Showing Collections: 51 - 75 of 78
New Mexico Military Institute cadet letters
Identifier: Ms-0564
Handwritten letters and postcards from New Mexico Military Institute cadet Walter (surname not yet determined) written to Miss Alberta (Bert) Howard of El Paso, Texas dating from 1921-1923.
1921 - 1923
New Mexico Military Institute Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-988-003
Photographs of New Mexico Military Institute buildings and cadets.
New Mexico Rural Health Survey records
Identifier: HHC 320
The collection represents the research and business records from a 1958 National Institutes of Health grant to study the health beliefs of a rural New Mexican area to assist the state's public health department in providing better care for chronic infectious diseases.
1933-1964; Majority of material found within 1958-1963
Officials of New Mexico Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-992-004
The Officials of New Mexico Photograph Collection is comprised of portraits of public officers of New Mexico, dating from the early twentieth century.
1890-1990; Majority of material found within 1910s, 1920s, 1930s
One-on-One Program Records
Identifier: UNMA-033
One-on-One was a mentoring program to address freshman attrition from 1988 to 1996. The collection contains correspondence, photos, negatives, slides and objects.
Papers on Taos County, New Mexico
Identifier: MSS-323-BC
Scope and Content
This small collection contains materials relating to several of the studies/projects in Taos County and the surrounding areas, between 1937 and 1944. The collection includes reports and staff meeting minutes from the Taos County Project, materials on the Taos County Cooperative Health Association, agriculture and land issues, the Sangre de Cristo land grant, and community education issues (George I. Sanchez, "Supplement to Forgotten People). Additionally,...
Majority of material found within 1937-1953; Majority of material found in 1940-1944
Paul Kutsche papers from the Cañones ethnographic field research project
Identifier: MSS-737-BC
This collection consists primarily of ethnographic data collected in Cañones, New Mexico in the mid-late 1960s. The fieldwork resulted in the several publications, including Survival of Spanish American Villages by Kutsche (1979), Cañones: Values, Crisis, and Survival in a Northern New Mexico Village by Paul Kutsche and John Van Ness (1981), and Hispanos in Northern New Mexico: The Development of...
1888-2010; Majority of material found within 1966-1968
Ray Armenta League of United Latin American Citizens papers
Identifier: MSS-752-BC
This collection contains information about both New Mexico and national LULAC activities between 1990 and 1996. Administrative files and information about civil rights campaigns championed by LULAC dominate the collection.
1984-1996; Majority of material found within (, 1994-1996)
Reies Tijerina Papers
Identifier: MSS-654-BC
The collection contains the papers of New Mexico land grant activist Reies Lopez Tijerina, best known for founding the Alianza Federal de Mercedes. The group organized heirs seeking to regain Spanish and Mexican land grants protected under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, an important component of the Chicano Movement.
1888-2003; Majority of material found within 1963-1978
Richard Martin Page Papers
Identifier: MSS-161-BC
Contains material related to Richard Page's controversial UNM Psychology Dept. 1933 survey titled "Attitude Toward Natively Spanish-speaking People of the Southwest" which was vehemently contested by New Mexican Hispanic persons and organizations as being insensitive and racist.
1931-1968 (bulk 1933)
Richard W. D. Bryan Family Papers, 1844-1939
Identifier: MSS-1-BC
Scope and Content
The collection contains miscellaneous Albuquerque Indian School documents and a scrapbook containing newspaper clippings concerning the institution. There is an assortment of legal records dealing with New Mexico land grants and property transfer for the Robert H. Longwell Land Case, 1909-1912, regarding the Antonio Baca Grant and Borrego Springs Grant and the Cazin Property Case, 1844-1908. There is a wide variety of printed ephemera dealing with schools, churches and civic organizations, some...
Rio Arriba County Education Association Records
Identifier: MSS-73-SC
The Rio Arriba County Education Association Records consist of the organizations 1929 constitution and by-laws.
Ruth C. Miller Papers
Identifier: MSS-63-BC
Scope and Content
The correspondence in the collection is divided into three categories: from Ruth C. Miller, to Ruth C. Miller and about Ruth C. Miller. It covers such topics as settling the Miller estate, news from her daughters attending the University of New Mexico, and Mrs. Miller's claim for compensation for the death of her husband. The majority of the collection is materials relating to her research in 1929 for her master's degree at the University of New Mexico. She was interested in job analysis of...
