Showing Collections: 1 - 17 of 17
A.A. Hyde Papers,
Identifier: MSS-191-SC
Scope and Content
This small collection contains records of marriages, baptisms, and funerals at which A. A. Hyde officiated while serving as a Methodist Episcopal pastor in New Mexico. The marriage records date 1890-1893 and 1895-1897. Some of these records indicate the occupation of the groom. The baptismal records date 1891-1894 and the burials date 1890-1891. Also in the collection is a Socorro concert program dated April 23, 1889.
Bernalillo County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-034
Scope and Content
Holdings consist of records of the county clerk (1848-1920), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1856, 1889-1899), county commission (1876-1889, 1927), justice of the peace (1854-1899), probate court (1849-1927), and school superintendent (1858-1887). Clerks records include registers of deeds, mines, licenses, brands, oaths and bonds, mortgages, chattel mortgages, liens, and notarial records; election results, abstracts of deeds; and various other documents. Probate records include adoptions...
1849-1927 (Bulk 1849-1900)
Colfax County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1973-025
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of the county clerk (1867-1933), county assessor (1870-1892, 1917, 1924), county treasurer (1869-1927), county commission (1876-1927), superintendent of schools (1907-1908), county surveyor (1898), justice of the peace (1887-1925), sheriff (1869-1884), and probate court (1892-1929). Clerk's records include notary records, poll and tally books, voter lists, election returns, abstracts of titles, articles of incorporation, registers of licenses and brands,...
Doctrina de Chimalhuacan Chalco Pre-Marital Investigations Register
Identifier: MSS-981-BC
18th century marriage records from the mision of Chimalhuacan, Tepetlixpa and San Miguel Atlautla in the State of Mexico.
Eddy County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-035
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Eddy County, New Mexico (1888-1991). The bulk of the material covers the dates 1891-1922. Included are the records of the county clerk (1891-1972, 1990-1991), sheriff (1896-1922), assessor (1891-1911), county commissioners (1891-1932), justice of the peace (1900-1940), probate court (1888-1915), superintendent of schools (1891-1923), treasurer (1891-1913), coroner (1892-1912), surveyor (1891-1908), road supervisor and overseer (1901-1910), and miscellaneous...
1888-1991(Bulk 1891-1922)
Grant County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-019
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Grant County, New Mexico (1868-1983). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1868 to 1914. Included are records of the county clerk (1868-1928), assessor (1871-1918), sheriff (1877-1916), county commissioners (1889-1896), county superintendent of schools (18895-1900), justice of the peace (1869-1917), treasurer (1888-1902), probate court (1883-1915), and photocopies or typescripts of obituaries and cemetery records. Clerks records include mining claims,...
1868-1983 (bulk 1868-1914)
Guadalupe County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-020
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Guadalupe County, New Mexico (1893-1942). Included are records of the county clerk (1893-1930), assessor (1893-1923), sheriff (1912-1931), county commissioners (1893-1928), justice of the peace (1902-1946), probate court (1893-1928), superintendent of schools and board of education (1910-1925), and miscellaneous records (1911-1942). Clerk's records include license registers, oaths and bonds, poll books, articles of incorporation, chattel mortgages, and...
1893-1942 (Bulk, 1893-1923)
Hernandez wedding certificate, 1930
Identifier: Ms-0204
Wedding certificate for Frederico and Eulogia Hernandez from 1930 from the St. Francis Xavier Church in Pueblo, Colorado.
Lincoln County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-022
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Lincoln County, New Mexico (1869-1932). Included are records of the county clerk (1869-1912), assessor (1870-1912), auditor (1875), treasurer (1883-1932), sheriff (1875-1897), county commissioners (1889-1912), justice of the peace (1876-1904), probate court (1870-1920), and miscellaneous records. Clerks records include poll and tally books, voter lists, election records, mining records, and registers of bonds, deeds, and marriages. Miscellaneous records...
Luna County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1978-021
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Luna County, New Mexico (1901-1970). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1901 to 1924. Materials consist of records of the county clerk (1901-1970, bulk 1901-1918), sheriff (1910-1913), county commissioners (1908-1924), justice of the peace (1901-1919, 1929), probate court (1901-1932), treasurer (1902-1913), assessor (1901-1912), and road board (1912-1917). Clerks records include registers of applications for marriage licenses, chattel mortgages,...
1901-1970 (bulk 1901-1924)
Rio Arriba County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-024
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Rio Arriba County, New Mexico (1847-1957). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1847 to 1900. Included are records of the county clerk (1847-1938), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1849-1927), county commission (1882-1927), justice of the peace (1852-1938, 1957), probate court (1848-1918), and coroner's inquests (1883-1937). County Clerk records include registers of deeds, oaths and bonds, marriages, licenses, mines, and partido contracts; poll and tally...
1847-1957 ( Bulk 1870-1900)
Santa Fe County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1973-002
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Santa Fe County, New Mexico (1846-1946). Included are records of the county clerk (1849-1946), assessor (1870-1888), treasurer (1847-1918), sheriff (1847-1938), county commissioners (1863-1936), justice of the peace (1846-1937), probate court (1851-1934), and school superintendent (1876-1916). Clerks records include correspondence; registers of deeds, mortgages, licenses, oaths and bonds, brands, bounties, and marriages; notarial records; and mining...
