Slides and Transparencies, 1938 - 1991
File — Box: 4
Scope and Contents
- (1) Yellow Legal Pad, containing listings of items, separately marked, which may correspond to contents of attached slide boxes.
- Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Father Blanch and Scenics around Chimayo,” containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = as marked; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Color Print Hunter’s funeral,” containing (ca 32) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = several photos of illustration of animals celebrating a hunter’s funeral, metal hearts, cats, ceramic collectibles, thimbles, embroidered cloth, straw items, mostly baskets; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Somebody’s Funeral SFs,” containing (ca 15-20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = military funeral, flag-draped coffin, appears to be St. John’s Catholic Church. (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “St. Thimothy(?) and Olympus oked (?) for Master File,” containing (5) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = empty slide mounts, 2 unmounted slides; subject – woman at marina, OM2 Camera, Catholic church interior; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Balloons,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Hot air balloons, on ground and in air; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Kodachrome – Holy Families, Santo Nino, Santa Clara” and post it note marked “Checked,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = santos, church, potter at work; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, unmarked but with Post-It Note “6-10-91 culled for master file, Good News Baptist Church,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = church exteriors, church interiors.
- Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Santuario,” containing (ca 30) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Retablos, crucifix on wall, Santo Nino, church interiors; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “6-10-91 culled for Master File Zoo Gorillas and Ourangatan (?)”,containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = gorillas, bird, flower, ourangatans, flamingo; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Balloons (culled) for master file,” containing (8) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = hot air balloons; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Zoo – 6/6/91 – culled for master file,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = bear, dog, rhinoceros, otter, leopard, panther, snake; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Santuario culled for master file,” containing (ca 18) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = grotto, painting, Our Lady of Guadalupe santo, church exterior; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “6/10/91 culled for master file,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = paintings, modern building exterior; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Arizona oked for master file,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = desert scenes, sunset, saint figures; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Memorial Gardens,” containing (36) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = cemetery scenes, graveyard markers, fountains, administrative buildings; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Moon Shots culled for master file,” containing (ca 12) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = moon, half to gibbous, sunset with moon; (1) long yellow Kodak plastic slide boxes, marked in cardboard sleeve, “6/6/91 check for master file” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = child portraits; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked “Indians and Indian Cultural Center,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = portraits, children, mariachi, Indian dancers; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, marked in cardboard sleeve, “Abiqui,” containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = building exteriors, trees, Chama river, Inn at Abiqui; (1) Yellow Kodak Slide box, unmarked, containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Continental Airlines plane, airport exteriors, mountain scene, house, clouds, Albuquerque neighborhood, Sandia Mountains, industrial garage; (1) Yellow Kodalux Slide box, marked as follows:Post–it strip marked, “Culled for master file,” containing (ca 18) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = park scenes, hot air balloons, statue, grotto, fountain; (1) Yellow Kodalux Slide box, marked as follows:Post–it strip marked, “Culled for master file,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = hot air balloons; (1) Yellow Kodalux Slide box, marked as follows: “Tree, Flowers and Snow culled for master file,” containing (ca 36) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = snow scenes, tree blossoms; (1) Yellow Kodalux Slide box, marked “Santuario,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Santuario exteriors, santos, crucifix; (1) Yellow Kodalux Slide box, marked as follows: “Santuario 14 October 1991,” containing (ca 25) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = retablos, santo, Santo Nino, church interior (many dups); (1) Yellow Kodalux Slide box, marked as follows: “Culled for master file Indian Cultural Center Indians,” containing (ca 18) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = portraits of Indian women and children; (1) Yellow Kodalux Slide box, marked as follows: “Culled for master file - only fair balloon shots left,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = hot air special shape balloons; (1) Yellow Kodalux Slide box, marked as follows:. “November 17th Pow Wow culled for Master File, only fair left 27 May 91,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = children with balloons, portraits of men and women, mostly Indians; (1) Yellow Kodalux Slide box, marked as follows: “Copy of Postcards Santuario checked,” containing (ca 18) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = santos, retablo, altar, church exteriors, Talpa (?) church; (1) gold and black Kodalux slide box, unmarked, containing (ca 36) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = portraits of men, women, group shots, cats, children, dandelion, wedding photos; (1) yellow Kodak slide box, marked “Extra Good Infra Red Balloon,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = hot air balloons; (1) yellow Kodachrome Professional Film slide box, unmarked, containing (ca 60) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts [except (1) in metal mount]; subject = hot air balloons, landscapes, sunset, clouds, Indian dancers, young woman, owl, flowers.
