Showing Collections: 3326 - 3350 of 3624
University of New Mexico College of Fine Arts Records
Identifier: UNMA 122
This collection includes committee minutes, correspondence, gifts, and files pertaining to the College of Fine Arts’ budget, Keller Hall, Popejoy Hall, scholarships, and various programs.
University of New Mexico Commencement Records
Identifier: UNMA -015
Scope and Content Note
This collection contains programs, speeches, invitations, correspondence, news articles, information on honorary degrees awarded, and guest lists for various University of New Mexico commencements beginning with 1898.
University of New Mexico Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Records, 1919–2000
Identifier: UNMA 130
The collection contains the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences records, agreements, reports, correspondence, awards, newspaper articles, photographs and color slides. Also included are information and reports about the Harding Pegmatite Mine property which was donated to the University of New Mexico by Dr. Arthur Montgomery.
University of New Mexico Department of Facility Planning Records,
Identifier: UNMA 028
Scope and Content
Files for the Department of Facility Planning and Office of the University Architect are combined in this collection. The collection contains information related to buildings, property or development of the University of New Mexico. The material is collected primarily from the University Architect's office and the University Secretary's office. There is material in this collection that predates the creation of the University Architect's Office. Folders pertaining to particular...
University of New Mexico Department of Music Records
Identifier: UNMA-039
This collection contains correspondence, news clippings, concert programs, and sheet music from the UNM Music Department’s files and includes sheet music and a notebook from Grace Edmister, an early chair of the department, and an article about her. Much of the sheet music is transcribed, traditional Hispanic and Native American songs.
University of New Mexico Department of Theater and Dance Records,
Identifier: UNMA-160
Scope and Content Note
The collection is divided into two parts: University of New Mexico Theatre Arts Department and University of New Mexico Opera Workshop. Each part is ordered chronologically and alphabetically according to the title of the production. Subtitles include: photographs, slides, scripts, handbills, productions notes, news articles, biographical information, etc. Both span UNM's theatre arts history from 1917 to 1994. There are four boxes of play material, one box of opera, and two oversize boxes of...
University of New Mexico, Dept. of Facility Planning Architectural Drawings
Identifier: SWA-UNMFPLAN-Drawings
Scope and Content
The Department of Facility Planning collection is comprised of approximately 800 sets of architectural drawings and plans for campus buildings at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. A small number of drawings are for buildings on the Gallup campus and for the University owned D. H. Lawrence Ranch outside Taos, New Mexico. Specific drawings include floor plans, elevations, mechanical and electrical plans, and detail drawings, as well as master plans, site plans, and landscaping plans....
University of New Mexico Design and Planning Assistance Center Drawings
Identifier: SWA-UNMDPAC-Drawings
1977 - 2005
University of New Mexico Faculty Involved in the Chicano Movement Oral History Project
Identifier: MSS -605-BC
Scope and Content
The collection originally contained five (5) interviews recorded on seven (7) audio cassettes with tape logs corresponding with each interview. In 2016 eighteen (18) additional cassettes and interview logs were added to the collection by Dr. Christine Sierra upon her retirement. This addition makes the collection complete. All the cassette tapes were transfered digitally to CDs in Jan. 2017. Interview discussions examine topics such as the importance of the family and community,...
University of New Mexico Faculty Senate Records
Identifier: UNMA-010
Scope and Content Note
This collection has minutes from the faculty meetings from 1894-1916, 1928-1955, and 1962-2000. The information from these years, however, is incomplete. The complete set of minutes can be found in bound volumes in the University Secretary's office. The collection also contains committee meeting minutes, agendas, financial data, policy information, and correspondence. The committees under the Faculty Senate are assigned to specific topics such as scholarships, admissions, and student affairs....
University of New Mexico Faculty Women's Club Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-392
Snapshots of University of New Mexico professors, administrators, and their spouses at social gatherings between approximately 1973 and 1979.
