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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 20

A. A. Jones Family Papers

Identifier: AC-282
Scope and Content Collection consists of personal, business and polititcal papers of A. A. Jones. Approximately half of the collection contains the Jones Family papers which includes personal and business records, land grant case records pertaining to the Preston Beck and Anton Chico land grants, correspondence, pamphlets and miscellaneous clippings. The second half of the collecton is related to his political involvement in the Democratic Party in New Mexico.
Dates: 1865-1942 (bulk 1885-1942)

Alfred Vincent Kidder Papers

Identifier: AC08
Abstract Alfred Vincent (A.V.) Kidder (1885-1963) was a well-known archaeologist working in the American Southwest. Kidder was active in the establishment of the Laboratory of Anthropology, Inc. and served as chairman of the board until 1935. The collection contains correspondence of A.V. Kidder during 1926-1935, covering a range of his activities and archaeological interests in the Southwest.
Dates: 1926-1935

Antonio A. Sedillo Papers,

Identifier: MSS-679-BC
Abstract This collection contains one scrapbook and three folders consisting mainly of newspaper clippings pertaining to the formation of the Progressive Party in New Mexico and the controversy created by a purposed survey to determine the level of racism among high school students, both events occurring in the early 1930s. Also included are some speeches and correspondence of attorney Antonio A. Sedillo who was a member of the Progressive Party.
Dates: 1932-1937

E. Dana Johnson Papers

Identifier: AC-116
Scope and Content This collection is composed of Johnson's correspondence, but also includes: business papers, poetry, newspaper columns, and other documents pertaining to life in New Mexico. Johnson, a politician and newspaper man, was an ardent advocate of preservation of New Mexico's early civilization.
Dates: 1902-1938

Governor Andrew W. Hockenhull Papers,

Identifier: 1959-103
Scope and Content Collection consists of official papers of Governor Hockenhull. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor, public lands, natural resource conservation, and mining, as well as materials relating to the Rio Grande Compact Commission, the Canadian River Commission, the Gallup Coal Strike of 1933, and extension of the Navajo Reservation. Also within the collection are many special reports from various New Deal programs in...
Dates: 1933-1934

Governor Arthur Seligman Papers,

Identifier: 1959-102
Scope and Content Collection consists of official papers of Governor Seligman. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor, public lands, natural resource conservation, and mining, with significant materials on the Gallup Coal Strike of 1933 and extension of the Navajo Reservation. Also within the collection is Seligman's pardon of former U.S. Senator A.B. Fall; many special reports from early New Deal programs in New Mexico; letters to...
Dates: 1931-1933

Governor Clyde K. Tingley Papers,

Identifier: 1959-104
Scope and Content Collection consists of official papers of Governor Tingley. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor and natural resource conservation, as well as materials relating to New Mexico land grants, extension of the Navajo Reservation, and the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Coronado's arrival in New Mexico. Also within the collection are many special reports from various New Deal programs in New Mexico, and...
Dates: 1935-1938

Governor Richard C. Dillon Papers,

Identifier: 1959-101
Scope and Content Collection consists of official papers of Governor Dillon. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as education, hospitals, conservation of natural resources, and highways, as well as materials relating to investigations of A.R. Manby's death, and the conduct of San Miguel County officials, including Francisco Quintana. Also within the collection are materials concerning the Colorado River Commission, Historical Society of New...
Dates: 1927-1930

Holm O. Bursum Papers

Identifier: MSS-92-BC
Scope and Content The materials in the collection document Holm O. Bursum's personal life as well as his business and political careers. Correspondence, documents, and news clippings chronicle Bursum's ranching activities, his tenure as warden at the New Mexico State Penitentiary, various election campaigns, Republican Party involvements, and legislative activities. It includes documents relating to the controversial Indian Lands Bill, commonly known as the Bursum Bill. Albert B. Fall, Bronson Cutting and Elfego...
Dates: 1873-1936

James O. McDowell Papers

Identifier: MSS-61-BC
Abstract The James O. McDowell Papers consist of business records pertaining to McDowell's career as a book keeper for oil and gas companies in New Mexico.
Dates: 1904-1937 (bulk, 1934-1937)

Jennie M. Avery Papers,

Identifier: 1959-013
Scope and Content Collection consists of records of the Avery-Bowman Co. of Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the personal papers of Jennie M. Avery and Grace Bowman. Avery-Bowman Co. records include records of its predecessors the Santa Fe Abstract, Realty and Insurance Agency and the Joseph B. Hayward Agency. These records include land conveyances, deeds, titles, surveys, appraisals, abstracts, and various legal documents, most of which involve property in the vicinity of Santa Fe. The personal papers of Grace Bowman...
Dates: 1836-1950

Jesus Maria Baca Papers,

Identifier: 1984-025
Scope and Content Collection consists primarily of materials relating to land and property in Santa Fe and northern New Mexico owned by Jesus Maria Baca. Includes materials on the City Ice and Storage Co. of Santa Fe and several New Mexico ranches. Materials concerning Senator Cutting deal only with real estate transactions in Santa Fe. Includes transcript of Santa Fe County District Court Civil Case # 19438, Baca vs. Baca et al., in which Julia S. Baca received authorization as administrator of Jesus Maria...
Dates: 1939-1953