- Brown box wrapped in yellow paper, marked “Originals and Dupes Abiquiu and Navajo Beautiful Girl taken at Taos and etc, submitted to Jane,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = young woman, landscapes, aspen trees, mountain vista, young girl, young boy, group shot, portraits of men, women, children.
- Orange AGFA Chrome slide boxes, marked as follows: “Balloons,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = hot air balloons; (1) orange AGFA Chrome slide boxes, marked as follows: “Aspens,” containing (ca 36) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Aspens, mountain flowers; (1) silver Mounted Transparencies slide box, marked as follows: (1) silver Mounted Transparencies slide box, marked as follows: “Balloons,” containing (6) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = hot air balloons; (1) silver Mounted Transparencies slide box, marked as follows: “Culled for Master file echo ridge party and plane,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = guitar players, bi-plane, airplanes of various kinds, helicopter, some head shots of people, some group shots (all apparently taken at an air show); (1) silver Mounted Transparencies slide box, marked as follows: “6-10-91 Culled for Master File” and “Chili,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = packaged red chili, chili in bags, warehouse, some chili on display, red chilies, workers packing chili; (1) silver Mounted Transparencies slide box, marked as follows: “Indian cultural Center 6-10-91 culled for master files,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = portraits of people, potter at work, women in fancy dress, Indian dancers.
- Yellow plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Originals Prince Phillip Super Eyes Closed culled for master files,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Visit of Prince Phillip, Prince Phillip; (1) yellow plastic slide box, unmarked, containing (9) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = TV studio interior scenes, Heather Wilson being interviewed; (1) blue plastic slide box, marked as follows: “6-10-91 + Pow Wow OK for master file,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = toreador, picador, Indian dancers, portraits of man and woman; (1) blue plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Santa Clara,” containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in plastic mounts; subject = Santa Clara feast day, crowds, Indian dancers, children eating ice cream, various portraits of attendees – boys, girls, old man; (1) blue plastic slide box, marked as follows: “6-6-91 Aztec culled for master file,” containing (ca 30) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = landscapes, Indian portrait, Indian headdress, Indian dancers; (1) blue plastic slide box, marked as follows: “6-10-91 Taos and Pow Wow and Culture Center . . .” containing (ca 36) 35mm color slides in plastic, cardboard and (3) metal mounts; subject = Marriott Hotel, jewelry, furniture display, front porch, Indian dancers, Indian portraits, young boy, young girl, pueblo, older woman, group shots.
- White plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Indian Dancers,” containing (ca 25) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Indian Dancers, portrait of child, man; (1) white plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Taos,” empty; (1) white plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Odds and Ends (?),”containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard and metal mounts and one unmounted negative (subject = girl reading a book); subject = mountain lion (poor color), portrait of woman, head shots of children, landscapes, clouds; (1) white plastic slide box, marked as follows: “JSC,” containing (ca 30) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = room interiors, bathroom, stairway, bedroom; (1) white plastic slide box, marked as follows: “6-10-91 culled for master file,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = garden, grotto, crucifix; (1) white plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Santuario Holy Family checked for 2 missing Trous(?),”containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = church or chapel interiors, individual shots of santos, bultos, retablos inside a church, Santuario chapel exterior, Trampas church exteriors; (1) white plastic slide box, marked as follows: “6-10-91 Culled for Master File Morningside Church,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = church interiors, stained glass windows, altars, icons of Virgin Mary.
- Orange plastic slide box, marked as follows: “6-10-91 Indian Cultural Center Culled for Master File,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Indian dancers, painting of Indian dancers, head shots of dancers in dress; (1) orange plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Good News culled,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = church interiors; (1) orange plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Mercado and Art (illegible word) 6-6-91 culled for master file” and “Lores and Mexico,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = house cat, man reading a comic book, street scene of crowd around a parking meter, portrait of woman, Mexican market, sidewalk cafe; (1) orange plastic slide box, marked as follows: “6-6-91 Culled for Master Files” and “Wreck and Aspens,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = truck on fire, picnic in woods, dog, artist painting, mountain view, aspens; (1) orange plastic slide box, marked as follows: “6-10-91 Culled for Master File” and “Aspens, McDuff and Lores,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = aspens, school children; (1) red plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Sierra Lodge (on dymo label),” containing (ca 11) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = snow scenes, skiers, mountains; (1) red plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Sierra Lodge (on dymo label)” and “Culled for master file,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = skiers, skiing scenes.
