Showing Collections: 226 - 250 of 414
Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District audio-visual materials
Identifier: Ms-0389
Photographs and negatives from the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District from the 1930s-1940s.
ca. 1930-1940 and 1980s
Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District records
Identifier: Ms-0252
Headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District serves portions of Sandoval, Bernalillo, Valencia, and Socorro Counties. Records include official minutes from 1925 to1952, a 1940 economic survey, photographs from the 1930s-1940s and a videotaped documentary from the 1980s.
1925-ca. 1985; 1925-ca. 1985; Majority of material found in 1925-1952
Miguel Antonio Lovato Papers,
Identifier: MSS-137-SC
This collection contains seven Spanish documents, written by or related to Miguel Antonio Lovato, resident of Galisteo and Santa Fe, New Mexico in the late eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century.
Montague Stevens Papers
Identifier: MSS-33-BC
This collection contains papers related to Englishman-turned-pioneer Montague Stevens. The papers reflect his life as a sheep rancher, bear hunter, author, and friend to historical figures such as General Leonard Wood, General Nelson A. Miles, painter Frederic Remington, and President Theodore Roosevelt.
Dr. Homer Musgrave Photograph Collection
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: PAAC-0039
Scope and Contents / Alcance y Contenido
This collection consists of 234 black and white photographs from the Mexican Punitive Expedition, which was commanded by General John J. Pershing in the aftermath of Pancho Villa's raid on Columbus, New Mexico on March 9, 1916. The collection includes several pictures taken by one of Dr. Musgrave’s friends or relatives who, as reporter for an Ohio newspaper, covered the events following Villa’s raid. Many of the original photos in this small but important collection are hand annotated on the...
ca. 1911 - 1917
Nambe Community School and San Jose Demonstration School Records and Teacher's Diaries
Identifier: MSS-306-BC
This collection contains primarily teacher diaries from the 1935-1942 Nambe community school and San Jose Demonstration School projects. Most diaries contain student rosters, lesson plans, assignments, exams, grades, student projects (texts & drawings), flyers from contemporary organizations, as well as occasional photos, personal correspondence, notes on student behavior ("character sketches"), and student living conditions within the communities of Nambe village (not Nambe the Native...
New Mexico Adjutant General Records,
Identifier: 1973-019
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Adjutant General, National Guard, and Office of Military Affairs (1847-1988). Includes administrative correspondence, field reports, general and special orders, ledger books, enlistment and discharge documents, casualty records, photographs, clippings, muster rolls from New Mexico volunteer militias and National Guard (1847-1917), and annual reports for various years between 1875 and 1962. Much of the material concerns the involvement...
New Mexico American Revolution Bicentennial Commission Records,
Identifier: 1977-030
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records of the New Mexico American Revolution Bicentennial Commission (1969-1977). Includes annual and other reports, administrative correspondence, promotional documents, clippings, audio tapes, and video tapes. Much of the material concerns local projects and events throughout New Mexico, including documents on federal and state funding for these activities.
New Mexico and Albuquerque Sheet Music Collection
Identifier: MSS-0036
Scope and Contents
This one box collection holds three sections of sheet music that relate to different themes: New Mexico generally, Fine and Performing Arts Department, and Albuquerque. The sheet music spans from 1915 to the 2012, and the collection holds notable titles like the New Mexico state song “O, Fair New Mexico” by Elizabeth Garrett.
1915 - 1975
New Mexico and the Southwest Photographs Collection
Identifier: PICT-2022-001
This is a collection of historic photographs, post cards, and stereoscopic photograph cards of New Mexico and the Southwest, circa 1880-1910.
New Mexico Attorney General Records,
Identifier: 1971-015
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Attorney General and the New Mexico Solicitor General (1892-1995). Includes case files, administrative correspondence, annual reports, legal opinions, letterpress copybooks, financial documents, extraditions, and various legal documents. Materials in the collection concern both general issues such as civil rights and consumer protection, and specific matters such as the 1980 riot at the state penitentiary, and the activities of Alianza...
