Showing Collections: 1 - 15 of 15
Governor Bruce King Papers, 1st Term,
Identifier: 1972-009
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official and personal papers of Governor King's first term. Includes legislative, judicial, federal and penal papers, as well as correspondence, reports and other materials from a variety of state agencies and private organizations. Some of the materials involve issues such as the very large array telescope; Space Shuttle Program; Waste Isolation Pilot Plant; Vietnam War; a port of entry at Anapra, New Mexico; and the activities of Reies Tijerina. Collection also includes...
Governor David F. Cargo Papers,
Identifier: 1969-001
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Cargo. Includes proclamations; appointments; executive orders; executive budgets; address to legislature and files relating to legislative issues such as education; judicial reports and reports of elected officials; reports of administrative agencies, boards and commissions; reports of state institutions and records of the Four Corners Regional Commission and other regional commissions. Federal records include correspondence with and news clips...
Governor Jack M. Campbell Papers,
Identifier: 1959-242
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official and personal papers of Governor Campbell. The bulk of the collection consists of Campbell's official papers (1963-1966). Legislative papers include executive budgets, House and Senate bills, proclamations, correspondence with the U.S. congressional delegation from New Mexico, and various other documents. Federal papers consist of documents concerning federal agencies. Convention and conference materials pertain to various issues. Special issues involve the voting...
1936-1967 (bulk: 1963-1966)
Governor Jerry Apodaca Papers,
Identifier: 1976-030
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Apodaca. Executive papers include correspondence, proclamations, and appointments. Legislative papers include bills, veto messages and various other documents. State agencies, boards, committees, and institutions include materials from the Governors' Service Centers. Papers of state government contain materials from the National Governors' Conference. Special reports and issues pertain to drought, several state water projects and sewers, the...
New Mexico American Revolution Bicentennial Commission Records,
Identifier: 1977-030
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records of the New Mexico American Revolution Bicentennial Commission (1969-1977). Includes annual and other reports, administrative correspondence, promotional documents, clippings, audio tapes, and video tapes. Much of the material concerns local projects and events throughout New Mexico, including documents on federal and state funding for these activities.
New Mexico Attorney General Records,
Identifier: 1971-015
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Attorney General and the New Mexico Solicitor General (1892-1995). Includes case files, administrative correspondence, annual reports, legal opinions, letterpress copybooks, financial documents, extraditions, and various legal documents. Materials in the collection concern both general issues such as civil rights and consumer protection, and specific matters such as the 1980 riot at the state penitentiary, and the activities of Alianza...
New Mexico Board of Nursing Records, .
Identifier: 1983-036
Scope and Content
As of 1999, collection consists of records of the New Mexico Board of Nursing and its predecessors: the Board of Nurses' Examiners; and the Board of Examiners for Graduate Nurses (1932-1984). Includes minutes (1977-1983); reports (1955-1974), annual reports (1969-1984); bulletins (1971-1984); a manual for schools of nursing (1965); a roster of nurses (1966); rules and regulations (1939-1977); and financial papers (1932-1979), including audits (1932-1968). Records include some certificates and...
New Mexico Department of Corrections Records,
Identifier: 1970-006
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Penitentiary, the Corrections Department, and its predecessors (1884-1990). Some penitentiary records pertain to county and federal inmates. Include are registers of prisoners, visitors, and parolees; annual reports; correspondence; case files; conduct records; medical records; account books; and intake records that usually include an image of the inmate. Intake records are files by inmate number. Includes annual and other reports,...
New Mexico Department of Education Records,
Identifier: 1970-004
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Department of Education, State Board of Education, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and their predecessors the Territorial Board of Education, Territorial Superintendent of Schools,and Superintendent of Public Instruction (1847-1988).Includes annual and other reports, minutes, administrative correspondence, directories, certificates, legal documents, laws, rules, one scrapbook of clippings (1905-1908), and one letterpress...
New Mexico State Auditor Records,
Identifier: 1960-030
Scope and Content
As of 1999 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Auditor and its predecessors the Auditor and Territorial Auditor (1846-1998). Territorial records (1846-1912) include annual reports, administrative correspondence, financial records documenting court expenses and payments for bounties, reports on indigents and orphans, bonds for sheriffs and tax collectors bonds, and records of equalization taxes and rebates. Statehood records (1912-1998) include annual reports, and audit...
New Mexico State Engineer Records,
Identifier: 1971-003
Content Note
As of 2000 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Engineer, its predecessor the Territorial Engineer, and the Interstate Stream Commission, which is a statutorily separate agency coordinated and directed by the State Engineer (1888-1992). Includes biennial reports (1932-1978), one annual report from 1979, minutes, legal documents, publications, and ledger books. Most of the records concern water rights, water conservation, irrigation, flood control, and water resources. Includes...
New Mexico State Land Office Records,
Identifier: 1973-046
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Land Office (including the Commissioner of Public Lands) and its predecessors the Board of Public Lands and the Territorial Public Land Office (1899-1991). Includes various reports, administrative correspondence, minutes, oil and gas leases, publications, clippings, and ledger books. Much of the material concerns mining, grazing, and logging in New Mexico.
New Mexico State Library Collection,
Identifier: 1983-034
Scope and Content
As of 1998 the collection consists of the records of the New Mexico State Library its predecessor the New Mexico State Library Extension Service, and the New Mexico State Library Commission (1710-1996). The bulk of the materials date from 1889 to 1996. Agency records include administrative files, annual reports (1966-1973), minutes (1936-1996) U.S. Constitution bicentennial project reports (1987-1989), issues of the New Mexico Library Bulletin (1932-1959), and other publications (1930-1934)....
