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Tourism -- New Mexico

Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 23 Collections and/or Records:

Albuquerque and New Mexico Pamphlet Collection

Identifier: MSS-112-BC
Abstract This collection contains pamphlets related to Albuquerque and New Mexico. Topics range from political campaigns to national parks and monuments, and conferences convening in this area. Many pamphlets are aimed toward prospective residents, tourists, and health-seeking visitors to New Mexico.
Dates: 1880-1961

Chester E. Faris Papers

Identifier: MSS -229 -BC
Scope and Content This collection consists of 131 items in three folders. The first folder contains printed material including Christmas cards and postcards, resort and publicity brochures from New Mexico, Arizona, Indiana and Florida, as well as miscellaneous programs. Most of the correspondence, articles and other papers in the second folder relate to Faris' career with the United States Office of Indian Affairs and the Indian Rights Association. There is also material about Chief Washakie and Sacajawea, whom...
Dates: 1860-1956

Coronado Cuarto Centennial Commission Collection

Identifier: UNMA-007
Abstract This collection contains material from 1925-1941 with the majority of the collection concerning the New Mexico Coronado Cuarto Centennial celebration.
Dates: 1925-1941; Majority of material found within 1935-1940

Dennis P. Trujillo Papers

Identifier: MSS-928-BC
Abstract This collection consists of material collected and produced by Dennis Trujillo for the research and writing of his dissertation “The Commodification of Hispano Culture in New Mexico: Tourism, Mary Austin, and the Spanish Colonial Arts Society."
Dates: 1931-2003

Elizabeth Willis DeHuff Family Papers

Identifier: MSS-99-BC
Scope and Content The diverse material which makes up the DeHuff Family Papers has been organized into five series. The first, scrapbooks and similar items, reflects Elizabeth"s habit of collecting small items throughout her long life. In addition to the scrapbooks proper, this series also contains several photograph albums and a large number of picture postcards. In series two, diaries and memoirs, John David takes center stage. His diaries document his life from 1901 to about 1940; the diaries...
Dates: 1883-1981

Elizabeth Willis DeHuff Pictorial Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-099
Abstract Photographs of Hispanic and Indian peoples, landscapes, and cultural life of New Mexico from the 1920s to approximately 1945.
Dates: 1899-1945

Ferenc M. Szasz Papers

Identifier: MSS-552-BC
Abstract The collection consists of records of F.B.I. investigations about convicted spy Klaus Fuchs, and research materials related to Szasz's writings such as, "The Culture of Modern New Mexico, 1940-1970," and "Tony Hillerman and the turn-of-the-century American Southwest" and for his book, Great Mysteries of the West The collection also contains research materials pertaining to the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos, the Trinity Site, World War II...
Dates: 1894-2005; Majority of material found in 1942-1999

Harry H. Dorman Scrapbook

Identifier: AC-064-s
Scope and Content Collection consist of the scrapbook of Harry H. Dorman, 1907-1912. The bulk of the clippings are from the New Mexican and the Eagle, a weekly publication for all of Santa Fe County. Subjects discussed are: politics, statehood, official appointments, tourism, development, Elephant Butte Dam, the Phelps-Dodge company indictment for land fraud, Judge Robert W. Archibald's impeachment from the United States Court of Commerce, and...
Dates: 1907-1912

Indian Detours Photograph Album

Identifier: PICT-2001-022
Abstract The album contains prints of photographs from Fred Harvey's, Indian Detours.
Dates: 1926

Joseph Bursey Collection

Identifier: AC-028
Scope and Content Collection consists of papers collected and created by Joseph Bursey, as Director of the New Mexico Tourist Bureau, 1940-1972.
Dates: 1940-1972

Edward H. Kemp Photograph Collection

Identifier: PAAC-0027
Scope and Content The bulk of the holdings in the Photo Archives are of Southwestern subjects dating to the mid-1920s. The approximately 250 prints includes photographs of New Mexico landmarks and places, San Gabriel Ranch, Pecos River, Conjilon Camp, Santa Fe Fiesta, Grand Canyon, Colorado scenes, Taos, Albuquerque, Harvey Cars, Pueblos and some California. Photographs are sorted in folders by Kemp numbers but listed below by negative number. Collection also includes one photo album of 6”x 8” prints.
Dates: 1899 - 1941; Majority of material found within 1923 - 1929