New Mexico Board of Nursing Records, .
Identifier: 1983-036
Scope and Content
As of 1999, collection consists of records of the New Mexico Board of Nursing and its predecessors: the Board of Nurses' Examiners; and the Board of Examiners for Graduate Nurses (1932-1984). Includes minutes (1977-1983); reports (1955-1974), annual reports (1969-1984); bulletins (1971-1984); a manual for schools of nursing (1965); a roster of nurses (1966); rules and regulations (1939-1977); and financial papers (1932-1979), including audits (1932-1968). Records include some certificates and...
New Mexico Book League records
Identifier: Ms-0184
The New Mexico Book League was incorporated in 1972 with a mission to promote books and literary culture in New Mexico. The New Mexico Book League’s records show its activities from its founding through its end in 2002, through a variety of records such as correspondence, photographs and video recordings.
New Mexico Business Records Collection
Identifier: MSS-307-BC
Scope and Content
A miscellaneous collection of ledgers, cash books, stock holder registers, letter books, etc. of companies doing business in New Mexico, 1868-1939. This collection was formerly known as Deming Business Records; the name was changed in 1997 to better describe the material. Records are from Deming businesses as well as businesses in Las Vegas and Los Lunas. The majority of the volumes record the transactions of mercantile and real estate companies in New Mexico....
New Mexico Capitol Buildings Improvement Commission Records,
Identifier: 1972-004
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records of the New Mexico Capitol Buildings Improvement Commission and other territorial and state agencies charged with the duties of construction, maintenance, improvement, and supervision of territorial and state government buildings and lands, particularly those located in the state capital of Santa Fe (1853-1968). Includes records of the New Mexico Public Buildings Commission (1853-1873); Capitol Rebuilding Commission (1892-1901); Capitol Custodian Committee...
New Mexico Composers' Archive
Identifier: MSS-904-BC
This collection consists primarily of music manuscripts, but also contains sound recordings, correspondence, papers, programs, and photographs from composers from New Mexico or with important ties to New Mexico.
New Mexico Council of Administrative Women in Education Records
Identifier: MSS-0045
Collection holds minutes of the New Mexico Council of Administrative Women in Education from 1917 – 1970s. The collection also holds handwritten notes, booklets on Women in the education system, and other related materials. Partial transcript available.
1917 - 1974
New Mexico Department of Corrections Records,
Identifier: 1970-006
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of the records of the New Mexico Penitentiary, the Corrections Department, and its predecessors (1884-1990). Some penitentiary records pertain to county and federal inmates. Include are registers of prisoners, visitors, and parolees; annual reports; correspondence; case files; conduct records; medical records; account books; and intake records that usually include an image of the inmate. Intake records are files by inmate number. Includes annual and other reports,...
New Mexico Department of Education Records,
Identifier: 1970-004
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Department of Education, State Board of Education, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and their predecessors the Territorial Board of Education, Territorial Superintendent of Schools,and Superintendent of Public Instruction (1847-1988).Includes annual and other reports, minutes, administrative correspondence, directories, certificates, legal documents, laws, rules, one scrapbook of clippings (1905-1908), and one letterpress...
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Records,
Identifier: 1981-057
Scope and Content
As of 1999 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Game and Fish Warden, and State Game Commission (1905-1980). Includes annual reports from various years between 1910 and 1977, newsletters for various years between 1950 and 1977, and correspondence (1905-1959). Also within the collection are minutes, rules and regulations, publications, clippings, reports from game surveys, and one letterpress copybook (1905-1906).
New Mexico District Attorneys Coordinator Records,
Identifier: 1976-029
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of the New Mexico District Attorneys Coordinator (1973-1975) including records of the New Mexico District Attorneys Association pertaining to the original (1971-1972) and continued (1976-1977) funding of the Coordinator. Included are correspondence, L.E.A.A. grant files, financial records including budgets for the Coordinator and district attorneys, district attorney salary schedules, crime statistics and felony reports for various judicial districts,...