- Red plastic slide box, marked as follows: “First Race Santa Fe Downs (on Dymo label),” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = title slide “Santa Fe Downs Presents,” horses out of the gate, horses on racetrack, racetrack, title slide “racing history,” title slide “First Day First Race June 1971”; (1) red plastic slide box, marked as follows: “La Conquistador” on gold dymo label, containing (36) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = La Conquistadora, ceremony, procession with large police presence (perhaps related to 1973 theft and recovery of icon); (1) red plastic slide box, marked as follows: “Culled for Master File” and “Ski,” containing (ca 30) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = ski lift, ski jumpers, long view of ski lodge (probably Santa Fe), ski scenes; (1) red plastic slide box, marked as follows: “6-10-91 Fiesta, Zozobra, El Nido, La Fonda” and “Culled for Master File,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Parade floats, views of Fiesta crowds, Caballeros de Vargas, Merienda scenes, La Fonda interiors.
- (38) small paper wrapped bundles of slides, marked as follows: 1. “1981 Montezuma,” containing (ca 8) 35mm (probably color) slides; 2. “WV-Dupes International(?) material” and “Bad(?) Dupes,” containing (ca 30) 35mm (probably color) slides; 3. “6-10-91 Culled for Master File” and “Good Rodeo Material,” containing (ca 30) 35mm (probably color) slides; 4. “1979 Only Fair State Fair-Indians,” containing (ca 30) 35mm (probably color) slides; 5. “Marriott Hotel Shots,” containing (ca 30) 35mm (probably color) slides; 6. “Culled September 19, 1981 Indians Shot at Indian Center,” containing (ca 36) 35mm (probably color) slides; 7. “1980(?) Shots Taken at Indian Cultural Center Portrait and Dances,” containing (ca 36) 35mm (probably color) slides; 8. “1981 Shots Taken at Indian Cultural Center Portrait and Dances,” containing (ca 30) 35mm (probably color) slides; 9. “Mediocre (Not Very Good) Gallup, San Ildefonso, etc – Culled 16-Dec-91,” containing (ca 25) 35mm (probably color) slides; 10. “1980 State Fair Indians,” containing (ca 25) 35mm (probably color) slides. 11. “Culled for Master File List These are Terrific Competition but too dark, must be reduced t o use,” containing (ca 20) 35mm (probably color) slides; 12. “May 30-82 Pow Wow Good Dupes,” containing (ca 20) 35mm (probably color) slides. 13. “May (water damage) PowWow (Water damage) Good Dupes,” containing (ca 20) 35mm (probably color) slides; 14. “27 May 91 Culled Odds and Ends for Master File,” containing (ca 15) 35mm (probably color) slides; 15. unmarked, containing (ca 15) 35mm (probably color) slides; 16. “86 Pow Wow and Horse Training Culled on 28 May 91 for Master List,” containing (ca 15) 35mm (probably color) slides; 17. “6-10-91 Indian Cultural Center Children Culled for Master File,” containing (ca 15) 35mm (probably color) slides; 18. “Film Festival and Gal with Boa Snake,” containing (ca 15) 35mm (probably color) slides. 19. “Indian Cultural Center,” containing (ca 15) 35mm (probably color) slides; 20. “Price Culls Available Light Shots First Night 6 November 89,” containing (ca 15) 35mm (probably color) slides; 21. “Agency Slides,” containing (ca 12) 35mm (probably color) slides; 22. “Indian Dupes Stunt and Plane in Sky,” containing (ca 12) 35mm (probably color) slides; 23. “27 May 91 Culls Balloons Check for Master File,” containing (ca 12) 35mm (probably color) slides; 24. “27 May 91 Culled for Master File Odds and Ends,” containing (ca 10) 35mm (probably color) slides; 25. “6-10-91 Culled for Master File Hoffman Baptist Group,” containing (ca 10) 35mm (probably color) slides; 26. “Agency Slides,” containing (ca 10) 35mm (probably color) slides; 27. “1979 Good State Fair,” containing (ca 10) 35mm (probably color) slides; 28. “May 30 82 Indian Cultural Center Fair(?),”containing (ca 7) 35mm (probably color) slides; 29. “26 May 91 Check and Culled for Master File,” containing (ca 7) 35mm (probably color) slides; 30. “Good News Baptist Church not included in number system,” containing (ca 7) 35mm (probably color) slides; 31. “Dupes Pow Wow,” containing (ca 7) 35mm (probably color) slides; 32. “Rubber Lady Stunting Plane at Balloon Fiesta,” containing (ca 7) 35mm (probably color) slides; 33. “Originals Holy Family Church of Albuquerque South Valley,” containing (ca 6) 35mm (probably color) slides; 34. “Aspens Culled for Master File only fair ones left,” containing (ca 4) 35mm (probably color) slides; 35. “American Bank of Commerce Interior,” containing (ca 4) 35mm (probably color) slides; 36. “Illegible green ink on yellow,” containing (ca 3) 35mm (probably color) slides; 37. “Mohamet,” containing (ca 2) 35mm (probably color) slides; 38. “6-10-91 Culled for Master File Pow Wow Indians,” containing (ca 30) 35mm (probably color) slides.
