
Identifier: 1981-057
Scope and Content
As of 1999 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Game and Fish Warden, and State Game Commission (1905-1980). Includes annual reports from various years between 1910 and 1977, newsletters for various years between 1950 and 1977, and correspondence (1905-1959). Also within the collection are minutes, rules and regulations, publications, clippings, reports from game surveys, and one letterpress copybook (1905-1906).
New Mexico District Attorneys Coordinator Records,
Identifier: 1976-029
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of the New Mexico District Attorneys Coordinator (1973-1975) including records of the New Mexico District Attorneys Association pertaining to the original (1971-1972) and continued (1976-1977) funding of the Coordinator. Included are correspondence, L.E.A.A. grant files, financial records including budgets for the Coordinator and district attorneys, district attorney salary schedules, crime statistics and felony reports for various judicial districts,...
1971-1977 (bulk,
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Records,
Identifier: 1994-040
Scope and Content
As of 1999 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, its predecessor the New Mexico School of Mines, and the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources (1895-1984). New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology records include catalogs (1951-1981), student handbooks (1959-1968), pamphlets, and student-faculty directories. New Mexico School of Mines records include catalogs (1930-1951), and a biennial report (1947-1949). New Mexico Bureau of Mines...
New Mexico Legislative Education Study Committee Records,
Identifier: 1971-026
Scope and Content
As of 2000, collection consists of records of the New Mexico Legislative Education Study Committees predecessor the New Mexico Legislative School Study Committee (1964-1972). Includes administrative correspondence, reports, memorandums, minutes, press releases, and financial records. Some of the major topics covered by materials in the collection are teacher salaries, evaluations, and turnover; student-teacher ratios; vocational education; and religion and testing in public schools.
New Mexico Legislative Energy Committee Records,
Identifier: 1977-011
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Legislative Energy Committee (1975-1977). Includes minutes, administrative records, subject files, desk files of Chairman John J. Mershon, and three scrapbooks and unmounted newspaper clippings on energy subjects. Administrative records include correspondence, briefs, budgets, press releases, and reports to the Legislature. Subject files contain reports from state, interstate, and federal agencies.
New Mexico Livestock Board Records,
Identifier: 1967-002
Scope and Content
As of 2000 collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Livestock Board (1972-1983) and its two predecessors: the New Mexico Cattle Sanitary Board (1887-1957) and the New Mexico Sheep Sanitary Board (1899-1956). Records consists primarily of brand registers. Includes some indexes; registers of strays; annual, special, and fiscal reports; and minutes of board meetings. The listing of brands within the registers varies, some are chronological, some are according to the brand symbol, and...
New Mexico Office of Indian Affairs Records and Research Materials,
Identifier: 1972-006
Scope and Content
As of 2000 collection consists of the records and research materials of the New Mexico Office of Indian Affairs (1936-1995). Records include correspondence, reports, audits, personnel records, publications and other administrative records. Research materials include clippings and documents pertaining to Indians of New Mexico and various state, regional, and national Indian organizations including the All Indian Pueblo Council. Also included are materials pertaining to federal legislation...
New Mexico Office of State Treasurer Records,
Identifier: 1974-060
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Office of the State Treasurer (1955-1974) and its predecessor the Office of the Territorial Treasurer (1849-1911). State records include ledgers, proceedings of financial and investment boards, and administration files. Territorial records include administrative correspondence, annual reports, journals, and ledgers.
Partial finding aid.
Partial finding aid.
New Mexico Property Tax Division Records,
Identifier: 1959-205
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the Property Tax Division and its predecessors the Equalization Board, Territorial Board of Equalization, State Tax Commission, Property Appraisal Department, and Property Tax Department (1887-1978). Records of the Equalization Board and Territorial Board of Equalization include administrative correspondence, tax assessment appeals, and ledger books of minutes from 1887 to 1914. Records of the State Tax Commission include biennial reports...
New Mexico Public Employee Labor Relations Board Records,
Identifier: 1999-028
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records of the New Mexico Public Employee Labor Relations Board. Includes certifications, minutes, complaint files, rules, and reports.
New Mexico Secretary of State Records,
Identifier: 1971-001
Scope and Content
As of 1997, collection consists of records of the Secretary of the Territory (1851-1912), and the Secretary of State (1912- 1995). Includes executive record books and indexes, records of notaries public, legislative journals, enrolled and engrossed bills, laws of New Mexico, records of Constitutional Conventions (1850, 1866, 1872, 1889, 1906, 1910-1912), records of the Territorial Assembly (1859-1909), and correspondence of the Territorial Secretary (1851-1912). Collection also includes oaths...
