Showing Collections: 1 - 15 of 15
Arthur Olivas Collection
Identifier: AC-175
Scope and Content
Collection consists of photocopies of historical documents and three original bound volumes pertaining to New Mexico businesses, 1850-1934. Historical documents (1850-1894) include military orders and forms of the occupying United States Army (1850-1883) and Henry Jenkins' handwritten and typescript account of his capture by Confederate forces in Mesilla on the Rio Grande (1863). Bound volumes (1911-1934) include: a ledger from the Las Vegas Coal Company (New Mexico), 1922; a daybook from the...
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Bernalillo County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-034
Scope and Content
Holdings consist of records of the county clerk (1848-1920), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1856, 1889-1899), county commission (1876-1889, 1927), justice of the peace (1854-1899), probate court (1849-1927), and school superintendent (1858-1887). Clerks records include registers of deeds, mines, licenses, brands, oaths and bonds, mortgages, chattel mortgages, liens, and notarial records; election results, abstracts of deeds; and various other documents. Probate records include adoptions...
1849-1927 (Bulk 1849-1900)
Colfax County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1973-025
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of the county clerk (1867-1933), county assessor (1870-1892, 1917, 1924), county treasurer (1869-1927), county commission (1876-1927), superintendent of schools (1907-1908), county surveyor (1898), justice of the peace (1887-1925), sheriff (1869-1884), and probate court (1892-1929). Clerk's records include notary records, poll and tally books, voter lists, election returns, abstracts of titles, articles of incorporation, registers of licenses and brands,...
Dona Ana County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-017
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Dona Ana County, New Mexico (1852-1946). Included are the records of the county clerk (1852-1935), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1854-1923), county commission (1885-1916), justice of the peace (1863-1946), probate court (1859-1912), coroner (1864-1900), school superintendent (1876-1877), treasurer (1864-1913), road supervisor (1896, 1902), and the board of horticultural commissioners (1892). County Clerk's records include registers of deeds, brands,...
Eddy County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-035
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Eddy County, New Mexico (1888-1991). The bulk of the material covers the dates 1891-1922. Included are the records of the county clerk (1891-1972, 1990-1991), sheriff (1896-1922), assessor (1891-1911), county commissioners (1891-1932), justice of the peace (1900-1940), probate court (1888-1915), superintendent of schools (1891-1923), treasurer (1891-1913), coroner (1892-1912), surveyor (1891-1908), road supervisor and overseer (1901-1910), and miscellaneous...
1888-1991(Bulk 1891-1922)
Grant County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-019
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Grant County, New Mexico (1868-1983). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1868 to 1914. Included are records of the county clerk (1868-1928), assessor (1871-1918), sheriff (1877-1916), county commissioners (1889-1896), county superintendent of schools (18895-1900), justice of the peace (1869-1917), treasurer (1888-1902), probate court (1883-1915), and photocopies or typescripts of obituaries and cemetery records. Clerks records include mining claims,...
1868-1983 (bulk 1868-1914)
Lincoln County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-022
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Lincoln County, New Mexico (1869-1932). Included are records of the county clerk (1869-1912), assessor (1870-1912), auditor (1875), treasurer (1883-1932), sheriff (1875-1897), county commissioners (1889-1912), justice of the peace (1876-1904), probate court (1870-1920), and miscellaneous records. Clerks records include poll and tally books, voter lists, election records, mining records, and registers of bonds, deeds, and marriages. Miscellaneous records...
Mora County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-036
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Mora County, New Mexico (1850-1922). The bulk of the material covers the dates 1870 to 1911. Included are records of the county clerk (1850-1918), assessor (1871-1912), sheriff (1879-1884), treasurer (1924), county commissioners (1880-1921), justice of the peace (1856-1910), probate court (1871-1890), superintendent of schools/board of education (1915-1922), and miscellaneous tax records (1903, 1917). Clerks records include registers of licenses, brands,...
1850-1930 (Bulk 1870-1911)
New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Collection
Identifier: AC-170
Scope and Content
These records were originally deposited by the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department from safety deposit boxes of New Mexico banks.
Significant items in these collections are deeds, powers of attorney, and court records that reveal the activities of land speculators in assembling enormous tracts in the post-Civil War years.
Some materials in Spanish.
Significant items in these collections are deeds, powers of attorney, and court records that reveal the activities of land speculators in assembling enormous tracts in the post-Civil War years.
Some materials in Spanish.
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Rio Arriba County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-024
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Rio Arriba County, New Mexico (1847-1957). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1847 to 1900. Included are records of the county clerk (1847-1938), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1849-1927), county commission (1882-1927), justice of the peace (1852-1938, 1957), probate court (1848-1918), and coroner's inquests (1883-1937). County Clerk records include registers of deeds, oaths and bonds, marriages, licenses, mines, and partido contracts; poll and tally...
1847-1957 ( Bulk 1870-1900)
San Miguel County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-026
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of San Miguel County, New Mexico (1847-1942). Included are records of the county clerk (1847-1930), assessor (1870-1913), treasurer (1865-1875), sheriff (1853, 1887-1888), county commissioners (1876-1889), justice of the peace (1858-1925), probate court (1847-1940) and school superintendent (1879-1908). Clerks records include a census of Tecolote, New Mexico (1855); registers of brands, licenses, liens, deed receipts, oaths and bonds, chattel mortgages and...
