Commercial Work, 1938 - 1991
File — Box: 21
Scope and Contents
- Large manila envelope, marked (in circle) “Dar al Islam,” containing (2) hand made cardboard envelopes, the smaller containing (6) 35mm color slides (mounted) and (1) 3x4 color print; (2) the larger containing (2) 7x9 color prints, one marked “SR80-122-75 Custom Craft 803014 48%”, the other unmarked; (1) 5x7 color print marked “SR80-22-72 Custom Craft 803014 49%”; (1) 5x7 color print, partiall marked “803014 60 ½ %’ in glassine sleeve; (1) 4x6 color print, marked, “SR 80-22-71 Custom Craft 803014 66%,”; subject = mosque construction, completed mosque, worshippers at mosque.
- (Brown cardboard pocket portfolio bearing yellow note reading “St. Paul,” containing: In pocket one, (20) 2 ¼ color contact prints on 2 sheets; (16) 3x3 color prints; (2) 5x5 color prints; subject = church altar; (4) 8x10 color glossies; In pocket two, (20) 2 ¼ color negatives; (4) (2 empty) white no. 10 envelopes, one containing a 3x3 color print and one containing (9) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = church and church interior; In pocket three, (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “Transparencies,” containing (12) 2 ¼ color slides; subject = church interior.
- Expansion file folder (with string), marked “Simpson,” containing: (1) Small white envelope, marked “Alva,” containing (ca 15) 4x5 color prints; subject = ranch house, interiors; (1) Yellow photo express envelope, marked “Simpson Aug-83 Ranch-pics,” containing (ca 36) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve (corresponding to prints).
- Paper bundle of (ca 12), 35mm color slides marked “Alva’s Kids and Horses;” (1) Package (ca 8) 35mm color slides, marked “Alva’s Horses Kodachromes;” (1) Single 35mm color slide, subject = horse; (1) Yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “2 Simpson Little Joe’s Wedding,” containing (35) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve; subject = wedding photos; (1) Yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “1 Simpson Little Joe’s Wedding,” containing (ca 50) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve; subject = wedding photos; (1) No. 10 white envelope, marked “Alva and Mohammet,” containing (8) 35mm color negatives; subject = people.
- No. 10 white envelope, marked “Color Negatives Alva and Kids,” containing (ca 34) 35mm color negatives; subject = people, people on horses, horses; (1) No. 10 white envelope, marked “Alva’s Horses,” containing (28) 35mm color negatives; subject = horses; (1) No. 10 white envelope, unmarked, containing (ca 40) 35mm b/w negatives; subject = airplane; (1) Loose (13) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve; subject = airplane; (1) Half of No. 10 white envelope, marked “Simpson branding,” containing (12) 2 1/4 color negatives; subject = branding session; (1) Loose glassine negative sleeve, unmarked, containing (ca 24) 35mm color negatives; subject = ranch scenes; (1) Agfa color roll sleeve, marked “2 Simpson Little Joe 12 exposures,” containing (7) 35mm color negatives; subject = horse and rider.
- Manila envelope, unmarked, containing (33) 35mm color slides some in plastic sleeves, some loose; subject = airplane, some interior; (1) Small white order envelope, marked “D and P,” containing (12) 3x5 color prints; subject = young man, horse, horse and rider; (1) For Continued Quality envelope, marked “Little Joe Culls,” containing (10) 3x5 color prints; subject = male portrait, horse, cows; (1) Send a Snapshot envelope, marked “Alva’s Party,” containing (ca 40) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves and (ca 40) 35mm color negatives in folded paper sleeves; subject = party scenes; (1) Group, (ca 30) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = wedding; (1) Glassine sleeve marked “Simpson Horse” containing (24) 35mm color negatives; subject = horse; (1) AGFA 35mm negative sleeve, marked “1 Simpson Little Joe Roll no. 1,” containing (29) 35mm color negatives; subject = young man, probably Little Joe; (1) AGFA 35mm negative sleeve, marked “3 Simpson Little Joe Roll no. 1,” containing (36) 35mm color negatives; subject = young man, probably Little Joe, on horseback.