- Campell’s Box, “Original Pow Wow 1981,” containing: (10) Plastic slide boxes, with clear top, marked as follows: 1. “Originals” Pow Wow Super 1-32,” containing (32) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; 2. “Originals” Pow Wow Super 33-64,” containing (32) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; 3. “Originals” Pow Wow 65-97 1980, containing (32) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; 4. “Originals” Pow Wow 117-118-122 Super 98-122,” containing (24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; 5. “Pow Wow Super 1981 1-35,” containing (35) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; 6. “Pow Wow Eighty-One 36-71,” containing (less than 35) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; 7. “Pow Wow Super 1981 72-107,” containing (35) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; 8. “Pow Wow Super Shots 1981 108-143,” containing (35) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; 9. “Pow Wow Super Shots 81 144-179,” containing (35) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; 10. “Pow Wow Super Shots 81 180-218,” containing (38) ) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts Super Nineteen.
- White slim slide box , marked “Dups 1980 Special,” containing (4) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Yellow cardboard slide box, marked “Pow Wow 1981 Test checked May 30th 1982,” containing (4) numbered 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Small brown paper wrapped package of slides, marked “1981 Pow Wow Shots,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (2) Small newspaper paper wrapped packages of slides, marked “Good Pow Wow 1981,” each containing (ca 30) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Small brown paper wrapped package of slides, marked “May 30th 82 Pow-Wow Good Dups,” containing (ca 35) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Small brown paper wrapped package of slides, marked “May 30th 82 Pow-Wow Good Dups,” containing (ca 10) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Small brown paper wrapped package of slides, marked “Dup Pow-Wow Shots Used (?) in Viewer,” containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Small brown paper wrapped package of slides, marked “Pow Wow Dups (Dups underlined),” containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Small brown paper wrapped package of slides, marked “Pow Wow Dups (,” containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Small brown paper wrapped package of slides, marked “Pow Wow,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Small brown paper wrapped package of slides, marked “Pow Wow Shots,” containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts.
- White plastic slide box, marked “Pow Wow Super Dups,” containing (6) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (2) Blue plastic slide boxes, marked “Pow Wow,” one containing (ca 0) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts, the other containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (3) plastic slide boxes, clear tops, unmarked, each containing (ca 30 to 40) numbered 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Pow Wow photos; (1) White plastic slide box, marked “Indian Cultural Center,” containing (ca 35) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Indian dances, Indian dancers, participants in event; (2) small brown paper wrapped packages of slides, marked “Indian Village 82,” containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Small white paper wrapped package of slides, marked “Good Dups,” containing (ca 15-20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) White plastic slide box, marked “Good Super,” containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Indian people, perhaps dancers.
