Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 30
Alfred C. Wiley Collection
Identifier: AC-240
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the papers of Alfred C. Wiley, 1821-1978. Included are: Alfred C. Wiley's correspondence, 1914-1951; papers relating to his childhood friend Frank Hazen, 1908-1931; Cash and Carry Groceteria documents, 1937-1978; papers relating to the Kiwanis Club; and miscellaneous papers, 1821-1946. Miscellaneous papers consist of postcards addressed to Alfred's father F.F. Wiley (1894-1896), envelopes from the First National Bank of Santa Fe, a statement of condition from the Mutual...
1821-1978 (bulk, 1908-1951)
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Arthur Seligman Scrapbooks
Identifier: AC-166
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the scrapbooks of New Mexico Governor Arthur Seligman, 1930-1933. Clippings represent newspapers throughout New Mexico and reflect the activities of Seligman as governor. Subjects include; politics, pardons, education, official appointments, veterans, the economy, the National Recovery Administration, and other related topics. The collection is rich in clippings pertaining to the National Miners' Union Strike of 1933 in Gallup, New Mexico.
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Camp Cody photographs
Identifier: Ms-0537
Thirty six photographs depicting Camp Cody, near Deming, New Mexico, 1917. Camp Cody was established in 1917 as a training camp for National Guard units from Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. The units trained at Camp Cody comprised the 34th Infantry "Sandstorm" Division. About 45,000 troops trained at Camp Cody between 1917 and 1919. The camp was first called Camp Brooks, then Camp Deming, before being renamed Camp Cody to honor the scout and showman William F. "Buffalo...
David Ross Boyd Presidential Papers
Identifier: UNMA-005
David Ross Boyd served as the president of University of New Mexico from 1912-1919. This collection consists mostly of letters between Boyd and UNM faculty members.
Draft Records for New Mexico District Board for Division Number One
Identifier: MSS-82-BC
This collection contains U. S. Selective Service exemption claims and photoprint sets of county draft board records.
Fényes-Curtin-Paloheimo Collection
Identifier: nmsfamh0011
This collection documents the lives of three generations of one family, grandmother, Eva Scott Muse Fényes, mother, Leonora S.M. Curtin, and daughter, Leonora Curtin Paloheimo. The personal papers of the women contain extensive correspondence, diaries, thousands of photographs, business and financial documents, travel records, scrapbooks, clippings, and ephemera.
Found in:
Acequia Madre House
Frank Springer Collection
Identifier: AC-215
Scope and Content
Documents contain: originals and copies of legislation to create the war memorial and its administrative branch, the Board of Historical Services, and to appropriate funds to build a new arsenal and armory. Addresses and a paper concerning World War I, that were delivered at various commencements, dedications, and memorials, are included (1917- 1919). Clippings from primarily New Mexico newspapers discuss Springer's activities as lawyer for the Maxwell Land Grant Company; Theodore Roosevelt and...
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Frank W. Armstrong Collection
Identifier: AC 485
Scope and Content
Collection consists of letters, cards, miscellaneous legal and fiscal documents, and various pieces of ephemera. The bulk of this collection is authored by Frank W. Armstrong of New Mexico. Also included within the collection are various documents pertaining to the Armstrong family business, the San Marcial Mercantile Company in San Marcial, New Mexico.
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
George W. Prichard Family Papers,
Identifier: MSS-187-BC
This collection contains materials on New Mexico legal cases, mining ventures and George W. Prichard's political life, as well as his legal, business, and personal correspondence. The collection also contains the papers of Maude Hancock Prichard, concerning New Mexico women's involvement in World War I relief activities.
German World War 1 Photograph Albums
Identifier: PAAC-066
Content Description
Two albums of official photographs created by the German government during World War I, ca. 1914-1918. The photographs document destruction, troop activities, etc, from the point of view of the Second Reich/Imperial Germany.
Also contains an unrelated scrapbook or other WWI publication ("Der Welt Krieg") collected by donor.
Also contains an unrelated scrapbook or other WWI publication ("Der Welt Krieg") collected by donor.