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center collection
Identifier: HHC 335
Scope and Contents
The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center collection, HHC 335, dates circa 1949 - 2010s. This artificial collection consists of programs, reports, photographs, publications, and other items received by the library from various donors. The collection is minimally processed. It helps document the history and activities of the UNM Health Sciences Center and supplements the Health Sciences Center's institutional archives and digital repository (
circa 1949-2010s
University of New Mexico Master of Fine Arts, Art Studio, Theses
Identifier: UNMA-186
Students who earn their MFA in Studio Art, often have a final project that is not a written thesis, but rather an exhibition, project, or creative work. These students are required to produce a physical product for deposit in the University Libraries.
University of New Mexico Navajo Reading Study Records
Identifier: MSS-807-BC
The Navajo Reading Study was conducted by the University of New Mexico and supported by grants from the Ford Foundation and contracts with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the U.S. Office of Education. The purpose of the study was to investigate the feasibility and effect of teaching Navajo children to read their own language before learning to read English.
1940-1979; Majority of material found within 1969-1975
University of New Mexico Office of the Dean of Students Greek and Honorary Society Records, 1947-1985
Identifier: UNMA-017
This collection contains fraternity records submitted to the Office of the Assistant Dean of Students. It includes correspondence, constitutions, bills, status reports, composite grades, bylaws, handbooks, and discrimination policies from individual fraternities; minutes of the Inter-Fraternity Council’s meetings and Panhellenic Retreats; and documents related to fraternity events on campus.
1947-1985; Majority of material found within 1971-1978
University of New Mexico. Oral History Projects and Video Recordings Collection
Identifier: MSS-821-BC
This is a collection of oral history projects done in conjunction with the University of New Mexico. Project themes include community/local/family history, politics/government, veterans, labor, education, and events.
1984-2006; Majority of material found within 1995-1998
University of New Mexico Physical Plant Records
Identifier: UNMA 115
The University of New Mexico Physical Plant records document the activities of the Physical Plant Department between 1943 and 1999. Founded in 1889, The University of New Mexico began with one building. Since then, the Physical Plant Department has provided the maintenance for all the buildings in the University of New Mexico.
1943-1999; Majority of material found in 1965-1979
University of New Mexico Police and Security Department Records
Identifier: UNMA-171
The Police and Security Department have the powers of peace officers and protect people and property within the exterior boundaries of lands under control of the Board of Regents. This collection includes photographs, negatives, news clippings, records, correspondence, and two uniforms.
University of New Mexico Press records
Identifier: UNMA 125
This collection includes author files, UNM Press committee minutes, UNM Press history, and general department files. The author files include correspondence, reviews, and news clippings.
University of New Mexico Public Affairs Department Records
Identifier: UNMA 047
This collection contains the records of the Public Affairs Department of the University of New Mexico. It holds press releases, news clippings, photographs, correspondence, articles, pamphlets, invoices, newsletters, programs, scripts, and videotapes.
University of New Mexico Staff Council Records,
Identifier: UNMA-157
Scope and Content Note
The University of New Mexico Staff Council collection contains the original records of the staff's struggle to participate in issues that concerned their work lives. The collection contains the records of the UNM Staff Association and the University of New Mexico Staff Council. The records include memos, correspondence, minutes of staff committees, such as Career Development, Sexual Harassment, Rewards and Recognition, Compensation, Salary, etc., mission statements, the organizations' by-laws,...
University of New Mexico Student Publications Board Records,
Identifier: UNMA-146
Scope and Content Note
The contents, correspondence, agendas, meeting minutes, charter, etc. generally cover the period 1950 through 1981, although there are scattered documents both before and after those dates. The collection is generally arranged first by items pertaining to the Student Publications Board and then by divisions pertaining to the various publications under the control of the Board. In some cases the materials are noted as being "mixed," e.g., "Financial Data, Mixed." In these...
1895-1987; Majority of material found within 1950-1981
University of New Mexico Technology Application Center Records
Identifier: UNMA-183
The collection includes documents about the beginning of the Technology Application Center at UNM which eventually became the Earth Data Analysis Center. The collection consists of clippings, publicity and informational literature, reports, TAC newsletters, and some photographs of early TAC events.
University of New Mexico University Photographs
Identifier: UNMA-176
The University of New Mexico University Photographs collection includes many photographs of the remodelling and construction of several university buildings. The collection dates from 1990 to 2002, with the bulk of the collection dating from 1992-1995. The collection also includes photographs of the campus, students, faculty and staff, and awards, receptions, dedications and graduations.
