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 File — Box: 132, Folder: 23

Scope and Contents

This notebook contains: 1.) Phone messages throughout. 2.) 4 pages of On Top of Spoon Mountain written November 19, 2002. 3.) 4-page riff on art and politics for Art Against Empire, an anti-Rumsfeld, anti-Iraq War demonstration organized in Taos by Jeff Haas and Mariel Nanasi. 4.) 2 pages of notes for a Colorado Springs conference about Frank Waters. 5.) 2 pages of an introduction to Edward Abbey's book, Black Sun, written April 15, 2003. The novel, with my forward, was published by Johnson Books. 6.) Random notes for Spoon Mountain novel. 7.) 2 pages of notes for non-fiction mountain-climbing book, Infinity Basin. 8.) A 14-page first draft (written November 15, 2003) of a speech to be delivered at Franklin & Marshall College on December 3, 2003. 9.) 7 straight pages of phone messages, Nov. 21, 2003 to March 12, 2004. 10.) 7 pages of treatment for a film documentary about my archives storage locker (See BOX 120, FOLDER 13 in my SCREENPLAY FILES.) 11.) 2 more pages of "Infinity Basin." 12.) 9 more pages of notes FOR an edit of the storage locker documentary. 13.) 5 pages of notes written July 4, 2004 for a Nambe talk called, "Aamodt, Schmaamodt: Who Really Gets the Water?" Speech was later published in the Taos News, the Santa Fe New Mexican, and in three anthologies. 14.) 2 pages phone messages July 27-31, 2004. 15.) 2-page critique of a film script by my friend Reggie Cantu. 16.) 2 more pages on "Infinity Basin."


  • Creation: 2002-2003

Language of Materials

From the Collection:


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research, however, researchers must sign consent form prior to gaining access to materials. Calavera drawings, proofs, and etchings as well as "little diaries" (Boxes 14, 125, 126, 129, 142) are housed in high security and may require up to 24 hours for retrieval. Enlarged photocopies and typed transcriptions of "little diaries" in Box 142 are located in Box 184.


From the Collection: 184 boxes (172 cu. ft.)

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Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131