- Notepad, bearing list of prints; (1) Package of (ca 5) 35mm slides, marked “Simpson Merlin at S.F. Airport;” (1) Package of (ca 5) 35mm slides, marked “Simpson Culls Airoplane;” (1) Package of (ca 7) 35mm slides, marked “Merlin S.F.;” (1) Package of (ca 10) 35mm slides, marked “Merlin S.F.;” (1) Package of (ca 5) 35mm slides, marked “Merlin S.F.;” (1) Package of (ca 20) 35mm slides, marked “Simpson Merlin Plane Originals;” (1) Package of (ca 6) 35mm slides, marked “Merlin S.F.;” (1) Send a Snapshot envelope, marked “Eland Football,” containing (6) b/w 35mm negatives; subject = football team; (1) Brooks Photo envelope, unmarked, containing (ca 30) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = horse; (1) Send a Snapshot envelope, marked “Simpson Black and White Photo Job,” containing (5) b/w 35mm negatives; subject = ranch interior.
- Large blue file folder, bound with rubber band, marked “Robert Campbell,” containing (11) white no. 10 envelopes, as follows: (1) marked “3 ½ x 5’s – 1 each,” containing 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = house exterior (2) marked “Darker Sky, 4 8x10 prints of proof enclosed #13,” containing (4) 35mm color negatives and (1) 3x5 color print, marked for cropping; subject = com-mercial building exteriors; (3) marked “3 8x10 of best neg – or neg that printed proof,” containing (3) 35mm color negatives and (1) 3x5 color print, marked for cropping; subject = commercial building exterior; (4) marked “2 negatives and proof etc,” containing (2) 3x5 color prints and (4) 35mm color negatives; subject = commercial building exterior; (5) marked “1 negative and proof etc” and “#27,” containing (1) 3x5 color print with crop marks and (4) 35mm color negatives; subject = commercial building exterior; (6) marked “2 negatives and proofs enclosed, no. 6,” containing (1) 3x5 color print with crop marks and (4) 35mm color negatives; subject = commercial building exterior; (7) marked ‘1 negative proof, burn in white or left . . .” containing (1) 35mm color negative; commercial building exterior; (8) marked “3 negatives and proofs enclosed #9 . . . ,” containing (3) 3x5 color prints with crop marks and (4) 35mm color negatives; subject = commercial buildings; (9) marked “negs –no- 12 (in circle),” containing (1) 3x5 color print with crop marks and (2) 35mm color negatives; subject = commercial building interior; (10) marked “Omega 2654889 130 Dallas SE,” containing (1) 3x5 color print and (2) 35mm color negatives; subject = commercial building interior; (11), unmarked, containing (16) 35mm color negatives; subject = commercial buildings. (7) One Hour Photo Express envelopes: (1) unmarked, empty; (2) Unmarked, empty; (3) marked “Campbell,” containing (11) 35mm color negatives; subject = commercial building interior and exteriors; (4) marked “Campbell Architects – Girl Scout Building,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color negatives; subject = building exterior; (5) marked “Campbell Blue Cross wrong Motorola,” containing (7) 3x5 color prints and (13) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = building exterior; (6) marked “Campbell Architects,” containing (10) 35mm color negatives; subject = building interior; and (7) marked “Campbell,” containing (10) 3x5 color prints and (6) 35mm color negatives; subject = commercial building.
- Medium Manila Envelope, marked “Robert Campbell, P.A.,” containing (8) matted 3x5 color prints; subject = commercial buildings; (1) Large black envelope, marked “Pitch Pitcher,” containing (3) contact sheets (going dark) of 2 ¼ color images (9) 2 ¼ BW negatives in white No. 10 envelope, marked “ski”; and (1) 2 ¼ color negative; subject = skiing activity; (1) Cardboard folding display board, marked “Photo Job,” with cropped color prints glued to board, and (8) color polaroids, subject = restaurant interior; subject El Taco Restaurant; (1) Clear Plastic Envelope containing, (2) contact sheets and (ca 50) BW 35mm negatives; subject = Kistler Collister Model.
- Large manila envelope, marked “unknown wedding,” containing: (8) Fox photo plastic envelope, some marked “Michael Speck and Mabel Gonzales Wedding” containing (ca 200) 35mm color negatives; (1) manila envelope, marked “Specials for Mabel,” containing empty envelopes and (1) 4x6 color print; subject = portrait of bride; (18) white envelopes (some No. 10, some smaller), each containing (ca 3) 35mm color negs (probably copies or original sources for enlargement purposes); (1) no. 10 white envelope, unmarked, containing 4x6 color prints; subject = wedding photos.