New Mexico State Auditor Records,
Identifier: 1960-030
Scope and Content
As of 1999 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Auditor and its predecessors the Auditor and Territorial Auditor (1846-1998). Territorial records (1846-1912) include annual reports, administrative correspondence, financial records documenting court expenses and payments for bounties, reports on indigents and orphans, bonds for sheriffs and tax collectors bonds, and records of equalization taxes and rebates. Statehood records (1912-1998) include annual reports, and audit...
New Mexico State Board of Thanatopractice Records,
Identifier: 1983-144
Scope and Content
As of 1999 the collection consists of the records of the State Board of Thanatopractice and its predecessors (1903-1980). Applications include material submitted to the Territorial Board of Health (1903-1904). Dockets pertain to licensing cases heard before the Board. Miscellaneous papers include correspondence.
New Mexico State Engineer Records,
Identifier: 1971-003
Content Note
As of 2000 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Engineer, its predecessor the Territorial Engineer, and the Interstate Stream Commission, which is a statutorily separate agency coordinated and directed by the State Engineer (1888-1992). Includes biennial reports (1932-1978), one annual report from 1979, minutes, legal documents, publications, and ledger books. Most of the records concern water rights, water conservation, irrigation, flood control, and water resources. Includes...
Filtered By
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 68
- New Mexico -- Officials and employees 62
- Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 44
- Annual reports 44
- State government records 41
- Territorial records 36
- Proclamations 34
- New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 32
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 30
- Reports 27
- Extradition -- New Mexico 26
- Governors --New Mexico 24
- Addresses 22
- Minutes (Records) 19
- Publications 14
- Pardon --New Mexico 12
- Account books 11
- Clippings 11
- Financial records 11
- Governors -- New Mexico 11
- New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 10
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- To 1848 9
- Pardon -- New Mexico 9
- Water resources development -- New Mexico 9
- Water rights -- New Mexico 7
- Legal documents 6
- Scrapbooks 6
- Wills 6
- Conservation of natural resources -- New Mexico 5
- Letterpress copybooks 5
- Navajo Indian Reservation 5
- Diaries 4
- Family papers 4
- Governors--New Mexico 4
- Legal files 4
- Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 4
- Pardon--New Mexico 4
- Press releases 4
- Public lands --New Mexico 4
- Anapra (N.M.) 3
- Bounties --New Mexico 3
- Certificates 3
- Civil procedure -- New Mexico 3
- Columbus (N.M.) -- History 3
- Conservation of natural resources--New Mexico 3
- Education --New Mexico 3
- Indians of North America -- New Mexico 3
- Inventories 3
- Lawyers -- New Mexico 3
- Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 3
- Mines and mineral resources --New Mexico 3
- New Mexico -- History, Military 3
- New Mexico -- Militia 3
- Newsletters 3
- Orders (military records) 3
- Public lands -- New Mexico 3
- Apache Indians -- New Mexico 2
- Articles of incorporation 2
- Attorneys general -- New Mexico 2
- Audits 2
- Bills, Legislative 2
- Bonds (legal records) 2
- Budgets 2
- Case files 2
- Constitutional conventions --New Mexico 2
- Conveyances 2
- Criminal procedure -- New Mexico 2
- Deeds 2
- Directories 2
- Education -- New Mexico 2
- Estate inventories 2
- Estate records 2
- Executive departments -- New Mexico 2
- Fort Marcy (N.M.) 2
- Governors --New Mexico. 2
- Labor -- New Mexico 2
- Labor--New Mexico 2
- Land Grants -- New Mexico 2
- Las Vegas Land Grant (N.M.) 2
- Laws 2
- Legislators -- United States 2
- Manuals 2
- Map 2
- Microfilms 2
- Mines and mineral resources--New Mexico 2
- Mora Land Grant (N.M.) 2
- Natural resources--New Mexico 2
- Navajo Indians -- Wars 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939 -- New Mexico -- History 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939--New Mexico 2
- New Mexico -- Economic conditions 2
- New Mexico -- Politics and government 2
- New Mexico -- Social life and customs 2
- New Mexico --Capital and capitol 2
- New Mexico --Economic conditions 2
- Petitions 2
- Petroleum--New Mexico 2
- Photographs. 2
- Public lands--New Mexico 2
