Negatives, 1938 - 1991
File — Box: 8
Scope and Contents
- Acme Boots Box, blue and white, tagged with a yellow paper sheet reading “Box 2 Master List – (this Box) color negs 35mm 1482 8mm 47ea,” containing: (1) Fox Photo plastic envelope, marked “807 Back Up Negs,” containing (29) 35mm color negatives in sleeves; subject = group photos of men, mostly in business attire, perhaps a reunion; (1) AGFA cardboard sleeve, marked “Grand Canyon Sedona Tessina” and “Yaqui Ind Ted DeGrazia,” containing (15) 8mm color slides (unmounted) in a strip; subject = portraits, some subjects in mask; (2) plastic negative sleeves, unmarked, containing (ca 18) 35mm color negatives; subject = hot air balloon, photo of a painting, several head shots of person in native headdress, bullfighter, landscape; (1) AGFA cardboard sleeve, marked with printing instructions, containing (36) 35mm color negs; subject = outdoor portraits, landscape, ranch scenes; (1) FR Negative File Sleever, marked “Tessina Cactus (20) 8mm” and “Desert cactus flowers apache Indians,” containing (ca 20) 8mm color slides; subject = cactus flowers; (1) small manila envelope, marked “Cordova 2 (illegible),” containing (ca 40) 35mm color slides (unmounted) in strips; subject = santos; (1) AGFA cardboard sleeve, marked “Apache Indians,” containing (4) 35mm color slides (unmounted); subject = Indian dancers.
- White No. 10 envelope, marked “Church at Trampas” and “Trampas Culls 32,” containing (ca 36) 35mm color slides (unmounted); subject = santos, church interiors; (1) White No. 10 envelope, bearing Candelario’s stamped address, marked “Taos Fire (illegible) Color Neg 53,” containing (ca 55 to 60) 35mm color slides (unmounted); subject = horno fireplaces; (1) Fox Photo plastic negative sleeve, marked “Julian Martinez Painting,” containing (13) 35mm color negs in sleeves; subject = man standing by tree, photos of paintings; (1) medium small manila envelope, marked “35mm Color Neg (95),” containing: (1) mounted 35mm color slide; subject = adobe dwelling; (21) unmounted 35mm BW negatives; subject = peoples heads, (ca 18) 8mm color slides in glassine sleeves; subject = Indian Dancers, head shots of dancers in dress; (1) larger glassine sleeve containing (6) 35mm color slides unmounted except (1) mounted 35mm color slides; subject = bullfight); (1) larger glassine sleeve closed by paper clip, containing 35mm color slides unmounted; subject = Indian dancers, men on horses, Pueblo scenes, portraits; (20) loose 35mm unmounted color slides; subject = landscape, crucifix on altar, head shots, mostly with ceremonial headdress.
- Medium small manila envelope, marked “35mm Dance (210),” containing (ca 110) 35mm color negatives unmounted ; subject = landscape, rodeo scenes, portrait of young girl, men, women, modern building exterior, pueblo style building; (1) Narrow glassine sleeve, marked “Bill Tate Santa Fe,” containing (25) 35mm color negatives; subject = woman in various domestic scenes; (1) Narrow glassine sleeve, unmarked, containing (ca 40) 35mm color negatives; subject = house exteriors, countryside scenes, old adobe, piled flagstone, animal skulls, bones, wooden cross, mushrooms, coyote fence; (1) square glassine Nega-File sleeve, unmarked, containing (1) 35mm color negative; subject – Indian Dance in front of Church; (1) square Send a Snapshot paper envelope, marked “Las Golden Drina La Cienega” and “Harvest Festival or Spring?”, containing (20) 35mm color slides unmounted in strips inside plastic sleeves; subject = agricultural activities, rodeo scenes, oxen. Also (1) plastic sleeve, marked “JSC Manuel Lujan,” “Luhan,” and “Lujan,” containing (3) 35mm color negatives; subject = Manuel Lujan at an event; (2) Paper sleeves, paper clipped together, marked “Zimmerman Lib? UNM Campus,” containing (ca 15) 35mm color slides unmounted; subject = Zimmerman Library interiors.
- Faded white pocket envelope, marked “ 1 1 2 2 ,” containing (4) manila paper sleeves, one marked “30 ea 35mm color neg . . .,” containing (22) 35mm color negatives; subject = chapel exterior, large ranch house, ranch house interiors.
- Roll of film of 35mm color negatives, in plastic sleeve, marked “18)held by tape; subject = Trampas church; (1) roll of film in plastic sleeve held by tape, marked “Navajo Catalog,” containing 35mm color negatives; subject = people; (1) roll of film held by tape, marked “36,” containing 35mm color negatives; subject = clouds; (1) roll of film in paper sleeve held by paper clip, marked “Hot Air Balloons 23,” containing 35mm color negatives; subject = unknown; (1) roll of film in plastic sleeve held by tape, marked “Holy Family Father Blanc 35,” containing 35mm color negatives; subject = priest celebrating Mass; (1) roll of film in paper sleeve held by tape, marked “26 Color Trans Indian Scenics,” containing 35mm color slides; subject = sky at sunset; (1) aluminum film can, marked “35mm color neg unknown (37),” containing (1) roll of film containing 35mm color negatives; subject = Indian Dancers; (1) roll of film in paper sleeve held by tape, marked “8mm what mm? (13),” containing 8mm color slides; subject = Indian Dancers in front of a church.
