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Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.)

Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 18 Collections and/or Records:

A.A. Jones Papers,

Identifier: 1960-025
Scope and Content Collection consists of the legal, personal, and political papers of A.A. Jones. The bulk of the collection consists of legal papers which include several land grant, business, and probate case records. Land grant case records pertain to the Maxwell, Preston Beck, Mora, Las Vegas, and Eaton land grants. Included in the land grant case records are the papers of James and Helen Beck and New Mexico Chief Justice Elisha V. Long's opinion on the Las Vegas Land Grant. Companies involved in the...
Dates: 1862-1927

Albert T. Rogers Family Papers,

Identifier: 1974-049
Scope and Content Collection consists of the papers of the Rogers family (Albert Sr., Albert Jr., Helen, and Waldo). The bulk of the collection consists of Albert Jr.s business and legal papers (1898-1956). Legal papers include Supreme Court of New Mexico case files involving the City of Raton; district court case files; and land grant case files involving the Maxwell, Preston Beck, Anton Chico, and Mora land grants. Also included are records from the settlement of Leah Ilfelds estate and one land grant map....
Dates: 1871-1957

Amado Chaves Papers,

Identifier: 1963-001
Scope and Content Collection consists of correspondence, personal papers, manuscripts, genealogies, and clippings. Subjects include New Mexican customs and folklore, land grants and titles, and prominent figures in New Mexico history. Other topics include Chaves and Ortiz family histories, the 1680 Pueblo Revolt, and New Mexicos school system. Notable correspondents are Charles F. Lummis, B.W. "Win Page, Katharine Chaves Page, and Stephen B. Elkins. This collection was transferred from the Museum of New Mexico...
Dates: 1698-1931

Clinton P. Anderson Papers

Identifier: MSS-20-BC
Scope and Content The collection is divided into 16 overlapping series, and also includes an oversized folder. There is some duplication of series, reflecting multiple processing efforts over time. The series breakdown is as follows: I. Historical documents of New Mexico and the West: diaries, manuscripts, correspondence, transcriptions, printed matter, business records and other papers, mostly relating to NM territorial history. Material from New Mexico Secretary of the Territory (MSS 25 SC)...
Dates: 1848-1975

Colfax County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1973-025
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of the county clerk (1867-1933), county assessor (1870-1892, 1917, 1924), county treasurer (1869-1927), county commission (1876-1927), superintendent of schools (1907-1908), county surveyor (1898), justice of the peace (1887-1925), sheriff (1869-1884), and probate court (1892-1929). Clerk's records include notary records, poll and tally books, voter lists, election returns, abstracts of titles, articles of incorporation, registers of licenses and brands,...
Dates: 1867-1929

Elisha V. and Boaz W. Long Papers,

Identifier: 1972-003
Scope and Content Collection consists of Elisha V. and Boaz W. Long's personal, legal, and dipolmatic correspondence; legal and business records; manuscripts and reports; clippings; and family papers. A large portion of the collection consists of: the legal papers of Elisha V. Long during his tenure as district attorney for several New Mexico counties (1896-1899), as the Chief Justice of the New Mexico Territorial Supreme Court (1885- 1890), and as a private attorney; and the official papers of Boaz W. Long...
Dates: 1857-1970

Eugene A. Fiske Papers,

Identifier: 1960-017
Scope and Content Collection consists primarily of Fiske's professional papers. Series I consists of various legal documents, including a contract retaining Fiske as defense attorney in the trial of James G. Whitney for the murder of Manuel B. Otero, and 67 pages of testimony from the case of Edward Miller v. Alphonso Dockweiler over water rights involving the Rio Tesuque, Acequia Madre, and Acequia del Medio in northern New Mexico. Series II consists of legal documents, deeds, land conveyances, and other...
Dates: 1840-1968 (bulk 1840-1909)

Frank Springer Collection

Identifier: AC-215
Scope and Content Documents contain: originals and copies of legislation to create the war memorial and its administrative branch, the Board of Historical Services, and to appropriate funds to build a new arsenal and armory. Addresses and a paper concerning World War I, that were delivered at various commencements, dedications, and memorials, are included (1917- 1919). Clippings from primarily New Mexico newspapers discuss Springer's activities as lawyer for the Maxwell Land Grant Company; Theodore Roosevelt and...
Dates: 1899-1924

Frank Springer Papers

Identifier: MSS -222-BC
Abstract This collection consists of a bound copy of "Notes and Memoranda Concerning the Legal, Literary, and Scientific Activities of Mr. Frank Springer as a Citizen of New Mexico," compiled from original sources by Ralph Emerson Twitchell, Sante Fe, New Mexico. The collection also contains a bibliography of Frank Springer, correspondence, and clippings.
Dates: 1867-1926

