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Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 317

450 Años de Lucha: Homenaje al Pueblo Mexicano Portfolio

Identifier: PICT-999-021
Abstract This collection depicts major events in the history of Mexico, from Spanish contact with the indigenous peoples to political events of the early 20th Century. Images dealing with Spanish missionization of the indigenous population, the Mexican War of Independence, the Mexican American War, and the Mexican Revolution are included. The relationship between the United States and Mexico is also a major theme addressed in a number of images.
Dates: 1960

Abel Briquet Vistas Mexicanas Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-996-017
Abstract Collection contains views of Mexico from the series "Vistas Mexicanas" by Abel Briquet, a French photographer who worked in Mexico at the turn of the century.
Dates: 1890-1910

Abelardo Rodriguez Photograph Album

Identifier: PICT-997-015
Abstract The album contains 110 prints depicting Mexican President Abelardo Rodriguez as well as political events from his presidency.
Dates: 1932-1933

Acequia de Abajo (Sandoval County, N.M.) Records

Identifier: MSS-687-BC
Abstract The collection documents the history of the Acequia de Abajo, Precinct 2, Sandoval County, N.M. between 1919 and 1934.
Dates: 1919-1934

Alamo Navajo Oral History Project

Identifier: MSS-563-BC
Scope and Content The Alamo Navajo Oral History Project collection consists of 23 interviews on 26 CDs with related photographs. The interviews were conducted between 1977 and 1984 with people from the Alamo Navajo Reservation in southwestern New Mexico. The interviewees include: Louise Abeyta, Narciso Abeyta, John Anderson Pino, Denny Y. Apachito, Julian Apachito, Martiano Apachito, Billy Apachito, Hattie Apachito, Helen Apachito, Ida Apachito, Bessie Field Baca, John M. Baca. Thomas Ganadonegro, John Guerro,...
Dates: 1977-1984

Alan Paine Radebaugh Collection of Country Western Music and Interviews

Identifier: MU-25
Abstract This collection contains song recordings, interviews and photos that Alan Paine Radebaugh collected from four New Mexico country western singers and musicians: Joseph Looney, Robert Carley, Ned Holloway and Sidney Fleming. In addition, there are performances by other early, leading country singers from New Mexico, Texas, California, Kansas and other parts of the country. Some of them were recorded at fiddle contests.
Dates: 1965-1996

Albert Jennings Fountain Document

Identifier: MSS-8-SC
Abstract This collection consists of one photoprint of a handwritten document, entitled "Confundis de la Historia del Pintoresco Pueblo de la Mesilla," by Colonel Albert Jennings Fountain. The document outlines the role of the town of la Mesilla in the history of New Mexico, with regard to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Gadsden Purchase, and the Civil War.
Dates: 1838-1896

Albino Mendoza and the Teatro Casino Luís Mier y Terán collection

Identifier: PICT-2013-007
Abstract This collection consists of photos and documents primarily related to Albino Mendoza’s artistic work at the Teatro Casino Luís Mier y Terán in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Dates: 1894-1936

Albuquerque and New Mexico Pamphlet Collection

Identifier: MSS-112-BC
Abstract This collection contains pamphlets related to Albuquerque and New Mexico. Topics range from political campaigns to national parks and monuments, and conferences convening in this area. Many pamphlets are aimed toward prospective residents, tourists, and health-seeking visitors to New Mexico.
Dates: 1880-1961

Albuquerque Area Land Documents and Letter Regarding Miracle

Identifier: MSS-105-SC
Abstract This collection is comprised of eight documents regarding land sales or conveyances and one account of a miracle that occurred in 1839. The land documents are related to the Albuquerque, New Mexico area.
Dates: 1769-1845

Alfonso Sanchez papers

Identifier: MSS-803-BC
Abstract Alfonso Sanchez was the District Attorney for Rio Arriba County during the land struggle of Reies Lopez Tijerina and the Alianza Federal de las Mercedes. The collection consists of biographical materials pertaining to Alfonso Sanchez, as well as materials pertaining to the Tierra Amarillo land grant and Reies Lopez Tijerina.
Dates: 1856-2004; Majority of material found within 1955-1970

