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Negatives, 1938 - 1991

 File — Box: 10

Scope and Contents

  1. (1) letter size sheet of paper, appears to be an inventory; (1) Silver-Gray AGFA photographic film box, with attached yellow note marked “Box I” and listing contents; containing (15) 8x10 BW negatives separated by black paper sheets; subject = cross in chapel, large tree in distance, large tree close up, four crosses w log bldg background, flower with leaves, adobe home with horno under cottonwoods, twin log barn, tree stump (museum of modern art), adobe building, San Antonio de Padua Chapel, mountainside.
  2. Silver-Gray AGFA photographic film box, with attached yellow note marked “Box II” and listing contents; containing (4) 8x10 BW negatives separated by black paper sheets; subject = Hyde Park Hills in Winter, Woman’s Face, Lupita; (1) Silver-Gray AGFA photographic film box, with attached yellow note marked “Box III” and listing contents; containing (21) 8x10 BW negatives separated by black paper sheets; subject = Girl with Straw Hat, Indian Man Santo Domingo, Full Draw – Man with Cigarette, Woman’s Face, Ruins at Pecos, Isleta Woman with Shawl, Young Man walking past Morada, Apache Dancer, Lupita, Indian Dancers, Line Dance, Chico Dappled White Horse, Llano Quemado, Goats and Chapel, US Mail (RFD); (1) Silver-Gray AGFA photographic film box, with attached yellow note marked “Box IV” and listing contents; containing (3) 8x10 BW negatives separated by black paper sheets; subject = Mission Church, Doorway, Hyde Park Hills; (1) Silver-Gray AGFA photographic film box, with attached yellow note marked “Box V” and listing contents; containing (5) 8x10 BW negatives separated by black paper sheets; subject = Woman’s Face, Apache Dancer, Girl With Straw Hat; (1) Silver-Gray AGFA photographic film box, with attached yellow note marked “Box VI” and listing contents; containing (5) 8x10 BW negatives separated by black paper sheets; subject = Girl With Straw Hat, Chico Dappled White Horse, Boy walking past Morada, Apache Dancer, Hyde Park Hill in Winter; (1) Silver-Gray AGFA photographic film box, with attached yellow note marked “Box VII” and listing contents; containing (19) 8x10 BW negatives separated by black paper sheets; subject = (Some photos used in Los Angeles Times article 1942) Living Room, Riverbank, Chapel, Fireplace (Gilbert 41), Adobe Home, Four Crosses, Kachinas in Hallway, Dining Room, Woman’s Bedroom, Woman’s Dressing Room, Horse and Buggy, Patio, Wall Fountain.
  3. Manila folder, marked “Box VIII . . .,” with attached yellow note listing contents, containing (11) 8x10 BW negatives in individual plastic sleeves; subject = donkeys, chapel, crosses, mission church, doorway with bell, adobe home with ladder, Bill Maddox portrait, bulto, young man walking past morada; (1) Yellow Kodak photo paper box (rubber banded), marked with taped note, “This box contains 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ color transparencies . . .,” and note stating “JSC had sorted into this box guess he felt they were some of his better shots,” containing: (12 ) 2 ¼ BW negatives (in glassine sleeves); subject = trees, landscape, mountains, aspens, portrait of boy; (3) 2 ¼ BW negatives in glassine sleeve, with note “Santa Fe Trail and Stills;” subject = portrait man, street scene, mountain scene; (61) 2 ¼ color transparencies, some paper clipped together, all in plastic sleeves; subject = guinea pigs, aspens, rodeo, clouds, Indian dances, scenics, rock formation, sunset, man on porch, corral in snow, echo amphitheater, portrait of boy, portrait of Indian woman, snow scenes, sky, woman gathering wood from woodpile;* MOVED to Presentation Collection = 1 aspens, 1 ranch scene. (1) 3x4 color transparency; subject = White Sands (?) or snow; (1) 4x5 color transparency; subject = sunset.
  4. AGFA negative envelope, containing (38) 35mm color negatives; subject = mountain scenes; (158) 2 ¼ color negatives (some with contact prints) in plastic sleeves; subject = bridge or dredge on river, river scene, aerial, people gathered near trestle, mining activity, lumberyard, chile ristras, portrait of woman, landscapes, gravel mine (?), trucks bearing lumber, bosque, cows, gas station, silos, riverbank, oil tanks, horses, Indian portraits, mountain scenes, industrial activity (oil, mining); * MOVED to Presentation Collection = 1 portrait of Indian man before Rock Formation, 1 Indian family and 1 Boys throwing rocks. (ca.158) 2 ¼ contact prints, both BW and Color (badly faded), probably associated with the 2 ¼ color negatives above. (7) 4x5 color negatives in plastic sleeves, 3 with faded contact prints (1 is a 4x5 color negative of a 2 ¼ image); subject = aspens, ristras, industrial activity, railroad tracks; * MOVED to Presentation Collection = 1 aspens, 1 industrial activity. (9) 4x5 color negatives, badly faded; subject = Indian dancers, ristras, picket fence.
