Family and Personal Papers, 1938 - 1991
File — Box: 24
Scope and Contents
- (1) 4x5 BW print; subject = Candelario Family with notations on back: Mary G. Laumbach, Eleanor Ebel Laumbauch, Estefanita Laumbach Candelario, J.S. Candelario (Uncle Sito) and John – Taken about 1918; (2) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = man and woman, boy in front of screen door; (3) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = portraits of Chris Candelario.
- Group, paper-clipped together, containing: (2) Contact Sheets; (ca 72) 35mm b/w negatives in glassine sleeve, marked “Candelario – Branding at Tony’s”; (10) 2 ¼ color transparencies with note marked “Tony’s Ranch.”; subject = ranching scenes, branding cows, cow punchers; (1) Glassine Envelope, marked, “Neg. no. 176978,” containing 3x6 b/w print; subject = Trading Post Entrance; (1) Glassine Envelope, marked, ”Neg. no. 176976”, containing (1) 4x5 b/w print (poorly developed); subject = baskets.
- White envelope, cut to make sleeve, marked “What appears to be a vacation back east in Conn. or area,” containing: (51) 2 ¼ color negatives)\ in plastic sleeves, and (2) 2x3 color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject: houses, sailing ships, Lincoln Memorial; (1) White No. 10 envelope, marked “Candelario, JS Total 10 pics 5 of each neg” and “Johnnie’s - who daughter wedding,” containing (2) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = group shots at wedding.
- Colorful Folder, with note “This is a photo made of a painting which was made from one of John’s Photos,” containing (1) 8x10 color print of Indian man in headdress; (1) Small Manila envelope, marked “boy standing up – Louis Benjamin - Reed” and “Friend of JSC – 2 negs”, containing (1) color 2 ¼ transparency and accompanying contact print (faded); subject = boy with livestock; (1) Group bound by rubber band, containing (4) Minox envelopes: (1) marked “Unknown,” containing (40) b/w minox negatives; subject = people, scenics, building fronts; (2) unmarked, containing containing (40) b/w minox negatives; subject = landscapes (poor exposure); (3) unmarked, containing small minox envelope with (20) color minox negatives in plastic sleeve, subject = parade and (12) 3x4 color prints, subject = parade; (4) unmarked, containing small minox envelope with (35) color minox negatives in plastic sleeve, subject = landscapes, dam, parade, chess player, clouds.
- Fox Photo Plastic envelope, unmarked, containing plastic negative sleeve marked “John Briscoe (3) and Chris Candelario” with (4) 35mm color negatives and (3) color prints, one with note “John’s friend from the old days, Joe taken in Las Vegas Nevada 1990 approx”, subject = people; (1) Small White envelope, marked “Emile Chuck’s Wedding” “Gonzales TV Newscaster”, containing: (3) 35mm color negatives and (1) 3x5 color print with note “Wedding of Emile Gonzales TV Anchor Albuquerque”; subject = wedding photos.
- No 10 White Envelope, marked “Father Blauc(?) and Josie (Sec) at Holy Family,” containing (24) 35mm color negatives; subject = priest, woman, nativity scene; (1) Small white envelope, marked “Father Blauch now at Santa Cruz (96),” containing (8) 2 ¼ color transparencies; subject = portraits; (1) Large manila envelope, marked “Assorted Negatives of John’s Dogs, former wife, household maids, etc,” containing: (1) Glassine sleeves, paperclipped together and marked “JSC M record” containing; (2) 2x3 BW negatives; subject = people; (5) 35mm BW negatives in.” subject = people.
- No. 10 White envelope, marked “Some of John’s other Dogs, Cindy, Note, Rexy, Pinon,” containing: in plastic sleeve with note, “Cindy – JSC beloved dog”; (5) 2 ¼ b/w negatives in glassine sleeve, marked “JSC dog ‘Notee’”; (1) 3x5 color transparency (1) 35mm color slide with note “Rexy”; (1) 35mm color slide with note “Pinon”; (1) Glassine envelope marked, “Joe’s Dog Frosty”containing: (29) 2 ¼ BW negatives, some in individual Glassine sleeves; (9) 2 ¼ color transparencies; ( (1) 4x5 color transparency; (1) 3x4 color print; subject = dogs.
