Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 48
A.A. Jones Papers,
Identifier: 1960-025
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the legal, personal, and political papers of A.A. Jones. The bulk of the collection consists of legal papers which include several land grant, business, and probate case records. Land grant case records pertain to the Maxwell, Preston Beck, Mora, Las Vegas, and Eaton land grants. Included in the land grant case records are the papers of James and Helen Beck and New Mexico Chief Justice Elisha V. Long's opinion on the Las Vegas Land Grant. Companies involved in the...
Anthony J. Albert Papers,
Identifier: 1978-007
Scope and Content
Series I consists primarily of probate, mining, and real estate records. Probate records include those involving the Kiker, Lischke (Siringo Ranch), and Rolshoven estates. Series II includes materials from the Nuremberg War Crime Trials. Series III includes Albert's correspondence from 1937 to 1974. Most of the correspondence concerns legal issues in New Mexico and includes several letters from Thomas B. Forbis, an attorney in Roswell, New Mexico.
Baca Family Papers,
Identifier: 1963-002
Scope and Content
Collection consists of a broad range of materials relating to the Baca family of La Cienega, New Mexico. Series I consists of promissory notes, letters, contracts, and a land conveyance. Series II consists of promissory notes, letters, receipts, partido contracts (livestock contracts and chattel mortgages) and other documents involving either Ygnacio Baca or his son Juan Baca. Includes an 1846 inventory of Ygnacio Baca's estate. Series III consists primarily of documents involving Leonidas Baca...
Bernalillo County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-034
Scope and Content
Holdings consist of records of the county clerk (1848-1920), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1856, 1889-1899), county commission (1876-1889, 1927), justice of the peace (1854-1899), probate court (1849-1927), and school superintendent (1858-1887). Clerks records include registers of deeds, mines, licenses, brands, oaths and bonds, mortgages, chattel mortgages, liens, and notarial records; election results, abstracts of deeds; and various other documents. Probate records include adoptions...
1849-1927 (Bulk 1849-1900)
Boaz W. Long Papers
Identifier: AC-136
Scope and Content
The Boaz Walton Long Collection consists of private and professional correspondence, financial records, and personal papers dating almost entirely from the 1940s.
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Bouquet Ranch (Pojoaque, NM) Records
Identifier: MSS-1044-BC
Legal documents pertaining to the properties of the Bouquet family of Pojoaque, New Mexico Territory.
1781-1949; Majority of material found within 1864-1927
Carmen Quintana Collection,
Identifier: 1981-001
Scope and Content
Collection consists primarily of records from the Avery-Bowman Co., a real estate business in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Series I includes an abstract of title involving the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway Co., and an abstract of title of the Roque Lovato Land Grant. Series II includes a patent conveying a tract of land adjacent to the plaza in Santa Fe from the U.S. Government to the City of Santa Fe. Series III includes the wills of many Santa Fe citizens, including Clara H. Olsen and Ernest...
1782-1958 (bulk 1860-1933)
Clara H. Olsen Papers,
Identifier: 1976-022
Scope and Content
Collection consists of Olsen's personal and business papers, and a variety of publications about New Mexico. Includes personal correspondence (1889-1947), newspaper clippings about Olsen (1920-1935), obituaries of prominent New Mexicans, certificates from several New Mexican Governors (1901-1933), the settlement of Olsen's estate (1953), papers of Olsen's brother-in-law E.V. Chavez (1879-1896), and catalogs of the New Mexico Spanish American Normal School at El Rito (1939-1941). Correspondence...
Colfax County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1973-025
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of the county clerk (1867-1933), county assessor (1870-1892, 1917, 1924), county treasurer (1869-1927), county commission (1876-1927), superintendent of schools (1907-1908), county surveyor (1898), justice of the peace (1887-1925), sheriff (1869-1884), and probate court (1892-1929). Clerk's records include notary records, poll and tally books, voter lists, election returns, abstracts of titles, articles of incorporation, registers of licenses and brands,...
