Showing Collections: 176 - 200 of 601
Fort Wingate, New Mexico Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-669
The collection includes snapshots of Navajo and Anglo Brownie Scout Troop led by Patricia Merrill at Fort Wingate and the Lions International Club float in a 1973 parade in Hobbs, New Mexico.
France V. Scholes Pictorial Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-360
The collection consists of photographs, postcards, photomechanical prints, and a scrapbook, ranging in date from 1910 to circa 1970s. The bulk of the collection is related to France V. Scholes, his family, and his time in Mexico.
Francisco E. Martínez Papers
Identifier: MSS-640-BC
The Francisco E. Martínez Papers chronicle the 1980s legal proceedings and defense committee activity of Chicano activist attorney "Kiko" Martínez, accused of mailing letter bombs in Denver, Colorado in 1973. The papers also concern Martínez' activist and legal work from the mid-1960s to the mid-1990s in areas as diverse as the Chicano Movement in Colorado; prisoner's rights and civil rights in the U.S., Latin America, and around the world; land issues in Colorado's San Luis Valley; and the...
Frank C. Churchill Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-990-004
Collection contains photographic and print portraits of Frank C. Churchill, a group of civil engineers, and unidentified others, including Pueblo Indians. The majority of the photographs are of various pueblos in New Mexico, focusing on views and structures, including the mission churches.
Frank Driver Reeve Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-158
The majority of the photographs relate to New Mexico and its history.
Frank I. Sanchez Papers
Identifier: MSS-612-BC
Scope and Content
The Frank Sanchez Papers contain 13 alphabetically-arranged subject series, plus 4 series based on format of materials (newspapers, oversize, etc.). Researchers should check the format-based series for material relating to the various subject series. The largest series in the papers is "Community Organizing, Strategic Planning" which includes files for numerous organizations and foundations. "Political Activism" is also a significant series, containing most of the political...
1951-2008 (bulk 1970-1996)
Frank Springer Collection
Identifier: AC-215
Scope and Content
Documents contain: originals and copies of legislation to create the war memorial and its administrative branch, the Board of Historical Services, and to appropriate funds to build a new arsenal and armory. Addresses and a paper concerning World War I, that were delivered at various commencements, dedications, and memorials, are included (1917- 1919). Clippings from primarily New Mexico newspapers discuss Springer's activities as lawyer for the Maxwell Land Grant Company; Theodore Roosevelt and...
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Frank V. Ortiz Collection
Identifier: AC-362
Scope and Content
The collection consists of Frank Ortiz's personal and diplomatic papers. The bulk of the material deals with his diplomatic and political career . Classified materials had been removed from the Frank V. Ortiz Collection in September 2006 by the U.S. State Department. In 2008 all but 18 documents have been declassified and returned to the Frank V. Ortiz Collection. A review of those remaining documents (either redacted or denied) will be requested in May of 2010. NOTE:...
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Frank W. Parker Papers,
Identifier: 1974-044
Scope and Content
Collection consists of documents concerning Parker's legal career and a folder of materials relating to Billy the Kid (William Bonney). Includes various certificates and appointments to the positions held by Parker; his attorney's docket book; and photographs of Parker with other prominent New Mexicans, including a group photo with John R. McFie, L. Bradford Prince, Miguel A. Otero, Thomas B. Catron, and others. The folder of Billy the Kid materials consists of photocopies of four...
Frank Waters Pictorial Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-332
Portraits of Frank Waters, his family, friends and home; as well as prints of Native Americans, landscapes, and ruins.
Fred Harvey and University of New Mexico Press Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-393
Collection consists of New Mexico Tourist Bureau photos, aerial views, photos of events, and public buildings in Albuquerque, N.M.
1940-1970; Majority of material found within 1940-1965
Frederick A. Peterson Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-518
The collection contains photographs and field sheets that document the anthropological and archaeological studies carried out in Mexico by pre-Columbianist Frederick Peterson as well as some lecture images and personal photographs of pre-Columbian sites and Indigenous communities.
Frederick O'Hara Papers
Identifier: UNMA-140
The Frederick O'Hara papers show his life's work and the collection of postcard and photographs he personally kept. The papers include audio cassettes of interviews with him and exhibition catalogs, photographs, and pamphlets of his art gallery shows.
Freudenthal Family Papers,
Identifier: 1968-003
Scope and Content
Collection consists of handwritten autobiographical essays by Phoebus Freudenthal and his sister Anna Soloman; a 1971 obituary of Phoebus' son Louis E. Freudenthal; and one photograph of the Weisl family (apparently related to the Freudenthals). Phoebus Freudenthal's two page essay describes his birth in Poland and subsequent arrival and career in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Anna Soloman's 21 page essay describes her life in southern New Mexico from 1904 to 1912. Collection also includes...