Glen Orville Ream Papers
Identifier: MSS-409-BC
This collection is comprised of papers and scrapbooks pertaining to Glen O. Ream, educator in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Phillip (Felipe) B. Gonzales Papers
Identifier: MSS-1099-BC
Scope and Contents
The Phillip (Felipe) B. Gonzales papers contain institutional documents, letters, and press publications. Its main area focus involves historical aspects of the Hispanic experience in New Mexico and the Southwest. Included are Spanish-language articles dating from the mid-late 19th century and early-mid 20th century, including popular political poetry, partisan political contention, and public discourse. Another series touches on controversial Nuevomexicano ethnic identity. Data on the...
1883 - 2020
Governor Washington E. Lindsey Papers,
Identifier: 1959-096
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Lindsey. Correspondence, appointments, resignations, proclamations, and executive orders involve various state agencies and institutions. Oaths consist of Lindseys oath of office. Reports concern the New Mexico Land Office and several New Mexico counties. Special reports and investigations include documentation on labor disputes in the Gallup area, a threatened strike in the Madrid mining district, the influenza outbreak in Rio Arriba County,...
John Brockman Letters
Identifier: AC 584
Scope and Content
Collection of letters from Private John Brockman of Mills, New Mexico to family and friends during his service in the U.S. Army with training in the States and deployment to France during World War I
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
John Trujillo Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-186
This collection contains photographs of Army troops training at Camp Cody in Deming, New Mexico.
Joseph Quesenberry diary
Identifier: Ms-0532
Content Description
The collection includes a bound replica of the original diary belonging to Joseph "Joe" Quesenberry. The diary contains entries regarding his departure from Las Cruces to serve the United States military (Company K, 18th Infantry). The diary is Joe's firsthand account of his time serving in World War I, date span includes December 31, 1916 to March 1, 1918. Included in the collection are photocopies of various publications that pertain to Captain Quesenberry. Photocopies of publications include...
December 31, 1916 - March 1, 1918 and undated
Katherine Stinson Pictorial Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-506
Photograph collection consists of pictures of the Stinson and Otero families and pictures related to aviation and to World Wars I and II.
Leopold Armijo Collection
Identifier: AC 621
Scope and Content
This collection consists of Armijo family records and photographs and focuses on the many letters Leo Armijo wrote to his grandchildren, Patricia and David Palafox, sharing many personal family experiences as well as memories of the times in which he lived. Many of the stories relate to Las Vegas, NM history.
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Long Canyon Ranch Collection
Identifier: MSS-989-BC
The Long Canyon Ranch Collection is focused on the ranch near Taiban, New Mexico owned by the Herlihy family.
1860-2018; Majority of material found in 1910-1929
Long Canyon Ranch Pictorial Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-989
The Long Canyon Ranch Pictorial Collection is focused on the ranch in Taiban, New Mexico, but includes other locations traveled to by the Herlihy family.
1860-1989; Majority of material found within 1910-1929
McCart Family Papers
Identifier: MSS-537-BC
Scope and Content
The McCart family papers represent the combined efforts of Ethel W. Sly McCart and of her husband William Henry McCart. Ethel's meticulous efforts to construct a scrap book of newspaper clippings, military correspondence and letters of affection are of special interest. Ethel McCart's papers contain insightful information of her unconventional career and impressions of daily life as a corporal in the U.S. Marine Reserve. War correspondence, diaries and photographs document her unique career in...
New Mexico Adjutant General Records,
Identifier: 1973-019
Scope and Content
As of 1997 collection consists of records of the New Mexico Adjutant General, National Guard, and Office of Military Affairs (1847-1988). Includes administrative correspondence, field reports, general and special orders, ledger books, enlistment and discharge documents, casualty records, photographs, clippings, muster rolls from New Mexico volunteer militias and National Guard (1847-1917), and annual reports for various years between 1875 and 1962. Much of the material concerns the involvement...