Cordova, New Mexico Family Papers,
Identifier: 1960-012
Scope and Content
Collection consists of papers from the Cordova family and other families from the Cordova, New Mexico area. Included are documents pertaining to the Truchas Land Grant and its grantees (1829), water rights in Pueblo Quemado (1834), the settlement of a partido contract from the estate of Jose Miguel Archuleta (1883), and hijuelas (estate inventories) for Pedro Fresquez (1856), Maria Quirina Vigil (1889), and Jose Pablo Pacheco (1906).
Collection is in Spanish.
Collection is in Spanish.
Dona Ana County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-017
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Dona Ana County, New Mexico (1852-1946). Included are the records of the county clerk (1852-1935), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1854-1923), county commission (1885-1916), justice of the peace (1863-1946), probate court (1859-1912), coroner (1864-1900), school superintendent (1876-1877), treasurer (1864-1913), road supervisor (1896, 1902), and the board of horticultural commissioners (1892). County Clerk's records include registers of deeds, brands,...
Donaciano Vigil Collection,
Identifier: 1961-003
Scope and Content
Collection consists of Donaciano Vigil's military, family, and personal papers which span the Spanish, Mexican, and U.S. Territorial periods of New Mexico history. Spanish period documents contain land conveyances and abstracts of land primarily in Santa Fe (1770-1803), an inventory of civil and criminal proceedings (1766-1767), and a will (1820). Mexican period documents cover a wide range of New Mexico subjects. Some of the subjects are Vigil's military career (1834-1841), military affairs...
1727-1877, bulk 1841-1877
Grant County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-019
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Grant County, New Mexico (1868-1983). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1868 to 1914. Included are records of the county clerk (1868-1928), assessor (1871-1918), sheriff (1877-1916), county commissioners (1889-1896), county superintendent of schools (18895-1900), justice of the peace (1869-1917), treasurer (1888-1902), probate court (1883-1915), and photocopies or typescripts of obituaries and cemetery records. Clerks records include mining claims,...
1868-1983 (bulk 1868-1914)
Guadalupe County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-020
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Guadalupe County, New Mexico (1893-1942). Included are records of the county clerk (1893-1930), assessor (1893-1923), sheriff (1912-1931), county commissioners (1893-1928), justice of the peace (1902-1946), probate court (1893-1928), superintendent of schools and board of education (1910-1925), and miscellaneous records (1911-1942). Clerk's records include license registers, oaths and bonds, poll books, articles of incorporation, chattel mortgages, and...
1893-1942 (Bulk, 1893-1923)
Historical Society of New Mexico Collection,
Identifier: 1960-023
Scope and Content
Collection consists primarily of business records of the Historical Society of New Mexico and a broad range of historical documents. The business records include annual and biennial reports, and vouchers for the purchase of materials by the Historical Society of New Mexico. Most of the historical documents relate to political, military, and religious matters in New Mexico from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries. Includes an 1822 judgement by Cabildo president Manuel Baca quieting title to...
1685-1930 (bulk 1830-1920)
Jaramillo-Bent-Scheurich Family Papers,
Identifier: 1960-024
Scope and Content
Collection consists of a broad range of materials from members of these three inter-related familes from the area of Taos, New Mexico. Most of the collection is made up of land conveyances, wills, business documents, and correspondence. Includes a photocopy of Teresita Bent's handwritten account of her father Governor Charles Bent's assassination in 1847; land conveyances involving Maria Ygnacia Jaramillo; personal papers of Cornelio Vigil; a speech by L. Bradford Prince; business and personal...
Juan Baptist Coca Last Will and Testament,
Identifier: MSS-178-SC
This collection is comprised of the last will and testament of Juan Baptist Coca of Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico. It is dated 1898.
Julian Tafoya - Belen, New Mexico Land Records
Identifier: MSS-1064-SC
Land records for Belen, New Mexico inherited, purchased, or sold by Julian Tafoya family.
Kit Carson Papers,
Identifier: 1960-005
Scope and Content
Collection consists of photocopies of both Carson's will and his certificate of appointment as an Indian agent; the original of his oath of allegiance to the U.S. as a Lt. Colonel; newspaper clippings on Carson. Also included is a photocopy of A.W. Thompson's essay "The Story of Camp Nichols." Carson established Camp Nichols in the Oklahoma panhandle to protect travelers on the Santa Fe Trail.