- Manila envelope, marked “Letter and Proofs enclosed for return” and “Unknown Wedding,” containing (3) proof sheets each of (12) 2 ¼ color prints, subject = wedding photos; (1) Group of (13) small manila envelopes bound with rubber band, one marked “unknown wedding” and all marked “candid wedding custom grade one,” each containing (1) 2 ¼ color negative and corresponding print (prints have gone dark); subject = wedding photos.
- Group of White no. 10 envelopes, rubber banded together, one marked “French Mort,” containing: (1) color postcard, (3) 4x5 color prints and (ca3-35) 2 ¼ color negatives; the second, marked “French,” containing (16) 4x5 color slides and (ca 30) 2 1/4 color slides and (1) 35mm color and (1) 2 ¼ BW negative; subject = French Mortuary; (1) White sleeve, marked “Postcards produced by Candelario”, containing (ca. 20) color postcards; subject = various; (1) Small white paper sleeve, unmarked, containing (3) 35mm color slides, 2 mounted and (1) 2x3 unmounted color slide; subject = Kistler Collister jewelry; (1) Small white paper sleeve, unmarked, containing (5) 4x5 color slides; subject = probably Kistler-Collister jewelry.
- Group of (8) white no. 10 envelopes, bound by rubber band, marked “family name unknown portrait job,” each containing (1) 35mm color negative and (1) 4x6 color print; subject = family portraits; (1) White no. 10 envelope, marked “Kistler Collister Jewelry Ad?” containing (ca 40-50) 2x3 color slides, unmounted and in plastic sleeves; subject = jewelry. (1) White no. 10 envelope, marked “French Mortuary Job,” containing (8) 2 ¼ color transparencies;(1) 3x4 color slide; (1) 35mm color slide; subject = Bldg exteriors and office interiors; (1) Loose group in 2 plastic sleeves, clipped together, unmarked, containing (4) 2 ¼ color transparencies; subject = clouds; (1) White order envelope, marked “Commercial Job,” containing (4) 2 ¼ color negatives subject = home interiors; (3) white no. 10 envelopes and (4) Kodak order envelopes, stapled together, marked “Someone’s wedding” and “Series Mueller,” the no. 10 envelopes containing (86) 35mm color negatives; smaller envelopes each containing (4) 35mm color negatives; subject = wedding photos (not the same wedding); (1) White no. 10 envelope, marked “envelope no. 9 – composition outlined proof perhaps a hair shade darker – rug a little more peach,” containing (4) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = dining room and kitchen; (1) No. 10 White envelope, marked “Marriott,” containing (1) mounted 35mm color slide and (6) unmounted 35mm color slides; subject = Marriott interior; (1) Loose 4x6 color print; subject = store entrance. (1) Fox Photo plastic envelope, unmarked, containing (2) 35mm color negatives; subject = entrance to commercial building.
- Group, rubber banded together, consisting of (9) no. 10 white envelopes containing variously (ca 24) 35mm color negatives and (5) 2 ¼ color negatives, subject = office interior and one office exterior; (1) Fox Photo plastic envelope, marked “San Mateo Bldg,” containing (30) 4x5 color prints and 35mm negatives; subject = office interiors; (1) Group of (43) No. 10 white envelopes, rubber banded together, each containing 35mm color negatives and about half contain 4x6 color prints; subject = office interiors; (1) Small white envelope, marked “Photo Job,” containing (10) 3 ½ x 5 color prints; subject = Chaparral Girl Scout Council Building; (1) Group, rubber banded together, with paper marked “San Mateo Corporate Center,” containing (8) Fox Photo plastic envelopes containing (ca 100) 35mm color negatives and corresponding (ca 40) 4x6 color prints; subject = corporate center interiors; (1) Loose b/w 4x5 print and corresponding 2 ¼ negative, print marked “Griego Order,” subject = wedding photo; (1) Fox plastic photo envelope, marked “Bible Plus(?) – Comm Job,” containing plastic sleeve of (25) 35mm color negatives; subject = bookstore interiors (Bibles Plus Books and Gifts); (1) Fox plastic photo envelope, marked “western town – comm. job – Dennis – 7 March 86,” containing (36) 35mm color negatives; subject = shopping center and store interiors.