Santa Fe Council for the Arts Records
Identifier: AC-200
The material comprises working files of the SFCA from its incorporation in July 1978 to the late 1980's. Abbreviations used in this finding aid:
CCRDCorrections and Criminal Rehabilitation Department of the New Mexico State Prison.
JJDPJuvenile Justice and Delinquency...
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Santa Fe Indian School Check Ledgers
Identifier: MSS-1092-BC
Scope and Contents
The collection consists primarily of check ledgers from the tenure of Frederic Snyder as Superintendent of the United States Indian Industrial School at Santa Fe, 1914-1918. Included are nine hardbound check ledgers and corresponding canceled checks drawn on the First National Bank of Santa Fe, 1914-1918. The check ledgers detail the diverse expenditures relating to the operation of an Indian School at the time, and include: a wide range of provisions from a number of named grocers and other...
1914 - 1918
Santa Fe Indian School: The First 100 Years Project
Identifier: MSS-595-BC
Scope and Content
Santa Fe Indian School: The First 100 Years Project consists of 51 cassette tapes (on 51 CDs) comprising 31 oral history interviews, 27 transcripts, photocopies of photographs (the originals are held at SFIS), the exhibition catalog, One House, One Voice, One Heart: Native American Education at the Santa Fe Indian School, and assorted biographies, correspondence, and clippings. There are no cassettes for interview numbers 6,...
Santa Fe Public Schools Scrapbooks
Identifier: AC 368-s
Scope and Content
Collection consists of scrapbooks of newspaper clippings about events and people (staff and students) of the Santa Fe schools. Topics cover sporting events, contests, election results, board meetings, alumni activities from the 1950s to the 1990s.
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Seligman Collection,
Identifier: 1959-195
Scope and Content
Collection consists of New Mexico historical documents from the 19th century and the first decade of the twentieth century (1803-1910). Included in the collection are some of Governor Manuel Armjio's papers pertaining to the Texas invasion and political matters (1843-1848); a report by James Maloy concerning the theft of animals by the Mimbres Apaches (1870); an apologia from Culiacan, Sonora (1826); an official Mexican circular concerning education; several receipts and invoices from various...
Simon F. Kropp papers
Identifier: Ms-0352
Professor of History at New Mexico State University from 1947-1980. The collection contains manuscripts of writings by Kropp and his research notes for those works, principally his history of New Mexico State University, That All May Learn, New Mexico State University 1888-1964. The topics of the other manuscripts pertain to Hiram Hadley and the development of education in New Mexico. The collection also contains printed materials, including issues of NMSU underground newspapers from the late...
1876 - 1978
Southwest Files
Identifier: SC 9999-02
Scope and Content
The contents of this collection are from former vertical files in the reference collection and donations from Lynn I. Perrigo. Contents include items of interest primarily related to New Mexico and the Southwest.
1887-; Majority of material found in Placeholder Unit Date Text
Found in:
New Mexico Highlands University
Stacher Family Papers
Identifier: MSS-382-BC
Scope and Content
Included are ten photocopied volumes, all prepared by Herbert C. Stacher around a specific theme. Most of the volumes are either autobiographical, or contain information about his father, Samuel Franklin Stacher. They include family recollections, photographs, genealogical information, and copies of original documents relating to the Stacher family. Three of the volumes relate to coal mining in the Gallup, New Mexico area. Included is a history of the Gallup Southwestern Coal...
1940-1982; Majority of material found in 1980-1982
Taos Summer Writers’ Conference Records
Identifier: UNMA-182
This collection contains the records of the 11th Annual Taos Summer Writers’ Conference. The collection details awards, advertising, faculty participation, correspondence, invoices, and other material related to the Conference.
2009-07-12 - 2009-07-19
Toney Anaya Pictorial Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-575
Collection contains photographs, contact sheets, and slides relating to Governor Toney Anaya's political career, from his campaign for Attorney General in 1974 to the end of his gubernatorial term in 1986.