1846-1999 (bulk 1946-1946)
Socorro County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-029
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Socorro County, New Mexico. Included are records of the county clerk (1862-1935), assessor (1870-1932), treasurer (1867-1876), sheriff (1903-1917), county commission (1876-1932), justice of the peace (1867-1931), probate court (1867-1924), and county school superintendent and board of education (1909-1919). Also included are miscellaneous records which include a city of Socorro audit (1924-1930) and a Magdalena census enumeration (1912?). Clerks records...
Taos County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-030
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Taos County, New Mexico (1847-1959). Included are records of the county clerk (1847-1959), assessor (1881-1929), county commissioners (1876-1944), treasurer/collector (1899-1918), justice of the peace (1863-1946), probate court (1847-1958), coroner (1862), county school superintendent/school board (1905-1924), and miscellaneous records consisting of the political correspondence of Taos County Sheriff Columbus Ferguson (1950-1956). Clerks records include...
Thomas E. Jones Collection
Identifier: AC-259-p
Scope and Content
Collection consists of three items: marriage certificate of Jones and Catherine Gordon of Seven Rivers, NM along with a cover letter and a fragment of a letter of appreciation to Jones from the Old Dominion Company for efforts in opposing the "Wobblies."
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Union County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1988-040
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Union County, New Mexico (1893-1959). The bulk of the collection covers the years 1893 to 1915. Included are records of the county clerk (1893-1917), assessor (1894-1912), treasurer (1894-1914), sheriff (1894-1898), and justice of the peace (1894-1959). Clerks records consist of chattel mortgage records and license registers. One volume of the justice of the peace records contains Colfax County marriages and Precinct 14 cases (1891-1893), as well as Union...
1893-1959 (Bulk 1893-1915)
Valencia County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-031
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Valencia County, New Mexico (1847-1979). The bulk of the records cover the dates 1846 to 1964. Included are records of the county clerk (1849-1864), assessor (1870-1920), treasurer (1847-1912), sheriff (1885-1927), county commission (1881-1928, 1979), justice of the peace (1844-1946), probate court (1846-1937), county school superintendent (1939-1942), and miscellaneous records (1916-ca. 1930). Clerks records include correspondence; registers of oaths and...
1847-1979 (bulk 1846-1964)
Filtered By
- Subject: Marriage records X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 13
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 2
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 1
- New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 1
- Subject
- Marriage records 14
- Judicial records 13
- Tax records 13
- Local government -- Records 12
- Legal files 11
- Licenses 11
- Wills 11
- Bonds (legal records) 10
- Voting registers 10
- Notarial documents 9
- Deed books 8
- Mortgages 7
- Articles of incorporation 5
- Census records 5
- Colfax County (N.M.) -- History 2
- Colfax County (N.M.) -- Politics 2
- Contracts 2
- Adoption -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Adoption --New Mexico--Santa Fe County 1
- Adoptions -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Census -- 1885 1
- Baptismal records -- New Mexico 1
- Belen (N.M.) -- Census -- 1918 1
- Bernalillo County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Bernalillo County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
- Bonds (negotiable instruments) 1
- Cerrillos (N.M.) -- Census -- 1893 1
- Church records and registers -- Mexico -- 18th Century 1
- Columbus (N.M.) -- Census -- 1913 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Eddy County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Guadalupe County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Luna County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1
- Coroners -- Rio Arriba County (N.M.) 1
- Deeds 1
- Ditches -- New Mexico -- Lincoln County 1
- Eddy County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Eddy County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
- Field notes 1
- Funeral rites and ceremonies -- New Mexico 1
- Grant County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Grant County (N.M.) -- Politics 1
- Grazing claims -- New Mexico -- Socorro County 1
- Guadalupe County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Guadalupe County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
- Homestead law -- New Mexico -- Guadalupe County 1
- Homestead law -- New Mexico -- Rio Arriba County 1
- Homestead law -- New Mexico -- Socorro County 1
- Homestead law -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1
- Indians of Mexico -- Mexico -- Mexico (State) -- History -- 18th century 1
- Indians of North America -- Claims against -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Irrigation canals and flumes -- New Mexico -- Lincoln County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Colfax County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Lincoln County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Luna County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Rio Arriba County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico --Silver City 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico Guadalupe County 1
- Lincoln County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Lincoln County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Colfax County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Eddy County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Grant County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Guadalupe County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Socorro County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1
- Livestock brands --New Mexico--Santa Fe County 1
- Los Lunas (N.M.) -- Census -- 1928 1
- Luna County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Luna County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
- Magdalena (N.M.) -- Census 1
- Map 1
- Marriage records - New Mexico 1
- Marriage records -- Mexico -- San Miguel Atlautla -- 18th century 1
- Marriage records -- Mexico -- Santa María Chimalhuacán -- 18th century 1
- Marriage records -- Mexico -- Tepetlixpa -- 18th century 1
- Marriage records -- New Mexico 1
- Marriage registers 1
- Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 1
- Methodist Episcopal Church -- New Mexico -- History 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Colfax County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Eddy County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Grant County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Lincoln County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Rio Arriba County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Socorro County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1
- Mining claims --New Mexico--Santa Fe County 1
- Minutes (Records) 1
- New Mexico -- Genealogy -- Sources 1
- Postal service -- New Mexico -- White Oaks 1
- Pueblo (Colo.) - History - Sources. 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 16
- Undetermined 14
- Spanish; Castilian 1
- Names
- Bernalillo County (N.M.) 1
- Bernalillo County (N.M.). Commission 1
- Maxwell, Lucien Bonaparte, 1818-1875 1
∨ more