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Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 25

Alice C. Fletcher Collection

Identifier: AC-087
Scope and Content This collection consists of records from the School of American Archaeology in Santa Fe. Includes minutes, announcements, pamphlets, clippings, reports, official correspondence, and financial documents. Much of the correspondence involves officials at the School of American Archaeology and its parent institution the Archaeological Institute of America, including Edgar Hewett, Charles Lummis, Francis Kelsey, and Charles Bowditch, as well as scholars such as Jesse Fewkes.
Dates: 1904-1911

Beck and Johnson Retail Receipt

Identifier: AC629p
Scope and Content Receipt for purchase of rice and coffee, dated May 31, 1859.
Dates: 1859

Boaz W. Long Papers

Identifier: AC-136
Scope and Content The Boaz Walton Long Collection consists of private and professional correspondence, financial records, and personal papers dating almost entirely from the 1940s.
Dates: 1942-1957

Cora Crews Papers

Identifier: AC-052
Scope and Content Collection consists of correspondence, business and financial documents, agricultural literature and newspaper clippings concerning farming in south central New Mexico. Also included in the collection are certificates of brand for cattle dated 1935, 1940, and 1948, and records kept by Crews on cattle breeding.
Dates: 1920-1950

Estancia News Herald Collection

Identifier: AC-077
Scope and Content Collection consists of materials from the Estancia News Herald. Material in this collection covers the late 1930s and 1940s and includes financial and legal documents, correspondence, ledger books, news releases (i.e. World War II), handbills, circulars, and advertising material (mostly dealing with the newspaper business and agriculture). Some material concern railroads in New Mexico. Collection contains Torrance County, New Mexico, school papers. There is no...
Dates: 1936-1950

Eugenie Frederica Shonnard Collection

Identifier: AC-211
Scope and Content The collection revolves around the internationally recognized sculptor and longtime resident of Santa Fe -- Eugenie Fredericka Shonnard. The bulk of the collection is from the mid-nineteenth century to the late 1970s. The collection is arranged both topically and chronologically. Biographical sketches precede those individuals whose papers comprise a significant portion of the overall collection. Collection consists of letters, diaries, ledgers, clippings, scrapbooks, notebooks,...
Dates: 1729-1978 (bulk, 1850-1978)

Fairview Santa Fe Cemetery Records

Identifier: AC-261
Scope and Content The Fairview Cemetery Collection consists of photocopies of the original interment and plot ownership records of Santa Fe's Fairview Cemetery. These records were kept by the Santa Fe Woman's Club.

The first half of the Fairview Cemetery Collection consists of alphabetized interment records and the second half of alphabetized plot ownership records.
Dates: 1884-1983

First National Bank of Santa Fe Collection of Second National Bank of Santa Fe Records

Identifier: AC-084
Scope and Content Collection consists of business and financial records of the Second National Bank of Santa Fe, which was purchased by the First National Bank of Santa Fe. Collection is arranged topically and then chronologically.
Dates: 1872-1893

Historic Santa Fe Foundation Records

Identifier: AC-107
Scope and Content Collection consists of the organization's records: minutes (copies) of board and membership meetings; financial statements; correspondence and bulletins, and other documents reflecting the organization's activities. The minutes are extensive, tracing in detail the activities of the Foundation and the development of historic sites.
Dates: 1986-1989

Lincoln County New Mexico Collection

Identifier: AC-134
Scope and Content The Lincoln County Collection consists of approximately ten feet of business, financial, and personal documents arranged topically and then chronologically after their transfer to the Museum of New Mexico from the Lincoln County, New Mexico Courthouse.
Dates: 1885-1976; 7-1-1887);

Mission at Old Acoma Foundation records

Identifier: AC 342
Scope and Content This collection consists of meeting agendas, schedules, correspondence and financial reports, and isometric drawings of the mission, San Esteban del Ray, as well as photographs of the project and crew members for the time period September 1988 through May 1992.
Dates: 1988-1992

