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Showing Collections: 26 - 50 of 207

Clinton P. Anderson Papers

Identifier: MSS-20-BC
Scope and Content The collection is divided into 16 overlapping series, and also includes an oversized folder. There is some duplication of series, reflecting multiple processing efforts over time. The series breakdown is as follows: I. Historical documents of New Mexico and the West: diaries, manuscripts, correspondence, transcriptions, printed matter, business records and other papers, mostly relating to NM territorial history. Material from New Mexico Secretary of the Territory (MSS 25 SC)...
Dates: 1848-1975

Clinton P. Anderson Photographs

Identifier: PICT-000-020
Abstract Photographs related to Senator Anderson's political career. Also contains some 19th century New Mexican scenes and portraits collected by Anderson.
Dates: Majority of material found within 1946-1975; 1848-1975

Clyde Tingley and Carrie Tingley Papers

Identifier: MSS-1072-BC
Abstract The collection includes correspondence of Clyde and Carrie Tingley, as well as material related to the City of Albuquerque, Carrie Tingley Hospital, and the New Mexico State Fair. Materials focus on Tingley’s time as Mayor/Chairman of the City of Albuquerque and Governor of New Mexico.
Dates: 1856-1959; Majority of material found within 1935-1955

Clyde Tingley and Carrie Tingley Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-1072
Abstract The collection primarily consists of photographs of Clyde Tingley by himself and with others. Photographs document Tingley's personal life and professional role as Governor of New Mexico and Albuquerque City Commissioner. There are also photographs of Carrie Tingley.
Dates: 18??-1953; Majority of material found within 1933-1953

Colonel John L. Gay Collection of Papers Pertaining to the Armijo Family,

Identifier: MSS-193-BC
Scope and Content The John L. Gay collection (1841-1902) consists primarily of business documents and correspondence concerning Manuel and Rafael Armijo. These papers are particularly valuable in that they throw light on some phases of the Civil War period in New Mexico. The Armijos were merchants with stores in Albuquerque, Mesilla and other places in New Mexico. The Armijos identified themselves with the South at the beginning of the Civil War, and sold quantities of merchandise to Baylor, Sibley, and other...
Dates: 1841-1902 (bulk 1854-1887)

Concha Ortiz y Pino de Kleven Papers

Identifier: MSS-457-BC
Abstract This collection contains audiotaped interviews, news clippings, articles, pamphlets, brochures, news letters, correspondence, and a scrapbook documenting the life and social career of Concha Ortiz y Pino de Kleven.
Dates: 1891-2006

Daniel H. McMillan Papers

Identifier: AC 562-p
Scope and Content Letters and newspaper clippings about the life and times of Daniel H. McMillan.
Dates: 1870-1903

Democratic Party (N.M.) State Central Committee Records

Identifier: MSS-66-BC
Scope and Content Boxes 1-3 of this collection contain correspondence. The material is arranged chronologically. There are letters relative to the organization of the committee in New Mexico as well as the national committee, political patronage issues with specific instances, letters of thanks to donors, requests from New Mexico precinct leaders and committee chairman for voters and tax payers lists, letters reporting on voting irregularities, and other issues. Correspondence with New Mexico representatives in...
Dates: 1916-1955 (bulk 1916-1936)

Dennis Chávez Papers

Identifier: MSS 394 BC
Scope and Content The Dennis Chávez Papers are comprised of material from Chávez' career as a politician. This includes his tenure in the New Mexico State Legislature, as well as in the United States Congress, where he was involved in such areas as Indian affairs, labor, the Post Office, the Defense Department, Latin American issues, and New Deal programs. The collection contains personal and congressional papers and correspondence (including materials relating to Senator Joseph McCarthy), photographs, news...
Dates: 1921-1963; Majority of material found in 1930-1962

Dolores Goddard Collection of Elfego Baca

Identifier: MSS-802-BC
Abstract This is a collection of correspondence, photos, newspaper clippings and articles about Elfego Baca as retained by his family after his death and collected in subsequent years. They provide a view of Baca’s political, business and family life beyond the well-known 1884 gunfight in Socorro County.
Dates: 1884-1961

Donaciano Vigil Collection,

Identifier: 1961-003
Scope and Content Collection consists of Donaciano Vigil's military, family, and personal papers which span the Spanish, Mexican, and U.S. Territorial periods of New Mexico history. Spanish period documents contain land conveyances and abstracts of land primarily in Santa Fe (1770-1803), an inventory of civil and criminal proceedings (1766-1767), and a will (1820). Mexican period documents cover a wide range of New Mexico subjects. Some of the subjects are Vigil's military career (1834-1841), military affairs...
Dates: 1727-1877, bulk 1841-1877