New Mexico State Mine Inspector Records,
Identifier: 1965-002
Scope and Content
As of 1999 collection consists of records of the New Mexico State Mine Inspector (1895-1981). Includes annual reports, administrative correspondence with miners' unions and federal mining agencies, speeches, inspection reports, and materials on various topics such as mining accidents and safety. Also within the collection are annual reports of the U.S. Coal Mine Inspector for the Territory of New Mexico (1895) and the U.S. Mine Inspector for the Territory of New Mexico (1903-1911), and...
New Mexico State Police Division Records,
Identifier: 1991-004
Scope and Content
As of 1997, collection consists of records of the New Mexico Mounted Police (1905-1911), State Police and State Police Division (1935-1987). Records of the Mounted Police include annual reports, administrative correspondence, investigation files, arrest records, oaths of officers, and wanted posters. Records of the State Police and State Police Division include administrative correspondence, special reports, bulletins, legal opinions, and administrative files. Also within the collection are...
Filtered By
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- New Mexico -- Officials and employees 14
- New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 11
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 10
- Reports 10
- Minutes (Records) 9
- Publications 7
- Territorial records 7
- Addresses 4
- Extradition -- New Mexico 4
- Financial records 4
- Proclamations 4
- Account books 3
- Anapra (N.M.) 3
- Clippings 3
- Governors -- New Mexico 3
- Legal documents 3
- Pardon -- New Mexico 3
- Audits 2
- Letterpress copybooks 2
- Newsletters 2
- Press releases 2
- Water resources development -- New Mexico 2
- Abortion -- Laws and legislation -- New Mexico 1
- Administrative agencies -- New Mexico -- Reorganization 1
- American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976 -- New Mexico 1
- Apportionment (Election law) -- New Mexico 1
- Attorneys general -- New Mexico 1
- Audiocassettes 1
- Bonds (legal records) 1
- Case files 1
- Certificates 1
- Civil rights --New Mexico 1
- Conservation of natural resources --New Mexico 1
- Constitutional history -- New Mexico 1
- Constitutional law -- New Mexico 1
- Consumer protection --New Mexico 1
- Correctional institutions -- New Mexico 1
- Courts -- New Mexico 1
- Criminal justice, Administration of -- New Mexico 1
- Criminal justice, Administration of --New Mexico 1
- Directories 1
- Ditches -- New Mexico 1
- Ditches --New Mexico 1
- Drought relief -- New Mexico 1
- Droughts -- New Mexico 1
- Education --New Mexico 1
- Education, Bilingual --New Mexico 1
- Elk Mountain (N.M.) 1
- Equal rights amendments -- United States 1
- Executive departments -- New Mexico 1
- Executive departments -- New Mexico -- Reorganization 1
- Flood control -- New Mexico 1
- Flood control --New Mexico 1
- Glass negatives 1
- Governors --New Mexico 1
- Health occupations licensing boards -- New Mexico 1
- Indians of North America -- Education -- New Mexico 1
- Indians of North America --Legal status, laws, etc.--New Mexico 1
- Irrigation --New Mexico 1
- Irrigation canals and flumes -- New Mexico 1
- Irrigation canals and flumes --New Mexico 1
- Irrigation districts -- New Mexico 1
- Juvenile justice, Administration of -- New Mexico 1
- Land tenure --New Mexico 1
- Land use --New Mexico 1
- Law --New Mexico 1
- Law enforcement --New Mexico 1
- Laws 1
- Leases 1
- Legal files 1
- Libraries -- New Mexico 1
- Library extension -- New Mexico 1
- Licenses 1
- Logging --New Mexico 1
- Manuals 1
- Mescalero Indians --Legal status, laws, etc.--New Mexico 1
- Microfilms 1
- Mine accidents -- New Mexico 1
- Mine safety -- New Mexico 1
- Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 1
- Mines and mineral resources --New Mexico 1
- Mining corporations -- New Mexico 1
- Mounted police --New Mexico 1
- Natural resources conservation areas --New Mexico 1
- New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 1
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- To 1848 1
- New Mexico --Officials and employees.Territorial records 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1967-1970 : Cargo) 1
- Nurses -- Licenses -- New Mexico 1
- Nursing -- Law and legislation -- New Mexico 1
- Nursing -- Standards -- New Mexico 1
- Oaths 1
- Oil and gas leases --New Mexico 1
- Orphans -- New Mexico 1
- Pardon --New Mexico 1
- Pasture, Right of --New Mexico 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 3
- Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 3
- Montoya, Joseph Manuel, 1915-1978 3
- Lujan, Manuel, Jr., 1928-2019 2
- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (N.M.) 2
- Apodaca, Jerry, 1934- 1
- Campbell, Jack M., 1916-1999 1
- Domenici, Pete 1
- La Cooperacion del Pueblo (Tierra Amarilla, N.M.) 1
- Mechem, E. L. (Edwin Leard), 1912-2002 1
- New Mexico. Department of Education 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1971-1974 : King) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1975-1978 : Apodaca) 1
- New Mexico. Mounted Police 1
- New Mexico. Solicitor General 1
- Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 1
- Tijerina, Reies 1
- United States. Bureau of Mines 1
- Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more