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Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 27

Alfred C. Wiley Collection

Identifier: AC-240
Scope and Content Collection consists of the papers of Alfred C. Wiley, 1821-1978. Included are: Alfred C. Wiley's correspondence, 1914-1951; papers relating to his childhood friend Frank Hazen, 1908-1931; Cash and Carry Groceteria documents, 1937-1978; papers relating to the Kiwanis Club; and miscellaneous papers, 1821-1946. Miscellaneous papers consist of postcards addressed to Alfred's father F.F. Wiley (1894-1896), envelopes from the First National Bank of Santa Fe, a statement of condition from the Mutual...
Dates: 1821-1978 (bulk, 1908-1951)

Ann Baumann Trust Collection of Gustave Baumann Materials

Identifier: AC 523
Scope and Content This collection contains the records of the Ann Baumann Trust, which was created by Ann Baumann, daughter of New Mexico artist Gustave Baumann, in order to promote Baumann’s artistic legacy and preserve his archival materials. The collection consists primarily of Gustave Baumann’s archival records, including his business and personal correspondence, personal documents, financial records, records of woodcut printing methods, and correspondence and reports related to Baumann’s work with the PWAP....
Dates: 1799-2020; Majority of material found in 1904-1971

Benjamin Morris Thomas Collection

Identifier: AC-221
Scope and Content
  1. Misc. newspapers and clippings.
  2. Misc. correspondence, typed and handwritten.
  3. Annual reports, diairies, account books, scrapbooks, checkbooks, checks, manuals, notebooks, map of Europe after WW I.
  4. Government documents (Federal and territorial).
  5. Deeds, property assessments.
  6. Various and sundry items.
Dates: 1863-1928

Boaz W. Long Papers

Identifier: AC-136
Scope and Content The Boaz Walton Long Collection consists of private and professional correspondence, financial records, and personal papers dating almost entirely from the 1940s.
Dates: 1942-1957

Carl Blumner Letters

Identifier: AC-231
Scope and Content Collection consists of handwritten originals, German typescripts, and typed English translations of letters from Carl Blumner to his mother Johanna Blumner and his sister Hannchen in Prussia concerning his and his brother August's activities in Santa Fe. The letters were written between 1936-1909, and include a few attached letters by his brother August as well as a few letters by his son. Collection also includes genealogies of the Blumner familiy, and an obituary of Carl Blumner. Letters...
Dates: 1836-1906

Chris Emmett Collection of Newspapers and Publication Excerpts

Identifier: AC-076
Scope and Content Collection consists of Chris Emmett's research materials, 1847-1883. Included are typescript excerpts from New Mexican newspapers (primarily from Santa Fe) and from several publications. Excerpts pertain to various New Mexico persons and events in Santa Fe and various other cities. Included is an index to the excerpts created by Emmett.
Dates: 1847-1883

Dorothy Stevenson Collection

Identifier: AC 414
Scope and Content Collection contains personal family correspondence, correspondence with friends, documents/certificates pertaining to her parents and herself, and manuscripts and notes of her published and unpublished creative works. Collection also contains court material (Pittman shorthand and not transcribed) from her mother who was a court stenographer at the Santa Fe District Court
Dates: 1913-1997; Majority of material found in 1940-1970

Edith Solenberger Papers

Identifier: AC606p
Scope and Content The collection contains four letters, three of which are written by friends and family to Edith Reeves Solenberger, about life in and visits to northern New Mexico in the 1920s and 1930s. Also included is a letter written on Hotel De Vargas (Santa Fe) stationary.
Dates: 1916-1938; Majority of material found in Placeholder Unit Date Text

Haniel Long Collection

Identifier: AC-137
Scope and Content The Haniel Long Collection was originally acquired by the late John Bennett Shaw from Haniel Long, a personal friend of many years. John Bennett Shaw was a collector of books and memorabilia on Sherlock Holmes.
Dates: 1908-1990

Henry Wetter Papers

Identifier: AC-238
Scope and Content Henry F. Wetter was Secretary of the Territory 1869-1872. Mrs. Wetter accompanied him to Santa Fe and the collection consists of her letters to her family in the East. There are 14 letters totaling 77 written pages, The letters describe conditions in Santa Fe and New Mexico during the period. Also included is a speech delivered by Mr. Wetter upon his return to Pennsylvania. The 58 page manuscript describes the natural resources, people, places and customs of New Mexico. Other memorabilia is...
Dates: 1869-1873