1990 - 2002
University of New Mexico Vertical Files
Identifier: UNMA-006
The UNM Vertical Files consist of miscellaneous newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and xeroxes collected randomly over the years about UNM buildings, departments, history, homecoming, presidents, student groups, alumni reminiscences, etc.
circa 1890-2012; Majority of material found in 1970-2000
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 1834
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 636
- New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 439
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 231
- UNM Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center 106
- NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives 102
- Albuquerque Bernalillo County Special Collections Library 98
- New Mexico Highlands University 52
- NPS Chaco Culture National Historical Park 47
- Institute of American Indian Arts 27
- Lunder Research Center 16
- New Mexico Museum of Art 9
- UNM School of Law Library 6
- School for Advanced Research 5
- Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Library Archives 4
- National Hispanic Cultural Center 4
- UNM Maxwell Museum of Anthropology 3
- Taos County Historical Society 3
- New Mexico Tech Joseph R. Skeen Library 1
- Acequia Madre House 1 ∧ less
- Subject
- Photographs. 475
- Clippings 166
- Letters 154
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 120
- Correspondence 100
- Oral histories 95
- New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 85
- Scrapbooks 83
- Indians of North America -- Pictorial works 76
- New Mexico -- Officials and employees 75
- Sound recordings 72
- State government records 72
- Minutes (Records) 70
- Mural painting and decoration 65
- Postcards 65
- Territorial records 65
- Account books 59
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 59
- Photograph albums 59
- Architecture -- New Mexico 58
- Reports 57
- Legal files 56
- Judicial records 53
- Diaries 52
- New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 52
- Annual reports 51
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 51
- Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 50
- New Mexico -- Description and travel 47
- Wills 46
- Architects 44
- New Mexico -- History 44
- Chaco Culture National Historical Park (N.M.) 43
- Financial records 40
- Proclamations 40
- Addresses 39
- Manuscripts 39
- Physicians - oral histories 37
- Map 36
- Photographic prints 36
- Albuquerque (N.M.) 35
- Publications 35
- Chaco Canyon (N.M.) -- Antiquities 34
- New Mexico -- Social life and customs 34
- Tax records 34
- Architecture--Designs and plans 33
- Conveyances 33
- Las Cruces (N.M.) -- History 33
- Ephemera 32
- Health care New Mexico 32
- Legal documents 32
- Negatives (Photographs) 31
- Black-and-white photographs 30
- Deeds 30
- Posters 30
- Albumen prints 29
- Architecture, Domestic -- New Mexico 29
- Interviews 29
- Santa Fe (N.M.) -- History 29
- Trial and arbitral proceedings 29
- Dockets 28
- Drawing 28
- Extradition -- New Mexico 28
- Land grants -- New Mexico 28
- Pictorial works 28
- Local government -- Records 27
- New Mexico -- Politics and government 27
- Bonds (legal records) 26
- Governors --New Mexico 25
- Family papers 24
- Governors -- New Mexico 24
- Portraits 24
- Slides 24
- Artists -- New Mexico -- Taos 23
- Authors, American -- 20th century 23
- Certificates 23
- Contracts 23
- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 23
- Newsletters 23
- Architectural drawings 22
- Artists -- New Mexico 22
- Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 22
- Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 21
- Programs 21
- Santa Fe (N.M.) 21
- Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Social life and customs 21
- Tourism -- New Mexico 21
- Water rights -- New Mexico 21
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 20
- Authors, American -- New Mexico 20
- Frontier and pioneer life -- New Mexico 20
- New Mexico -- History -- 20th century 20
- Indians of North America -- New Mexico 19
- Navajo Indians -- Pictorial works 19
- Ranch life -- New Mexico 19
- Church buildings -- New Mexico 18
- Estate records 18
- Las Vegas (N.M.) -- History 18
- Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 18
- Pamphlets 18 ∧ less
- Language
- English 3336
- Undetermined 803
- Spanish; Castilian 317
- French 24
- German 18
- North American Indian languages 14
- Navajo; Navaho 14
- Portuguese 14
- Italian 8
- Japanese 6
- span 5
- No linguistic content; Not applicable 4
- English, Old (ca.450-1100) 3