New Mexico Federation of Women's Clubs Records

Identifier: AC-163
Scope and Content The New Mexico Federation of Women Clubs [NMFWC] is part of the national organization General Federation of Women's Clubs [GFWC], which supervises state chapters. The regional and local chapters, in turn, reported to the NMFWC. The chapters function under the auspices of the NMFWC, and are largely subject to their constitutions, by-laws and governing principles. In Santa Fe, the club was originally called Woman's Board of Trade and Library Association.
Dates: 1840-1952

Old Santa Fe Association records

Identifier: AC-174
Scope and Contents
  1. Papers include the organization's correspondence and financial records.
  2. The association's records also include publications, picture postcards, periodicals, newspaper clippings, and association publications.
Dates: 1966-[ca.1977]

"Pocket Money" Production Records

Identifier: AC614p
Scope and Content Expense reports, receipts, production cost reports and cast and crew housing lists associated with the production of the film Pocket Money.
Dates: 1970-1972

Ralph Emerson Twitchell Papers

Identifier: AC-226
Scope and Content The Ralph Emerson Twitchell Collection's first part consists of the papers of Ralph Emerson Twitchell (11-29-1859 to 10-26-1925), the attorney, public office holder and historian; Margaret Olivia Collins Twitchell (born circa 1868 to 1-29-1900), the first Mrs. Twitchell; Estelle Bennett Burton Twitchell (1-31-1872 to 10-13-1952), the second Mrs. Twitchell; and Waldo Collins Twitchell, the son of Margaret and Ralph who became an engineer and a writer. The second part of the Ralph...
Dates: 1896-1986

Records of the Press of the Palace of the Governors

Identifier: AC-278
Scope and Content The collection contains administrative and educational program records and production materials of the Palace print shop, from 1974 to 1997. Administrative records consist of correspondence, financial materials, and examples of shop sales and mail orders. Educational program include an annual book arts festival, exhibits, lectures, and printing workshops. Production materials for printing chiefly consist of samples; for projects initiated by the Press, the materials include manuscripts,...
Dates: 1974-1997

Richard C. Dillon Collection

Identifier: AC 601
Scope and Content Collection contains material related to his political activities, and personal correspondence with his children. There is a small amount of school-related material from his daughter, Florence, who was a teacher.
Dates: 1906-1970; Majority of material found in 1920s-1940s

Ritch Family Papers

Identifier: AC-190
Scope and Content Collection consists primarily of the business papers of Wattson L. and Lessie M. Ritch, and the Ritch Cattle Co. Includes financial records, real estate tax documents, check registers, invoices, and 19 well schedules for Otero County, New Mexico from 1957. The well schedules include information on locations, quantities, and extraction methods.
Dates: 1910-1971

Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce Collection

Identifier: AC-199
Scope and Content Collection consists of records and other materials from the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce. Includes correspondence, financial records, scrapbooks, letterpress books, minutes, and reports. Much of the material concerns topics such as tourism, conventions, banquets, and resorts, as well as organizations such as the Fred Harvey Company, the Glorieta Baptist Conference Center, and the Coronado Cuarto Centennial celebration of 1940.
Dates: 1907-1974

Santa Fe City Planning Board Records

Identifier: AC-237
Scope and Content The collection consists of letters, booklets, bank statements receipts, etc, for the period of 1912-1914. Collection includes letters from I.H. Rapp and others involved in historic preservation and and the preservation movement in general.
Dates: 1912-1914

Santa Fe Historical Society Records

Identifier: AC-293
Scope and Content The collection contains records petaining to the business of the society from 1967-1997. Included are by-laws, membership lists, correspondence, newsletters, minutes of meetings, and financial records.
Dates: 1967-1997

Santa Fe Plaza Renewal Project Collection

Identifier: AC-202
Scope and Content The Santa Fe Plaza Renewal Project Collection consists of various records pertaining to the 1960s revitalization of Santa Fe's historic plaza.