Marta Weigle Collection

Identifier: AC-361
Scope and Content Collection consists of nearly all her research materials as well as manuscripts with and without annotations; notes; lecture materials; correspondence; newspaper and journal clippings; book reviews of her books; Federal One, a newsletter of 1930s culture; and other publications. Included are research materials on New Mexico writers, penitentes and religion in New Mexico, materials on many of the Works Project Administration (WPA) projects in New Mexico, and...
Dates: 1946-1999

Mary Sprague Sketchbook

Identifier: AC 619
Scope and Content The sketchbook is undated. It appears to have been handmade, of Ingres drawing paper with gouache sketches of New Mexico tourism scenes and sites, including St. Francis Cathedral and La Fonda in Santa Fe, El Rancho in Gallup, and scenes (including of dances) from many northern New Mexico Pueblos. Facing pages contain watercolor sketches of pottery, weavings and kachinas, along with line drawing cartoons. The sketchbook covers have separated from the interior pages.
Dates: (1940s?)

M.J. Davis papers

Identifier: MSS-2018-12-05
Abstract Collection contains material related to the career of M. J. Davis as a New Mexico cartoonist and writer.
Dates: 1948-1960

New Mexico Coronado Cuarto Centennial Commission Records

Identifier: MSS-48-BC
Scope and Content The collection contains reports, programs, press releases, pamphlets, published articles and correspondence relating to the Coronado Cuarto Centennial celebration, 1935 - 1940. It includes information on dramatic presentations, publicity, and tourism promotions for the events. Also included are materials about Coronado Cuarto Centennial events sponsored by the U.S. Coronado Exposition Committee.
Dates: 1935-1940

New Mexico Guide Book Collection

Identifier: AC-332
Scope and Content Collection consists of pamphlets which reflect the history of Santa Fe and other New Mexico towns as destination for tourists. Advertising aimed at tourists includes guidebooks, maps and brochures, as well as a small section of guidebooks about Arizona, Spain, and Latin America. The collection is open-ended.
Dates: 1891-

New Mexico Magazine Collection

Identifier: PAAC-052
Scope and Content Collection of thousands of original prints, film negatives, slides and color transparencies. These images were collected or created by New Mexico Magazine staff as well as freelancers, contractors, and the New Mexico state agencies that administered the magazine (i.e. the New Mexico Tourism Department and its predecessors). Throughout its history, the magazine sought to promote and support New Mexico inside and outside the state, with longstanding attention...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1930 - 2004

New Mexico postcard collection

Identifier: RG-2025-004

Old Santa Fe Folio

Identifier: PICT-2003-001
Abstract Portfolio, probably originally bound with twine, containing hand-colored collotype prints of historical, civic, religious, and commercial buildings, and monuments in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Dates: 1910

Richard Biddle Richter Collection

Identifier: HP.2005.18-NMHM.2005.14

Ruth W. Armstrong Papers

Identifier: MSS-481-BC
Scope and Content The collection consists of manuscript materials, correspondence, and publications related to Mrs. Armstrong's career as a travel writer. The published material includes poems published between l943-l947, typescripts and tearsheets of articles published from l95l-l986, travel brochures produced in her work with the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, and research and manuscript materials related to her book The Chases of Cimarron, published in l980. A...
Dates: 1943-1993

Southwest Travel Literature Collection

Identifier: MSS-115-BC
Scope and Content This collection consists of a large variety of New Mexico and Southwest travel related literature, containing promotional materials from various state, county, city, commercial and industrial groups. Brochures, maps, railroad time tables, and other miscellaneous items are represented in the collection. Much of the material is related to locations along Route 66.

This is an ongoing collection which has been and will continue to be accumulated by the Center for Southwest Research.
Dates: 1881- [ongoing]

Ward Hicks Advertising Printing Samples

Identifier: MSS-411-BC
Scope and Content This collection consists of advertising samples including, but not limited to greeting cards, labels, invitations, announcements, brochures, maps, and letterheads. The majority of the collection focuses on businesses, politics, tourism, and events in the Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and surrounding areas, but there is a representation of material from throughout the State of New Mexico. The addition to the collection contains a sampling of materials similar to those contained in the...
Dates: 1933-1972