- Yellow Sparkletone envelope, marked “Juanita and Sally worked as maids and child care for John when he lived in Tesuque,” containing: (ca 12) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = woman, group; (7) 4x5 color transparencies in plastic sleeves; subject = Indian woman; aspens; (1) Glassine envelope, unmarked, containing: (2) 4x5 color transparences; (16) 2 ¼ color transparencies; (1) 3x4 color transparency; subject = dog; subject = Juanita or Sally and Frosty; (1) Loose 2 ¼ BW print and 2 ¼ color negative of same image; subject = young girl; (1) Loose 2 ¼ color transparency, unmarked, subject = cat licking nose;** (1) Group of items (4) bound by rubber band, including: (1) small manila envelope, marked “NOEL” and “negs,” containing: (1) loose 5x7 b/w print (poodle astride a bear’s head); (12) 2 ¼ color negatives in glassine sleeve; (6) 2 ¼ b/w negatives folded within a sheet of contact prints; (12) 2 ¼ b/w negatives in glassine sleeve; (67) 35mm b/w negatives in glassine sleeves and accompanying contract print strips; subject = dog; (1) small manila envelope, marked “Pictures Not” and “Noel,” containing: (29) 35mm b/w negatives and accompanying contact print strips; (18) 35mm b/w negatives; (55) 35mm b/w contact prints; subject = dog.
- No. 10 White Envelope (with letterhead), marked “Black and White,” containing; (18) b/w 35mm negatives; (24) b/w 35mm contact prints; subject = dog. (1) Blue cardboard covered album, containing glassine negative sleeves, containing; (ca. 180) b/w 35mm negatives; (ca. 100) 35mm b/w contact prints; subject = dog; Note attached, reading “Blk and Wht 35mm of JSC’s dog Noel.” (1) Group of (2) glassine envelopes, unmarked, containing (2) 3x4 BW negatives; subject = woman’s head and elephant and Buddha.
- No. 10 White envelope, marked “ 2-8x10 follow composition outlined on proof” and “Carmen Martinez” and “print neg 18-18a”, containing (2) 35mm color negatives and (1) 4x6 color print, subject = two women; (1) Small white envelope, marked “3 photos,” containing (2) 3x4 color print and (1) 4x5 color prints; subject = family portraits, man’s portrait.
- White No. 10 Envelope, marked “Ricarda’s Wedding” and “Alfred Martinez daughter, Tony’s Ranch Foreman,” containing (30) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = wedding photos; (2) Long glassine negative sleeves, one marked “Lambs at Tony’s” and “Tony and Rooster,” containing (ca 21) 2 ¼ BW negatives; subject = lambs; (1) Clear plastic sleeve, unmarked, containing (3) 35mm color negatives; subject – portrait of boyl (4) metal film cans, variously labeled as follows: A. “Party Unknown 35mm Bl Wh,” containing roll of (36) 35mm B/W negatives; subject = party or celebration; B. “JSC Time in Tesuque? Boys Man Chris? Blk and Wht 35mm,” containing roll of (15) 35mm B/W negatives; subject = boy scout portrait; C. “3mm Unknown Blk and Wht,” containing roll of (8) 35mm color negatives; subject = portrait of girl; and D. “Blk and Wht 35mm Unknown appears to be dance of some type,” containing roll of (30) 35mm B/W negatives; subject = outdoor gathering, men and women dancing in Fiesta garb.
- File Folder, marked “Architectural Details etc.” containing the following: (1) Brooks Photo envelope, bearing photo instructions, containing (3) 2x3 color negatives; subject = mother and child; (1) Share Your Snaps envelope, marked “Black and White Good Stuff,” containing (7) B/W 5x5 negatives in glassine sleeves; subject = moon, women framed by window; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing 2 ¼ BW negative; subject = portrait of boy.