Legal Documents of Families from Zacatecas, Mexico
Identifier: MSS-585-BC
Scope and Content
This collection contains groups of legal documents relating to the properties of the Arratia, Beltran, Calera, Cubero, Martinez, Monrreal, Piña, and Roldan families of Zacatecas, Mexico, dating from 1647 to 1759. A town and municipality in the state of Zacatecas carries the name Calera. The brother of Jose Beltran de Barnuevo, Father Luis Beltran was a famed author of sermons and religious poetry. Among the types of documents represented in the collection are wills, inventories of...
1647-1819 (bulk 1647-1759)
Lincoln County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1974-022
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Lincoln County, New Mexico (1869-1932). Included are records of the county clerk (1869-1912), assessor (1870-1912), auditor (1875), treasurer (1883-1932), sheriff (1875-1897), county commissioners (1889-1912), justice of the peace (1876-1904), probate court (1870-1920), and miscellaneous records. Clerks records include poll and tally books, voter lists, election records, mining records, and registers of bonds, deeds, and marriages. Miscellaneous records...
Luna County, N.M. Records,
Identifier: 1978-021
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the records of Luna County, New Mexico (1901-1970). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1901 to 1924. Materials consist of records of the county clerk (1901-1970, bulk 1901-1918), sheriff (1910-1913), county commissioners (1908-1924), justice of the peace (1901-1919, 1929), probate court (1901-1932), treasurer (1902-1913), assessor (1901-1912), and road board (1912-1917). Clerks records include registers of applications for marriage licenses, chattel mortgages,...
1901-1970 (bulk 1901-1924)
Manuel A. Sanchez Papers,
Identifier: 1971-013
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records and correspondence from Manuel Sanchez's law practice. Includes case files, carbon copies of letters sent and legal documents, clients' letters received, briefs, and law reports and related material on a wide range of subjects.
Some materials are in Spanish.
Some materials are in Spanish.
1802-1969 (bulk, 1920-1950)
Maria G. Duran Collection,
Identifier: 1960-016
Scope and Content
Collection consists primarily of documents concerning the area of Abiquiu, New Mexico. Among the documents are wills, hijuelas (estate records) and conveyances involving estates and property; and government circulars regarding trade with the Indians, raising militias, and war with the United States. Specific items include several 1846 documents pertaining to the Mexican War such as Governor Manuel Armijo's warning of impending war, and printed orders of U.S. General Stephen Watts Kearny...
1785-1846 (bulk 1843-1846)
Mariano Chavez Family Papers,
Identifier: 1960-010
Scope and Content
Collection consists of photocopies of documents involving members of the Mariano Chavez family and others. Most of the materials concern land grants, wills and estates, land conveyances, and litigation over land and water disputes in New Mexico during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Other materials include inventories of personal property, a license to build a chapel at San Jose de Chama (1844), a geneaology of the Chavez family, a collection of alabados (religious verses), and...