- Send a Snapshot paper envelope, marked “Grand Canyon from Air mid 70’s,” containing (ca 32) 35mm color negatives; subject = Grand Canyon scenes; (1) Send a Snapshot paper envelope, marked “(32),” containing (ca 24) 35mm color negatives; subject = Grand Canyon scenes, sky, clouds; (1) yellow Here are Your Kodacolor Negatives envelope, marked “1973 1st World Hot Air Balloon (17),” containing () 35mm color negatives; subject = people sitting at tables, bus, balloon gondola, bicycles.
- Glassine negative sleeve, marked “early balloon fiesta,” containing (ca 30) 35mm color negatives; subject = preparing balloon for flight, balloons in air; (1) glassine negative sleeve, marked “Santo Bulto . . .,” containing (ca 33) 35mm color negatives; subject = religious icons, santos, bultos; (1) yellow 1 Hour Photo Express envelope, marked “Natural History Groundbreaking with Tony Tony Sanchez,” containing plastic negative sleeve of (ca 36) 35mm color negatives; subject = same as title; (1) yellow 1 Hour Photo Express enveloope, marked “Taos 17,” containing plastic negative sleeve of (17) 35mm color negatives; subject = portraits of women, church.
- White no. 10 envelope, marked “35mm Color Neg of Santa Fe Fiesta Parade 16,” containing (16) 35 mm color negatives; subject = Fiesta parade photos taken in front of Palace of the Governors, fiesta booth vendors; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Momaday...”, containing (23) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = portraits, landscape; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “JSC – Ring Color Print,” containing (36) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = photos of paintings, ring (as in jewelry); (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Santa Clara Puye Dancers (30),” containing (30) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = portraits, dancers; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Blessed Animals,” containing (30) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = children in costume, children with pets, woman with monkey; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Aspen Shots . .. (35),” containing (35) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = aspen trees; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Indians Weaving Silver Making Basket Weaving State Fair (32),” containing (32) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = craft makers and vendors at State Fair; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Grand Canyon and Coast Highway Shots (39),” containing (39) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = Grand Canyon scenes; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Carol Vild (?) for Frank Lloyd Wright (23),” containing (23) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = portrait of a woman; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “5254 10 August 69 Santa Clara Indian Dancers at Museum (33),” containing (33) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = Indian Dancers at POG patio; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Aspens at Valle Grand (9),” containing (9) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = Flower, Aspens; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Chris Rodeo Shots (28),” containing (28) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = rodeo scenes; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Aspens Hyde Park (38),” containing (ca 40) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = aspens; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Colorado 38,” containing (30) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = mountain scenery, squirrels, birds, trains, buildings; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Samoan 22,” containing (30) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = hula dancers; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Early Cathedral Shots and Early Plaza Shots (25),” containing (25) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = Santa Fe Plaza, Cathedral doors, people in Plaza; (1) AGFA (blue and white and orange) cardboard negative sleeve, marked “Early Plaza Scenes (42),” containing (42) 35mm color negatives in plastic multi-sleeve; subject = People in Santa Fe Plaza, USS New Mexico Bell, San Miguel Chapel; Loose 35mm color negative strips, some in plastic sleeves (ca 80); subject = Indian dancers, balloons, hotel interior, Santa Fe Plaza scene, aspens, pottery making, portrait of businessman, bullfight, flowers in field; Loose 35mm color slide strip unmounted (8); subject = Plaza, indians in headdress, scenics.
- Yellow Kodak paper box bearing mailing label with Candelario’s business address, marked “JSC – Pro Indian Pueblos,” with post-it note apparently listing the size and number of contents, containing: (ca 55) 3x4 BW negatives in sleeves; subject = portraits, pueblo life, dance, pueblo exteriors; (ca 10) 3x4 BW contact prints, almost completely faded; (1) white paper sleeve, unmarked, containing (ca 12) 2 ¼ contact prints on 5x7 sheets, almost completely faded; (1) Yellow Kodak paper box bearing mailing label with Candelario’s business address, containing, unmarked but bearing hand-written technical notes, containing: (2) 35mm BW negatives (one on a strip) in sleeves; subject = wagon on street, window detail; (1) manila envelope, unmarked, containing: (4) 35mm color slides, mounted; subject = landscapes, probably northern NM; (2) 35mm BW slides, mounted; subject = portrait of Isleta Indian Woman (120 yrs old), church in Chimayo.
- 2 ¼ BW negatives in sleeves; subject = woman in graveyard, portrait, horse, Indian dances; cactus; (19) 3x4 BW negatives in sleeves; subject = woman in graveyard, portraits, house; (36) 4x5 BW negatives in sleeves and (1) 4x5 BW negative in paper sleeve; subject = woman in graveyard, beetle on sand, US Mail wagon, portraits, landscapes, ruins; (5) BW contact prints, fading, in sleeves; subject = portrait of girl.