- Group of (15) glassine sleeves – bound with paper and tape, marked “Soda Straw,” each containing a 2 ¼ color negative and corresponding print attached to outside of sleeve; (prints are turning black); (1) White Lab of Albuquerque Order Envelope, many markings, containing (7) color prints, varying sizes, and (24) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject – photos of paintings of tropical scenes, mermaid, all on easels; (1) Albuquerque Color Lab envelope, marked “Nina Dohane Order,” containing (24) 2 ¼ color negatives with attached contact prints (long since faded); subject = people standing around, kissing, perhaps wedding; (1) Loose plastic sleeves (3) containing a total of (10) 35mm color negatives; subject = night shots of Marriott Hotel; (1) AGFA yellow/blue/white photo envelope, marked “Sagebrush Commercial Job,” containing (16) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = house, interior and exterior.
- Group of glassine negative sleeves, bound by yellow paper, marked “Espanola Hospital March 72,” containing ca (40) 2 ¼ BW negatives; subject = Hospital photos; (3) white no.10 envelopes, stapled together, marked “Comm Job – See Proof for App Composition,” containing (3) 2 ¼ color negatives and (3) 4x4 color prints, with cropping marks; subject = home or office interiors; (1) Slim white envelope from Lab of Albuquerque, marked “Hammond’s House,” containing: (1) Plastic negative sleeve, containing (ca 15) 35mm color negatives; (1) White no. 10 envelope, containing 6 plastic sleeves with 35mm color negatives and several loose 35mm color negatives; (9) 5x5 color prints; (9) No. 10 envelopes, containing various 35mm color negatives and some 2 ¼ color negatives and 3 or 4 5x5 color prints and 7 or 8 4x5 color prints: Subject = house, exterior and interiors.
- Loose prints (ca 9), unmarked, 4x5 color print; subject = staircase (1) Fox plastic photo envelope, unmarked, containing 35mm color negatives (13); subject = commercial building exteriors; (1) Group of (2) Fox plastic photo envelopes, all marked “Azimuth Enterprises,” containing: (1) Plastic sleeve of (36) 35mm color negatives; subject = exteriors of home, jewelry, computers in office setting; (1) Plastic sleeve of (24) 35mm color negatives and (ca 15) 4x6 color prints; subject = office interiors.
- No. 10 white envelope, marked “Interiors Photo Job – print negatives that show fireplace,” containing (6) 2 ¼ color negatives, subject = living room interior.** No. 10 white envelope, marked “8x10 as cropped proof,” with cropped proof attached to outside of envelope, containing (3) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = den interior.** (1) No. 10 White envelopes (2) stuck together, marked “3 8x10 see 8x10 print match color follow proof composition photo job” and “3 8x10 see 8x10 print match exactly,” containing (1) 4x6 color print and (5) 35mm color negatives; subject = office interior.
- Brown expansion file folder, marked (Dymo label) “Weddings and,” with each file slot marked by names, containing as follows: Eloda Nelson (1) folded paper sleeve, containing (4) 35mm color negatives; subject = couples; (1) Loose 3x4 color print; subject = young girl; (2) empty yellow manila envelopes; (2) empty white no. 10 envelope; (1) light cardboard photo envelope, labeled Brooks Photo, marked “Eloda’s daughter’s wedding BW, containing (19) 35mm BW negatives and (8) 35mm color negatives in plastic slide sleeve; subject = wedding photos; (1) white photolab envelope, labeled The Lab of Albuquerque Inc, marked “ 45 Sec f3.5 101M 65Y,” containing a folded white no. 10 envelope, unmarked, containing (1) 35mm color negative: subject = wedding photo; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with Candelario’s addressed, marked “All to be printed are matched . . .,” containing a paper photo sleeve containing folded cardboard sleeves containing (7) 35mm color negatives; subject = wedding photos.
- Small airmail envelope, marked “4-3 ½ x 5,” containing (ca 25) 35mm color negatives in folded cardboard sleeves; subject = formal wedding photos; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “5 3 ½ x 5” and elaborate hand drawn chart, containing (ca 35) 35mm color negatives in folded cardboard sleeves; subject = wedding photos, reception; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “Eloda’s daughter and husband,” containing (ca 50) 35mm color negatives in clear plastic sleeves; subject = formal wedding photos, wedding cake; (1) commercial photo envelope, marked “5 pm John Candelario,” containing (ca 25) 35mm color negatives in folded cardboard sleeves; subject = wedding photos; Peggy and Ronnie Walton (2) 3x4 color prints; subject = bride (1) white no. 10 enveloped, marked “Ronnie Peggy Keith Walton Pics Negs,” containing (ca 100) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = wedding photos. Paul Griego.
- Yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “Paul Griego Friday August 12 83,” containing (ca 75) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve sheets; subject = wedding photos. Mike Stark (3) Yellow 1 hr Photo Express envelopes, all marked “Mike Stark,” containing (ca 98) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve sheets; subject = wedding photos. Allison Empty Slot (1) large manila envelope, unmarked with attached post-it note marked “McCurdy,” containing; (3) 2 ¼ color transparencies, mounted on 8x10 mats with attached contact print and bearing description; subject = school buildings.
- Contact sheets of 12 2 ¼ B/W contact prints; subject = students in class, recreation, cafeteria, student activities; (2) 8x10 B/W prints; subject = graduation scene, group portrait of nursing graduate and family; (48) 2 ¼ color negatives in glassine sleeves, unmarked (1) 2 ¼ color transparency; subject = portraits of children, young woman, men, families; (ca 110) 35mm color negatives in glassine sleeves; subject = graduation ceremony; (ca 120) 35mm B/W negatives in glassine sleeves; subject = cat, family portraits; graduation ceremony; (1) sealed paper packet of (8) 35mm mounted slides, marked “McCurdy 1979”.
- Large manila envelope, marked “McCurdy,” containing (138) 2 ¼ B/W negatives; subject = student activities, students at work, in class; (1) Negative wallet, stamped with JSC address and marked “B and W McCurdy Test 35mm copies,” containing (16) 35mm B/W negatives; subject = school buildings, portraits; (ca 120) 2 ¼ B/W negatives in glassine sleeves, some marked “UofA,” and one group of sleeves bound by paper label, marked “UofA:” subject = students in class, students in activity.
- Large manila envelope, marked “Hobbs Oil Cracking Plant,” containing; (48) 2 ¼ color negatives; (4) 4x5 color negatives; and (17) 2 ¼ B/W contact prints; subject = industrial plant; (1) brown expansion file folder, marked (Dymo label) “Karol Walkington,” with unmarked file slots, containing groups as follows: Group 1 (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “Copper Square July 83,” containing (ca 25) 2 ¼ color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = commercial building interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “Koral 1 ea ... December 84 Job,” containing (ca 15) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeves; subject = office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “Koral” and “John Candelario (typewritten),” containing (6) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeves; subject = business office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked with post-it note “Koral ... Building,” con-taining (4) 2 ¼ color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = business office interiors.
- Yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “Sandia Animal Clinic,” containing (ca 10) 3x5 color prints; subject = reception interior views; (1) yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “Koral December 84 (Shots Used),” containing (4) 3x5 color prints and (20) 35mm color negatives; subject = reception interior views; (1) yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “Karol (in box),” containing (1) 3x5 color print; subject = reception views; (1) yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, unmarked, containing (4) 3x5 color prints and (20) 35mm color negatives; subject = office views; (1) yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “Karol 11 December 84,” containing (4) 3x5 color prints and (10) 35mm color negatives; subject = reception interior views, one with a man and woman; (1) yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “Walkington Home,” containing (4) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve; subject = home interior views.
- Group 2 (4) looseleaf sheets, apparently a listing of photographs and billing; (1) slide page, containing (9) color slides in cardboard mount; subject = hair salon interiors; White no. 10 envelope, marked “Negs for One Executive Center . . . ” con-taining (ca 65) 35mm color negatives in (2) large plastic sleeve sheets; subject = open concept office or meeting room or conference room; (1) white 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, unmarked, containing (6) loose 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = office interiors; (1) white 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “Old Norbert’s,” containing (ca 15) 3x5 fading color prints and (ca 36) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve sheet; subject = office interiors, hair salon interiors, commercial building exteriors; (1) yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “Sowlie Law Offices,” con-taining (20) 3x5 color prints (many duplicates) and (8) 35mm color negatives; subject = office interiors, portraits.