- Zuni 3
- Apache languages 2
- Central American Indian languages 2
- Catalan; Valencian 2
- Dutch; Flemish 2
- Latin 2
- Siouan languages 2
- Lat 1
- Chinese 1
- Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic 1
- Hawaiian 1
- jap 1
- Lao 1
- Mayan languages 1
- Yiddish 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Spidle, Jake W., 1941- 64
- New Mexico Highlands University 49
- New Mexico Normal University 41
- Chaco Culture National Historical Park (Agency : U.S.) 31
- University of New Mexico 31
- John Donald Robb Archive of Southwestern Music 29
- Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company 28
- Museum of New Mexico 28
- Meem, John Gaw, 1894-1983 26
- University of New Mexico. Center for Southwest Research 25
- Austin, Mary, 1868-1934 22
- Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 20
- Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930 20
- Hewett, Edgar L. (Edgar Lee), 1865-1946 19
- Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 1879-1962 18
- Billy, the Kid 17
- Fred Harvey (Firm) 17
- Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 17
- Palace of the Governors (Santa Fe, N.M.) 17
- Fergusson, Erna, 1888-1964 16
- School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 16
- United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs 16
- University of New Mexico. University Libraries 16
- Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968 15
- Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 15
- Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) 15
- Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928 15
- Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 15
- University of New Mexico. Students 15
- Villa, Pancho, 1878-1923 15
- Waters, Frank, 1902-1995 15
- Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 14
- Gilpin, Laura, 1891-1979 14
- Hermanos Penitentes 14
- Lawrence, Frieda, 1879-1956 14
- Taller de Gráfica Popular (Mexico City, Mexico) 14
- Tijerina, Reies 14
- Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company 13
- Charles Ilfeld Company 13
- Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 13
- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (N.M.) 13
- Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 12
- Historical Society of New Mexico 12
- Los Alamos National Laboratory 12
- New Mexico (Battleship) 12
- New Mexico. District Court (1st Judicial District) 12
- Wittick, Ben, 1845-1903 12
- American Indian Movement 11
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 11
- Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan), 1887-1975 11
- Catron, Thomas Benton, 1840-1921 10
- Historic American Buildings Survey 10
- Montoya, Joseph Manuel, 1915-1978 10
- Robb, J. D. (John Donald), 1892-1989 10
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 10
- Tingley, Clyde 10
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 10
- Albuquerque High School (Albuquerque, N.M.) 9
- Baumann, Gustave, 1881-1971 9
- Bloom, Lansing Bartlett, 1880- 9
- Brett, Dorothy, 1883-1977 9
- Carson, Kit, 1809-1868 9
- Cassidy, Ina Sizer, 1869-1965 9
- Harvey, Fred 9
- Ilfeld, Charles, 1847- 9
- Institute of American Indian Arts 9
- Lamy, John Baptist, 1814-1888 9
- Long, Haniel, 1888-1956 9
- Lovelace, W. Randolph, II (William Randolph), 1907-1965 9
- Walter, Paul A. F. 9
- Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 8
- Armijo family 8
- Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 8
- Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, 1840-1914 8
- Blumenschein, E. L. (Ernest Leonard), 1874-1960 8
- Chapman, Kenneth Milton, 1875-1968 8
- Chavez, Angelico, 1910-1996 8
- Church, Peggy Pond, 1903-1986 8
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 8
- Collier, John, 1884-1968 8
- Domenici, Pete 8
- La Fonda (Hotel : Santa Fe, N.M.) 8
- Méndez, Leopoldo, 1902-1969 8
- O'Keeffe, Georgia, 1887-1986 8
- Taos Society of Artists 8
- United States. Army. Volunteer Cavalry, 1st 8
- Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres (U.S.) 7
- Banks, Dennis 7
- Briquet, Abel 7
- Clark, Ann Nolan, 1896-1995 7
- Crews, Judson 7
- Estampa Mexicana 7
- Garrett, Pat F. (Pat Floyd), 1850-1908 7
- Hagerman, Herbert J. (Herbert James), 1871-1935 7
- Horgan, Paul, 1903-1995 7
- Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927 7
- Larrazolo, Octaviano, 1859-1930 7
- Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 7
- Means, Russell, 1939-2012 7
- Mechem, E. L. (Edwin Leard), 1912-2002 7 ∧ less
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