Box 1
Contains 76 Results:
Katya Kompaneyets - Artist in Los Angeles, Russian refugee, Jewish, interview by Ramona Caplan, CD, no transcript, March 2010
Item — Container: Box 1, Folder: 55 A
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
The collection contains recorded oral history interviews, transcriptions, information about her career in history, academic research, writings, and some photographs. A significant component of the collection is her interviews with Lee Marmon, in which he tells about his parents and grandparents, his time in the U.S. Army and how he got into photography. He also relates details about the history of Laguna Pueblo and Acoma Pueblo. Included are accounts of his parents' trading...
March 2010
List of interviews by Ramona Caplan with Lee Marmon and others
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 1
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
The collection contains recorded oral history interviews, transcriptions, information about her career in history, academic research, writings, and some photographs. A significant component of the collection is her interviews with Lee Marmon, in which he tells about his parents and grandparents, his time in the U.S. Army and how he got into photography. He also relates details about the history of Laguna Pueblo and Acoma Pueblo. Included are accounts of his parents' trading...
Rough notes - Lee Marmon talking about his grandfather Marmon, Art Bibo, April 17, 2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
The collection contains recorded oral history interviews, transcriptions, information about her career in history, academic research, writings, and some photographs. A significant component of the collection is her interviews with Lee Marmon, in which he tells about his parents and grandparents, his time in the U.S. Army and how he got into photography. He also relates details about the history of Laguna Pueblo and Acoma Pueblo. Included are accounts of his parents' trading...
April 17, 2008
Transcription of interview (See CD 1 in Box 5). Tape 1, Side 1. , 8/19/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from the transcription. Juliet recording. Ramona, Lee, Laguna, at Acoma. Lee’s house Laguna. Lee comments on his house was former railroad station depot, purchased by his grandfather Jack Stagner 1916 or 1917, remodeled it, life of grandfather Stagner, from Texas. Background on Lee’s father, Henry Marmon and Walter Marmon, sons of Robert Gunn Marmon, from Ohio. Walter’s service in Union Army, comments on Chief Geronimo, problem of government making treaties with one band,...
Transcription of interview (See CD 1 in Box 5). Tape 1, Side 2. , 8/19/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 4
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from the transcription. Continuation, Lee and Ramona, comments on Acoma Library, Kowina Museum, the Elkins, Mel Bibo. Acoma had Art Bibo’s set of 375 Edward Curtis large photos, but went missing. Art Bibo glass plates, prints thrown out. Comments on Lee’s relationships with Laguna and Acoma, tribes jealous of each other and of him and of Leslie. Lee giving copies of prints to those he photographed. Comments on Leslie and her writing. Larry McMurtry and his books, films. ...
Transcription of interview (See CD 2 A in Box 5). Tape 2 A, Side 1. , 8/31/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 5
Scope and Contents
Notes from transcription. Lee’s house Laguna, Lee and Ramona, how Lee got his first camera, Kodak, photos of truck wreck near Laguna Trading Post, Lee’ photos for high school year book, his World War II service in Alaska, Aleutians, age 19, was drafted, shipped out December 12, 1943. Life on board ships, seasick. Lee was in infantry but worked in hospital office. After the war ended, and while still in Alaska, on Shemya Island, Lee took some classes, including a bit of photography, on...
Transcription of interview (See CD 2 A in Box 5). Tape 2 A, Side 2. , 8/31/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 6
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription, rough transcript only. Lee and Ramona. Lee’s house Laguna. Lee and Ramona commenting about Leslie’s book, Native names for places, stories about the places and their moral tales. Lee listened to stories of family. He used to buy and read dime novels. Continuation of Lee’s story of getting into photography. In late 1946 lived in Laguna, was married to Virginia Leslie. They went to Denver for his photo job training. After returning to New Mexico Lee got...
Transcription of interview (See CD 2 B in Box 5). Tape 2 B, Side 1. , 8/31/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 7
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Lee and Ramona, Lee’s house, Laguna. Continuation of talk about the April 2009 Indigenous photography show in California, Ford Foundation Grant. Lee also comments on the October 2008 California exhibit and the documentary crew going with him to California, Jennie. Comments on trip to California, Death Valley, Highway 1 Coastal Highway, visiting friends, ex-wives, son Chris and job for Costco. Comments on daughters Gigi and Leslie. Comments on people...
