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Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 30

Arthur Seligman Scrapbooks

Identifier: AC-166
Scope and Content Collection consists of the scrapbooks of New Mexico Governor Arthur Seligman, 1930-1933. Clippings represent newspapers throughout New Mexico and reflect the activities of Seligman as governor. Subjects include; politics, pardons, education, official appointments, veterans, the economy, the National Recovery Administration, and other related topics. The collection is rich in clippings pertaining to the National Miners' Union Strike of 1933 in Gallup, New Mexico.
Dates: 1930-1933

Benjamin Morris Thomas Collection

Identifier: AC-221
Scope and Content
  1. Misc. newspapers and clippings.
  2. Misc. correspondence, typed and handwritten.
  3. Annual reports, diairies, account books, scrapbooks, checkbooks, checks, manuals, notebooks, map of Europe after WW I.
  4. Government documents (Federal and territorial).
  5. Deeds, property assessments.
  6. Various and sundry items.
Dates: 1863-1928

Benjamin Tanaka Internment Camp Scrapbook

Identifier: AC 620-s
Scope and Content The scrapbook contains pastel, watercolor and pencil landscapes, botanical studies and portraits, as well as pen and ink calligraphy in Japanese characters with occasional notations in English lettering. One leaf contains the legend "Doctors and all other office workers, Clinic and Hospital. Santa Fe, N.M., September 19, 1945". Another is marked "Hospital Santa Fe, New Mexico September 18, 1945".
Dates: 1942-1946?

Camp Luna Apartment Complex Scrapbook

Identifier: AC 429-p
Scope and Content The scrapbook contains the plans and schematics of the Camp Luna Apartment Complex. The designs were created by Richard Halford, AIA, & Associates. The book also contains information on the loan application, the estimates of project costs, correspondence regarding the Las Vegas housing shortage, feasibility reports, and information on the U.S. Forest Service's Job Corps Camp.
Dates: 1966

Clinton Lutz Scrapbook

Identifier: AC-140
Scope and Content One scrapbook kept by Lutz containing letters, bills, circulars, and other materials. Most of the scrapbook items concern Lutz's work for the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, and the U.S. Census Office. There are also materials on mining in the area of Cerrillos, New Mexico.
Dates: 1890 - 1894

Dolores Durnell Scrapbook

Identifier: AC 386-p
Scope and Content Collection contains one scrapbook documenting former students of the Melrose, New Mexico School (who were registered between August 31, 1931 and May 20, 1943). The scrapbook was created in 1993 for a class reunion on August 14, 1993. Included in the collection is a short biography and a photograph of Dolores Durnell with New Mexico State Senator Nancy Rodriguez during the 2nd session of the 45th New Mexico legislature, 2002, in which the Senate adopted a resolution honoring Dolores Durnell for...
Dates: 1993

Edgar L. Hewett Collection

Identifier: AC-105
Scope and Content This collection contains the personal and professional papers of archaeologist and educator Edgar Lee Hewett (1865-1946). The collection includes materials from 1861-1992, with the bulk of the materials from 1897-1947. The types of materials include correspondence, manuscripts by Hewett and others, publications, archaeological notes and reports, financial records, personal documents, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, account books and ledgers, visitor registers, maps, and other miscellaneous...
Dates: 1861 - 1992; Majority of material found within 1897 - 1947

Edward W. Wynkoop Collection

Identifier: AC-247
Scope and Content Collection consists of materials by and about Wynkoop. Includes a scrapbook of newspaper clippings collected by Wynkoop from 1859 to 1891, certificates and letters received by Wynkoop from 1861 to 1883, and a photocopy and typescript of Wynkoop's memoirs. Much of the materials in this collection relate to the Civil War in the West, the Sand Creek Massacre of Indians in Colorado, and John Chivington, a rival of Wynkoop who was also the leader of the American forces responsible for the Sand Creek...
Dates: 1859-1987 (bulk, 1859-1891)

Eugenie Frederica Shonnard Collection

Identifier: AC-211
Scope and Content The collection revolves around the internationally recognized sculptor and longtime resident of Santa Fe -- Eugenie Fredericka Shonnard. The bulk of the collection is from the mid-nineteenth century to the late 1970s. The collection is arranged both topically and chronologically. Biographical sketches precede those individuals whose papers comprise a significant portion of the overall collection. Collection consists of letters, diaries, ledgers, clippings, scrapbooks, notebooks,...
Dates: 1729-1978 (bulk, 1850-1978)

Felix Gallegos Scrapbook

Identifier: AC-091-p
Scope and Content One scrapbook of newspaper clippings from New Mexico newspapers in the late 1880s and 1890. Most of the clippings are from the Las Vegas News and the Las Vegas Democrat of Las Vegas, New Mexico. The clippings involve a broad range of topics, including politics, prohibition, and the suicide of Annie Videlle, a teen-age prostitute, in Las Vegas in 1890. One of the clippings includes the statement of purpose from the first issue...
Dates: 1888-1890