Donald Lee Parman Papers

Identifier: MSS-804-BC
Abstract This collection contains correspondence and research materials used by Donald L. Parman for his book The Navajos and the New Deal. The collection offers a grounded perspective about Navajo life during the New Deal era along with in-depth discussions about how tribal council leaders and the United States federal government worked within respectful yet contentious relationships in terms of reservation life, education and health issues, and land rights.
Dates: 1883-1994; Majority of material found within 1933-1944

Dorothy I. Cline Papers

Identifier: MSS-717-BC
Abstract The Dorothy Cline Papers contain personal and professional materials related to the life and research of Dorothy Cline. Cline was a professor of Political Science at the University of New Mexico and was actively involved in state and national politics. This collection is important for the study of women within electoral politics and the role of citizens within the public sphere.
Dates: 1915-1990 (bulk 1941-1987)

Dr. Maurilio Vigil Collection

Identifier: Archives 104.3
Scope and Content Dr. Maurilio Vigil, Professor of Political Science, taught in the Department of History and Political Science at New Mexico Highlands University for over two decades. This collection includes his unpublished papers, manuscript copies of published works, and student papers from various classes he taught through the years.

The collection is bound in forty volumes.
Dates: 1976-

E.A. Graves letters to Governor David Meriwether regarding Indians in the New Mexico Territory

Identifier: MSS-876-OV
Abstract The collection consists of correspondence from E. A. Graves, Indian Agent, to Governor and Superintendent of Indian Affairs for New Mexico Territory, David Meriwether. Most letters inform Meriwether of situations with the Utahs, Navajos, and Apaches, and seek advice or action on the part of the Governor.
Dates: 1853

Edmund G. Ross Papers

Identifier: MSS-496-BC
Scope and Content The Ross Collection consists of 22 folders, arranged in chronological order, with manuscript and printed materials relating to Ross's role as soldier and senator from Kansas from 1865-1879; his activities in New Mexico from 1881 to 1885; his role as governor of New Mexico from 1885 to 1889; his activities as a private citizen/author/printer from 1890 to 1907. Photographs and photocopies of photographs are also included. The last folders in the box contain genealogical material and photocopied...
Dates: 1865-1907

Edward L. Bartlett Papers,

Identifier: 1960-003
Scope and Content Collection consists of Bartlett's official correspondence as Solicitor General of the Territory of New Mexico (1890-1902); and professional papers from his legal practice (1880-1904). Solicitor General correspondence includes letters received from Frank Springer, Elfego Baca, Frederick Muller, and Pinkerton's National Detective Agency concerning Charles Siringo. Topics covered in the correspondence include the Rough Riders, Jicarilla Apaches, territorial penitentiary, Fort Marcy, and the...
Dates: 1863-1904

Edward L. Bartlett Papers

Identifier: MSS-153-BC
Abstract The collection consists of the general correspondence of Edward L. Bartlett in his positions as Adjutant General of the Territory of New Mexico, private attorney, and Solicitor General of the Territory of New Mexico, 1882/83-1885, 1896 and 1903
Dates: 1882-1903

Edwin L. Mechem Correspondence

Identifier: AC-167
Scope and Content Correspondence and letters to and from the governor's office during the year 1952. He served as governor during the years 1951-1954.

The collection is inventoried largely in alphabetical order by sender. The Governor is identified as "ELM."
Dates: 1952-1964

Edwin L. Mechem papers

Identifier: Ms-0292
Abstract Papers and photographs from former Republican New Mexico governor and federal judge Edwin L. Mechem.
Dates: ca. 1950-2004

El Hispano News Pictorial Collection

Identifier: PICT-2013-004
Abstract The El Hispano News Pictorial Collection is comprised of photographs, halftone images, postcards, negatives, and other pictorial materials from the Albuquerque Spanish-language newspaper, El Hispano News.
Dates: 1938, 1958-2003; Majority of material found within 1958-2003

