Scope and Contents
Original pages from Monique's arrival in America in 1931, until her death in 1942 and Pop's departure from Miami Beach soon after. All rewritten in 2012. Xerox, some corrections. 257 pages numbered on bottom of page.
- Creation: 2009
Language of Materials
Access Restrictions
The collection is open for research, however, researchers must sign consent form prior to gaining access to materials. Calavera drawings, proofs, and etchings as well as "little diaries" (Boxes 14, 125, 126, 129, 142) are housed in high security and may require up to 24 hours for retrieval. Enlarged photocopies and typed transcriptions of "little diaries" in Box 142 are located in Box 184.
From the Collection: 184 boxes (172 cu. ft.)
Repository Details
Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository
University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131