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Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 27

Antonio Armijo Ledger

Identifier: AC-004
Scope and Content Antonio Armijo's ledger contains the dry goods accounts for various people, 1899-1902. Each entry gives the person's name, items purchased, amount owed, and when the account was paid. Also inlcuded is an alphabetical index by surname. The ledger book is in Spanish.
Dates: 1899-1902

Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Payroll Ledger

Identifier: AC 487-s
Scope and Content One ledger of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company (ATSF) containing ca. 450 pages of payroll information listing payees' names, locations, departments, and pay. Ledger covers the Rio Grande and Pecos railroad areas including parts in Colorado. Payees are generally separated geographically and by departments such as "Mechanical," "Engineers," "Firemen," "Enginemen," "Signal and Telegraph," etc.
Dates: February 1928

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Records

Identifier: AC-239
Scope and Content The Robert R. White Collection consists of original records of the Santa Fe Railroad passenger ticket office in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

ARRANGEMENT: The various file units are ordered alphabetically by subject matter.
Dates: 1943-1966

Coury Mercantile Store Ledgers

Identifier: AC 572
Scope and Content Collection consists of three ledger books containing inventories of merchandise in the store, one ledger register listing purchases from wholesalers from across the United States from 1922 to 1931, and miscellaneous papers concerning Coury family members.
Dates: 1921-1931

Edgar L. Hewett Collection

Identifier: AC-105
Scope and Content This collection contains the personal and professional papers of archaeologist and educator Edgar Lee Hewett (1865-1946). The collection includes materials from 1861-1992, with the bulk of the materials from 1897-1947. The types of materials include correspondence, manuscripts by Hewett and others, publications, archaeological notes and reports, financial records, personal documents, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, account books and ledgers, visitor registers, maps, and other miscellaneous...
Dates: 1861 - 1992; Majority of material found within 1897 - 1947

Eugenie Frederica Shonnard Collection

Identifier: AC-211
Scope and Content The collection revolves around the internationally recognized sculptor and longtime resident of Santa Fe -- Eugenie Fredericka Shonnard. The bulk of the collection is from the mid-nineteenth century to the late 1970s. The collection is arranged both topically and chronologically. Biographical sketches precede those individuals whose papers comprise a significant portion of the overall collection. Collection consists of letters, diaries, ledgers, clippings, scrapbooks, notebooks,...
Dates: 1729-1978 (bulk, 1850-1978)

First National Bank of Santa Fe Collection of Second National Bank of Santa Fe Records

Identifier: AC-084
Scope and Content Collection consists of business and financial records of the Second National Bank of Santa Fe, which was purchased by the First National Bank of Santa Fe. Collection is arranged topically and then chronologically.
Dates: 1872-1893

Fort Stanton (NM) Marine Hospital Payroll Ledgers

Identifier: AC 489-s
Scope and Content Collection contains two payroll ledgers (1907-1909 and 1909-1911) from the Marine Hospital (1899-1953) at Fort Stanton, New Mexico.
Dates: 1907-1911

Historical Society of New Mexico Collection

Identifier: AC-108
Scope and Content Collection consists primarily of records of the Historical Society of New Mexico. Includes minutes of meetings from 1859 to 1863, 1909 to 1926, and 1974-1982; records of purchases from 1926 to 1961; records of gifts from 1915 to 1998; and two registers signed by the Historical Society's members and guests (including Theodore Roosevelt) from 1893, and 1899 to 1907. Included are various annual reports, some in both English and Spanish, from 1884 throught 1956. Also within the collection are a...
Dates: 1859-2008

Hunter Stephen Moles Collection

Identifier: AC-150
Scope and Content The Moles Collection consists of one account ledger and 18 diaries with accompanying enclosures dating from 1908 to 1925.
Dates: 1908-1925

Jones Family Collection

Identifier: AC-118
Scope and Content The Jones Collection covers the years from 1844 to 1969 and deals mainly with the Jones family history in Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and New Mexico. There is an extensive amount of material on Amistad, N.M. and Hawkeye, Iowa. Material includes papers from the Godlove and Brown families of the Amistad area, as well as general material on homesteading, turn-of-the-century education and social history. On August 7, 1975 Clara May Daves of Albuquerque donated a scrapbook to the Jones...
Dates: n.d.