- Group 3 (1) small gray envelope, labeled “Printed Images by Karol Walkington” and marked “Dan Monsen,” containing (15) 3x5 color prints; subject = office interiors; (1) yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, unmarked, containing (10) 3x5 color prints; subject = office interiors, portraits; (1) yellow 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, marked “Karol ,” containing (20) 3x5 color prints; subject = office interiors; (1) white 1 Hr Photo Express envelope, unmarked, containing (7) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve; subject = hair salon interiors; (1) small white envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Already printed 1 8x10 no. 27,” containing (6) 35mm color negatives; subject = bathroom; (1) small white envelope, stamped with JSC address and unmarked, containing (1) 3x5 color print; subject = house interior; (1) airmail envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Customer Redo ..”, containing (3) 35mm color negatives and (1) 3x5 color print; subject = waiting area; (1) airmail envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Redo Bedroom slightly too dark,” containing (4) 35mm color negatives and (1) 3x5 color print; subject = hotel interior, bedroom; (1) white no. 10 envelope, unmarked, containing (15) 3x3 color prints; subject = residential interiors; White no. 10 envelope, marked “December 2 83 etc,” containing (1) receipt and (10) 3x5 color prints (marked for cropping); subject = office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, unmarked with a yellow post it note “Karol called Title Bill Negs” and blue post it note with other markings, containing (5) 2 ¼ color negatives in sleeves; subject = office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, unmarked, with end cut off containing (10) 2x2 color negatives; subject = office interiors, reception area; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked, “Choose best printing negative to make print!” containing (8) 35mm color negatives and (2) 3x5 color prints ; subject = small office; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Use Neg that will make best print,” containing (4) 35mm color negatives and (1) 3x5 color print; subject = kitchen, dining room; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Use Best Neg to print!,” containing (8) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves and (2) 3x5 color prints; subject = home interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, unmarked, with end cut off containing (18) 2 ¼ color transparencies; subject = home interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and unmarked, containing (6) 3x5 color prints; subject = home interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Reprint prints too light bottom and side door off kilter,” containing (4) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves and (1) 3x5 color print; subject = home interior, dining area; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Ross and Betty Home,” containing (9) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves and (2) 3x5 color prints; subject = home interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Print Neg of which there are several and Print best one,” containing (23) 35mm color negatives in plastic foldout sheet and (7) 3x5 color prints; subject = home interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Use Best Neg to print and 7 proofs to be turned into prints . . .,” containing (10) 35mm color negatives in plastic foldout sheet and (6) 3x5 color prints; subject = home interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “This will be a little more difficult . . .,” containing (4) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves and (1) 3x5 color prints; subject = office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope (folded), marked “Hebenstreit . . .,” containing (8) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeves; subject = home interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “Sowlie Law Offices,” containing (44) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves and (1) 3x5 color prints; subject = law office interiors and portrait of Sowlie; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “JSC Karol,” containing (7) 3x5 color prints; subject = office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “I Believe that Negative 1A-2 would or might make best print . . . ,” containing (1) 3x5 color print; subject = view of mural through doorway; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Use Neg that will make best print,” containing (1) 3x5 color print; subject = reception or waiting area; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Use Neg that will make best print” and “Use App composition on Proof,” containing (4) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves and (1) 3x5 color print; subject = home interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, folded, unmarked, containing (8) 3x5 color print; subject = office interiors; (1) small white envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “Print” and “ Carol,” containing (8) 3x5 color prints; home interiors.
- Group 4 (1) sealed paper wrapped package of (ca 12) 35mm slides, marked “Karol Walkington culls attorney’s office near airport" Sealed paper wrapped package of (ca 8) 35mm slides, marked “May 1983 Copper Square Lawyer’s office;” (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “Karol August – Sept 1985 Rio Grande Culled Transparencies,” containing (ca 35) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeves; subject = office interiors; (1) plastic Fox photo envelope, marked “Karol Rio Grande Conservancy Building,” containing (23) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = office interiors; (1) plastic Fox photo envelope, marked “Karol Rio Grande Conservancy Building,” containing (10) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = office interiors; (1) paper order envelope, marked “3 8x10’s best view,” containing (23) 2 ¼ color negatives in plastic sleeves and distributed in three paper sleeves; subject = office interiors; The Lab of Albuquerque envelope, marked “Fri 12-20 . . .,” containing (3) loose color prints and (8) white no. 10 envelopes containing as follows: A. (3) 2 ¼ color negatives and (1) 5x5 print; subject = bedroom; B. (1) 2 ¼ color negative and (1) 5x5 print; subject = bedroom; C. (2) 2 ¼ color negatives and (1) 5x5 print; subject = kitchen; D. (2) 2 ¼ color negatives and (1) 5x5 print; subject = hallway; E. (7) 2 ¼ color negatives and (1) 2 ¼ color transparency; subject = house interiors; F. (1) 2 ¼ color negative; subject = occasional table; G. (1) 2 ¼ color negative; subject = couch; H. (4) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = bathroom.