Jesusita Acosta Perrault Collection

Identifier: AC 508
Scope and Content The collection contains personal and political correspondence, historical research notes, essays, religious and political ephemera, embroidery stencil sketches and samples. Collection also contains materials of her children and other family members.
Dates: 1853-1960; Majority of material found in 1910-1960

Joseph Frank Tondre and the Tondre Family Papers

Identifier: MSS-510-BC
Scope and Content This collection consists of the materials from three aspects of Tondre's life, political career, business and personal life. They include correspondence, office records, clippings, business records, financial records and diaries. Sheriff's records contain subpoenas, criminal investigation files and correspondence with other law enforcement officers. Warden's records consist of rules and regulations of penitentiary, statistical reports and correspondence with related organizations. Most of the...
Dates: 1858-1994

Judge David Chavez Jr. Papers

Identifier: AC-041-p
Scope and Content Collection consists of the papers of David Chavez Jr., 1890-1960. Included are: political correspondence, 1926-1955; land records for land in Santa Fe, New Mexico owned by Benjamin M. Read and his heirs, 1890-1931; and a copy of a final decree, heard in Santa Fe, New Mexico, concerning the ownership of a parcel of land on Cerrillos Road, 1960. Political correspondence pertains to various subjects including an allegation of bribery brought against Bronson M. Cutting. Land records for the Read...
Dates: 1890-1960

Katherine Stinson Pictorial Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-506
Abstract Photograph collection consists of pictures of the Stinson and Otero families and pictures related to aviation and to World Wars I and II.
Dates: 1850-1969

Miguel Antonio Otero Papers

Identifier: MSS-21-BC
Scope and Content The collection is divided into eight series: I. Correspondence, 1890-1938; II. Governors papers, 1897-1905; III. Writings, 1897-1936; IV. Clippings/Scrapbooks; V. Business and political papers. VI. Memorabilia. VII. Miscellaneous. VIII. Oversize. The correspondence series contains business, political, and personal letters including correspondence with Bronson Cutting and with Otero's son, Miguel A. Otero III. Some of the correspondence is in Spanish. The governor's papers include files on bills...
Dates: 1819-1938 (bulk 1890-1938)

Otero-Stinson Family Papers

Identifier: MSS-506-BC
Scope and Content This collection consists of three topical segments: Katherine Stinson's aviation career, Miguel Otero's political and legal career, and collected papers and manuscripts of his father Governor Miguel A. Otero, all ranging from the mid 1850s to 1985. The core of the collection are the correspondence files of Otero and Stinson and of Gov. Otero (Boxes 1-6). While Gov. Otero's papers are separated from Otero-Stinson's (Box 6), it was too difficult to separate Katherine Stinson's correspondence from...
Dates: 1843-1985

Richard C. Dillon Papers

Identifier: AC-063
Scope and Content Collection consists of the correspondence and miscellaneous materials of Richard C. Dillon, 1927-1935. The bulk of the collection consists of Dillon's official correspondence as Governor of New Mexico, 1927-1930. Subjects discussed are appointments, Republican State politics and various other political issues. Some of these issues are: Bronson M. Cutting's re-election as U.S. Senator, 1934; the political influence of the Ku Klux Klan; David L. Geyer's proposed Homestead Law; W.C. Davidson's and...
Dates: 1927-1935

Richard Lowitt Papers on Bronson M. Cutting

Identifier: MSS-589-BC
Scope and Content Richard Lowitt taught American History at Connecticut College, Florida State University, the University of Kentucky, the University of Maryland, and the University of Rhode Island. He joined Iowa State University, where he was the chair of the History department. He eventually became a professor of American History at the University of Oklahoma, and Regents Professor at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. This collection is comprised of Lowitt's notes and photocopies of...
Dates: 1899-1993 (bulk 1910-1936, 1982-1988)

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  • Names: Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 X