Alfredo Zalce Estampas de Yucatán Folio

Identifier: PICT-999-003
Abstract 8 lithographs by Alfredo Zalce of Yucatán subjects: people, laborers, landscapes. Printed by José Sanchez at the , it is no. 93 of a limited edition of 100 published by in 1946.Taller de Gráfica Popular, it is no. 93 of a limited edition of 100 published by Estampa Mexicana in 1946.
Dates: 1945-1946

Amador family papers

Identifier: Ms-0004
Abstract Papers of the Amador family, entrepreneurs and community leaders of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Included in the collection are the personal papers of Martin Amador, Refugio Ruiz de Amador, their children, Emilia Amador de Garcia, Juan Amador, Francisco Amador, Martin A. Amador, Jr., Maria Amador de Daguerre, Clotilde Amador de Terrazas, Julieta Amador de Garcia, and Corina Amador de Campbell, and sons in law, Jesus Garcia and Antonio Terrazas. The papers include correspondence, financial, and legal...
Dates: 1856-1949

American G.I. Forum of New Mexico Records

Identifier: MSS-1018-BC
Abstract The collection documents the American G.I. Forum (AGIF) of New Mexico and its advocacy work. AGIF New Mexico files include records of the national AGIF organization.
Dates: 1948-2009

Andrew Hunter Whiteford Semana Santa Research Collection

Identifier: MSS-723-BC
Abstract The collection consists of publications, articles, ephemera, and Whiteford's personal notes relating to Semana Santa, or Holy Week. Most of the materials pertain to Holy Week in Spain (predominantly Málaga), however, some of the articles and publications relate to Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, and the Yaqui Indians in Arizona.
Dates: 1927-1971

Anita Ailer Ayala Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-166
Abstract This collection of black-and-white photos (with typewritten text on back) shows pupils and teachers at the Rationalist or Socialist Schools of Tabasco, Mexico, where agricultural practices were taught in post-Revolutionary Mexico.
Dates: 1934

Antonio Armijo Ledger

Identifier: AC-004
Scope and Content Antonio Armijo's ledger contains the dry goods accounts for various people, 1899-1902. Each entry gives the person's name, items purchased, amount owed, and when the account was paid. Also inlcuded is an alphabetical index by surname. The ledger book is in Spanish.
Dates: 1899-1902

Antonio Garcia Collection of Native American Music of New Mexico and Mexico

Identifier: MU-12
Abstract This collection of sound recordings was donated to the John Donald Robb Archive of Southwestern Music by Antonio Garcia. The music is mainly from San Juan Pueblo, New Mexico, with a few songs of the Huichol of Mexico. In addition, several songs are from the Iroquois and one is from the Ojibwa or Chippewa Tribe.
Dates: ca. 1941-1965; Majority of material found within 1960-65

Antonio José Martinez Publications

Identifier: MSS-188-SC
Scope and Content This collection contains original printing press material from the press of Padre Antonio Martinez. The booklets are in Spanish. This is an artificial collection and additional material will be added as it is collected.
Dates: 1836-1859

Año de Juárez Folio (1972)

Identifier: PICT-999-013
Abstract This collection contains 20 prints by Taller de Gráfica Popular artists Jesus Alvarez Amaya, Alberto Beltrán, Angel Bracho, Celia Calderon, Luis Chaco, Andrea Gomez, Elena Huerta, Xavier Iniguez, Leopoldo Mendez, and Manuel Perez Coronado, commemorating the presidency of Benito Juárez (Mexico, 1858-1872).
Dates: 1972

Archivo de Cartago (Colombia)

Identifier: MSS-1025-BC
Abstract Microfilm collection of 17th-19th century documents obtained from the Archivo Histórico de Cartago in Cartago, Valle, Colombia, by researcher Dr. Larry Larrichio.
Dates: 1615-1825

Argentina Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-991-029
Abstract This collection contains 3 mounted photographs and a set of postcards entitled "Como es Buenos Aires en la Actualidad."
Dates: 1930-1940

Argentina: Vistas de Corrientes Photograph Album

Identifier: PICT-998-012
Abstract The collection contains albumen prints which depict the Argentine city of Corrientes and the surrounding province of the same name.
Dates: 1875

Arthur and Lorene Delgado Collection of Manuel Delgado Papers,

Identifier: 1988-037
Scope and Content Collection consists primarily of the military papers of Manuel Delgado (a captain in the Spanish Army), 1778-1794. Most of the documents concern administrative matters related to several presidios in northern New Spain. Other topics include military desertions, military benefits, financial accounts, a land conveyance in Santa Fe, and judicial proceedings.