Historic Santa Fe Foundation Records

Identifier: AC-107
Scope and Content Collection consists of the organization's records: minutes (copies) of board and membership meetings; financial statements; correspondence and bulletins, and other documents reflecting the organization's activities. The minutes are extensive, tracing in detail the activities of the Foundation and the development of historic sites.
Dates: 1986-1989

John A. Clark Papers

Identifier: AC-044
Scope and Content Collection consists of 25 journals (1861-1868) kept by John A. Clark, Surveyor of the Territory of New Mexico, a typescript of the journals, and a Confederate Army broadside from 1862. The 25 journals contain 1,943 handwritten diary pages, 48 hand drawn maps, about 50 pages, notes, expenses, lists of distances and miscellaneous sketches. Kitty Shishkin has done the typescript copy of the journals. The journals give detailed daily accounts of the writer's official and personal...
Dates: 1861-1868

Lew H. and Sallie T. Blake Letters

Identifier: AC-019-p
Scope and Content Correspondence between Lew H. and Sallie T. Blake and letters received from their relatives and friends, dated between 1901 and 1926.
Dates: 1901-1927

Mary Caroline Douglass Papers

Identifier: AC-067
Scope and Content Collection consists primarily of a journal kept by Mary C. Douglass of Massachussetts on a train trip to Santa Fe to visit her uncle Colonel Henry Douglass and his family. Her journal describes her visit to Santa Fe from January 12 to March 5 1889, including military activities at Ft. Marcy and social life in Santa Fe. From Santa Fe she traveled to San Diego and San Francisco with journal entries describing the social life in both cities. Collection also includes a 1889 roster of the United...
Dates: 1888-1889

Old Santa Fe Association records

Identifier: AC-174
Scope and Contents
  1. Papers include the organization's correspondence and financial records.
  2. The association's records also include publications, picture postcards, periodicals, newspaper clippings, and association publications.
Dates: 1966-[ca.1977]

Olinda Rodriguez Fiesta Collection

Identifier: AC 491
Scope and Content Collection contains personal notes pertaining to Santa Fe Fiesta, and newspaper clippings (loose and scrapbook).
Dates: 1936-1938

Paul A. F. Walter Scrapbook

Identifier: AC 573
Scope and Content Collection contains papers marking major professional and civic events in the life of Paul A. F. Walter.
Dates: 1937-1966; Majority of material found in Placeholder Unit Date Text

Phyllis Harroun Collection

Identifier: AC-103
Scope and Content Assorted correspondence, some typed, but mostly handwritten, dating from 1920s to mid 1950s with a few pieces dated later.
Dates: 1808-1984

Randall Davey Collection

Identifier: AC-057
Scope and Content This collection consists of Randall Davey's papers as well as those of his wife, Isabel, her sister, Kate H. Cullum, their siblings and their parents, John Caldwell Holt and Kate Gilbert Holt.
Dates: 1869-1985

Santa Fe Community Theatre Collection

Identifier: AC 436
Scope and Content Collection consists of board minutes, financial reports, correspondence, legal files, newspaper clippings, newsletters, programs, posters, scripts, photographs, and files on productions of the Santa Fe Community Theater.
Dates: 1919-2002

Santa Fe Council for the Arts Records

Identifier: AC-200
Description The material comprises working files of the SFCA from its incorporation in July 1978 to the late 1980's. Abbreviations used in this finding aid: CCRDCorrections and Criminal Rehabilitation Department of the New Mexico State Prison. JJDPJuvenile Justice and Delinquency...
Dates: 1978-1985

Santa Fe Fiesta Council Collection

Identifier: AC 401
Scope and Content The collection consists of correspondence, committee reports, board, and general meeting minutes, newsclippings, financial information, events and parades information, De Vargas and La Reina contestant applications, and materials relating to the promotion and the operation of the Santa Fe Fiesta. Collection includes by-laws, operating manuals, and contracts.
Dates: 1919-2003