J.S. Candelario Collection

Identifier: AC-031
Scope and Content The bulk of Candelario's papers relate to business matters. Among the business correspondence are found letters from clients ordering various items, wholesale orders from other dealers for whom Candelario was a supplier and correspondence from various individuals who supplied Candelario with artifacts. Also included in the collection are freight bills, receipts, checks, price lists and correspondence relating to Candelario's improvements of his shop. His personal correspondence amounts to ½...
Dates: 1892-1894

Kaune Grocery Company Records

Identifier: AC-121
Scope and Content Collection consists of a variety of business records from the Kaune Grocery Company, including account books, business ledgers, annual reports, tax documents, and letters involving both suppliers and customers. Included in the collection are documents concerning the New Mexico Portland Cement Co. and the Bishop's Lodge, in which the Kaune family had interests. Also, the records of Kaune Food Town during the ownership of Julie Kaune are included.
Dates: 1886-1950

Kramer Mercantile Co. Ledger

Identifier: AC-124-s
Scope and Content Collection consists of a Kramer Merchantile Co. ledger, 1907- 1911. Both English and Spanish influences on the San Juan Pueblo are evident in this company ledger. The Company did business on the reservation.
Dates: 1907-1911

Lincoln County New Mexico Collection

Identifier: AC-134
Scope and Content The Lincoln County Collection consists of approximately ten feet of business, financial, and personal documents arranged topically and then chronologically after their transfer to the Museum of New Mexico from the Lincoln County, New Mexico Courthouse.
Dates: 1885-1976; 7-1-1887);

Loraine Lavender Collection

Identifier: AC-130
Dates: 1946-1966

Museum of New Mexico History Bureau Collection

Identifier: AC-156
Scope and Content The History Bureau Collection consists of twentieth century accession records of Collections and the Fray Angélico Chávez History Library. The artifacts recorded have been at various times property of the Historical Society of New Mexico, the School of American Research and finally the Museum of New Mexico. The records represent an important chronology of collections acquisition and development of the Museum's History Bureau.
Dates: 1883-1976

New Mexico Federation of Women's Clubs Records

Identifier: AC-163
Scope and Content The New Mexico Federation of Women Clubs [NMFWC] is part of the national organization General Federation of Women's Clubs [GFWC], which supervises state chapters. The regional and local chapters, in turn, reported to the NMFWC. The chapters function under the auspices of the NMFWC, and are largely subject to their constitutions, by-laws and governing principles. In Santa Fe, the club was originally called Woman's Board of Trade and Library Association.
Dates: 1840-1952

Old Abe Co. Ledger

Identifier: AC-173-s
Scope and Content Ledger contains accounts payable information for the Old Abe Co., a mining company in White Oaks, New Mexico. Included are payroll, expenses, and coal sales figures.
Dates: 1891-1911

Rosenthal and Co. Daily Ledger

Identifier: AC-195-s
Scope and Content Ledger contains daily entries for various people and businesses for the Rosenthal & Co. mercantile business, New Mexico, 1895-1896. Each entry gives the person's or business's name, items purchased or sold, and the amount.
Dates: 1895-1896

Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce Collection

Identifier: AC-199
Scope and Content Collection consists of records and other materials from the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce. Includes correspondence, financial records, scrapbooks, letterpress books, minutes, and reports. Much of the material concerns topics such as tourism, conventions, banquets, and resorts, as well as organizations such as the Fred Harvey Company, the Glorieta Baptist Conference Center, and the Coronado Cuarto Centennial celebration of 1940.
Dates: 1907-1974

Santa Fe Woman's Board of Trade and Library Association Records

Identifier: AC-244
Scope and Content Collection consists of two ledger books and one pamphlet from the Santa Fe Woman's Board of Trade and Library Association. One ledger contains minutes of meetings from 1892-1899, and the other ledger contains minutes of meetings from 1898-1900. The 1915 pamphlet includes the constitution, bylaws, and officers of the Santa Fe Woman's Board of Trade and Library Association, with the names of the organization's presidents from 1916 to 1930 added in pencil. Continuation of collection...
Dates: 1892-1915

Santiago Naranjo Papers

Identifier: AC-158
Scope and Content Collection consists of the papers of Santiago Naranjo, 1906-1945.
Dates: 1906-1945