- Pueblo Indians -- Land tenure 2 ∧ less
- Language
- English 79
- Spanish; Castilian 5
- Names
- Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 4
- Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 4
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 4
- Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 4
- Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 3
- Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 3
- Hatch, Carl Atwood, 1889-1963 3
- Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927 3
- Montoya, Joseph Manuel, 1915-1978 3
- Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 3
- Pecos River Commission 3
- Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 3
- Vigil, Donaciano, 1802-1877 3
- Bratton, Sam Gilbert, 1888-1963 2
- Dempsey, John J., 1879-1958 2
- El Paso and Southwestern Railroad Company 2
- Hagerman, Herbert J. (Herbert James), 1871-1935 2
- Historical Society of New Mexico 2
- Lujan, Manuel, Jr., 1928-2019 2
- Martínez, Antonio José, 1793-1867 2
- New Mexico. Solicitor General 2
- Palace of the Governors (Santa Fe, N.M.) 2
- United States. Army. Volunteer Cavalry, 1st 2
- United States. Pueblo Lands Board 2
- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (N.M.) 2
- All Indian Pueblo Council 1
- American Protective League 1
- American Red Cross 1
- Apodaca, Jerry, 1934- 1
- Arny, W. F. M. (William Frederick Milton), 1813-1881 1
- Axtell, Samuel B. (Samuel Beach), 1819-1891 1
- Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 1
- Bartlett, Edward L. 1
- Bent, Charles, 1799-1847 1
- C. de Baca, Margarita 1
- Calhoun, James S., 1803?-1852 1
- Campbell, Jack M., 1916-1999 1
- Carson, Kit, 1809-1868 1
- Catholic Church. Mexico 1
- Catholic Church. New Mexico 1
- Clancy, Frank W. (Frank Willey), 1852-1928 1
- Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 1510-1554 1
- Curry, George, 1861-1947 1
- Davis, W. W. H. (William Watts Hart), 1820-1910 1
- Democratic Party (N.M.). State Central Committee 1
- Dillon, Richard Charles, 1877-1966 1
- Domenici, Pete 1
- Fountain, Albert Jennings, 1838-1896 1
- Gross, Kelly & Company, Inc 1
- Hermanos Penitentes 1
- Interstate Oil Compact Commission 1
- Ketchum, Black Jack, 1863-1901 1
- Kiker, Henry A. 1
- Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) 1
- La Cooperacion del Pueblo (Tierra Amarilla, N.M.) 1
- Lamy, John Baptist, 1814-1888 1
- Larrazolo, Octaviano, 1859-1930 1
- Luna family 1
- Lusk, Georgia L. 1
- Manby, Arthur Rochford, 1859?-1929? 1
- Martinez, Felix 1
- Martinez, Vicente 1
- Maxwell Land Grant Company 1
- Mechem, E. L. (Edwin Leard), 1912-2002 1
- Messervy, William S. 1
- Minge, Ward Alan 1
- New Mexico Bar Association 1
- New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 1
- New Mexico Military Institute 1
- New Mexico. Bureau of Immigration 1
- New Mexico. Constitutional Convention (Date of meeting or treaty signing: (1969).) 1
- New Mexico. Department of Education 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1846-1847 : Bent) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1851-1852 : Calhoun) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1861-1866 : Connelly) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1866-1869 : Mitchell) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1869-1871 : Pile) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1875-1878 : Axtell) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1881-1885 : Sheldon) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1889-1893 : Prince) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1907-1911 : Curry) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1927-1930 : Dillon) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1939-1942 : Miles) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1971-1974 : King) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1975-1978 : Apodaca) 1
- New Mexico. Mounted Police 1
- New Mexico. National Guard 1
- New Mexico. Secretary of the Territory 1
- Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 1
- Otero Family 1
- Otero-Warren, Nina, 1881-1965 1
- Republican Party (N.M.). Central Committee 1
- Ritch, W. G. (William Gillet), 1830-1904 1
- Ross, Edmund G. (Edmund Gibson), 1826-1907 1
- Seligman, Arthur 1
- Siringo, Charles A., 1855-1928 1
- St. Michael's College (Santa Fe, N.M. : 1859) 1
- Tijerina, Reies 1
- Tingley, Clyde 1
- United States. Bureau of Mines 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more