George W. Prichard Scrapbooks

Identifier: AC-184
Scope and Content Two scrapbooks consisting primarily of undated newspaper clippings covering many topics, including New Mexico politics, Republican Party activities, poetry, family activities, and speeches given by Prichard. There are also several handwritten notes, and some of the newspaper clippings concern the removal of Prichard as U.S. Attorney in Las Vegas.
Dates: 1880-1908

Guide to the Bruce T. Ellis Collection

Identifier: AC-075
Scope and Content The Bruce T. Ellis Collection consists of various original and photostatic copies of the Spanish, Mexican and American period of New Mexico's history. Ellis, a former employee of the Museum of New Mexico's History Bureau, collected and saved many of these diverse documents from destruction. The collection is arranged topically and then chronologically.
Dates: 1712-1980

Harry Frank Lambert Engraving Scrapbook

Identifier: AC 433-p
Scope and Content Scrapbook contains original engraving samples of typical 19th century designs - such as political, journalistic, and military figures (George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, William Nast), dramatic historical scenes (Peter the Great crossing the Neva), industrial buildings and structures, and numerous advertisements (a few in German). No additional information available on the engravings. Handwritten note by son Hugh Lambert indicates that some engravings are by Harry Lambert, "but most are not."
Dates: 1850s-1900s; Majority of material found in Placeholder Unit Date Text

Harry H. Dorman Scrapbook

Identifier: AC-064-s
Scope and Content Collection consist of the scrapbook of Harry H. Dorman, 1907-1912. The bulk of the clippings are from the New Mexican and the Eagle, a weekly publication for all of Santa Fe County. Subjects discussed are: politics, statehood, official appointments, tourism, development, Elephant Butte Dam, the Phelps-Dodge company indictment for land fraud, Judge Robert W. Archibald's impeachment from the United States Court of Commerce, and...
Dates: 1907-1912

Isabel L. Eckles Collection

Identifier: AC-071
Scope and Content Included in this collection are Isabel Eckles' memorabilia, personal correspondence and papers pertaining to her various interests. Among the photocopied documents are memoirs written by Addison M. Williams and edited by E. Dana Johnson including poems, short stories, and a 79 page autobiography titled: "My Yesterdays: The Autobiography of an Ordinary Citizen: A Narrative of Early Days from Ohio to Old Santa Fe and Montana. Sidelights on the Formative Period in Some Far Western...
Dates: 1898-1966

John J. Dempsey Scrapbooks

Identifier: AC-060-s
Scope and Content These scrapbooks of clippings, primarily from New Mexican newspapers, cover the years of John Joseph Dempsey's political career from his first campaign for the U.S. Senate (1940) and his appointment as Under-Secretary of the Interior that same year, through his two terms as Governor of New Mexico (1942-1946). In all, there are 14 scrapbooks with a folder containing a few clippings from 1948. The first scrapbook (1940-1941) consists of clippings concerned only with his Senatorial...
Dates: 1940-1948

Jones Family Collection

Identifier: AC-118
Scope and Content The Jones Collection covers the years from 1844 to 1969 and deals mainly with the Jones family history in Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and New Mexico. There is an extensive amount of material on Amistad, N.M. and Hawkeye, Iowa. Material includes papers from the Godlove and Brown families of the Amistad area, as well as general material on homesteading, turn-of-the-century education and social history. On August 7, 1975 Clara May Daves of Albuquerque donated a scrapbook to the Jones...
Dates: n.d.

League of Women Voters, Santa Fe County, Collection

Identifier: AC 576
Scope and Content This collection covers the history, organization, anniversaries, and the activities of the LWVSFC from its founding in 1951 to the early 2000’s, along with their relationship with the state and national organizations.
Dates: 1952 - 1995

Lincoln County New Mexico Collection

Identifier: AC-134
Scope and Content The Lincoln County Collection consists of approximately ten feet of business, financial, and personal documents arranged topically and then chronologically after their transfer to the Museum of New Mexico from the Lincoln County, New Mexico Courthouse.
Dates: 1885-1976; 7-1-1887);

Pueblo Indians Land Matters

Identifier: AC-186-s
Scope and Content Collection consists of two scrapbooks of clippings, pamphlets, and letters, compiled by Ina Sizer Cassidy for the use of Friends of the Pueblo Indians, 1922-1924. Clippings are primarily from the Santa Fe New Mexican and relate to the Pueblo Indians' rights to land. Pamphlets include a legal brief printed by the American Indian Defense Association concerning "white claims" to Indian land, 1922. Assistant Indian Commissioner Edgar B. Merritt's address regarding Pueblo Indian land tenure is also...
Dates: 1922-1924

Ralph Emerson Twitchell Papers

Identifier: AC-226
Scope and Content The Ralph Emerson Twitchell Collection's first part consists of the papers of Ralph Emerson Twitchell (11-29-1859 to 10-26-1925), the attorney, public office holder and historian; Margaret Olivia Collins Twitchell (born circa 1868 to 1-29-1900), the first Mrs. Twitchell; Estelle Bennett Burton Twitchell (1-31-1872 to 10-13-1952), the second Mrs. Twitchell; and Waldo Collins Twitchell, the son of Margaret and Ralph who became an engineer and a writer. The second part of the Ralph...
Dates: 1896-1986