Elfego Baca Collection

Identifier: MSS -249-SC
Scope and Content Elfego Baca's campaign brochures make up the bulk of this small collection. The brochures contain a brief history of Baca's life, including stories of gunfights, Billy the Kid, and dealings with the law, while also outlining his political ambitions. Additionally, the collection contains two pieces of correspondence written by Baca, an open letter written by Baca about the 1940 election, a letter from Mrs. Elfego Baca to Clinton P. Anderson informing him of Baca's death, and Baca's memorial...
Dates: 1904-1945 (bulk 1934-1945)

Elisha V. and Boaz W. Long Papers,

Identifier: 1972-003
Scope and Content Collection consists of Elisha V. and Boaz W. Long's personal, legal, and dipolmatic correspondence; legal and business records; manuscripts and reports; clippings; and family papers. A large portion of the collection consists of: the legal papers of Elisha V. Long during his tenure as district attorney for several New Mexico counties (1896-1899), as the Chief Justice of the New Mexico Territorial Supreme Court (1885- 1890), and as a private attorney; and the official papers of Boaz W. Long...
Dates: 1857-1970

Elmer Martinez Collection

Identifier: MSS-1004-BC
Abstract The collection deals with the career of Elmer Martinez and his various activities to teach about the Hispanic heritage of New Mexico and the Southwest. It includes correspondence, articles, photographs, maps and posters. Among them are his papers about the Spanish Village at the State Fair, the Colonial Infantry of Albuquerque color guard unit, the Spanish History Museum, a run for New Mexico State Representative, and his views and commentaries. It also contains material from others, including...
Dates: 1940-2015

Epifanio Vigil Papers,

Identifier: 1959-224
Scope and Content Collection consists of the personal and political papers of Epifanio Vigil. Political papers contain several broadsides and clippings from various New Mexico periodicals. Broadsides include Donaciano Madrid's opposition to the election of Francisco Chavez as Sheriff of Santa Fe County, New Mexico (1891) and opposition to Oterista and Catronista republicans (1900). A translation of an article implicating Thomas B. Catron in the American Valley murder is also included along with Francisco A....
Dates: 1865-1900

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  • Subject: New Mexico -- Politics and government X