Collection is arranged chronologically and by subject matter.
Dates: 1966-1968

School of American Research Records

Identifier: AC-207
Scope and Content This collection, turned over by the School of American Research, contains land grants (deeds), financial records, and records pertaining to the affairs and archaeological activities of the School ("SAR"). It also contains collector's items [Folders 12-15] found among the foregoing records.
Dates: 1932-1959

Theatre Arts Corporation Records

Identifier: AC-220
Scope and Content 1. Assorted correspondence, misc. documents, promo items, board of directors minutes.

2. Photographs, posters, reviews, scripts, programs, mailing lists, information on various presentations and numerous other items.
Dates: 1963-1983

Zook's Pharmacy Collection

Identifier: AC-250
Scope and Content Collection consists of ledgers and business records of Zook's Pharmacy. The business records and correspondence are from 1913 to 1961. Also included are pharmacological reference books, and documents involving the Zook family, their business partners, and later owners of the pharmacy. The collection is arranged both topically and chronologically.
Dates: 1909-1963

Filtered By

  • Repository: Fray Angélico Chávez History Library X
  • Subject: Financial records X

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Financial records 24
Minutes (Records) 10
Clippings 7
Reports 7
Account books 6
∨ more
Scrapbooks 4
Historic preservation -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 3
Legal documents 3
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Commerce 3
By-laws 2
City planning -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Correspondence 2
Family histories 2
Invoices 2
Letters 2
Merchants -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 2
Newsletters 2
Pamphlets 2
Photographs. 2
Scripts (documents) 2
Tax records 2
Urban Renewal -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Acoma (N.M.) -- Architecture 1
Addresses 1
Agriculture -- New Mexico 1
Ambassadors -- United States 1
Archaeology -- New Mexico 1
Archaeology -- United States 1
Archeaology--New Mexico 1
Architecture -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Art--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Artists -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Authors, American -- New Mexico 1
Bankers -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Banks and banking -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Banks and banking--New Mexico--Lincoln County 1
Barrio de Analco (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
Book binding 1
Book design 1
Bosque del Apache Land Grant (N.M.) 1
Burial -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Cattle -- Breeding -- New Mexico 1
Cattle brands -- New Mexico 1
Cemeteries -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Checkbooks 1
Church buildings -- New Mexico -- Acoma -- Conservation and restoration 1
Circulars 1
Civic improvement -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Congresses and conventions -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Curry House (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
Cuyamungue (N.M.) -- Antiquities 1
Daybooks 1
Deeds 1
Diaries 1
Drugstores -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Elections -- New Mexico -- History 1
Estancia (N.M.) -- History 1
Excavations (Archaeology) -- New Mexico 1
Excavations (Archaeology)--Mexico 1
Exhibitions -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Fairview Cemetery (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
Fashion shows - Santa Fe (N.M.) 1
Festivals -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Fort Marcy (N.M.) 1
Genealogy 1
Governors -- New Mexico. 1
Governors--New Mexico 1
Greeting cards 1
Handbills 1
Historians -- New Mexico 1
Historic districts --New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Historic preservation --New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Historic sites --Law and legislation--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Historic structures reports 1
History - Societies, etc. - Santa Fe - New Mexico 1
Illustration of books 1
Isometric drawings 1
Kachinas--Arizona 1
Letterpress copybooks 1
Lincoln County (N.M.) -- Commerce 1
Lincoln County (N.M.) -- History 1
Lincoln County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
Magnetic tapes 1
Manuscripts 1
Medicine -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Membership lists 1
Merchants--New Mexico--Lincoln County 1
Mimbres culture -- designs 1
Mining corporations--New Mexico--Lincoln County 1
Motion Pictures--Production and direction--New Mexico 1
New Mexico -- Fiction 1
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 1
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 1
New Mexico -- Social life and customs 1
New Mexico -- printing 1
Nonprofit organizations -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Nonprofit organizations --New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Otero County (N.M.) -- Commerce 1
Pablo Aremedaris Land Grant (N.M.) 1
∧ less
Undetermined 22
Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) 3
School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 3
Historic Santa Fe Foundation 2
Museum of New Mexico 2
Old Santa Fe Association 2