1971-1977 (bulk,
New Mexico Doctors Collection
Identifier: MSS-0004
A collection of biographical information about early New Mexico doctors, as well as supporting research. The contents of the notebooks is also available electronically on CD-ROM “New Mexico Doctors” at Special Collections Library and Main Genealogy Center.
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 209
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 64
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 48
- New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 44
- Albuquerque Bernalillo County Special Collections Library 30
- UNM Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center 8
- NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives 6
- Institute of American Indian Arts 2
- National Hispanic Cultural Center 1
- New Mexico Highlands University 1
- NPS Chaco Culture National Historical Park 1 ∧ less
- Subject
- New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 80
- Photographs. 54
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 50
- New Mexico -- History 42
- New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 42
- Clippings 39
- Letters 32
- New Mexico -- Officials and employees 32
- Reports 29
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 27
- Correspondence 26
- State government records 26
- Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 25
- Minutes (Records) 25
- Annual reports 22
- Publications 21
- New Mexico -- History -- 20th century 20
- Oral histories 20
- Account books 17
- Diaries 17
- Territorial records 17
- Scrapbooks 16
- New Mexico -- Description and travel 14
- New Mexico -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 14
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 13
- Sound recordings 13
- Financial records 12
- Manuscripts 12
- New Mexico -- History -- 19th century 12
- New Mexico -- History, Military 12
- New Mexico -- Politics and government 12
- University of New Mexico -- History 11
- Land grants -- New Mexico 10
- Map 10
- New Mexico -- Businesses -- History 10
- Legal documents 9
- New Mexico -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works 9
- Addresses 8
- Albuquerque -- New Mexico -- History -- 20th century 8
- Business enterprises -- New Mexico -- History 8
- Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 8
- New Mexico -- Social life and customs 8
- Ranch life -- New Mexico 8
- Authors, American -- New Mexico 7
- Frontier and pioneer life -- New Mexico 7
- Indians of North America -- New Mexico 7
- Mural painting and decoration 7
- Newsletters 7
- Santa Fe (N.M.) -- History 7
- Water rights -- New Mexico 7
- Albuquerque (N.M.) 6
- Black-and-white photographs 6
- Certificates 6
- Governors -- New Mexico 6
- Interviews 6
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- To 1848 6
- Photograph albums 6
- Photographic prints 6
- Proclamations 6
- School lands -- New Mexico 6
- Wills 6
- Artists -- New Mexico 5
- Business records 5
- Extradition -- New Mexico 5
- Health care New Mexico 5
- Land tenure -- New Mexico 5
- Las Vegas (N.M.) -- History 5
- Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 5
- New Deal, 1933-1939 -- New Mexico -- History 5
- New Mexico -- History -- 19th century -- Pictorial works 5
- New Mexico--History 5
- Posters 5
- Railroads -- New Mexico -- History 5
- Spain -- Colonies -- America -- Administration 5
- University of New Mexico--History--20th century. 5
- Archaeology -- Southwest, New 4
- Arizona--History 4
- Broadsides 4
- Cattle trade -- New Mexico -- History 4
- Contracts 4
- Conveyances 4
- Elections -- New Mexico 4
- Family papers 4
- Football -- New Mexico -- History 4
- Governors --New Mexico 4
- Indians of North America -- Education -- New Mexico 4
- LULAC papers 4
- Land grants -- New Mexico -- History 4
- Mexican Americans -- Politics and government 4
- Navajo Indians -- History 4
- New Mexico -- Commerce 4
- New Mexico -- Education -- 20th century 4
- New Mexico -- Militia 4
- New Mexico--Ethnic relations 4
- Periodicals 4
- Physicians -- New Mexico -- History 4
- Postcards 4