1880-1971 (bulk, 1880-1912)
Frieda Lawrence Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-144
Photographs of Frieda Lawrence alone and with others.
Friends of the North Golf Course Records
Identifier: MSS-713-BC
This collection contains the records of Friend of the North Golf Course (FNGC), an Albuquerque, New Mexico based citizen action group. FNGC focused on preventing building and development on the University of New Mexico's North Golf Course. The collection relates to the history of the organization, and the issues that were the focus of its activities.
1918-2014 (bulk 1985-1995, 2007)
G. Adlai Feather family papers,
Identifier: Ms-0335
George Adlai Feather was a Rhodes Scholar, historian, and nurseryman, serving as Professor of Languages at New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts (present-day New Mexico State University) from 1923-1937.
Gallup Coal Miners' Strike Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-986-019
This collection contains photographs of the coal miner's strike in Gallup, New Mexico in 1935.
Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-2023-004
Photographs from the Gallup Indian Ceremonial during the years 1920-1970.
1920s - 1970s; Majority of material found in 1953
Garo Z. Antreasian Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-502
Collection contains portraits of Antresian, commissions, various lithography workshops including the Tamarind Lithography Workshop.
Gendron Jensen Pictorial Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-1068
Collection consists primarily of photographs of Gendron Jensen, family, friends, acquaintances, and artwork.
George Fiske Photograph Album of the Yosemite Valley
Identifier: PICT-2013-008
Collection consists of 1 album containing 21 photographs/views of the Yosemite Valley by George Fiske.
circa 1885
George Kubler Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-527
Collection consists of photographs of colonial churches in New Mexico.
George McCrossen Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-356
This collection consists mainly of New Mexico Tourist Bureau photographs.
George Orwell Ephemera Collection
Identifier: MSS-1046-BC
Collection consists of ephemera related to George Orwell and his 1984 and Animal Farm works.
Filtered By
- Subject: Photographs X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 448
- NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives 58
- New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 43
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 24
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 20
- Institute of American Indian Arts 2
- Lunder Research Center 1
- National Hispanic Cultural Center 1
- New Mexico Museum of Art 1
- UNM School of Law Library 1
- Taos County Historical Society 1
- Albuquerque Bernalillo County Special Collections Library 1 ∧ less
- Subject
- Photographs. 475
- Indians of North America -- Pictorial works 53
- Clippings 50
- Letters 47
- Photograph albums 39
- Postcards 36
- Scrapbooks 32
- Negatives (Photographs) 31
- Black-and-white photographs 30
- Albumen prints 23
- Correspondence 23
- Mural painting and decoration 22
- Photographic prints 22
- Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 21
- Slides 20
- Sound recordings 18
- Landscape photographs 17
- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 16
- Portraits 16
- Map 15
- Navajo Indians -- Pictorial works 15
- Pueblos -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 15
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 14
- Portrait photographs 14
- Oral histories 13
- Albuquerque (N.M.) 12
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Photographs 12
- Ephemera 12
- Pictorial works 12
- Posters 12
- Cityscape photographs 11
- Reports 11
- Cabinet photographs 10
- Stereographs 10
- Acoma (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 9
- Aerial photographs 9
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 9
- Photographic postcards 9
- Pueblo Indians -- Pictorial works 9
- Slides (Photography) 9
- Diaries 8
- Historic buildings -- New Mexico 8
- New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 8
- Taos (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 8
- Artists -- New Mexico 7
- Church buildings -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 7
- Family papers 7
- History - New Mexico 7
- Hopi Indians -- Pictorial works 7
- Minutes (Records) 7
- New Mexico -- History 7
- New Mexico -- History -- 20th century 7
- New Mexico -- Photographs 7
- New Mexico -- Politics and government 7
- Publications 7
- Tintype 7
- Zuni (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 7
- Architecture -- New Mexico 6
- Architecture -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 6
- Artists -- New Mexico -- Taos 6
- Contracts 6
- Gallup (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 6
- Indians of North America -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 6
- Mexico -- Pictorial works 6
- New Mexico -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works 6
- Newsletters 6
- Panoramic photographs 6
- Pueblo Indians -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 6