Santa Fe Germania Club Dance Invitation

Identifier: AC 432-p
Scope and Content The collection consists of an invitation to a ball given by the Santa Fe Germania Club. The invitation is addressed to William T. Sherman, General of the U.S. Army. The dance was held in August of 1878. Also included is an unrelated calling card with a hand-written note by William T. Sherman [transfer 11272].
Dates: 1878

Santa Fe Programs, Certificates, and Proclamations

Identifier: AC-203-s
Scope and Content A collection of miscellaneous programs for activities in Santa Fe or concerning Santa Fe dating from 1849 to 1978.
Dates: 1833-1958

Spiegelberg Family Collection

Identifier: AC-214
Scope and Content Collection consists of letters, newspapers and articles tracing the family's history (circa 1846 to date), and poetry and other writings of family members, especially of Flora Spiegelberg, wife of Willie, one of the five brothers.
Dates: 1871-1880

Filtered By

  • Repository: Fray Angélico Chávez History Library X
  • Subject: Santa Fe (N.M.)--Social life and customs X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Social life and customs 16
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- History 6
Clippings 5
Diaries 4
Genealogy 4
∨ more
Minutes (Records) 4
New Mexico -- Social life and customs 4
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Commerce 4
Santa Fe (N.M.)--Social life and customs 4
Financial records 3
New Mexico -- Description and travel 3
New Mexico -- Officials and employees 3
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Description and travel 3
Addresses 2
Certificates 2
Festivals -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Historic preservation -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Merchants -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 2
New Mexico -- Politics and government 2
Nonprofit organizations --New Mexico--Santa Fe 2
Parades -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Poems 2
Santa Fe (N.M.) --Social life and customs 2
Santa Fe (N.M.)--History 2
Wills 2
Address books 1
Ambassadors -- United States 1
America -- Early accounts to 1600 1
America -- Exploration and discovery -- Spanish 1
Apache Indians -- Government relations. 1
Architecture -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Arizona -- Social life and customs 1
Arizona--Description and travel 1
Arizona--History -- To 1912 1
Art -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 1
Artists -- New Mexico 1
Artists -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Artists --New Mexico--Biography 1
Barrio de Analco (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
Berkeley (Calif.) -- Social life and customs 1
Block printing – New Mexico – 20th century 1
Bosque del Apache Land Grant (N.M.) 1
Broadsides 1
By-laws 1
Canada (N.M.) -- History 1
Canada de Cochiti Land Grant (N.M.) 1
Chimayo (N.M.) -- History 1
City planning -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Culture and tourism -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Curry House (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
Earthquakes -- California -- San Francisco 1
Ephemera 1
Europe--Description and travel 1
Excerpts 1
Exhibition catalogs 1
Explorers -- Spain -- Biography 1
Family papers 1
Festivals--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Fires -- California -- San Francisco 1
Folk art -- New Mexico 1
Folk music -- Mexico 1
Folk songs, Spanish -- New Mexico 1
Folk songs, Spanish --Colorado 1
Fort Marcy (N.M.) 1
Frijoles Canyon (N.M.) 1
German Americans--New Mexico--History. 1
Glorieta Pass (N.M.), Battle of, 1862 1
Governors--New Mexico 1
Grocery trade -- New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Historic districts --New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Historic preservation --New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Historic sites --Law and legislation--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Indian agents -- New Mexico 1
Indian reservations -- New Mexico -- Southern Apache Agency 1
Indians of North America - New Mexico - Literary collections 1
Indians of North America -- Southwestern states 1
Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe, New Mexico 1
Kiwanis International 1
Letters 1
Magnetic tapes 1
Map 1
Mariachi 1
Marionettes 1
Membership lists 1
Mexico -- History -- Conquest, 1519-1540 1
Nambe Falls (N.M.) -- Description and travel 1
Natural resources--New Mexico 1
Navajo textile fabrics 1
New Deal art 1
New Mexico -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
New Mexico -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Battlefields 1
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 1
New Mexico -- Land grants 1
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 1
New Mexico--Santa Fe--History 1
Newsletters 1
Nonprofit organizations -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Obituaries 1
Ordinances 1
∧ less
English 23
Undetermined 22
German 1
Old Santa Fe Association 3
Historic Santa Fe Foundation 2
Historical Society of New Mexico 2
Museum of New Mexico 2
School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 2