  5. Red Plaid Smead Paper Box, bearing address label for JSC and sticker with handwritten note, “well known people, approx 40 different people . . .” and a note from Loris, consisting of two yellow lined note papers, listing a number of people, containing: (1) 3x4 BW negative, badly damaged; subject = Georgia O’Keefe; (1) glassine envelope, marked Frieda Lawrence, containing (8) 2 ½ color slides (unmounted); subject = Frieda Lawrence; (1) 2 ½ by 3 ½ color slide mounted on 8x10 sheet, marked “Andrew Dasburg ...”; subject = Andrew Dasburg; (1) glassine envelope, marked “Ted deGrazia,” containing (1) 110 instamatic color slide mounted on 2x2 slide mount; subject = Ted deGrazia; (1) AGFA envelope, marked “Ted de Grazia,” containing (9) 2 ½ color slides; subject = Ted de Grazia; (1) glassine envelope, marked “Max Evans?,” containing (5) 2 ½ by 3 ½ BW negatives; subject = Max Evans; (1) folded sheet, marked “Bud Healy,” containing (24) 2 ½ BW negatives; subject = playing cards, dice, portrait of card dealer; (1) yellow slide box, marked “Tommy Macaione,” containing (6) 35mm color slides (mounted on cardboard); subject = portraits, photo of painting; (1) small manila envelope, marked “Kruger the Architect,” containing (21) 4x5 color negatives, (5) 2 ¼ color negatives and (7) 4x5 color prints; subject = portraits of Kruger; (1) AGFA envelope (orange), marked “John Candelario, President Bush, Andrew Alderete, containing (21) 35mm color negatives in strips; subject = George H.W. Bush and others; (1) photocopy of book page with photo of Frieda Lawrence; (1) red slide box (Anscochrome), marked “Ben Marcus,” containing (3) 2 ¼ color slides; subject = portrait of man and family members; (2) Yellow Photo express envelopes, attached to each other, marked “Maxie Anderson’s party,” containing.
  6. Loose stack of (ca 15) 4x5 color prints; subject = Maxie Anderson at State Capitol, greeting people; (1) glassine envelope, marked “Maxie Anderson (balloon), containing (12) 4x5 color prints; subject = Maxie Anderson and people gathered outside; (35) 35mm color negatives in glassine sleeves(related to above); subject = see above; (1) white folded sheet of paper, marked “Marilyn Maloy,” containing; (3) loose color prints, various sizes; subject = young woman; (4) loose 4x5 color negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = young woman; (4) glassine envelopes, unmarked, each containing a (1) 4x5 color negative and (1) 4x5 color print; subject = portrait of young woman; (1) white Kodak order envelope, marked “Woody Crumbo,” containing (9) 35mm color negatives; subject = portrait of man; (1) glassine envelope, unmarked, containing (1) paper slip marked “Frank Waters,” (5) 4x5 color negatives in plastic sleeves and (1) 3x4 color print; subject = portrait of man.
  7. No. 10 white envelope, marked “Peter Hurd?,” containing (1) 4x5 color slide in plastic sleeve, marked “Peter Hurd,” (1) glassine envelope containing (1) 2 ¼ color slide, (1) 5x8 color print; subject = portrait; (1) small manila envelope, marked “Gov Jerry Apodaca and wife and RC Gorman,” contains (4) 35mm color slides (mounted in cardboard); subject = portraits of Jerry Apodaca, Clara Apodaca and both with RC Gorman; (1) glassine envelope, marked “Mr Brasher (banker in Espanola) w/ Sammy tame bobcat from Ghost Ranch zoo,” containing (1) 1 ½ x 1 ½ color negative; subject = man with bobcat on head; (1) No. 10 white envelope, marked “Jerry Apodaca,” containing (3) 35mm BW negatives and (2) 4x5 color prints; subject = Jerry Apodaca portraits, all head shots; (1) No. 10 white envelope, marked “Cargo,” containing (26) 2 ¼ color negatives and accompanying contact prints (badly faded) and (6) small manila envelopes, each containing a 2 ¼ color negative and accompanying contact print (badly faded); subject = Governor Cargo, some at desk, some head shots; (1) glassine envelope, marked “Ma Whirlitzer . . .,” containing (1) 1 x 1 ½ color slide; subject = portrait of woman; (1) paperclipped stack with note “Brother Luke from College of Santa Fe,” containing (1) 4x5 BW print and (3) 4x5 color negatives in sleeves; subject = Brother Luke portrait; (1) glassine envelope, marked “John’s Cousin Tony Sanchez of the Ranch Las Vegas,” containing (1) 35mm color slide; subject = portrait of cranky man in rocking chair.