Otero-Stinson Family Papers
Identifier: MSS-506-BC
Scope and Content
This collection consists of three topical segments: Katherine Stinson's aviation career, Miguel Otero's political and legal career, and collected papers and manuscripts of his father Governor Miguel A. Otero, all ranging from the mid 1850s to 1985. The core of the collection are the correspondence files of Otero and Stinson and of Gov. Otero (Boxes 1-6). While Gov. Otero's papers are separated from Otero-Stinson's (Box 6), it was too difficult to separate Katherine Stinson's correspondence from...
Porter-Harvey Family Papers
Identifier: MSS-731-BC
This collection consists of correspondence, news clippings, journals, scrapbooks, photographs and genealogical information relating to the Porter and Harvey families. The collection documents their personal, social, and political experiences.
1815-2012 (bulk 1917-1969)
Radical Pamphlets Collection
Identifier: MSS-352-BC
The collection contains pamphlets published by the Communist Party, U.S.A., Communist Party, Soviet Union, various Socialist parties, and radical presses in the U.S. and abroad. Some pamphlet covers and descriptions can be viewed in New Mexico Digital Collections.
Filtered By
- Subject: World War, 1914-1918 X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 15
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 9
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 2
- New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 2
- NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives 1
- Acequia Madre House 1 ∧ less
- Subject
- World War, 1914-1918 12
- Photographs. 7
- Clippings 4
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 4
- Courts -- New Mexico 3
- Letters 3
- New Mexico -- Officials and employees 3
- World War, 1914-1918 -- France 3
- World War, 1914-1918 -- New Mexico 3
- Addresses 2
- Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 2
- Annual reports 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939 2
- New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 2
- New Mexico -- History -- 20th century 2
- New Mexico -- Politics and government 2
- Soldiers -- Correspondence 2
- State government records 2
- Women in aeronautics 2
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives, American 2
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Veterans 2
- World War, 1939-1945 2
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American 2
- Account books 1
- Aeronautics 1
- Agricultural wages -- New Mexico 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Centennial celebrations, etc 1
- Albuquerque -- New Mexico -- History -- 20th century 1
- Alcohol -- Law and Legislation -- New Mexico 1
- Alexandria (Egypt) 1
- Aliens -- United States 1
- Anti-fascist movements 1
- Archaeology -- Southwest, New 1
- Armories --New Mexico 1
- Art, American 1
- Artists -- New Mexico -- Taos 1
- Athens (Greece) 1
- Attitude (Psychology) - - Testing 1
- Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 -- Pictorial works 1
- Blacks -- Civil rights 1
- Blacks -- Social conditions 1
- California--Description and travel 1
- Camp Albert L. Mills (N.Y.) 1
- Camp Cody (N.M.) 1
- Camp Cody (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 1
- Camp Funston (Kan.) 1
- Camp Sevier (S.C.) 1
- Cargo ships--United States--History--20th century 1
- Cartoons & Comics 1
- Casablanca (Morocco) 1
- Cattle breeders--New Mexico 1
- Cattle breeders--New Mexico--Pictorial works 1
- Cattle trade--New Mexico 1
- Cattle trade--New Mexico--Pictorial works 1
- Central America--Description and travel 1
- Chicano Civil Rights Movement -- New Mexico -- 20th Century 1
- Chicano Movement--History--20th century. 1
- China -- History -- 20th century 1
- Coal miners -- New Mexico -- Madrid 1
- Cold War 1
- Colorado--Description and travel 1
- Columbus (N.M.) -- History -- Proclamations 1
- Correspondence 1
- Crimes against peace 1
- Criminals -- New Mexico 1
- Crinoidea, Fossil 1
- Cuba--History 1
- De Baca County (N.M.) -- History 1
- De Baca County (N.M.) -- History -- Pictorial works 1