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New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 84
UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 75
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 39
New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 4
UNM School of Law Library 2
∨ more  
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 120
New Mexico -- Officials and employees 71
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 51
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 50
Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 49
∨ more
Annual reports 44
State government records 42
Territorial records 36
Proclamations 35
Reports 31
Clippings 27
Extradition -- New Mexico 27
New Mexico -- Politics and government 27
Addresses 25
Photographs. 25
Governors --New Mexico 24
Governors -- New Mexico 22
Minutes (Records) 21
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 16
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century 16
Publications 15
Scrapbooks 14
Financial records 13
Letters 13
Pardon --New Mexico 12
Account books 11
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- To 1848 11
Elections -- New Mexico 10
Pardon -- New Mexico 9
Water resources development -- New Mexico 9
Water rights -- New Mexico 9
Legal documents 8
Mural painting and decoration 8
Wills 8
Diaries 7
Governors--New Mexico 7
Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 7
Certificates 6
Correspondence 6
Family papers 6
Land grants -- New Mexico 6
Lawyers -- New Mexico 6
Map 6
Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 6
Political campaigns -- New Mexico 6
Sound recordings 6
Conservation of natural resources -- New Mexico 5
Education -- New Mexico 5
Letterpress copybooks 5
Navajo Indian Reservation 5
New Mexico -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 5
New Mexico -- Militia 5
New Mexico -- Social life and customs 5
Pardon--New Mexico 5
Politicians -- New Mexico 5
Press releases 5
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- History 5
Broadsides 4
Conveyances 4
Courts -- New Mexico 4
Deeds 4
Ephemera 4
Executive departments -- New Mexico 4
Frontier and pioneer life -- New Mexico 4
Indians of North America -- New Mexico 4
Land titles -- New Mexico 4
Las Vegas (N.M.) -- History 4
Legal files 4
New Mexico -- Description and travel 4
New Mexico -- History 4
New Mexico -- History, Military 4
New Mexico's Digital Collections 4
Orders (military records) 4
Public lands --New Mexico 4
Ranch life -- New Mexico 4
Statehood (American politics) 4
Tierra Amarilla (N.M.) 4
Women in politics -- New Mexico 4
World War, 1914-1918 4
Anapra (N.M.) 3
Bounties --New Mexico 3
Civil procedure -- New Mexico 3
Columbus (N.M.) -- History 3
Conservation of natural resources--New Mexico 3
Constitutional history -- New Mexico 3
Education --New Mexico 3
Electioneering -- New Mexico 3
Eulogies 3
Inventories 3
Land Grants -- New Mexico 3
Legislators -- United States 3
Microfilms 3
Mines and mineral resources --New Mexico 3
Moving images 3
Natural resources--New Mexico 3
New Deal, 1933-1939 3
New Mexico -- History -- 1848-1950 3
Newsletters 3
Newspapers 3
Pamphlets 3
∧ less
English 195
Undetermined 117
Spanish; Castilian 19
Chinese 1
Japanese 1
∨ more  
Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 13
Republican Party (N.M.) 10
Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 9
Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 9
Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 8
∨ more
Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 7
Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 7
Montoya, Joseph Manuel, 1915-1978 7
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (N.M.) 7
Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 6
Tijerina, Reies 6
Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres (U.S.) 5
Democratic Party (N.M.) 5
Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927 5
Seligman, Arthur 5
Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 4
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 4
Dempsey, John J., 1879-1958 4
Dillon, Richard Charles, 1877-1966 4
Tingley, Clyde 4
Vigil, Donaciano, 1802-1877 4
Bratton, Sam Gilbert, 1888-1963 3
Democratic Party (N.M.). State Central Committee 3
Hatch, Carl Atwood, 1889-1963 3
Lamy, John Baptist, 1814-1888 3
Martínez, Antonio José, 1793-1867 3
Mechem, E. L. (Edwin Leard), 1912-2002 3
New Mexico. Legislature. Senate 3
New Mexico. Solicitor General 3
Pecos River Commission 3
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 3
United States. Army. Volunteer Cavalry, 1st 3
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3
University of New Mexico 3
University of New Mexico. Center for Southwest Research 3
Anaya, Toney, 1941- 2
Apodaca, Jerry, 1934- 2
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company 2
Bartlett, Edward L. 2
Billy, the Kid 2
Bursum, Holm Olaf, 1867-1953 2
Carrie Tingley Hospital for Crippled Children 2
Davis, W. W. H. (William Watts Hart), 1820-1910 2
DeLayo, Leonard, Jr., 1949-2021 2
El Paso and Southwestern Railroad Company 2
Fergusson, H. B. (Harvey Butler), 1848-1915 2
Green Party of New Mexico 2
Hagerman, Herbert J. (Herbert James), 1871-1935 2
Hermanos Penitentes 2
Historical Society of New Mexico 2
Hudspeth, Andrew Hutchins, 1874- 2
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 2
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 2
Kiker, Henry A. 2
Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) 2
Larrazolo, Octaviano, 1859-1930 2
League of Women Voters of New Mexico 2
Los Alamos National Laboratory 2
Lujan, Manuel, Jr., 1928-2019 2
Lusk, Georgia L. 2
Maxwell Land Grant Company 2
McKinley, William, 1843-1901 2
Meriwether, D. (David), 1800-1893 2
Messervy, William S. 2
New Mexico (Title of work: Constitution.) 2
New Mexico Bar Association 2
New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 2
New Mexico Highlands University 2
New Mexico. Constitutional Convention (Date of meeting or treaty signing: (1969).) 2
New Mexico. Governor (1975-1978 : Apodaca) 2
New Mexico. Legislature 2
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 2
Ortiz y Pino de Kleven, Concha, 1910-2006 2
Ortiz, Frank V., 1926-2005 2
Otero Family 2
Palace of the Governors (Santa Fe, N.M.) 2
Prichard, George W., 1850-1935 2
Republican Party (N.M.). Central Committee 2
Ritch, W. G. (William Gillet), 1830-1904 2
Ross, Edmund G. (Edmund Gibson), 1826-1907 2
Springer, Frank, 1848-1927 2
Tingley, Carrie Wooster, 1877-1961 2
United States. Pueblo Lands Board 2
Albuquerque & Cerrillos Coal Company 1
Albuquerque (N.M.). Office of the Mayor 1
Albuquerque Gas and Electric Company 1
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (1976-1990) 1
Albuquerque Public Schools 1
Alfonsín, Raúl, 1927-2009 1
All Indian Pueblo Council 1
American Council of Young Political Leaders 1
American Protective League 1
American Red Cross 1
Anderson, Robert L., 1944- 1
Andrews, William H. (William Henry), 1842-1919 1
Apollo 17 (Spacecraft) 1
Armijo family 1
Armijo, Manuel, 1810-1881 1
Armijo, Rafael, b. 1815 1
Arny, W. F. M. (William Frederick Milton), 1813-1881 1
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