  8. No 10 white envelope, marked “JSC Special Negs to Jesus Sito . . .,” containing (2) 4x5 BW negatives in glassine sleeves; subject = portraits of Jesus Sito Candelario; (1) glassine sleeve, marked “General Hurley,” containing (1) 4x5 color negative and accompanying print (badly faded); ;subject = portrait; (1) plastic sleeve containing 2 ½ x 3 ½ color slide (unmounted) and attached glassine sleeve, marked “Leon Gaspard, Taos,”; (1) paper wrapped sleeve, marked “Prince Charles Originals 1982,” containing ca 12 slides, attached to yellow Photo Express film envelope, marked “Prince Charles – Inter-negs,” containing.
  9. Plastic slide holder of (35) 35mm color negatives ; (1) Photo Express film envelope, marked yellow, marked “Prince Charles – Internegs,” and “Armand Hammer World College Las Vegas New Mexico,” containing (18) 35mm color negatives; subject = Prince Charles, Montezuma Castle, People gathered, speech makers; (1) package of (3) envelopes banded together, as follows: (1) Yellow Photo Express envelope, marked “Lujan,” containing (3) plastic slide holders with (88) 35mm color negatives and (6) 4x5 color prints; subject = US Rep Manuel Lujan, alone and with others; (1) Yellow Photo Express envelope, marked “Lujan Negs. Election Night,” containing (2) plastic slide holders with (75) 35mm color negatives: subject = US Rep Manuel Lujan and election night gathering; (1) plastic Fox photo film envelope, marked “Lujan,” containing (1) plastic slide holder with (25) 35mm color negatives; subject = US Rep Manuel Lujan, post-election celebration gathering. (1) white envelope, marked “Tony Sanchez and Mama Lucy Las Vegas New Mexico,” containing (4) 35mm color negatives and plastic sleeve with (3) 35mm color negatives; subject = portrait of man, woman; (1) plastic slide holder with (12) 35mm color negatives and corresponding 4x6 color prints; subject = photos of legislators, Ambassador Frank Ortiz, David Abbey.
  10. Small manila envelope, marked “one of Pancho Villa’s wives,” containing (2) 2 ¼ color slides (unmounted); subject = portrait of woman.; (1) paperclipped stack with post-it note bearing “Brett (Frieda) D.H. Lawrence,” consisting of (4) 2 ¼ color slides (unmounted and in plastic sleeves); subject = woman in studio; (1) paperclipped package consisting of (1) glassine sleeve, marked “Dr Jean Rosenbawn,” containing (2) BW 3x4 negatives and smaller glassine sleeve containing (1) 2 14 color negative; subject = portrait of man; (1) manila envelope, marked “Rosenbawan” and “Doctor that John went to in the late 60’s . . .,” containing (3) 2 ¼ color negatives in sleeves with attached contact print (badly faded);subject = portrait of man.
  11. Brown Brooks Photo envelope, marked “R.C. Gorman” and “Gov Apodaca,” containing (8) 3x5 BW prints; subject = R.C. Gorman and others, unknown couple, Jerry Apodaca; (1) small glassine envelope, marked “Joe Martinez New Years Day 19-?, wife Carmen, Judge McManus,” containing (1) 35mm (?) color negative and corresponding 1 ½ x 3 color print; subject as stated; (1) paperclipped stack of (3) glassine sleeves, as follows: 1. marked “Al Simpson,” containing (1) 4x5 color negative in sleeve and corresponding contact print; subject = as stated; 2. marked “Mrs. Simpson,”containing (1) 4x5 color negative in sleeve and corresponding contact print; subject = as stated; 3. marked “Also numbers matching prints with negatives,” containing (1) 4x5 color negative in sleeve and corresponding contact print; subject = portrait of woman; (1) paper clipped stack with post-it note, marked “This man was a vicar student priest serving under Father Blanc in Holy Family Chimayo . . .” containing; (1) 3x4 BW print; subject = priest; (1) glassine sleeve with (5) 3x4 color negatives; subject = priest; (1) white photo shop envelope containing (1) 35mm color negative; subject = priest; (1) glassine sleeve, marked “Coral Chavez,” containing (1) 3x4 color negative; subject = woman. (1) glassine envelope, marked “Harrison Schmidt,” containing (10) 3x5 color prints; subject = Harrison Schmidt after election defeat; (1) loose instamatic negative; subject = unknown people. (42) 35mm color negatives in plastic expansion sleeve in AGFA envelope, marked “Coast Highway and Hearst Castle”; subject = sculpture garden, aerial shots, building exteriors, clouds; (1) plastic sheet containing (4) 2 ¼ BW negatives; subject = commercial building interior, tables.


  • Creation: 1938 - 1991


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From the Collection: 35 Linear Feet

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Repository Details

Part of the NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Repository

113 Lincoln Ave.
Santa Fe NM 87501 USA