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Transcription of interview (See CD 6 C in box 5). Tape 6 C, Side 1. , 9/29/2008

 File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 17

Scope and Contents

Notes taken from transcription. Ramona, Lee, brother Richard, Los Lunas . Continuation of Lee’s Trinitite story and Lee and Richard picking up rocks, even uranium, Dripping Springs, Jackpile Mine, kept box of rocks at home, man came to their store, house, talked to their mother, had geiger counter, tested found three examples of uranium in their box. Man asked boys where they found the rocks, said did not know. Comments in their Dad’s pickup truck, Model A, cut down pick up, no tires during the war, used it for store deliveries, Lee was taking photographs at that time. Richard tells about using the G.I. Bill money for school in Clovis, New Mexico, to study electronic drafting circuits, but nothing new at the school, so went to UNM in 1947, married to wife Mary, her story. Lee said he was in Denver and taking job training for photography, was married to Virginia, her story, then came back to help his parents in the trading post. Lee and Richard comments on Japanese farmers in Grants, Bluewater, Togami, Yonemoto, during World War II the U.S. government was going to round them up, put in concentration camp, but Bud Gunnerson and the local leaders, Senator, liked them and interceded and kept them safe. Sam Yonemoto moved to Albuquerque, store on Fourth Street. Richard said many racial groups in Grants High School, all got along well togethers, Native Americans, folks from India, Mexico, Poland. Lee tells about riding to Grants high school in a truck with closed wooden box on the back for students, no heat, road was West Route 66. Lee describes the graduating class at Grants High School, most were successful, good teachers, strict with students, discipline. Lee said Grants was not an Indian school, they prepared all the students for college. Richard said he was good at History, but was White Man’s history they taught. Lee, Richard and Ramona discuss some books that include mention of the Marmons. Lee and Richard comment on the fight between Acoma and Laguna over a painting of Saint Joseph and some land. Lee, Richard and Ramona briefly discuss some of Lee’s photographs at Richard’s house and then they go to lunch


  • Creation: 9/29/2008


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 7 boxes (3.5 cu. ft., plus 1 oversize folder)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131