Henry A. Kiker Papers,

Identifier: 1975-005
Scope and Content Collection consists of Henry A. Kiker's legal papers. District court records pertain to civil, criminal, and probate cases in Colfax, Eddy, Mora, Quay, Taos, and Union counties. There are extensive records for Colfax County. Cases of note are the Maxwell Land Grant "squatter" cases involving the Maxwell Land Grant Co., the Maxwell Ditch and Reservoir Co., and the Maxwell Irrigated Land Co. Kiker, Bickley, and Voorhees office correspondence includes Kiker's and Bickley's political and personal...
Dates: 1888-1930

Henry Clark vs. The Maxwell Land Grant

Identifier: AC-302-p
Scope and Content Collection consists of a "Reply to Defendants' Brief," Henry Clark et al., complainants vs. The Maxwell Land Grant, defendant.
Dates: 1880?

Jaramillo-Bent-Scheurich Family Papers,

Identifier: 1960-024
Scope and Content Collection consists of a broad range of materials from members of these three inter-related familes from the area of Taos, New Mexico. Most of the collection is made up of land conveyances, wills, business documents, and correspondence. Includes a photocopy of Teresita Bent's handwritten account of her father Governor Charles Bent's assassination in 1847; land conveyances involving Maria Ygnacia Jaramillo; personal papers of Cornelio Vigil; a speech by L. Bradford Prince; business and personal...
Dates: 1815-1952

L. Bradford Prince Papers,

Identifier: 1959-174
Scope and Content Collection consists of the personal papers and research materials of L. Bradford Prince. The political issues and elections series includes political cartoons and clippings, documentation on the governorship of Miguel A. Otero including the Otero-Burke-Sherman alleged public land fraud (1908), documentation on the removal of Governor Herbert Hagerman from office (1907), legislative bills (1892-1921), and clippings and notes pertaining to several New Mexico political elections. The contemporary...
Dates: 1744-1922

Maxwell Land Grant Company Records

Identifier: MSS-147-BC
Scope and Content This collection documents the operations of the Maxwell Land Grant Company, primarily in New Mexico. It contains 75 bound volumes of letters; 83 bound volumes of ledgers, cash books, journals, etc., and 2 scrapbooks. There are 85 archival boxes containing bank statements, cancelled checks, land contracts, financial statements, correspondence, maps, leases, legal documents, vouchers, receipts, and annual reports of the Maxwell Land Grant Co. and its related business enterprises. The Maxwell...
Dates: 1872-1966

Notes and Memoranda concerning the Legal, Literary and Scientific Activities of Frank Springer

Identifier: AC-290
Scope and Content Collection contains notes and memoranda concerning the legal, literary, and scientific activities of Frank Springer compiled by Ralph E. Twitchell. Most of the information consists of printed material, reprints of articles, newspaper clippings, and typewritten letters, etc., published elsewhere. Volume 1 contains the most extensive collection with a brief introduction by Twitchell. Volumes 2, 3, and 4 contain mostly replicates of material found in the first volume.
Dates: 1871-1927

St. James Hotel (Cimarron, NM) Collection

Identifier: AC 543
Scope and Content Collection contains historical information about the town of Cimarron, N.M., the Don Diego/St. James Hotel in Cimarron, and Rev. Thomas J. Tolby. Also included is a copy of 1879 Maxwell Land Grant Company.
Dates: 1930-1999

Thomas B. Catron Papers

Identifier: MSS-29-BC
Scope and Content The collection contains personal, business, political and legal papers of Thomas B. Catron, 1723-1930. Included is correspondence, legal documents, case records, maps, deeds, campaign literature, newspaper clippings, ledgers, reports and printed material. The collection contains records of 282 cases of the U. S. Court of Private Land Claims, Santa Fe District, 1891-1903, with considerable material on the Anton Chico Grant, Tierra Amarilla Grant, Maxwell Land Grant, and La Bajada Grant. The...
Dates: 1692-1934

William A. Keleher Papers

Identifier: MSS-742-BC
Abstract The William A. Keleher collection contains a variety of materials pertaining to the history of New Mexico. As a historian, Keleher conducted thorough research on the territorial era of the State. As a prominent lawyer and citizen of the State in the 1900's, Keleher's legal work and volunteer efforts helped shape the modern condition of New Mexico. Many of the documents related to his research, career and other interests are included in this collection.
Dates: 1714-1999; Majority of material found within 1915-1972