Collection is in Spanish.
Dates: 1778-1836

Arthur Bibo Collection of Acoma and Laguna Pueblo Documents,

Identifier: 1973-034
Scope and Content Collection consists of original documents and photocopies involving Acoma and Laguna Indian Pueblos in New Mexico. Includes letters and various legal documents. Much of the collection concerns legal disputes between Acoma and Laguna Pueblos over land tenure, boundaries, and water rights. Also within the collection is a 1904 letter to officials at Acoma Pueblo from officials at New Mexico's eight northern Pueblos requesting united opposition among all Pueblos to the New Mexico Supreme Court's...
Dates: 1689-1904 (bulk 1829-1904).

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  • Language: Spanish; Castilian X

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UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 254
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 26
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 21
New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 8
NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives 4
∨ more  
Photographs. 46
Sound recordings 24
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 16
Mural painting and decoration 14
Letters 13
∨ more
Clippings 12
Conveyances 12
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 11
Oral histories 11
Correspondence 9
Map 9
Wills 9
Account books 8
Land grants -- New Mexico 8
Postcards 8
Posters 8
Lithographs 7
Prints -- Mexico 7
Alabados 6
Family papers 6
Folk music -- New Mexico 6
Land tenure -- New Mexico 6
Music -- New Mexico 6
New Mexico -- History 6
Photograph albums 6
Prints 6
Publications 6
Songs, Spanish -- New Mexico 6
Cityscapes 5
Contracts 5
Estate inventories 5
Legal documents 5
New Mexico -- Politics and government 5
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 5
Albumen prints 4
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 4
Country music 4
Deeds 4
Devotional literature 4
Diaries 4
Folk dance music -- New Mexico 4
Folk music – New Mexico 4
Folk songs, Spanish -- New Mexico 4
Hispanic Americans -- Music 4
Linocuts 4
Manuscripts 4
Mexican American poets 4
Mexico -- History 4
Mexico -- History -- Revolution, 1910-1920 4
Mexico -- History -- Spanish colony, 1540-1810 4
Mexico City (Mexico) 4
New Mexico--Ethnic relations 4
Photographic prints 4
Political posters 4
Portraits 4
Presidents -- Mexico 4
Proclamations 4
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Social life and customs 3
Architects 3
Architecture--Designs and plans 3
Broadsides 3
Caricatures and cartoons -- Mexico 3
Christmas plays, Spanish -- New Mexico 3
Church buildings -- Mexico 3
Church buildings -- Mexico -- Pictorial works 3
Church music -- Catholic Church 3
City and town life -- Mexico 3
Corridos 3
Cristero Rebellion, 1926-1929 3
Ephemera 3
Estate records 3
Fanzines 3
Fiddle tunes 3
Flamenco 3
Frontier and pioneer life -- New Mexico 3
Hispanic American women -- New Mexico 3
Human rights -- Latin America 3
Hymns 3
Hymns, Spanish -- New Mexico 3
Indians of Mexico 3
Indians of North America -- Music 3
Letterpress copybooks 3
Mariachi 3
Markets -- Mexico 3
Matachines (Music) 3
Mexico -- History -- 19th century 3
Mexico -- Politics and government 3
Navajo Indians -- Music 3
New Mexico -- Ethnic relations 3
New Mexico -- Genealogy 3
New Mexico -- Officials and employees 3
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century 3
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- To 1848 3
New Mexico -- Social conditions 3
New Mexico -- Social life and customs 3
New Mexico's Digital Collections 3
Newspapers 3
Old-time music 3