University of New Mexico Faculty Involved in the Chicano Movement Oral History Project
Identifier: MSS -605-BC
Scope and Content
The collection originally contained five (5) interviews recorded on seven (7) audio cassettes with tape logs corresponding with each interview. In 2016 eighteen (18) additional cassettes and interview logs were added to the collection by Dr. Christine Sierra upon her retirement. This addition makes the collection complete. All the cassette tapes were transfered digitally to CDs in Jan. 2017. Interview discussions examine topics such as the importance of the family and community,...
University of New Mexico Navajo Reading Study Records
Identifier: MSS-807-BC
The Navajo Reading Study was conducted by the University of New Mexico and supported by grants from the Ford Foundation and contracts with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the U.S. Office of Education. The purpose of the study was to investigate the feasibility and effect of teaching Navajo children to read their own language before learning to read English.
1940-1979; Majority of material found within 1969-1975
Filtered By
- Subject: Education --New Mexico X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 49
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 11
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 8
- New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 3
- UNM School of Law Library 2
- Albuquerque Bernalillo County Special Collections Library 2
- Institute of American Indian Arts 1
- New Mexico Highlands University 1
- UNM Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center 1 ∧ less
- Subject
- Education -- New Mexico 12
- Photographs. 12
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 11
- Clippings 9
- Indians of North America -- Education -- New Mexico 9
- Education--New Mexico 8
- Governors -- New Mexico 6
- Letters 6
- Multicultural education -- New Mexico 6
- Mural painting and decoration 6
- Sound recordings 6
- Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 5
- Mexican Americans -- Education -- New Mexico 5
- New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 5
- New Mexico -- Officials and employees 5
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 5
- Oral histories 5
- Scrapbooks 5
- Education, Bilingual -- New Mexico 4
- Minutes (Records) 4
- Addresses 3
- Annual reports 3
- Education -- New Mexico -- History 3
- Education --New Mexico 3
- Indians of North America -- Pictorial works 3
- LULAC papers 3
- Land grants -- New Mexico 3
- Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 3
- Mexican Americans -- Civil rights -- New Mexico 3
- Mexican Americans -- Politics and government 3
- Multicultural education--New Mexico 3
- Political campaigns -- New Mexico 3
- State government records 3
- Vocational education -- New Mexico 3
- Affirmative action programs 2
- Albumen prints 2
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 2
- Boarding Schools -- New Mexico -- History 2
- Certificates 2
- Civil rights movements -- United States -- History -- 20th century 2
- Columbus (N.M.) -- History 2
- Correspondence 2
- Education -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque -- History 2
- Education -- New Mexico -- Taos County 2
- Education, Bilingual--New Mexico 2
- Extradition -- New Mexico 2
- Financial records 2
- Fort Union National Monument (N.M.) 2
- Governors --New Mexico 2
- Hispanic American neighborhoods -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque 2
- Hispanic American neighborhoods--New Mexico 2
- Hispanic American women -- New Mexico 2
- Indians of North America -- Education 2
- Indians of North America -- New Mexico 2
- Interviews 2
- Latin Americans -- United States 2
- Mexican American college students -- Political activity -- New Mexico 2
- Mexican American college students--Political activity--New Mexico 2
- Mexican Americans -- Civil rights 2
- Mexican Americans -- Education (Higher) -- New Mexico 2
- Mexican Americans -- Education -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque 2
- Mexican Americans -- Ethnic identity 2
- Mexican Americans -- New Mexico -- History 2
- Mexican Americans -- New Mexico -- Silver City 2
- Mexican Americans--Ethnic identity 2
- Minority college students -- New Mexico 2
- Navajo Indians -- Education 2
- New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 2
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century 2
- New Mexico -- Social life and customs 2
- Political activists -- New Mexico 2
- Politicians -- New Mexico 2
- Poor People's Campaign 2
- Proclamations 2
- Programs 2
- Publications 2
- Pueblo Indians -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 2
- Pueblos -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 2
- Reports 2