Transcription of interview (See CD 2 B in Box 5). Tape 2 B, Side 2. , 8/31/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents
Notes from transcription, 26 pp. Lee and Ramona, Lee’s house, Laguna. Continuation of Lee still living at the Trading Post and taking photos. He talks about the Mike Todd plane crash, in the Zuni Mountains, his photo. Lee said he also took other photos of plane crashes, car accidents on Route, one of car with the horse on top, one on Dead Man’s Curve, Albuquerque, Route 66 crashes, gruesome, no seatbelts, no safety glass, so many crushes, Lee gave it up. Lee mentions his parents,...
Transcription of interview (See CD 4 A in Box 5). Tape 4 A, Side 1. , 9/7/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 9
Scope and Contents
Notes from transcription. Lee, Ramona, Lee’s house, Laguna. Fumbling with the tape recorder. Lee talking about Dr. Ward Alan Minge. Both knew George Pearl, went by Clay. Lee talks about the house museum in Corrales and Minge’s book on Acoma, use of Art Bibo material, some mistakes in the book, about Bibo and Marmons leasing the Pueblo of Acoma. Lee did photos for Pearl for El Palacio article Canyon of the Walls, 1958. Lee and Ramona talking about buying used books. Pearl collection...
Transcription of interview (See CD 4 A in Box 5). Tape 4 A, Side 2. , 9/7/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 10
Scope and Contents
Notes from transcription. Lee and Ramona. Continuation Ramona telling error found in Los Angeles traveling exhibit date for death of Sitting Bull and Wounded Knee. Comments on sites for Native American history that Lee and Ramona had visited. More comments on how they found Lee for the UC Davis - Carl Gorman Museum show, Julia, Veronica, ties to the London Barbican exhibit, getting grants for programs, Rumsey Tribe casino, Ford Foundation. More comments on tribal membership, blood...
Transcription of interview (See CD 4 B in Box 5). Tape 4 B, Side 1. , 9/7/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 11
Scope and Contents
Notes from transcription. Lee and Ramona. Continuation Lee and Ramona talking about why Lee’s collection should be at CSWR, UNM. Comments on Lee’s book with Czech photos and the book from his birthday 2007, computer problems, need computer for photo work. Return to topic of Ward Alan Minge, met him through George Pearl, not Art Bibo. Plan to talk to Lee’s brother, who lives in Los Chavez, about family history. Lee talks about the Laguna Pueblo Fiesta in September, Laguna Eagle Dance,...
Transcription of interview (See CD 4 B in Box 5 ). Tape 4 B, Side 2. , 9/7/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 12
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Continuation Lee and Ramona discussing his collection going to CSWR UNM, negotiations, fear for the safety of the collection, Ramona to scan some of historical documents
Transcription of interview (See CD 5 A in Box 5). Tape 5 A, Side 1. , 9/22/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 13
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Lee and Ramona at Laguna, discussing the history of the Pueblos just after the 1680 Revolt some of the northern Pueblos went to live at Acoma, for safety, but left later about 1690s, some moved to the Laguna area because of the lake there. Pueblos at Laguna asked for a padre to come out and built the church, in earlier years small population, epidemic, but increase in the population of the Pueblos, better health care. Lee remembers the small numbers of...
Transcription of interview (See CD 5 B in Box 5). Tape 5 B, Side 2. , 9/22/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 14
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Lee and Ramona. Conversation about the weather in Laguna Pueblo in the past, snow fall in 1910, 1988, less each year, lack of water, during Coronado’s visit, 1540, Rio Grande, river frozen over, horses walking on the ice. Lee talks about camera from Kurt’s Camera Corral, Camera Darkroom Shop. More of Lee’s comments on the UC-Davis photo exhibit, framing his photos. Comments on politics, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, McCain, Palin, Alaska fishing and...
Transcription of interview (See CD 6 A in Box 5. Tape 6 A, Side 1. , 9/29/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 15
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Ramona, interview with Lee, Richard Marmon (Dick), at Richard’s house in Los Lunas. Lee’s brother, an unidentified female and Ramona at the home of Richard Marmon, in Los Chavez, near Los Lunas. Conversation about the Acoma bike race September 2008, Lee took photos. Lee and Dick talking their Dad trading Navajo rugs for a light plant from a man by the Rio Puerco and about selling magazines and newspapers at Laguna. Lee and Dick talking about their...
Transcription of interview (See CD 6 B in Box 5). Tape 6 B, Side 1. , 9/29/2009
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 16
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Lee, Richard and Ramona, continuation of Richard Marmon, in Los Lunas. Lee’s brother, talking about being in Las Vegas, Nevada, in 1943. Lee talks about being at Camp Roberts, California, being a good typist from high school and getting work in the Army office, in 1944 left for Alaska. Richard left Las Vegas, went to Ardmore, Oklahoma, for crew training on B17, as a gunner, and sent overseas, landed in Scotland on June 6, 1944, and on to England, sent on...