- Small brown paper wrapped package of slides, marked “possible agency pics,” containing (ca 12-15) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; (1) Blue plastic slide box, marked “ Chris Originals,’ containing (ca 20) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts, marked “Chris”; subject = river, lake, portraits, sky, sunset scenics; (1) Blue plastic slide box, marked “Ginger Rogers,’ containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Ginger Rogers, singing or sitting; (1) White plastic slide box, marked “Mabry 2 June 1982,” containing (ca 20 ) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Indian children, portraits; (1) White plastic slide box, marked “Mabry 3 June 1982,” containing (ca 24) 35mm color slides in cardboard mounts; subject = Indian children, portraits; (1) Cardboard mailer, foil lined box, addressed to John Candelario from Ray Feinberg, Universal Match Corporation, containing (ca 50) 35mm mounted color slides (some sepia toned); subject = Western art, largely Plains Indians hunting. Cowboys, nature scenes, one title card, “The Artist in the American West, produced by the Museum of New Mexico”.
- Yellow sliding cardboard slide box labeled Eastman Kodak Company, marked “Aspens and Greek Church, Olympus XA,” containing (ca 15) 35mm mounted color slides (1 mounted negative); subject = mountain scenery, aspens, interiors of Greek Church, flower displays, Saints, Crucifix, altar; (1) Orange cardboard slide box labeled AGFA, marked “Micky Finn and his Movie,” containing (ca 25) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = man with camera, sometimes a movie camera, movie filming in progress, helicopter, couple in bed, aspens, sky, man with basketball lying on ground; (1) Orange plastic slide box, labeled “lightning” and marked “good rainbows and lightning,” containing (ca 20) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = rainbows, lightning, cactus flowers; (1) Blue plastic slide box, embossed with Quality Color Slides and marked “Aztec,” containing (36) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = Aztec Indian Dancers, Dancing, some portraits; (1) White plastic slide box, unlabeled and marked “clouds,” containing (24) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = clouds, commercial building, puppy.
- White plastic slide box, unlabeled and marked “May 13 1984” and “Indian Cultural Center,” containing (36) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = portraits, Indian dancers, boys and girls; (1) White plastic slide box, unlabeled and marked “State Fair,” containing (36) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = Aztec dancers, flute player, children dancing; (1) White plastic slide box, unlabeled and marked “Originals Prince Phillip 1,” containing (ca 28) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = arriving airplane, Montezuma Hotel, welcoming ceremony scenes, Prince Phillip; (1) White plastic slide box, unlabeled and marked “Aspens,” containing (ca 25) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = aspens; (1) White plastic slide box, unlabeled and marked “Aztecs,” containing (ca 44) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = Aztec dancers, people shots, Indian dancers, children, sand painting; (1) White plastic slide box, unlabeled and marked “Good of Oldest Church,” containing (ca 28) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = Statue of Virgin Mary, Church Bell, Santo, St. Michael, church interiors; (1) White plastic slide box, unlabeled and marked “State Fair Indians,” containing (24) 35mm mounted color slides; subject = people attending fair; (1) White plastic slide box, unlabeled and marked“State Fair (Unknown Word) Films,” containing () 35mm mounted color slides; subject = San Ildefonso Church, clouds, portrait of a girl, church bazaar scenes, Sikhs; (1) Small sliding box (yellow) labeled Ektachrome Transparencies, otherwise unmarked, (2) 2 ¼ color slides; subject = man fishing; (1) Small white box, labeled “Finley’s Pastel,” marked with an “X”, containing (7) 2 ¼ mounted color slides; subject = snow scenes, aspens; (1) Small yellow sliding box labeled Kodachrome Mounted Transparencies, marked “1958 Mark and Mogo,” containing (5) 35mm mounted color slides; subject – portrait of man, ocelot.