- Deming (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 1
- Diaries 1
- Discharges 1
- Dissett Mary E. -- Pictorial works 1
- Don Juan Oñate 1
- Draft--New Mexico 1
- Drawing 1
- Education--New Mexico 1
- Epidemics --New Mexico--History 1
- Ethnobotany -- North America 1
- Eulogies 1
- Europe--Description and travel 1
- Extradition -- New Mexico 1
- Family papers 1
- Fascism 1
- Fight for freedom publications 1
- Finns -- California 1
- Finns -- New Mexico 1
- Folk songs -- New Mexico 1
- Folk songs, Spanish -- New Mexico 1
- Food -- Preservation 1
- Fort Sumner (N.M.) -- History 1
- Fort Sumner (N.M.) -- History -- Pictorial works 1
- Fortification --New Mexico 1
- France 1
- Frontier and pioneer life -- Southwest -- New Mexico 1
- Frontier and pioneer life-- New Mexico 1
- Genoa (Italy) 1
- Governors --New Mexico 1
- Handicraft -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe -- Marketing 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 29
- Undetermined 7
- Chinese 1
- German 1
- Japanese 1
- Spanish; Castilian 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 2
- Herlihy, Barry Herbert (1939-2016) 2
- Herlihy, Ernest Herbert (1895-1985) 2
- Herlihy, Frank George (1898-1989) 2
- Herlihy, Jenny Martha Schultz (1860-1953) 2
- Herlihy, Lester B. (Lester Barry), 1891-1974 2
- Herlihy, Richard 2
- Long Canyon Cattle Company 2
- Long Canyon Ranch (N.M.) 2
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 2
- Stinson, Katherine, 1891-1977 2
- Acequia Madre House . (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
- Albuquerque High School (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1
- American Civil Liberties Union 1
- American Protective League 1
- American Red Cross 1
- Armijo family 1
- Boyd, David Ross, 1853-1936 1
- Browder, Earl, 1891-1973 1
- Chisum, John Simpson, 1824-1884 1
- Communist Party of the United States of America 1
- Dissette, Mary E. 1
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 1
- Foraker, Creighton M 1
- Foster, William Z., 1881-1961 1
- Gebrüder Haeckel 1
- Gilpin, Laura, 1891-1979 1
- Haeckel, Georg, 1873-1942 1
- Haeckel, Otto, 1872-1945 1
- Harrington, E. R. (Eldred Ray), 1902-1980 1
- Harrington, Iris L., Mrs. 1
- Harvey family 1
- Harvey, Julian C. 1
- Herlihy family 1
- Herlihy family--Pictorial works 1
- Hofphotograph Kühlewindt 1
- Horseshoe Land and Cattle Company 1
- Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927 1
- Knee, Gina, 1898-1982 1
- Kommunisticheskai︠a︡ partii︠a︡ Sovetskogo Soi︠u︡za 1
- Kühlewindt, Alfred 1
- Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) 1
- League for Industrial Democracy 1
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, 1870-1924 1
- Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 1
- McCart family 1
- McCart, William H., b.1898- 1
- McKinley, William, 1843-1901 1
- New Mexico Military Institute 1
- New Mexico. District Board for Division Number One 1
- New Mexico. District Court 1
- New Mexico. Legislature 1
- New Mexico. National Guard 1
- Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan), 1887-1975 1
- Otero Family 1
- Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 1
- Otero-Stinson family 1
- Porter, Mae Reed, 1889-1969 1
- Prichard, George W., 1850-1935 1
- Prichard, Maude Hancock 1
- Prussia (Germany). Armee. Stellvertretender Generalstab 1
- Romero, Secundino 1
- School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
- Seligman, Arthur 1
- Socialist Party (U.S.) 1
- Springer, Frank, 1848-1927 1
- Stalin, Joseph, 1878-1953 1
- Stinson, Edward A 1
- Stinson, Majorie C 1
- Talbot, D.H. (1850-1911) 1
- Tondre, Joseph Frank, 1883-1968 1
- Trujillo, John 1
- United States. Army. Volunteer Cavalry, 1st 1
- University of New Mexico. Center for Southwest Research 1
- University of New Mexico. Students 1
- University of New Mexico. University Libraries 1
- Westfall, L. Glenn, 1943- 1
- Women's Land Army of America 1
- Young Communist International 1
- Young Communist League (Great Britain) 1
- Young Communist League of the U.S 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more