- White no. 10 envelope, marked “35 mm 38 9 47,” containing (26) 35mm B/W negatives in glassine sleeves; subject = portrait of girl, boy, woman, dogs; (1) loose 2 ¼ B/W negative in glassine sleeve, marked “could be John’s daughter Penny.”; subject = girl and dog; (1) large glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing plastic sleeve with (1) 4x6 B/W print marked, “Leonor Allison (Candelario) Mossman and son John”; subject = portrait of woman and child. Negative No. 182093 HP 99.47; (1) large glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2x3 B/W print in plastic sleeve marked “JS Candelario, wife Estefanita, daughter Leonor Allison.: subject = family portrait. Negative No. 182102 HP 99.47; (1) large glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 1 ½ by 2 ½ B/W print mounted on 3x5 card, marked “June 10 1925 JS Candelario (illegible) Denver Colorado; subject = portrait of JS Candelario. Negative No. 182100 HP 99.47.
- folded paper sleeve, bearing Eaton watermark, unmarked, containing (3) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = photo of smoking man; (1) large glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W print mounted on card, marked “Santa Fe New Mexico February 1st 1899 JS Candelario”; subject = portrait of JS Candelario. Negative No. 182099 HP 99.47; (1) large glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ by 3 B/W print, marked “Candelario Home 309 Palace Avenue” and “JS Candelario Residence”; subject = residence and car. Negative No. 182101 HP 99.47.
- Group of (11) 2 ½ x 2 ½ loose B/W negatives and (2) badly faded contact prints; subject = portrait of woman; (1) strip of (3) 2 ½ x 2 ½ B/W prints; subject = portrait of John Candelario; (1) AGFA sleeve, marked “B/W 16mm,” containing (59) 16mm B/W negatives in fold out glassine sleeve; subject = scenic, house, church exteriors; (1) small manila envelope, marked “35mm 161 + 28 189,” containing (49) 35mm and (8) 35mm half frame B/W negatives in glassine sleeves; subject = boy and donkey, woman, Ivory Christ, auto accident, snowman.
- Kodak photo envelope, marked “Older Black and White,” containing (10) 2 ¼ B/W negatives in glassine sleeves; subject = children portraits, clouds; (1) small manila envelope, marked “Old Good Stuff children,” containing (4) 3x4 B/W negatives in glassine sleeves and (1) faded contact print; subject = portrait of girl; (1) 3x3 color snapshot; subject = four persons (including JSC) posing as in a group.
- Archival photo sleeve, marked “18 Glasene Sleeves approx 60 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ BW negs,” containing: (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (14) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = toddler; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = boy and toddler; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W negative; subject = Two Adults; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W negative; subject = baby sleeping with dog; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W negative; subject = boy and toddler; (2) glassine sleeve, unmarked, each containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = baby and three adults; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = boy, and boy and girl; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W negative; subject = boy and toddler; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = boy and girl; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = adult, boy and toddler; (1) glassine sleeve, marked “Cell and Spouse – Poor -- Sept 41,” containing (2) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; and (2) 2 ¼ contact prints no longer visible; subject = man and woman seated; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W negative; subject = boy and toddler; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (18) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = toddler; (1) glassine sleeve, marked “Cell and Spouse Sept 41,”, containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W negative; subject = sitting man and woman; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = four men and baby, baby and Christmas Tree; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W negative; subject = boy and girl; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = baby and dog; (1) glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ B/W negative; subject = boy and toddler.
- Photo archival envelope, marked “Negatives – Personal,” containing: (1) 2 ¼ B/W contact print; subject = portrait of woman; (ca 88) glassine sleeves, containing (ca 300) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = girl sitting (with attached contact print), several studies of hand dropping items into water glass (marked “Paul Healy?”), small boy playing, Madonna statue, portrait of woman (with badly faded contact prints), religious images or icons, portraits of curly haired boy or girl, photos of collage, boy sitting on ground, baby pictures (marked “JSC First Wife Gail and John, Jr. ??” and “There’s an 8x10 negative of same child JSC ???”), dog, cabin interior, woman and 5 children, boy in striped shirt, series of portraits of a mustached man (marked “Tony Sanchez – Solano/Las Vegas and his father” and “Tony’s Dad and Lucy”), man reading in bed, boy reading in bed, portraits of sailor, children playing in wagon, child portraits, children playing with dog and sheep (marked “John’s Children Tesuque”), head shots of man, children sitting on bench (marked “Tony’s Ranch Paul Frasier(?) Violet, etc”), dragon figure, dog watching a woman wash dishes, woman and child, man cooking, domestic scenes of family at home, boy in sweater, portrait of girl, man in fur collar, portraits of women, many badly faded contact prints, two people filming with small movie camera (marked “Cosmopolitan Films Taos NM”), portraits of men, women wearing Indian jewelry, woman standing in foliage, portrait of man, smoking pipe or reading (marked “Johnny and JSC?”), man bearing pitchfork, cat and kittens (marked “Mother Carrying Kittens Out at Larry’s”); *3 strips of 3 ea MOVED to Presentation Collection.