- Santa Fe (N.M.) --Social life and customs 2
- Student movements -- New Mexico 2
- Student movements--New Mexico 2
- Territorial records 2
- Tierra Amarilla (N.M.) -- History 2
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Veterans 2
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Veterans 2
- Abeytas (N.M.) -- History 1
- Abeytas (N.M.) -- Religious life and customs 1
- Abeytas (N.M.) -- Social life and customs 1
- Abstracts 1
- Account books 1
- Activity Programs in education -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
- Adult Education -- Puerto Rico 1
- Adult education--New Mexico--Albuquerque 1
- Aerial photographs 1
- Affidavits 1
- Agriculture -- New Mexico 1
- Agriculture -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Parks 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 76
- Undetermined 18
- Spanish; Castilian 9
- Navajo; Navaho 1
- Names
- Albuquerque High School (Albuquerque, N.M.) 3
- Albuquerque Indian School 3
- Albuquerque Public Schools 3
- Harrington, E. R. (Eldred Ray), 1902-1980 3
- University of New Mexico. Center for Regional Studies 3
- University of New Mexico. Students 3
- Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres (U.S.) 2
- Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 2
- Democratic Party (N.M.) 2
- Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 2
- Hagerman, Herbert J. (Herbert James), 1871-1935 2
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 2
- League of United Latin American Citizens 2
- Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928 2
- Lusk, Georgia L. 2
- New Mexico. Department of Education 2
- Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 2
- Ramona Industrial School for Indian Girls of the Southwest (Santa Fe, N.M.) 2
- Sánchez, George Isidore, 1906-1972 2
- Tijerina, Reies 2
- Tireman, L. S. (Loyd Spencer), 1896-1959 2
- United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs 2
- University of New Mexico. College of Education 2
- Villa, Pancho, 1878-1923 2
- Albuquerque Federal Forum Project 1
- Alliance for Arts Education (U.S.) 1
- Anaya, Toney, 1941- 1
- Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 1
- Angel, Frank 1
- Apodaca, Antonia 1
- Apodaca, Jerry, 1934- 1
- Aragon, Manny M. 1
- Armenta, Ray 1
- Atencio, Tomás, 1932-2014 1
- Banks, Dennis 1
- Barelas Community Project 1
- Barelas School (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1
- Benavides, Tom R. 1
- Berger, William M. 1
- Blea, Irene I. (Irene Isabel) 1
- Bolles, Laurens C., 1890-1971 1
- Bryan, George S. (George Steinman), 1906-1970 1
- Bryan, Richard W. D., 1849-1913 1
- Campbell, Jack M., 1916-1999 1
- Cansino, Carlos Espinosa 1
- Carreon, Mario A. R. -- Interviewer 1
- Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation 1
- Carrie Tingley Hospital for Crippled Children 1
- Chavez family 1
- Cline, Dorothy I. 1
- College of Santa Fe 1
- Consumers Tobacco Company 1
- Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876 1
- Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 1
- Córdova, Nadine 1
- Córdova, Patsy 1
- Davis, W. W. H. (William Watts Hart), 1820-1910 1
- Delta Kappa Gamma Society 1
- Dempsey, John J., 1879-1958 1
- Dillon, Richard Charles, 1877-1966 1
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 1
- Elkins, Stephen B. (Stephen Benton), 1841-1911 1
- Federal Forum Project (U.S.) 1
- Felipe Chaves Academy (Belen, N.M.) 1
- Fields Studio 1
- Ford Foundation 1
- Gallup Southwestern Coal Company -- History 1
- Harrington, Iris L., Mrs. 1
- Heath, Herman H., -1874 1
- Hermanos Penitentes 1
- Hewett, Edgar L. (Edgar Lee), 1865-1946 1
- Historical Society of New Mexico 1
- Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 1
- Huber, William H., 1922-2009 1
- Huerta, Bruce, 1924-2009 1
- Huerta, Dolores, 1930- 1
- Huerta, Ramon 1
- Immaculate Conception Church (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1
- Institute of American Indian Arts 1
- Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial Association 1
- International Association of Rotary Clubs 1
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 1
- John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (U.S.) 1
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 1
- King, Rodney, 1965-2012 1
- Krusnik, Kathy 1
- Kutsche, Paul, 1927- 1
- Ladd family 1
- Laird family 1
- Laird, Minnie Kennedy 1
- Laird, Thomas Kees 1
- Lamy, John Baptist, 1814-1888 1
- LeFabre, Francisco 1
- League of United Latin American Citizens. Council #8003 (Silver City) 1
- Los Alamos National Laboratory 1
- Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 1
- Los Duranes Community Improvement Association 1
- Luna family 1
- Macalester College 1
- Manby, Arthur Rochford, 1859?-1929? 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more