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UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 8
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 6
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 5
School for Advanced Research 1
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 9
New Mexico -- Officials and employees 5
Addresses 4
Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 4
Annual reports 4
∨ more
Extradition -- New Mexico 4
New Mexico -- Politics and government 4
Proclamations 4
State government records 4
Deeds 3
Governors -- New Mexico 3
Navajo Indian Reservation 3
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 3
Water resources development -- New Mexico 3
Conservation of natural resources -- New Mexico 2
Conservation of natural resources--New Mexico 2
Estate records 2
Governors--New Mexico 2
Labor--New Mexico 2
Land grants--New Mexico 2
Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico 2
Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 2
New Deal, 1933-1939--New Mexico 2
New Mexico's Digital Collections 2
Pardon -- New Mexico 2
Pardon--New Mexico 2
Progressivism (United States politics) 2
Public lands--New Mexico 2
Real property -- New Mexico 2
White Sands National Park (N.M.) 2
Women in aeronautics 2
Abstracts 1
Aeronautics 1
African Americans 1
Anton Chico Land Grant (N.M.) 1
Appraisals (financial records) 1
Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 -- Pictorial works 1
Bronson M. Cutting : progressive politician 1
Business cards 1
Cadillac automobiles 1
Canal Zone 1
Central America--Description and travel 1
Clippings 1
Conveyances 1
Correspondence 1
Courts -- New Mexico 1
Cow Creek Ranch (N.M.) 1
Decrees 1
Dissett Mary E. -- Pictorial works 1
Drawing 1
Education -- New Mexico 1
Electioneering -- New Mexico 1
Embroidery -- New Mexico 1
Freedom of the press -- New Mexico 1
Genealogy 1
Governors -- New Mexico. 1
Hispanic American decorative arts -- New Mexico 1
Homestead law -- New Mexico 1
Hospitals -- New Mexico 1
Isleta Pueblo (N.M.) 1
Jose Demetrio Medina Ranch (N.M.) 1
Judges--New Mexico 1
Labor -- New Mexico 1
Land surveys 1
Land tenure -- New Mexico -- Santa Clara Pueblo 1
Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Chimayo 1
Language and culture--New Mexico 1
Language surveys--New Mexico 1
Las Vegas (N.M.) -- History 1
Lawyers--New Mexico 1
Legislation -- New Mexico 1
Legislation -- United States 1
Legislators -- United States 1
Legislators -- United States -- Biography 1
Legislators--United States 1
Letters 1
Los Lentes (N.M.) 1
Los Lunas (N.M.) 1
Mines and mineral resources--New Mexico 1
New Deal, 1933-1939 -- New Mexico -- History 1
New Mexico -- Economic conditions 1
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century 1
Notarial documents 1
Oil and gas leases -- New Mexico 1
Oil and gas leases -- Southwest, New 1
Petroleum--New Mexico 1
Photograph albums 1
Photographs. 1
Political campaigns -- New Mexico 1
Political parties--New Mexico 1
Politicians -- New Mexico 1
Politicians -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 1
Politicians--New Mexico 1
Politics - New Mexico 1
Posters 1
Prejudices -- Research -- New Mexico 1
Preston Beck Land Grant (N.M.) 1
Prints 1
Prison wardens -- New Mexico 1
∧ less
Undetermined 10
Spanish; Castilian 2
Chinese 1
Japanese 1
North American Indian languages 1
Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 4
Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 4
Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 4
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 3
Hatch, Carl Atwood, 1889-1963 3
∨ more
Seligman, Arthur 3
Austin, Mary, 1868-1934 2
Bratton, Sam Gilbert, 1888-1963 2
Dempsey, John J., 1879-1958 2
Dillon, Richard Charles, 1877-1966 2
Hewett, Edgar L. (Edgar Lee), 1865-1946 2
Otero Family 2
Stinson, Katherine, 1891-1977 2
Albright, Horace M. (Horace Marden), 1890-1987 1
Amsden, Charles Avery, 1899-1941 1
Appleget, Thomas B. (Thomas Baird), 1893-1982 1
Avery, Jennie M., -1976 1
Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 1
Billy, the Kid 1
Bloom, Lansing Bartlett, 1880- 1
Bursum, Holm Olaf, 1867-1953 1
Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968 1
Chapman, Kenneth Milton, 1875-1968 1
Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 1510-1554 1
Democratic Party (U.S.) 1
Dissette, Mary E. 1
Ellis, Florence Hawley 1
Garrett, Elizabeth, 1885?-1947 1
Gilpin, Laura, 1891-1979 1
Haile, Berard, 1874-1961 1
Halseth, Odd S. 1
Harvey, Fred 1
Historical Society of New Mexico 1
Interstate Oil Compact Commission 1
Johnson, E. Dana 1
Johnson, Walter Willard, 1897-1968 1
Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927 1
Knee, Gina, 1898-1982 1
Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) 1
Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) 1
Lowitt, Richard, 1922-2018 1
Manby, Arthur Rochford, 1859?-1929? 1
McDowell, James O. 1
Mechem, E. L. (Edwin Leard), 1912-2002 1
Meem, John Gaw, 1894-1983 1
My Life on the Frontier 1
New Mexico Military Institute 1
New Mexico. District Court 1
New Mexico. Governor (1927-1930 : Dillon) 1
Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan), 1887-1975 1
Otero-Stinson family 1
Page, Richard Martin, 1898-1975 1
Reichard, Gladys Amanda, 1893-1955 1
Sedillo, Antonio A. 1
Stinson, Edward A 1
Stinson, Majorie C 1
Sánchez, George Isidore, 1906-1972 1
Tingley, Clyde 1
Tondre, Joseph Frank, 1883-1968 1
Tsianina, 1882-1985 1
Walter, Paul A. F. 1
Wheelwright, Mary C. 1
White, Elizabeth, 1878-1972 1
Zimmerman, James Fulton, 1887-1944 1
∧ less