1763-1967 (bulk 1763-1873)
Filtered By
- Subject: Wills X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 38
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 6
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 4
- Subject
- Wills 46
- Legal files 18
- Judicial records 17
- Conveyances 16
- Tax records 16
- Local government -- Records 15
- Voting registers 15
- Licenses 13
- Bonds (legal records) 12
- Deed books 11
- Marriage records 11
- Notarial documents 11
- Family papers 9
- Census records 8
- Deeds 8
- Estate inventories 8
- Mortgages 8
- New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 8
- Contracts 7
- Estate records 7
- Legal documents 7
- Articles of incorporation 6
- New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 6
- Water rights -- New Mexico 6
- Account books 5
- Clippings 5
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico 5
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 5
- Diaries 4
- Land grants -- New Mexico 4
- Orders (military records) 4
- Certificates 3
- Decrees 3
- Genealogy 3
- Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 3
- Minutes (Records) 3
- Taos (N.M.) -- History 3
- Addresses 2
- Americans -- Mexico 2
- Civil procedure -- New Mexico 2
- Devotional literature 2
- Ditches -- New Mexico 2
- Franciscans --Missions--New Mexico 2
- Homestead law -- New Mexico 2
- Inventories 2
- Irrigation canals and flumes -- New Mexico 2
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Mora County 2
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 2
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- New Mexico -- Taos County 2
- Land titles --Registration and transfer--New Mexico 2
- Lawyers -- New Mexico 2
- Leases 2
- Mexico -- History 2
- Mora County (N.M.) -- History 2
- Navajo Indians -- Wars 2
- New Mexico -- History, Military 2
- New Mexico -- Militia 2
- New Mexico -- Officials and employees 2
- New Mexico -- Politics and government 2
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- To 1848 2
- Newspapers 2
- Pecos National Monument (N.M.) 2
- Piedra Lumbre Land Grant (N.M.) 2
- Prayer books 2
- Probate records 2
- Provincias Internas (New Spain) -- History 2
- Pueblo Revolt, 1680 2
- Reports 2
- Santa Fe Trail 2
- Spain -- Colonies -- America -- Administration 2
- Stock certificates 2
- Taos County (N.M.) -- History 2
- Translations 2
- Valencia County (N.M.) -- History 2
- Abiquiu (N.M.) -- History 1
- Abstracts 1
- Acequia vieja de Belen 1
- Administrative records 1
- Adoption -- New Mexico -- Bernalillo County 1
- Adoption --New Mexico--Santa Fe County 1
- Adoptions -- New Mexico -- Taos County 1
- Affidavits 1
- Agriculture --New Mexico--History 1
- Alabados 1
- Alameda (N.M.) -- History 1
- Alameda Land Grant (N.M.) 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Census -- 1885 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 1
- Ambassadors -- United States 1
- Annual reports 1
- Antonio Martinez Land Grant (N.M.) 1
- Apache Indians -- History 1
- Archives --New Mexico--Catalogs 1
- Arroyo Hondo Land Grant (N.M.) 1
- Autobiographies 1
- Bankruptcy -- New Mexico 1
- Banks and banking -- New Mexico 1
- Belen (N.M.) 1
- Belen (N.M.) -- Census -- 1918 1
- Berkeley (Calif.) -- Social life and customs 1 ∧ less
- Language
- Undetermined 44
- English 39
- Spanish; Castilian 10
- Names
- Carson, Kit, 1809-1868 3
- Catholic Church. New Mexico 2
- Catron, Thomas Benton, 1840-1921 2
- Hermanos Penitentes 2
- Lamy, John Baptist, 1814-1888 2
- Martínez, Antonio José, 1793-1867 2
- Museum of New Mexico 2
- Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 2
- Vargas, Diego de, 1643-1704 2
- Anza, Juan Bautista de, 1735-1788 1
- Baca family 1
- Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 1
- Belen Land Grant (NM) 1
- Bent, Charles, 1799-1847 1
- Bernalillo County (N.M.) 1
- Bernalillo County (N.M.). Commission 1
- Bouquet, Juan, 1823?-1898 1
- Bouquet, Petra, 1848-1925 1
- Catholic Church. Mexico 1
- Coca, Juan Baptist 1
- Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway Company 1
- First National Bank of Santa Fe 1
- Gross, Kelly & Company, Inc 1
- Historical Society of New Mexico 1
- Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927 1
- Kiker, Henry A. 1
- La Fonda (Hotel : Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
- Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) 1
- Manby, Arthur Rochford, 1859?-1929? 1
- Maxwell, Lucien Bonaparte, 1818-1875 1
- Minge, Ward Alan 1
- New Mexico. District Court (1st Judicial District) 1
- Ortiz family 1
- Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 1
- School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
- Smith, Marcy 1
- Stinson, Katherine, 1891-1977 1
- Tafoya, Julian 1
- Thompson, Albert W., 1864-1951 1
- United States. Pueblo Lands Board 1
- Vigil, Donaciano, 1802-1877 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more