Showing Collections: 1 - 9 of 9
Governor Andrew W. Hockenhull Papers,
Identifier: 1959-103
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Hockenhull. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor, public lands, natural resource conservation, and mining, as well as materials relating to the Rio Grande Compact Commission, the Canadian River Commission, the Gallup Coal Strike of 1933, and extension of the Navajo Reservation. Also within the collection are many special reports from various New Deal programs in...
Governor Arthur Seligman Papers,
Identifier: 1959-102
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Seligman. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor, public lands, natural resource conservation, and mining, with significant materials on the Gallup Coal Strike of 1933 and extension of the Navajo Reservation. Also within the collection is Seligman's pardon of former U.S. Senator A.B. Fall; many special reports from early New Deal programs in New Mexico; letters to...
Governor Arthur T. Hannett Papers,
Identifier: 1959-100
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Hannett. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as mining, railroads, and natural resource conservation. Most of the conservation materials relate to reclamation projects involving the Canadian, Cimarron, San Juan, Colorado, Rio Grande, Gila, and Pecos rivers. Also within the collection are materials concerning the impeachment of Judge Reed Holloman; the removal of George...
1925-1927, bulk 1925-1926
Governor Clyde K. Tingley Papers,
Identifier: 1959-104
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Tingley. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor and natural resource conservation, as well as materials relating to New Mexico land grants, extension of the Navajo Reservation, and the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Coronado's arrival in New Mexico. Also within the collection are many special reports from various New Deal programs in New Mexico, and...
Governor Herbert J. Hagerman Papers,
Identifier: 1959-091
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Hagerman. Includes letters sent and received, appointments, resignations and removals, a letterpress book, proclamations, reports, and penal papers. Some of the materials relate to issues such as public lands, the Las Vegas Reclamation Project, and the El Paso and Southwestern Railroad. Also within the collection are materials concerning charges against Quay County District Attorney M.C. Mechem and Socorro County District Attorney Elfego Baca,...
Governor Jack M. Campbell Papers,
Identifier: 1959-242
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official and personal papers of Governor Campbell. The bulk of the collection consists of Campbell's official papers (1963-1966). Legislative papers include executive budgets, House and Senate bills, proclamations, correspondence with the U.S. congressional delegation from New Mexico, and various other documents. Federal papers consist of documents concerning federal agencies. Convention and conference materials pertain to various issues. Special issues involve the voting...
1936-1967 (bulk: 1963-1966)
Governor James F. Hinkle Papers,
Identifier: 1959-099
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Hinkle. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as natural resource conservation, extension of the Navajo reservation, and Indian land rights. Most of the conservation materials relate to reclamation projects involving the Canadian, Rio Grande, Pecos, Colorado, and La Plata rivers. Also within the collection is correspondence with New Mexico's congressional delegation,...
1917-1924 (bulk 1923-1924)
Governor Jerry Apodaca Papers,
Identifier: 1976-030
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Apodaca. Executive papers include correspondence, proclamations, and appointments. Legislative papers include bills, veto messages and various other documents. State agencies, boards, committees, and institutions include materials from the Governors' Service Centers. Papers of state government contain materials from the National Governors' Conference. Special reports and issues pertain to drought, several state water projects and sewers, the...
Governor John E. Miles Papers,
Identifier: 1959-105
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official and personal papers of Governor Miles. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor, natural resource conservation, enforcement of the Hatch Act, establishment of the Four Corners Monument, establishment of a Mormon Battalion Monument, and extension of the Navajo Reservation. Also within this collection are reports and other materials concerning the Pecos River Commission, Rio Grande Compact...
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- State government records 8
- Addresses 7
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 7
- Navajo Indian Reservation 5
- Pardon -- New Mexico 5
- Governors -- New Mexico 4
- Conservation of natural resources -- New Mexico 3
- Conservation of natural resources--New Mexico 3
- Governors--New Mexico 3
- Pardon--New Mexico 3
- Anapra (N.M.) 2
- Labor -- New Mexico 2
- Labor--New Mexico 2
- Mines and mineral resources--New Mexico 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939 -- New Mexico -- History 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939--New Mexico 2
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 2
- Public lands--New Mexico 2
- Abortion -- Laws and legislation -- New Mexico 1
- Administrative agencies -- New Mexico -- Reorganization 1
- Civil defense --New Mexico 1
- Droughts -- New Mexico 1
- Elk Mountain (N.M.) 1
- Equal rights amendments -- United States 1
- Executive departments -- New Mexico -- Reorganization 1
- Foot-and-mouth disease--New Mexico 1
- Four Corners Region 1
- Governors -- New Mexico. 1
- Governors --New Mexico 1
- Indian land transfers -- New Mexico 1
- Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 1
- Land grants--New Mexico 1
- Letterpress copybooks 1
- Military bases -- New Mexico 1
- Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 1
- Mormon Battalion Monument (New Mexico) 1
- New Mexico -- Economic conditions 1
- Pardon --New Mexico 1
- Petitions 1
- Petroleum--New Mexico 1
- Police misconduct -- New Mexico -- Tierra Amarilla 1
- Ports of entry -- New Mexico -- Anapra -- Planning 1
- Press releases 1
- Prohibition -- New Mexico 1
- Prohibition--New Mexico 1
- Public lands -- New Mexico 1
- Public lands --New Mexico 1
- Railroads--New Mexico 1
- Reports 1
- Rio Grande -- Water rights 1
- Rural electrification -- New Mexico 1
- Sangre de Cristo Land Grant (N.M.) 1
- Sex discrimination against women -- Law and legislation -- United States 1
- Strikes and lockouts -- New Mexico -- Gallup 1
- Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--New Mexico--Gallup 1
- Strikes and lockouts--New Mexico 1
- Territorial records 1
- Tierra Amarilla (N.M.) 1
- Voting machines -- New Mexico 1
- Water resources development -- Colorado 1
- Water rights -- New Mexico 1
- Water rights -- Texas 1
- White Sands National Park (N.M.) 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 4
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 4
- Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 3
- Hatch, Carl Atwood, 1889-1963 3
- Pecos River Commission 3
- Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 2
- Bratton, Sam Gilbert, 1888-1963 2
- Dempsey, John J., 1879-1958 2
- Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927 2
- Apodaca, Jerry, 1934- 1
- Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 1
- Campbell, Jack M., 1916-1999 1
- Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 1510-1554 1
- El Paso and Southwestern Railroad Company 1
- Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 1
- Hagerman, Herbert J. (Herbert James), 1871-1935 1
- Interstate Oil Compact Commission 1
- La Cooperacion del Pueblo (Tierra Amarilla, N.M.) 1
- Mechem, E. L. (Edwin Leard), 1912-2002 1
- Montoya, Joseph Manuel, 1915-1978 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1939-1942 : Miles) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1975-1978 : Apodaca) 1
- Seligman, Arthur 1
- Tingley, Clyde 1
- United States. Pueblo Lands Board 1
- United States. Work Projects Administration 1
- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (N.M.) 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more