Socorro County Mining Ledgers

Identifier: AC 488-s
Scope and Content Collection contains two ledgers pertaining to (silver?) mining business in Socorro County (prior to the creation of Catron County). 1. Financial Journal of the Oaks Company, in Alma, New Mexico for 1910-1919. Journal includes incorporation information and list of principals and stockholders. 2. Cash Receipt and Disbursement Book of the Socorro Mining and Milling Company, Socorro, New Mexico, for 1913-1920.
Dates: 1910-1920

Wilson Oil Company Records

Identifier: AC-241
Scope and Content This collection consists of original financial records of the Wilson Oil Company of Santa Fe from 1938 to 1963. The Wilson Oil Company has offices in Sena Plaza where it continues to conduct business as a modest sized, locally owned and operated extractor of fossil fuels (gas and oil) from properties in New Mexico. Currently, Parker Wilson is President of the firm and Francis C. Wilson is Secretary-Treasurer.
Dates: 1938-1963

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  • Subject: Account books X
  • Repository: Fray Angélico Chávez History Library X

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Financial records 6
Scrapbooks 5
Clippings 4
Ledgers (account books) 4
Minutes (Records) 4
∨ more
Invoices 3
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Commerce 3
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Commerce 2
By-laws 2
Daybooks 2
Diaries 2
Family histories 2
Festivals -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Merchants -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque 2
Museums -- New Mexico 2
New Mexico -- Commerce 2
New Mexico -- Social life and customs 2
Payroll records 2
Payrolls -- New Mexico 2
Reports 2
Stores, Retail -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque 2
Address books 1
Advertisements 1
Agriculture -- Colorado 1
Agriculture -- New Mexico 1
Amistad (N.M.) -- History 1
Annual reports 1
Archaelogy -- Southwest, New 1
Archaeology -- New Mexico 1
Art--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Artists -- New Mexico 1
Artists -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Bandelier National Monument (N.M.) 1
Bankers -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Banks and banking -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Banks and banking--New Mexico--Lincoln County 1
Business cards 1
Chaco Culture National Historical Park (N.M.) 1
Checkbooks 1
Coal mines and mining -- New Mexico -- White Oaks 1
Colorado--Description and travel 1
Colorado--Social life and customs 1
Congresses and conventions -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Constitutions 1
Consumer complaints -- New Mexico 1
Correspondence 1
Drugstores -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Duran (N.M.) -- History 1
Excavations (Archaeology) -- Guatemala -- Izabal (Dept.) 1
Excavations (Archaeology) -- New Mexico 1
Frontier and pioneer life--New Mexico--Amistad 1
Genealogy 1
Governors -- New Mexico -- Isleta Pueblo 1
Governors -- New Mexico -- Santa Clara Pueblo 1
Governors--New Mexico 1
Grocers--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Hawkeye (Iowa) -- History 1
Historians--New Mexico 1
Hospitals -- New Mexico -- Fort Stanton 1
Indians of North America -- New Mexico 1
Land grants--New Mexico--Amistad 1
Land titles--Registration and transfer--New Mexico--Amistad 1
Letterpress copybooks 1
Lincoln County (N.M.) -- Commerce 1
Lincoln County (N.M.) -- History 1
Lincoln County (N.M.) -- Politics and government 1
Lumber trade -- Colorado 1
Lumber trade -- New Mexico 1
Manuscripts 1
Maps 1
Medicine -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Merchandise inventories 1
Merchants -- New Mexico 1
Merchants -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Merchants -- New Mexico-- Santa Fe 1
Merchants--New Mexico--Lincoln County 1
Merchants--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Mesa Verde National Park (Colo.) 1
Mineral industries -- New Mexico -- Socorro County -- Accounting 1
Mineral industries --New Mexico--Socorro County 1
Mining corporations--New Mexico--Lincoln County 1
New Mexico -- Description and travel 1
New Mexico -- History 1
Newsletters 1
Petroleum industry and trade--New Mexico 1
Pharmacists -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Pope's Well 1
Postcard Receipts 1
Publications 1
Pueblo Indians -- Government relations 1
Questionnaires 1
Quiriguá site (Guatemala) 1
Railroads -- New Mexico -- History 1
Receipts (Acknowledgments) 1
Resorts -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- History 1
Santa Fe (N.M.)--Commerce 1
Scholarships -- New Mexico 1
Sculptors--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
∧ less
English 25
Undetermined 22
Spanish; Castilian 3
French 1
Hewett, Edgar L. (Edgar Lee), 1865-1946 2
Historical Society of New Mexico 2
Museum of New Mexico 2
School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 2
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company 1