- Glassine sleeves, variously containing (ca 20) 3 ¼ x 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = family in tent, two women in tent with sign “palmistry,” woman and small dog, framed photo of house, man at home bar, couple with cat, dog, girls sitting on floor, Halloween of children and jack-o- lantern, children and christmas tree, woman with child on knee, kids eating melon; (ca 80) 35mm B/W negatives, some in glassine sleeves; subject = scenes at a fair or carnival, ferris wheel, portraits of boy, boy swimming, man and boy fishing, telephone poles, group of people in office or meeting room; (10) 2 ¼ B/W negatives reduced to small image in center; subject = portrait of young woman; (1) 2x3 BW negative in sleeve; subject = man (JSC) and dog on motorcycle.
- Yellow Kodak paper box bearing mailing label with Candelario’s business address, marked “JSC – Pro Places, Scenes, Things,” with post-it note apparently listing the size and number of contents, containing: (80) 35mm BW negatives, loose in strips and rolls; subject = portraits of boy, girl, group shots; (27) 2 ¼ BW negatives in plastic sleeves; subject – portraits of girl, formal portraits of woman, snapshots of dogs; (ca 60) 3x4 BW negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = rural life, horses, scenics; *5 MOVED to Presentation Collection. (4) 4x5 BW negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = portrait of man, portrait of three men on couch, woman working in lab; (4) 2 ¼ BW prints in plastic sleeves; subject = girl, woman in kitchen, hippie; (1) 3x4 BW print; subject = landscape featuring tree and sky; (1) 8x10 BW negative in plastic sleeve, marked “unknown infant – may be John’s oldest son; subject – infant; (31) loose 3x4 BW negatives in sleeves and (2) 2 ¼ BW negatives in sleeves (probably intended to be in above described box); subject = family photos, portraits of men in uniform.
- Manila envelope, marked “Photo Job – Tony Sanchez at his Ranch, Solano New Mexico, article in New Mexico Magazine November 1975 . . .,” containing; (59) mounted 35mm color slides; and (1) AGFA Chrome envelope, marked “Tony’s Ranch,” containing (11) 2 ¼ color slides; subject = Ranch scenes, cactus, wildflowers, ranch house exteriors; (1) small brown envelope, marked “Tony’s Ranch – Transparencies for Book etc”, containing (36) 2 ¼ color transparencies (each with number tag); subject = Ranch scenes, cattle branding, ranch house exteriors, dance; (1) manila no. 10 envelope, unmarked, containing (ca. 130) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeves; subject = Ranch scenes, cattle branding, ranch house exteriors, dance; *SIX moved to Presentation Collection (1) roll of 35mm film, marked “Tony’s Branding”.
- Russet colored velour box, marked with embossed tape “Cactus Flowers” and “John Candelario,” containing: (1) green 5x7 archival envelope, unmarked, containing (1) 4x5 color transparency in plastic sleeve with identifying label; (1) green 5x7 archival envelope, unmarked, containing (1) 4x5 color transparency and (1) 4x5 BW negative (appears faded) in plastic sleeves; (1) tan archival envelope, unmarked, containing (1) 4x5 color negative in plastic sleeve and identifying papers with lists of numbers; 1) tan archival envelope, unmarked, containing (1) 4x5 color transparency in plastic sleeve and identifying papers with lists of numbers; 1) tan archival envelope, unmarked, containing (1) 4x5 color negative in plastic sleeve and identifying folded glassine sleeve with lists of numbers; 1) tan archival envelope, unmarked, containing (2) 4x5 color negatives and (1) 4x5 BW negative (appears faded) in plastic sleeves and identifying papers with lists of numbers; 1) tan archival envelope, unmarked, containing (1) 4x5 color negative and (1) 4x5 BW negative (appears faded) in plastic sleeves and identifying papers; (13) 2 ¼ color transparencies mounted on 8x10 cardstock; (7) 4x5 color transparencies mounted on 8x10 cardstock (some with descriptive captions);* ONE MOVED to Presentation Collection (3) loose 2x3 color transparencies in plastic sleeves;* ONE MOVED to Presentation Collection (2) loose 2 1/4 color negatives; (11) loose 2 ¼ color negatives; (63) loose 2 ¼ color transparencies; (12) 4x5 color negatives; (6) 5x7 color transparencies; (53) 4x5 color transparencies.