- Provincias Internas (New Spain) -- History 4
- Socorro County (N.M.) -- History 4
- Student Movements -- New Mexico -- History 4 ∧ less
- Language
- Undetermined 104
- Spanish; Castilian 27
- French 3
- Navajo; Navaho 2
- Chinese 1
- Names
- Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company 6
- Bloom, Lansing Bartlett, 1880- 6
- Charles Ilfeld Company 6
- Museum of New Mexico 6
- Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 6
- Villa, Pancho, 1878-1923 6
- Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres (U.S.) 5
- Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 5
- Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company 5
- Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 5
- Tingley, Clyde 5
- United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs 5
- University of New Mexico 5
- University of New Mexico. Center for Southwest Research 5
- Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 4
- Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 4
- Hermanos Penitentes 4
- Lamy, John Baptist, 1814-1888 4
- Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 4
- Pershing, John J. (John Joseph), 1860-1948 4
- Ross, Edmund G. (Edmund Gibson), 1826-1907 4
- Scholes, France V. (France Vinton), 1897-1979 4
- Tijerina, Reies 4
- Vargas, Diego de, 1643-1704 4
- Vigil, Donaciano, 1802-1877 4
- Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 3
- Bent, Charles, 1799-1847 3
- Billy, the Kid 3
- Brunswick, Marcus 3
- Catholic Church. New Mexico 3
- Chavez, Angelico, 1910-1996 3
- Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 3
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 3
- Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547 3
- Federal Writers' Project. New Mexico 3
- Fergusson, Erna, 1888-1964 3
- Historical Society of New Mexico 3
- Ilfeld, Charles, 1847- 3
- Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928 3
- Mitchell, Albert K., b. 1894 3
- Momaday, N. Scott, 1934- 3
- New Mexico Federation of Women's Clubs 3
- Red River Valley Company 3
- Rittenhouse, Jack D. (Jack DeVere), 1912- 3
- Seligman, Arthur 3
- Spidle, Jake W., 1941- 3
- Tisdall, Arthur J., 1856-1898 3
- Twitchell, Ralph Emerson, 1859-1925 3
- Adams, Eleanor B. (Eleanor Burnham), 1910-1996 2
- Adams, Kenneth M. 2
- Adolph Letcher and Company 2
- Archivo General de las Indias 2
- Armijo family 2
- Art Students League (New York, N.Y.) 2
- Aubry, François Xavier, 1824-1854 2
- Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, 1840-1914 2
- Cassidy, Ina Sizer, 1869-1965 2
- Corbett, Edward, 1919-1971 2
- Davis, W. W. H. (William Watts Hart), 1820-1910 2
- Democratic Party (N.M.) 2
- Democratic Party (N.M.). State Central Committee 2
- Federal Art Project 2
- Fitzpatrick, George, 1904-1983 2
- Fred Harvey (Firm) 2
- Furlong Studio 2
- Gross, Kelly & Company, Inc 2
- Harjo, Joy 2
- Heady, Ferrel 2
- Herlihy, Barry Herbert (1939-2016) 2
- Herlihy, Ernest Herbert (1895-1985) 2
- Herlihy, Frank George (1898-1989) 2
- Herlihy, Jenny Martha Schultz (1860-1953) 2
- Herlihy, Lester B. (Lester Barry), 1891-1974 2
- Herlihy, Richard 2
- Ilfeld family 2
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 2
- Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927 2
- Keleher family 2
- Keleher, Loretta Barrett, d. 2000 2
- Keleher, William A. (William Aloysius), 1886-1972 2
- Kelley, Shawn 2
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 2
- Larrazolo, Octaviano, 1859-1930 2
- Long Canyon Cattle Company 2
- Long Canyon Ranch (N.M.) 2
- Luna family 2
- Luna, Solomon, 1858-1912 2
- Mandelman, Beatrice 2
- Mandelman-Ribak Foundation 2
- Mansfield, Joseph K. F. (Joseph King Fenno), 1803-1862 2
- Martin, Agnes, 1912-2004 2
- Martínez, Antonio José, 1793-1867 2
- Meriwether, D. (David), 1800-1893 2
- Minge, Ward Alan 2
- New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 2
- New Mexico. Department of Education 2
- New Mexico. National Guard 2
- New Mexico. Solicitor General 2
- O'Donel, Charles M., 1860-1933 2
- Otero, Sellar & Company 2 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more