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 5
- Annual reports 5
- Artists -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 5
- Borderlands -- 20th century -- Pictorial works 5
- Chimayo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 5
- Cityscapes 5
- Contact sheets 5
- Digital images 5
- Drawing 5
- Genealogy 5
- History -- New Mexico 5
- Indians of North America -- Photographs 5
- Land grants -- New Mexico 5
- Landscapes -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 5
- Moving images 5
- New Mexico 5
- New Mexico -- Description and travel 5
- New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 5
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 5
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century 5
- New Mexico -- Social life and customs 5
- Newspapers 5
- Politicians -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 5
- Spanish-American War, 1898 5
- Taos Pueblo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 5
- Transparencies 5
- Addresses 4
- Apache Indians -- Pictorial works 4
- Architects -- New Mexico 4
- Architecture -- New Mexico -- Photographs 4
- Arizona--Description and travel -- 20th century 4
- Authors, American -- New Mexico 4 ∧ less
- Language
- English 565
- Spanish; Castilian 55
- Undetermined 51
- French 6
- German 3
- Portuguese 3
- No linguistic content; Not applicable 3
- English, Old (ca.450-1100) 1
- Dutch; Flemish 1
- Navajo; Navaho 1
- span 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Wittick, Ben, 1845-1903 11
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 8
- Billy, the Kid 7
- Gilpin, Laura, 1891-1979 7
- Meem, John Gaw, 1894-1983 7
- Villa, Pancho, 1878-1923 7
- Hermanos Penitentes 6
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 6
- American Indian Movement 5
- Briquet, Abel 5
- Historic American Buildings Survey 5
- Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930 5
- Martínez, María Montoya 5
- Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan), 1887-1975 5
- Palace of the Governors (Santa Fe, N.M.) 5
- Pershing, John J. (John Joseph), 1860-1948 5
- Tijerina, Reies 5
- University of New Mexico 5
- Waters, Frank, 1902-1995 5
- Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 4
- Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company 4
- Brehme, Hugo 4
- Carson, Kit, 1809-1868 4
- Cobb, William Henry, 1859-1909 4
- Detroit Photographic Co 4
- Knee, Ernest, 1907-1982 4
- Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928 4
- Martínez, Demetria, 1960- 4
- Schmidt, Henry A. 4
- Tingley, Clyde 4
- Albuquerque Indian School 3
- Austin, Mary, 1868-1934 3
- Banks, Dennis 3
- Bennett & Brown 3
- Brown, W. H. (William Henry), 1844-1886 3
- Caplin, Harvey, 1914-1984 3
- Catron, Thomas Benton, 1840-1921 3
- Chase, D. B. (Dana B.), 1848-1897 3
- Church, Peggy Pond, 1903-1986 3
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 3
- Democratic Party (N.M.) 3
- Fergusson, Erna, 1888-1964 3
- Garrett, Pat F. (Pat Floyd), 1850-1908 3
- Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) 3
- Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 1879-1962 3
- Means, Russell, 1939-2012 3
- Moon, Carl, 1878-1948 3
- New Mexico (Battleship) 3
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 3
- United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs 3
- University of New Mexico. Students 3
- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (N.M.) 3
- Abbey, Edward, 1927-1989 2
- Aberle, Sophie D., 1899-1996 2
- Albright Art Parlors (Albuquerque, N.M.) 2
- Albright, Emma L., 1852 - 1912 2
- Albuquerque High School (Albuquerque, N.M.) 2
- Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres (U.S.) 2
- Alvarado Hotel (Albuquerque, N.M.) 2
- Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company 2
- Baca, Jimmy Santiago, 1952- 2
- Bennett & Burrall Photographers 2
- Bunting, Bainbridge 2
- Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968 2
- Chapman, Kenneth Milton, 1875-1968 2
- Charles Ilfeld Company 2
- Cobb, Eddie Ross, 1862-1945 2
- Columbus, Christopher 2
- Couse, E. Irving (Eanger Irving), 1866-1936 2
- Dingee, Tyler 2
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 2
- Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Mexico) 2
- Federal Art Project 2
- Ferrez, Marc, 1843-1923 2
- Fred Harvey (Firm) 2
- Gandert, Miguel A. 2
- Geological Survey (U.S.) 2
- Geronimo, 1829-1909 2
- Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda, 1942- 2
- Hall, Douglas Kent, 1938-2008 2
- Harjo, Joy 2
- Hillerman, Tony, 1925-2008 2
- Hollenback, Amelia, 1877-1969 2
- Hopper, Dennis, 1936-2010 2
- Huning, Franz, 1827-1905 2
- Immaculate Conception Church (Albuquerque, N.M.) 2
- Jackson, John Brinckerhoff, 1909-1996 2
- James, George Wharton, 1858-1923 2
- Ketchum, Black Jack, 1863-1901 2
- Kolb Bros 2
- Los Alamos National Laboratory 2
- Luna, Solomon, 1858-1912 2
- Martin, Agnes, 1912-2004 2
- Martinez, Julian, -1943 2
- Maude, F. H. (Frederic Hamer) 2
- Maxwell, Lucien Bonaparte, 1818-1875 2
- McKinley, William, 1843-1901 2
- Mission San Xavier del Bac (Tucson, Ariz.) 2
- Momaday, N. Scott, 1934- 2
- Montoya, Linda 2 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more