Santa Fe County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1973-002
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Santa Fe County, New Mexico (1846-1946). Included are records of the county clerk (1849-1946), assessor (1870-1888), treasurer (1847-1918), sheriff (1847-1938), county commissioners (1863-1936), justice of the peace (1846-1937), probate court (1851-1934), and school superintendent (1876-1916). Clerks records include correspondence; registers of deeds, mortgages, licenses, oaths and bonds, brands, bounties, and marriages; notarial records; and mining...
1846-1999 (bulk 1946-1946)
Socorro County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-029
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Socorro County, New Mexico. Included are records of the county clerk (1862-1935), assessor (1870-1932), treasurer (1867-1876), sheriff (1903-1917), county commission (1876-1932), justice of the peace (1867-1931), probate court (1867-1924), and county school superintendent and board of education (1909-1919). Also included are miscellaneous records which include a city of Socorro audit (1924-1930) and a Magdalena census enumeration (1912?). Clerks records...
Taos County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-030
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Taos County, New Mexico (1847-1959). Included are records of the county clerk (1847-1959), assessor (1881-1929), county commissioners (1876-1944), treasurer/collector (1899-1918), justice of the peace (1863-1946), probate court (1847-1958), coroner (1862), county school superintendent/school board (1905-1924), and miscellaneous records consisting of the political correspondence of Taos County Sheriff Columbus Ferguson (1950-1956). Clerks records include...
Valencia County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-031
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Valencia County, New Mexico (1847-1979). The bulk of the records cover the dates 1846 to 1964. Included are records of the county clerk (1849-1864), assessor (1870-1920), treasurer (1847-1912), sheriff (1885-1927), county commission (1881-1928, 1979), justice of the peace (1844-1946), probate court (1846-1937), county school superintendent (1939-1942), and miscellaneous records (1916-ca. 1930). Clerks records include correspondence; registers of oaths and...
1847-1979 (bulk 1846-1964)
Filtered By
- Subject: Mining claims -- New Mexico X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 13
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 2
- Subject
- Judicial records 13
- Tax records 13
- Legal files 12
- Licenses 12
- Local government -- Records 12
- Voting registers 12
- Wills 12
- Bonds (legal records) 11
- Marriage records 10
- Deed books 9
- Notarial documents 9
- Census records 7
- Mortgages 6
- Articles of incorporation 4
- Contracts 2
- Deeds 2
- Adoption -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Adoption --New Mexico--Santa Fe County 1
- Adoptions -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Census -- 1885 1
- Belen (N.M.) -- Census -- 1918 1
- Bernalillo County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Bernalillo County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
- Bonds (negotiable instruments) 1
- Buildings -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
- Canon de San Diego de Jemez Land Grant (N.M.) 1
- Cerrillos (N.M.) -- Census -- 1893 1
- Clippings 1
- Colfax County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Colfax County (N.M.) -- Politics 1
- Conveyances 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Dona Ana County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Eddy County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- San Miguel County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Coroners -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1
- Coroners -- Rio Arriba County (N.M.) 1
- Ditches -- New Mexico -- Dona Ana County 1
- Ditches -- New Mexico -- Lincoln County 1
- Doña Ana County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Doña Ana County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
- Eddy County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Eddy County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
- Estate records 1
- Field notes 1
- Grant County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Grant County (N.M.) -- Politics 1
- Grazing claims -- New Mexico -- Socorro County 1
- Homestead law -- New Mexico -- Mora County 1
- Homestead law -- New Mexico -- Rio Arriba County 1
- Homestead law -- New Mexico -- Socorro County 1
- Homestead law -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1
- Indians of North America -- Claims against -- New Mexico -- San Miguel County 1
- Indians of North America -- Claims against -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Irrigation canals and flumes -- New Mexico -- Dona Ana County 1
- Irrigation canals and flumes -- New Mexico -- Lincoln County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Colfax County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Dona Ana County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Lincoln County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Mora County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Rio Arriba County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- San Miguel County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico --Silver City 1
- Las Vegas (N.M.) -- Commerce 1
- Legal documents 1
- Lincoln County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Lincoln County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Colfax County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Eddy County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Grant County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Mora County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- San Miguel County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Socorro County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1
- Livestock brands -- New Mexico--Dona Ana County 1
- Livestock brands --New Mexico--Santa Fe County 1
- Los Lunas (N.M.) -- Census -- 1928 1
- Magdalena (N.M.) -- Census 1
- Map 1
- Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Colfax County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Dona Ana County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Eddy County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Grant County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Lincoln County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Mora County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Rio Arriba County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- San Miguel County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Sierra county 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Socorro County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Mining claims -- New Mexico -- Valencia County 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Bernalillo County (N.M.) 1
- Bernalillo County (N.M.). Commission 1
- Maxwell, Lucien Bonaparte, 1818-1875 1
∨ more