Ruth Kelsey Diel Papers

Identifier: AC-172
Scope and Content Ruth Kelsey Diel Papers are arranged both topically and chronologically.
Dates: 1918-1970

Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce Collection

Identifier: AC-199
Scope and Content Collection consists of records and other materials from the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce. Includes correspondence, financial records, scrapbooks, letterpress books, minutes, and reports. Much of the material concerns topics such as tourism, conventions, banquets, and resorts, as well as organizations such as the Fred Harvey Company, the Glorieta Baptist Conference Center, and the Coronado Cuarto Centennial celebration of 1940.
Dates: 1907-1974

St. James Hotel (Cimarron, NM) Collection

Identifier: AC 543
Scope and Content Collection contains historical information about the town of Cimarron, N.M., the Don Diego/St. James Hotel in Cimarron, and Rev. Thomas J. Tolby. Also included is a copy of 1879 Maxwell Land Grant Company.
Dates: 1930-1999

Taos Society of Artists Collection

Identifier: AC-219
Scope and Content Collection consists of materials relating to the Taos Society of Artists and its members. Includes the constitution, by-laws, minutes, and reports of the Society; promotional materials and programs from various art exhibits; and materials concerning the Museum of New Mexico, which worked closely with the Society. This collection also contains a significant amount of correspondence involving members and associates of the Society, including Oscar Berninghaus, E. Irving Couse, Gerald Cassidy, Bert...
Dates: 1918-1928

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  • Repository: Fray Angélico Chávez History Library X
  • Subject: Scrapbooks X

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Clippings 16
Photographs. 6
Account books 5
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 5
Diaries 4
∨ more
Financial records 4
Manuscripts 4
Reports 4
Authors, American -- New Mexico 3
Certificates 3
Family histories 3
Festivals -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 3
Genealogy 3
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 3
New Mexico -- Officials and employees 3
Publications 3
Artists -- New Mexico 2
Artists -- New Mexico -- Taos 2
Correspondence 2
Ephemera 2
Exhibition catalogs 2
Governors -- New Mexico 2
Las Vegas (N.M.) -- History 2
Minutes (Records) 2
New Mexico -- History 2
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 2
Poems 2
Programs 2
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Commerce 2
Tourism -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 1
Amistad (N.M.) -- History 1
Apache Indians -- Government relations. 1
Apartment houses -- New Mexico -- Las Vegas 1
Archaelogy -- Southwest, New 1
Archaeology -- New Mexico 1
Architects -- New Mexico 1
Architects--California 1
Architecture -- Calilfornia 1
Architecture -- New Mexico 1
Architecture and solar radiation -- California 1
Architecture and solar radiation -- New Mexico 1
Art -- New Mexico -- Taos 1
Art, modern -- 20th Century -- New Mexico -- Taos 1
Art--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Articles 1
Artists -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Artists--California 1
Authors, American -- Kansas 1
Bandelier National Monument (N.M.) 1
Banks and banking--New Mexico--Lincoln County 1
Buildings--Adobe 1
By-laws 1
Camp Luna Apartment Complex 1
Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
Cathedrals--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Chaco Culture National Historical Park (N.M.) 1
Cimarron (N.M.) -- History 1
Circulars 1
City planning -- New Mexico -- Zuni 1
City planning--New Mexico--Santa Rosa 1
Colfax County (N.M.) 1
Colorado--History--1876-1950 1
Colorado--History--to 1876 1
Congresses and conventions -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Constitutions 1
Drawing 1
Education -- New Mexico 1
Education--New Mexico 1
Elephant Butte Dam (N.M.) 1
Engraving (prints) 1
Europe--Description and travel 1
Excavations (Archaeology) -- Guatemala -- Izabal (Dept.) 1
Excavations (Archaeology) -- New Mexico 1
Fiction 1
Fort Marcy (N.M.) -- History 1
Fraud -- New Mexico 1
Frontier and pioneer life--New Mexico--Amistad 1
Governors--New Mexico 1
Hawkeye (Iowa) -- History 1
Historians -- New Mexico 1
History in art 1
Housing -- New Mexico -- Las Vegas 1
Indian agents -- New Mexico 1
Indian agents--Colorado 1
Indian reservations -- New Mexico -- Southern Apache Agency 1
Indians of North America -- Education 1
Indians of North America -- Music 1
Indians of North America -- New Mexico 1
Japanese Americans ǂx Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 1
Japanese-Americans -- New Mexico -- History 1
Land grants--New Mexico--Amistad 1
Land titles--Registration and transfer--New Mexico--Amistad 1
Las Cruces (N.M.) -- History 1
Las Vegas (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
Las Vegas Democrat (Las Vegas, N.M.) 1
Lawyers -- New Mexico 1
Letterpress copybooks 1
Letters 1
∧ less
English 27
Undetermined 24
French 1
Japanese 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Museum of New Mexico 4
School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 3
Hewett, Edgar L. (Edgar Lee), 1865-1946 2
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 2
Taos Society of Artists 2