- Loose 2 ¼ color negative in plastic sleeve, badly faded; (1) loose 4x4 color print in plastic sleeve; subject = cactus flowers. (1) membership card for The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain with (1) 35mm color slide (mounted on cardboard); subject = young man; (1) xerox of church and wagon photo with note stating “possible ID for John Candelario from Bob Brown;’ (1) 8x10 color print, marked on back “Photo Taken early 1980’s – John S. Candelario and Loris Alice Klinbeil(?) – married June 1st 1969 – October 5, 1993”; subject = Candelario and wife; (1) 4x6 BW photo, hand tinted, in frame, bearing label “John. S. Candelario The Curio Man Santa Fe, NM”.
- Manila file folder, unmarked, containing a sheet of paper, entitled “John S. Candelario’s Gold Filigree Necklace,” with full write-up and (1) Fox Photo plastic envelope, unmarked, containing (3) 4x6 color prints and (9) 35mm color negatives; subject = gold filigree necklace; (1) white no. 10 envelope, with return address and marked “#16,” containing (3) 3x4 BW contact prints, (1) 2 ¼ BW contact print and (1) 4x5 BW contact print; subject = interiors of curio shop, exterior of curio shop, portrait of John S. Candelario.
- Legal-sized manila folder, unmarked, containing: (ca 25) 5x7 BW prints; subject = exteriors of curio store, San Francisco Street, interiors of curio store, pottery, jewelry, portraits of Indians, altar screens, pueblos, crucifixes; (4) BW small postcards; subject = Indians, Taos Pueblo, Art Museum; (2) Color postcards; subject = interior of curio shop, John S. Candelario; (1) 1.5x5 hand made photo strip; subject = powder flasks, pistols; (1) 5x7 BW print; subject = Tesuque family; (1) 5x7 BW print, folded; subject = adobe building, marked “Hidden Inn, Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado.”; (1) 4x6 BW print, marked “Chavira, Santa Clara”; subject = man sitting on log; (1) 4x6 BW print, marked “Hispanic Weaver, New Mexico;” subject = man at loom; (1) 3x5 BW print; subject = man walking burro bearing wood; (1) 5x7 BW print, marked “Lechuga, Medicine Woman, Pojoaque Pueblo” and a curio sticker on back; subject = woman with child in doorway; (1) 6x8 card stock with 2 BW images; subject = rock formation, balconied building, probably Marion Hall; (2) 7x9 BW prints, marked “Interior, Candelario Curio Store, Santa Fe, NM;’ subject = as stated.
- Small white envelope, marked “Miss Leonore Laumbach,” containing: (1) commencement announcement for graduating class of Santa Fe High School 1910. L. Alice Candelario is listed on class roll; (1) 2x4 BW print; subject = girl with dog; (1) Wedding Announcement for Alice Candelario (March 5, 1912); (ca 28) loose 35mm BW prints, paper clipped together; subject = photos of handwritten letters; (1) small white envelope, containing: (7) 128 film BW contact prints, paper clipped together; subject = boy; (1) 2x3 BW print; subject = necklace and earrings(?); (4) 3x5 BW print; subject = couple on bench in front of home, marked on back “Short and Bee,” child in cowboy outfit, man with two children, one marked on back “Mark and Chris – (Bun) Grandpa Farnsworth (Bom Bom) Grandma F”; (3) 3x5 BW prints; subject = man sitting in chair; (4) contact strips of (18) 128 film BW images; subject – wood-carved busts; (2) Handwritten list of people and dates, perhaps a family history; (1) 4x5 BW print; subject = navajo rug.
- Decorative Tin Box (Pastoral Scene with Country Houses) with taped on label, “#20” and Candelario’s mailing label addressed to Paul Urmi (?), containing: (2) Presentation Cards with name of Alandia Candelario (water damaged); (1) Christmas Card.