- Group 5 (1) white plastic slide box, marked “Karol,” containing (15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = office interiors; (1) yellow Kodak cardboard slide box, unmarked, containing (ca 25) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = office interiors; (1) yellow Kodak cardboard slide box, marked “March 6 83 Karol Walkington Culls,” containing (ca 25) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = home interiors; (1) sealed paper wrapped package, marked “November 83 Karol Job – Executive Center,” containing (ca 8) 35mm color slides; (1) small sealed paper wrapped package, marked “Karol Executive Suit,” containing (ca 6) 35mm color slides; (1) small yellow Kodak cardboard slide box, unmarked, containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = office interiors; (7) loose 5x5 color prints; subject = office interiors, hair salon interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC Address and marked “1-8x10,” containing (1) 2 ¼ color negative; subject = packages stacked on table; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC Address and marked “1-b8x10 Choose Neg that will make best print!,” containing (2) 2 ¼ color negative in paper pocket sleeve; subject = dining table; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC Address and marked “1- 8x10 Choose Neg that will make best print!,”,” containing (4) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = bed; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC Address and marked “1-8x10 Choose Neg that will make best print!,”,” containing (4) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = bed; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC Address and marked “1-8x10 Choose Neg that will make best print!,” containing (4) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = bed; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC Address and marked “1 8x10 Of Neg enclosed,” containing (1) 2 ¼ color negative; subject = bed; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC Address and marked “1-8x10 Choose the Neg that will make best print!,” containing (2) 2 ¼ color negatives in paper sleeve; subject = bed; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC Address and marked “1-by 8x10 Choose the Negative that will make best print,” containing (3) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = bed; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “ABC Bank Karol Walkington . . . ,” containing (38) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeves; subject = office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “Karol Walkington,” containing (42) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeves and (4) 35mm color transparencies, unmounted; subject = office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address, unmarked, containing (7) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeves; subject = Security First office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “July 83 . . . from Copper Square,” containing (5) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeves; subject = office interiors; (1) white no. 10 envelope, unmarked, containing (5) 2 ¼ color negatives in plastic sleeves and (9) 35mm unmounted color negatives; subject = office interiors, residential interiors, cat; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC address and marked “1 8x10,” containing a small envelope (1) 2 ¼ color transparencies in plastic sleeve; subject = dining room; (1) white no. 10 envelope, stamped with JSC Address and marked ““1 8x10 choose neg that will make best print,” containing small order envelope with (2) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = dining or meeting room.
- Large manila envelope, with JSC business card attached, containing (17) 2 ¼ color negatives in plastic sleeves and (17) 3x3 color prints; subject = group portraits of 5 people; (1) Send Snapshot Order envelope, unmarked, containing (3) 35mm color negatives; subject = office interiors; (16) Send Snapshot Order envelopes, each unmarked, each containing (1) 2 ¼ color negative and (1) torn color print; subject = office interiors; (1) Send Snapshot Order envelope, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ color negative and (1) torn color print; subject = office interiors; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (4) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = residential interior; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = residential interior; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = bedroom; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = bedroom; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (4) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = dining room; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (4) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = office interiors; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (6) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = residential interior; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (5) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = residential interior; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = bedroom; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (9) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = office interior; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (3) 2 ¼ color negatives and (10) 35mm color slides (unmounted); subject = residential interior; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (10) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = office interiors; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (2) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = bedroom; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (1) 2 ¼ color negative; subject = conference room; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, empty; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (3) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = office interior; (1) small brown paper envelope, unmarked, containing (11) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = residential or office interior; (1) small brown paper envelope, marked “(illegible) conference room,” containing (31) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = office interior; (1) small brown paper envelope, marked “printed backwards,” containing (4) 2 ¼ color negatives; subject = residential interior.
- Large photo paper box (marked as 18), containing: (60) 2 ¼ BW negatives; subject = Halloween costume party, guests in costume; (ca 60) 5x7 BW prints; subject = see above negatives.
- Creation: 1938 - 1991
- From the Collection: Candelario, John, 1916-1993 (Person)
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Collection is open to researchers on a request basis only, pending approval of request to view original material.
From the Collection: 35 Linear Feet
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Part of the NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Repository