Transcription of interview (See CD 6 C in box 5). Tape 6 C, Side 1. , 9/29/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 17
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Ramona, Lee, brother Richard, Los Lunas . Continuation of Lee’s Trinitite story and Lee and Richard picking up rocks, even uranium, Dripping Springs, Jackpile Mine, kept box of rocks at home, man came to their store, house, talked to their mother, had geiger counter, tested found three examples of uranium in their box. Man asked boys where they found the rocks, said did not know. Comments in their Dad’s pickup truck, Model A, cut down pick up, no tires...
Biography of Richard Marmon, ca. 9/29/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 18
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
The collection contains recorded oral history interviews, transcriptions, information about her career in history, academic research, writings, and some photographs. A significant component of the collection is her interviews with Lee Marmon, in which he tells about his parents and grandparents, his time in the U.S. Army and how he got into photography. He also relates details about the history of Laguna Pueblo and Acoma Pueblo. Included are accounts of his parents' trading...
ca. 9/29/2008
Transcription of interview (See CD 7 in Box 5). Tape 7, Side 2. , 10/9/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 20
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Lee and Ramona. Continuation of discussion of a family history. Lee said Cheryl Glenn, University of Pennsylvania, was doing a history of the Marmons. Ramona asked if the reason Lee did photos of the elders was because he felt a sense of connection to the land and heritage, he said yes and that he enjoyed California, but was at home in Laguna. Lee said Alex Harris, she did paper on photographers of the Southwest, focused on Lee, and Aperture Foundation...
Transcription of interview (See CD 10 A in Box 5). Tape 10 A, Side 1. , 10/27/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 21
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Lee and Ramona. He comments on - that today Mike Kelly from CSWR visited him, picked up his photograph collection, and Ramona would pick up the accompanying documents, was happy they will be accessible to public and in good condition at the CSWR. Ramona was getting some new camera equipment for the interviews. They discuss different computer programs. She was filming Lee. Ramona asked Lee his opinion of Tony Hillerman, said he got lost in the stories,...
Transcription of interview (See CD 10 A in Box 5). Tape 10 A, Side 2. , 10/27/2008
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 22
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Lee and Ramona. Lee is talking about tax break for selling his collection to CSWR UNM, cost of sixty years of work, IRS. Lee and Ramona look at the box of documents Lee has, July 1885 Indian soldiers’ payments New Mexico Volunteers from his grandfather, who was commissioned as first lieutenant, G. Marmon, letter from Department of Indian Affairs 1938 S. D. Aberle?, Sophie Aberle, agreement with Robert G. Marmon to survey the Laguna land for the Santa Fe...
Transcription of interview (See CD 12 A in Box 5). Tape 12 A, Side 1, 1/23/2009
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 24
Scope and Contents
Notes taken from transcription. Lee and Ramona discussing photographs he had shown her, Lee at age 4 in cowboy hat with his grandfather. Lee mentions has grandfather, John Gunn and Pratt the surveyor all at Laguna wearing white shirts, suits and ties, also Marmon as a scout wears a suit, proper in those days. They were all from Ohio. Also dressed that way the day a former U.S. President – Coolidge - visited Laguna, at building next to the railroad, next to where Lee was born. Lee talks...
Transcription of interview (See CD 12 B, Side 2) , 1/23/2009
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 25
Scope and Contents
Unable to open or hear - in Box 5). Notes taken from transcription. Lee and Ramona. Continuation of Lee’s story of remodeling the old railroad building, done by his grandfather and great uncle, they lived with Lee’s Dad and Mom. Lee’s folks stayed in the back porch that was added on, very cold or hot, no insulation or stove, you wrapped up a hot stone from the oven and took it to bed to sleep. In 1950 a better bedroom, bathroom and den were added. Another building was added for the new...
Lee Marmon form giving rights to Ramona Caplan for his life history. Abe Pena oral history release form.
File — Container: Box 1, Folder: 27
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
The collection contains recorded oral history interviews, transcriptions, information about her career in history, academic research, writings, and some photographs. A significant component of the collection is her interviews with Lee Marmon, in which he tells about his parents and grandparents, his time in the U.S. Army and how he got into photography. He also relates details about the history of Laguna Pueblo and Acoma Pueblo. Included are accounts of his parents' trading...