- Page from US Congressional Record (folded and yellowed) of a list of names and locations, bearing badly faded written note; (1) Handwritten note on lined yellow cut sheet – “ Balice grad from the S(?) 1910 Alice had remarried by 1926”; (1) New Year’s Greeting Card; (1) Handwritten note (placed in mylar sleeve) apparently listing family history (bearing notation that John S. Candelario was adopted and bore a different name at birth); (5) 2 – page Photocopies of a military portrait (front and back) re the 100th Anniversary of Mexican Independence.
- Manila folder, marked “From 1940 Inventory Book in Candelario Collection (History Library) xeroxed copies put there,” containing: (1) note “These are from 1940 Inventory Book from Candelario Curio Store replaced in book with xerox copies (I suggest putting back there any rather than discarding:” (1) BW postcard, captioned Chief Big Snake; subject = portrait of Indians; (1) BW postcard, marked “John J. Pena 15 years Pagosa Junction Colorado Box 27;” subject = man in front of house; (3) 4x5 BW prints (deteriorating badly); subject = group holding strips of cloth to make 48 star flag, may pole dance, ceremony by creek; (1) 5x7 BW Christmas Card; subject = family portrait (The Thunderbirds); (2) 2 ¼ contact print sheets in archival envelope; subject = jewelry; (19) 8x10 BW prints (on paper); subject = Indian jewelry.
- Grey Archival Box, unmarked, containing Kodak Photographic Papers Chart envelope marked “misc negatives,” containing: (1) small manila sleeve containing (9) 828 BW negatives; subject = portraits of JSC and woman, two women, woman, JSC with car, group; (156) single image 828 BW negatives; subject = JSC with various men and women, JSC and airplane, church, men and women, parade, JSC in car, PJC Special car and trailer, JSC preparing to travel, Candelarios Curio store (exteriors and interiors), San Miguel Chapel, Palace Ave, motorcyclists, stage scene, boy leaning into car, mounted animal heads, outdoor dining, procession, flowers, man in sombrero, marching band, man and statue of Buddha, boy and dog, teacher in classroom, sailor and man, elderly man, jumping horses, mariachi band; *THREE moved to Presentation Collection (69) 828 BW negatives in sets of two; subject = portraits of man, Cecil Sherwood’s Chevron Station, play watchers, man walking, Indian dances, man standing on cliff, Capitol Dome, San Miguel Chapel, painting of Christ, man on ladder, JSC and airplane, children, dog, dog on sidewalk, elderly man, people by lake, fireplace mantel, motorcycle rally in mountains, line drawings, child on tricycle; *TWO Moved to Presentation Collection (81) 828 BW negatives in sets of three; subject = child with puppy, St. Francis Cathedral, bedroom, class room scenes, dog on stool, Santa Fe High School Campus, boys and motorcycles, motorcycles in parade, vase with flowers, car rear view mirror, boy in letter sweater, boy in band uniform, Palace of the Governors, St. Francis Auditorium, woman in chair, Santa Fe Plaza at night, girl in doorway, street scenes, motorcyle on bridge, young men, girl with broken arm, Christmas trees, trees, road; (ca 272) 828 BW negatives in sets of four; subject = New Mexico State Capitol (Dome, Columns, Facade), St. Francis Cathedral, San Miguel Church, stained glass windows, Palace Avenue street scenes, portraits of men in uniform, Seth Hall, Ortiz Street garage, rear of DeVargas Hotel next to old St. John the Baptist Church, St. Francis Auditorium, stage play, rabbits, classroom scenes, group and motorcycle, motorcycle stunts, painting, shop interior, boy in band uniform, woman, clown painting, large city buildings, boy, dog, San Francisco Street, Lensic Theater, mountain scene, two men on rocks, camera on table, Lincoln Avenue, table lamp, group with man wearing goggles, kissing couple, woman on river, man in formal dress, two men before brick wall; * FOUR Moved to Presentation Collection.
- Creation: 1938 - 1991
- From the Collection: Candelario, John, 1916-1993 (Person)
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Collection is open to researchers on a request basis only, pending approval of request to view original material.
From the Collection: 35 Linear Feet
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Repository Details
Part of the NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Repository