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Prints, 1938 - 1991

 File — Box: 11

Scope and Contents

  1. (1) Framed Photo, ca 14x22 in 24x36 frame; subject = Forest View. (1) Fox Photo Plastic envelope, marked “Test Shots of one of JSC favorite pictures,” containing: (5) 35mm color negatives in plastic sleeve; subject = jaguar head; (25) 4x6 color prints of picture of jaguar in various settings; (1) Manila folder, marked “JSC Photo Experiments,” containing (4) 8x10 color prints; subject = church interiors; (1) Loose 7x10 BW print, marked “Photo by Tony Perry 5 copies,”; subject = football team.
  2. Lady Dartmouth plastic bag containing: (1) 13x16 BW print, with note “This Photo Was a gift to John,” and on back “PH. C21 study, regards to my friend and protoge, Paul Fraiser ‘41’; subject = Bearded Man; (1) White small envelope, addressed to JSC on Washington Ave and marked “Mrs. Paul D. Gaston 24 Hollywood, Palm Springs California,” containing 4/24/1964 letter with offer to sell bromide prints and equipment.
  3. White small envelope, addressed to JSC on Washington Ave, containing (1) 12/29/1963 note card re death of Paul Gaston and (1) list of photo equipment for sale; (1) white plastic bag, unmarked, containing (1) standard manila folder, marked “15 ea appraised … category 1,” containing (17) 8x10 BW prints; subject = White Sands, Indian portraits, young girl, older man, street scene, ristras, woman cooking at stove, church exterior; girl at play with toy, goat herd, stone church, Indians in wagon, portrait of San Ildefonso girl; * 1 Print – Street Scene (Scenic for Sandy) moved to Candelario Presentation Collection. (1) Ross Dress for Less plastic bag, with note “Category 1 photography . . . 4 of 4 Black and White,” containing: (?) 7x9 BW prints mounted on 14x17 card stock, all prints damaged with cut or tear, many with notes on back; subject = San Felipe mission; penitente cross and chapel; women at Santo Domingo; Trampas Church crucificix; Old Albuquerque; morada, young Santa Cruz girl; (1) white plastic bag (two to use as complete cover, one marked as “Cloth World”), bearing note “prints silvertone for a show? 5/14/51 . . .” containing (20) 10.5x13 BW prints mounted on 15x19 card stock; subject = poodle dog.
  4. Small yellow envelope (1 Photo Express) containing: (ca 26) (a roll) 35mm negatives; subject = Indian portraits, Prince Phillip; (2) 3x4 prints of Prince Phillip; (1) 3x4 print of Indian Chief; (7) color postcards, with accompanying 4x5 color transparencies; subject = religious icon, commercial buildings, office interiors, Rancho de Chimayo; (2) 2 ¼ contact prints; subject = Indian Man; (1) 3x4 fading color print; subject = religious statue; (1) 2 ¼ BW contact print; subject = mine; (1) White No. 10 envelope, marked “unknown,” containing (2) 3x5 color prints; subject = kneeling artist painting; (1) Loose 3x4 color print, unmarked, subject = child wearing beads; (1) Loose 4x5 color print (somewhat faded), subject = Hospital or office building; (1) Yellow 1 Hour Photo Express photo envelope, marked “Woody”, containing (20) 4x5 color prints; subject = rodeo scenes.
  5. Hallmark Holiday Bag from Marlene’s Hallmark Shop, unmarked, containing (11) matted color prints (variously sized); subject = ourangatan, Indian dancers, girl in Tiara, building, landscape, Indian Portrait, aspens, sunset, door; (1) Small paper “Send a Snapshot” sleeve, unmarked, containing (10) 4x5 color prints; subject = Zimmerman Library shots, Abiquiu Mosque; (1) Glassine envelope, unmarked, containing (4) 4x5 color prints; subject = building exterior, library interior; (1) Fox Photo 1 Hour Labs plastic photo envelope, marked “SS no byline”and “SS 565.169.545 John S. Candelario 881-7955, PO Box 3124 – Albu – 87190”, containing (15) 4x6 color prints; subject = car accident.
  6. Send a Snapshot processing photo envelope, marked “?”, containing (1) 3x4 color print of man and woman. (1) Loose 3x5 color print; subject = bearded man with hat; (1) Small manila envelope, marked “2nd set of Bill Tate Photos,” containing (15) 2x3 color prints; subject = portraits; (1) Plastic negative sleeves rolled up, unmarked, containing; (24) BW 35mm negatives; subject = Governor Jerry Apodaca, Indian Portraits, Clara Apodaca, R.C. Gorman; (8) 35mm color negatives; subject = Governor Jerry Apodaca, Indian Portraits, Clara Apodaca, R.C. Gorman; (1) roll of color prints; subject = Governor Jerry Apodaca, Indian Portraits, Clara Apodaca, R.C. Gorman; (1) White No. 10 envelope, unmarked, containing: (2) 35mm color slides; subject = balloon in clouds; (1) 3x4 color transparency; subject = balloon in clouds; *MOVED to Presentation Collection (2) 3x4 color prints, one matted; subject = balloon in clouds; (1) 3x4 color transparency; subject = balloon in clouds; (3) matted 3x4 color prints; subject = 2 scenics and 1 man shucking corn.
  7. Fox Photo Plastic envelope, marked “Santan Trampas(?),” containing: (ca 15) 4x6 color prints; subject = church, santos, creeks, mountain scenes; (ca 25) 35mm color negatives; subject = church, santos, creeks, mountain scenes; (1) Glassine sleeve, marked “Bill Tate SFe,” containing (10) 2x3 color prints; subject – portraits; (1) Photo Order Envelope, marked “Police Arrest,” containing: (8) 35mm color negatives; subject = arrest by side of road; (10) 4x5 color prints (fading); subject = arrest by side of road; (1) Yellow 1 hour Photo express envelope, marked “Mama Lucy’s famous empanada,” containing (9) 3x5 color prints, subject = food, people and woman; (1) Matted 3x5 color print of architectural doorway; (1) Yellow 1 Hour Photo Express envelope, unmarked, containing; (ca 30) 3x5 color prints; subject = portraits, landscapes, jewelry, various; (3) polaroids of photographs; (1) Fox Photo Plastic envelope, marked “Miscellaneous Shots – No negs,” containing: (4) 4x6 color prints and (4) 3x4 color prints; (1) 3x5 color print; (2) 35mm color negatives in sleeve, marked “Girl Scout Building,” attached to (1) 3x4 color print; subject = saints, Indians, building, landscape.


  • Creation: 1938 - 1991


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Access Restrictions

Collection is open to researchers on a request basis only, pending approval of request to view original material.


From the Collection: 35 Linear Feet

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Repository Details

Part of the NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Repository

113 Lincoln Ave.
Santa Fe NM 87501 USA