- Small manila envelope, mailed to Candelario from Arizona Highways on Jan 26, 1966, containing (14) 4x5 color slides; subject = dishes of New Mexican food; (14) film cans of varying size, including one topless can, as follows: (1) Red plastic film can, marked “Blossoms,” containing (1) roll of (8) 35mm color slide film; subject = cherry tree in bloom. (1) Yellow Kodak film Can with orange top, unmarked, containing (1) roll of 35mm color slide film (60 half-frames); subject = Santa Fe scenes, churches, young people possibly at College of Santa Fe, Christian Brother; (1) Silver film can (very dented) with gray top, unmarked, containing (1) roll of 35mm color slide film (ca 30 half-frames); subject = College of Santa Fe scenes, classroom scenes, aerial of Santa Fe. (1) Silver film can with gray top, unmarked, containing (1) roll of 35mm color slide film (ca 30 half-frames); subject = St. Michael’s College scenes, classroom scenes, aerial of Santa Fe. [Appears to be copy] (1) Red plastic film can, marked on top, “St. Mike’s [unintelligible] Duplicate,” containing (1) roll of (ca 40) 35mm color slides; subject = Sports and games by students, classroom scenes, probably St. Michael’s College. (1) Red plastic film can, marked on side, “St. Mike’s [unintelligible] Duplicate,” containing (1) roll of (ca 40) 35mm color slides; subject = St. Michael’s College scenes, classroom scenes, aerial of Santa Fe. (apparently a copy of earlier half-frame slides) (1) Red plastic film can, marked on side, “St. Mike’s [unintelligible] Duplicate,” containing (1) roll of (ca 40) 35mm color slides; subject = St. Michael’s College scenes, classroom scenes, aerial of Santa Fe. (apparently a copy of earlier half-frame slides) (1) Blue plastic film can, marked “The Artist In the American West,” containing (1) roll of 35mm color slides (half-frames); subject = cartoon images, live action images of photographers at work, slide projectors, one title card “Adventures in Slide Film by the Duquesne Corporation.” (1) Blue plastic film can (top marked “Division of Home Missions and Church Extension - Land of Enchantment (New Mexico) EUB Church”) but otherwise unmarked, containing (1) roll of (ca 100) 35mm color slides (half-frames, turning red); subject = NM images, landscapes, adobe houses, historic markers, churches, groups, children, hospital scenes, religious images, sports activities, exercise, choir, schoolroom scenes. (1) Blue plastic film can (top marked “Division of Home Missions and Church Extension - Bright Is Our Valley (New Mexico) EUB Church”) but otherwise unmarked, containing (1) roll of (ca 40) 35mm color slides (half-frames, turning red); subject = NM images, landscapes, adobe houses, churches, groups, children, religious images, sports activities, exercise, schoolroom scenes.
- Small manila envelope, marked “New Mexico Scenery and Town of Santa Fe . . . ,” containing: (1) Paper envelope, marked “motel room and swimming pool,” containing (4) 35mm color mounted slides; subject = Desert Inn Motel scenes; (8) 35mm color slides mounted in cardboard; subject = Santa Fe scenes, NM scenery, mountain scenery, roads; (1) 35mm color slide mounted in metal frame; subject = scenery; (5) 2 ¼ color slides in glassine sleeves; subject = aspens, trees, flag or banner; (1) 35mm color film roll, marked “St. Michael’s College seal, Santa Fe Title with heraldry,” sealed in masking tape.
- Plastic sleeve, unmarked, containing (13) 35mm unmounted color slides; subject = aerial of Santa Fe, men before a blackboard, charts, blanks; (1) 35mm mounted color slide; subject = title card “Produced by John Candelario.” (1) 2 ¼ mounted color slide; subject = wooden sculpted head of Christ. (1) 2 ¼ color slide; subject = Indian man in full dress. (1) glassine sleeve, containing (15) 35mm color slides, half frame; subject = Indian Dancers.
- (4) 4x5 color positives; subject = swimming pool, women dining, welder at work, kachina.
- Aluminum film Can (topless), unmarked, containing (1) roll of (ca 60-70) 35mm color (half-frames) slides; subject = prepared ceramics presentation slide show titled “Ceramic Art;” *(1) Kodak Color Film Box (yellow), marked “Converted 35 to 4x5 Not Good for re-evaluation,” containing (3) 4x5 color slides; subject = man with burro, Indian dancers speaking to girl, DeVargas and Cuadrillo on Sherman Tank. (1) Small manila envelope, marked “Indians (Negatives and Transparencies) Portraits, Pueblo Ceremonies, Navajo, Gallup Parade, etc.”, containing (9) mounted 35mm color slides; (2) 2 ¼ color slides, unmounted; subject = Indian dances, parade, pueblo scenes, portrait of Indian man in full dress, landscapes.
- Creation: 1938 - 1991
- From the Collection: Candelario, John, 1916-1993 (Person)
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Access Restrictions
Collection is open to researchers on a request basis only, pending approval of request to view original material.
From the Collection: 35 Linear Feet
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Part of the NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Repository