- Large manila envelope, unmarked, containing: film rolls (1) Yellow Kodak paper box bearing mailing label with Candelario’s business address,” with post-it note apparently listing the size and number of contents, containing: (1) 35mm BW slide (unmounted) in plastic sleeve with accompanying note reading, “This must be a very old shot – note, no buildings in background to the right;” subject = woman under portal; (1) 35mm BW slide (unmounted); subject = woman in front of store window; (37) 35mm BW negatives in strips in plastic 8x10 sleeves; subject = residential interiors; (2) 2 ¼ BW negatives; subject = house; (2) 4x5 BW negatives; subject = miniature furniture, wall; (20) 2 ¼ x 3 ½ BW negatives; subject = rural life, country scenes, wood chopping, burro rider, fences, priest; (4) 3x4 BW negatives; subject = Questa Tavern, attorney’s office, rural country store, horse riders, forest scenes, houses under construction; (10) faded prints in plastic sleeve; subject = unknown.
- Yellow Kodak paper box, marked “Candelario” and “Water Falls,” with attached white note referencing Nambe and Jemez, containing: (19) 4x5 color negatives in sleeves; (12) 4x5 color slides in sleeves; (6) 2x3 color slides in sleeves; (6) various sized color slides mounted on 8.5x11 card stock and in plastic sleeves; Subject = waterfalls; (9) 3x4 BW negatives in sleeves; (1) 4x5 BW negative in sleeve; (1) 3x4 BW contact print; subject = rural life, woods, female nude, indian ceremony, home interior, santo, wagon, poodle puppy, woman in home (1) Yellow Kodak paper box, with paper labels on ends stating “All Cactus,” containing: (3) 4x5 color negatives in sleeves; (1) 4x5 color slide in sleeves; (2) 4x5 color prints in sleeves; (7) 2 ¼ color slides in sleeves; (27) 2 ¼ color negatives in sleeves; (1) 2x3 color negative in sleeve; (58) 35mm color slides, unmounted and in strips, in sleeves; (26) 35mm color negative strips in sleeves; (1) glassine envelope containing (9) 35mm color slides, mounted; (3) loose 35mm color slides, unmounted; (1) white no. 10 envelope, marked “All Cactus,” containing (ca 80) 2 ¼ color negatives in sleeves, (1) 2x3 color negative in sleeve and (5) 4x5 color negatives in sleeves; (3) 4x5 color slides mounted on 8.5x11 card stock.
- (9) 8.5x11 BW prints in plastic sleeves; Subject = cactus, cactus flowers; photo of camera setup. (1) Blue paper box (8x10), with Defender logo and bearing mailing label with JSC business address, containing (ca 55) 8x10 BW negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = 1942 State Basketball Tournament teams, Cross and Chapel, viga shadows, stone chapel, corral in woods, portraits, US Mail Wagon, Indian Dancers, cow skull, village landscape, adobe homes in a valley, Church, stump, clouds, doorway, necktie array, ranch house, Christmas scene, darkroom, house with horno, portrait of woman in hat, Man smoking, skeleton keys; (1) Yellow Kodak paper box bearing mailing label with Candelario’s business address, marked “JSC – Pro People, Indian and Angelo(?),” with post-it note apparently listing the size and number of contents, containing.
- White paper envelope with (15) faded and fading 2 ¼ prints and (2) faded 5x7 prints; subject = Millicent Rogers, unknown; (11) 2 ¼ x 3 ½ BW negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = family portraits in old-fashioned home; (3) 2 ¼ x 4 BW negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = aviator, people posing with aviator and airplane; (1) 4x5 BW negative in plastic sleeve; subject = women working at table; (17) 2 ¼ BW negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = cowboy, cactus, people standing before a bus; (4) 35mm BW negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = Indian dancers; (85) 3x4 BW negatives in plastic sleeves; subject = casual portraits, men, women, children, groups of children, Indians, anglos, old men, scenics; (10) varying sizes of BW prints, badly faded or fading, in mylar sleeves; subject = portraits, unknown, store interior.
- Manila envelope , marked “8#91#93 John Candelario Negatives and Contact Prints MFA/MNM Jay Rabinowitz, Taos Artists,” containing: (7) 8x10 and (1) 5x7 BW contact sheets (with varying number of images, most 2 ¼, some 3x4); subject = Indian dances, adobe making, ocelot, classroom, altar, Zozobra, aspens, artist at work, landscapes, doors, Indian Woman with Baby, Artist at easel, Christmas decorations, woman in cemetery, church interior, adobe wall, clouds, potter at work, portraits; (1) small manila envelope, marked “Candelario” and crop instructions, containing (ca 15) 2 ¼ BW negatives and (2) 3x4 BW negatives, roughly corresponding to contact sheets (see above).
- Creation: 1938 - 1991
- From the Collection: Candelario, John, 1916-1993 (Person)
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Access Restrictions
Collection is open to researchers on a request basis only, pending approval of request to view original material.
From the Collection: 35 Linear Feet
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Repository Details
Part of the NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Repository