Orders (military records) 3
Pictorial works 3
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English 156
Undetermined 39
French 8
Portuguese 6
German 5
∨ more  
John Donald Robb Archive of Southwestern Music 18
Taller de Gráfica Popular (Mexico City, Mexico) 13
Estampa Mexicana 7
Méndez, Leopoldo, 1902-1969 7
University of New Mexico. University Libraries 7
∨ more
Briquet, Abel 6
University of New Mexico. Center for Southwest Research 6
University of New Mexico 5
Bracho, Angel, 1911- 4
Catron, Thomas Benton, 1840-1921 4
Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 4
Robb, J. D. (John Donald), 1892-1989 4
Bloom, Lansing Bartlett, 1880- 3
Calles, Plutarco Elías, 1877-1945 3
Castro, Fidel, 1926-2016 3
Guevara, Che, 1928-1967 3
Juárez, Benito, 1806-1872 3
Mérida, Carlos, 1891-1984 3
Ortiz family 3
Oñate, Juan de, 1549?-1624 3
Scholes, France V. (France Vinton), 1897-1979 3
Vigil, Donaciano, 1802-1877 3
Waite, Charles B. (Charles Burlingame), 1824-1909 3
Zapata, Emiliano, 1879-1919 3
Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres (U.S.) 2
Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 2
Anguiano, Raúl, 1915-2006 2
Archivo General de la Nación (Mexico) 2
Archivo General de las Indias 2
Brehme, Hugo 2
Burrola, Ray 2
Catholic Church. Mexico 2
Charlot, Jean, 1898-1979 2
Chavez, Tibo J. 2
Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547 2
Cox & Carmichael 2
Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 2
Democratic Party (N.M.). State Central Committee 2
Díaz, Porfirio, 1830-1915 2
Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Mexico) 2
Ellis, Florence Hawley 2
Franco, Francisco, 1892-1975 2
González Garza, Roque, 1885-1962 2
Gordon, David, 1909-1979 2
Graña, César 2
Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 2
Lamadrid, Enrique R. 2
Lamy, John Baptist, 1814-1888 2
Larra, Raúl, 1913-2001 2
Lupercio, José María, 1870-1929 2
Madero, Francisco I., 1873-1913 2
Manilla, Manuel 2
Mares, E. A., 1938-2015 2
Martínez, Antonio José, 1793-1867 2
Martínez, Demetria, 1960- 2
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint 2
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 1832-1867 2
Montoya, Delilah 2
O'Higgins, Pablo, 1904-1983 2
Obregón, Álvaro, 1880-1928 2
Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 2
Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 2
Rivera, José A., 1944- 2
Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 1794-1876 2
Slick, Sam L., 1943- 2
Smith, T. Lynn (Thomas Lynn), 1903-1976 2
Tijerina, Reies 2
Tireman, L. S. (Loyd Spencer), 1896-1959 2
University of New Mexico. College of Education 2
Van de Velde, Paul 2
Vargas, Diego de, 1643-1704 2
Yampolsky, Mariana, 1925-2002 2
Zalce, Alfredo, 1908-2003 2
ASARO (Group of artists) 1
Aberle, Sophie D., 1899-1996 1
Academia Hispanoamericana de Ciencias y Letras de Cádiz 1
Academia de la Nueva Raza (U.S.) 1
Acequia de Abajo (Sandoval County, N.M.) 1
Adams, Eleanor B. (Eleanor Burnham), 1910-1996 1
Aguirre, Adela W. de 1
Aguirre, Ignacio, 1900-1990 1
Air Force Association 1
Alamo Navajo Oral History Project 1
Alari family 1
Alari, José Ignacio, b. 1746 1
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (1976-1990) 1
Albuquerque Museum 1
Albuquerque Public Schools 1
Alianza Hispano-Americana 1
All One Company 1
Alonso, Luis, 1951- 1
American Association for International Conciliation. Pan American Division 1
American Folklore Society 1
American G.I. Forum 1
American GI Forum Women 1
American Valley Company 1
Anaya, Rudolfo A., 1937-2020 1
Anduaga, José E. 1
Angel, Frank 1
Apodaca, Antonia 1
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