Showing Collections: 1 - 13 of 13
Clinton P. Anderson Photographs
Identifier: PICT-000-020
Photographs related to Senator Anderson's political career. Also contains some 19th century New Mexican scenes and portraits collected by Anderson.
Majority of material found within 1946-1975; 1848-1975
Concha Ortiz y Pino de Kleven Photograph Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-457
Collection consists of photographs of Concha Ortiz y Pino de Kleven, New Mexican Hispanic-American cultural and policitcal leader, her family, friends, and events in her life.
Dennis Chávez Papers,
Identifier: MSS-394-BC-Pt. 2
Scope and Content
The Dennis Chávez Papers are comprised of material from Chávez' career as a politician. This includes his tenure in the New Mexico State Legislature, as well as in the United States Congress, where he was involved in such areas as Indian affairs, labor, the Post Office, the Defense Department, Latin American issues, and New Deal programs. The collection contains personal and congressional papers and correspondence (including materials relating to Senator Joseph McCarthy), photographs, news...
1921-1963; Majority of material found in 1930-1962
Dennis Chávez Papers
Identifier: MSS 394 BC
Scope and Content
The Dennis Chávez Papers are comprised of material from Chávez' career as a politician. This includes his tenure in the New Mexico State Legislature, as well as in the United States Congress, where he was involved in such areas as Indian affairs, labor, the Post Office, the Defense Department, Latin American issues, and New Deal programs. The collection contains personal and congressional papers and correspondence (including materials relating to Senator Joseph McCarthy), photographs, news...
1921-1963; Majority of material found in 1930-1962
Dennis Chávez Pictorial Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-394
The collection contains photographic prints which document the political career and personal life of U. S. Senator from New Mexico, Dennis Chávez.
Donald Lee Parman Papers
Identifier: MSS-804-BC
This collection contains correspondence and research materials used by Donald L. Parman for his book The Navajos and the New Deal. The collection offers a grounded perspective about Navajo life during the New Deal era along with in-depth discussions about how tribal council leaders and the United States federal government worked within respectful yet contentious relationships in terms of reservation life, education and health issues, and land rights.
1883-1994; Majority of material found within 1933-1944
Gerald Cassidy Collection
Identifier: AC-035-p
Scope and Content
Collection consists of 10 postcards of paintings by Cassidy published by Fred Harvey for the 1922 Santa Fe Fiesta, and photocopies of four letters concerning the return of Cassidy's "Coronado Murals" to New Mexico in 1948.
1922-1949; 1922; 1948; 1948; 1962
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Governor Andrew W. Hockenhull Papers,
Identifier: 1959-103
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Hockenhull. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor, public lands, natural resource conservation, and mining, as well as materials relating to the Rio Grande Compact Commission, the Canadian River Commission, the Gallup Coal Strike of 1933, and extension of the Navajo Reservation. Also within the collection are many special reports from various New Deal programs in...
Governor Arthur Seligman Papers,
Identifier: 1959-102
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Seligman. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor, public lands, natural resource conservation, and mining, with significant materials on the Gallup Coal Strike of 1933 and extension of the Navajo Reservation. Also within the collection is Seligman's pardon of former U.S. Senator A.B. Fall; many special reports from early New Deal programs in New Mexico; letters to...
Governor Clyde K. Tingley Papers,
Identifier: 1959-104
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Tingley. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor and natural resource conservation, as well as materials relating to New Mexico land grants, extension of the Navajo Reservation, and the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Coronado's arrival in New Mexico. Also within the collection are many special reports from various New Deal programs in New Mexico, and...
Governor John E. Miles Papers,
Identifier: 1959-105
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official and personal papers of Governor Miles. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor, natural resource conservation, enforcement of the Hatch Act, establishment of the Four Corners Monument, establishment of a Mormon Battalion Monument, and extension of the Navajo Reservation. Also within this collection are reports and other materials concerning the Pecos River Commission, Rio Grande Compact...
R. J. Cheska Papers
Identifier: AC 566-p
Scope and Content
Collection contains the correspondence of Richard (Bob) J. Cheska of Albuquerque pertaining to his political activities in 1924 for the La Follette-Wheeler National Progressive Committee and Robert La Follette's run for U.S. President. Also included are letters of introduction of Bob Cheska in support of the Democratic Party by New Mexico state, county, and local officals during the 1936 presidential election.
1924; 1936
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Richard Lowitt Papers on Bronson M. Cutting
Identifier: MSS-589-BC
Scope and Content
Richard Lowitt taught American History at Connecticut College, Florida State University, the University of Kentucky, the University of Maryland, and the University of Rhode Island. He joined Iowa State University, where he was the chair of the History department. He eventually became a professor of American History at the University of Oklahoma, and Regents Professor at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. This collection is comprised of Lowitt's notes and photocopies of...
1899-1993 (bulk 1910-1936, 1982-1988)
Filtered By
- Names: Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 7
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 4
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 2
- Subject
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 7
- Addresses 4
- Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 4
- Annual reports 4
- Extradition -- New Mexico 4
- Navajo Indian Reservation 4
- New Mexico -- Officials and employees 4
- Proclamations 4
- State government records 4
- Water resources development -- New Mexico 4
- Conservation of natural resources -- New Mexico 2
- Conservation of natural resources--New Mexico 2
- Governors--New Mexico 2
- Indians of North America -- Government relations 2
- Labor -- New Mexico 2
- Labor--New Mexico 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939 -- New Mexico -- History 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939--New Mexico 2
- Pardon -- New Mexico 2
- Pardon--New Mexico 2
- Pictorial works 2
- Politicians -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 2
- Progressivism (United States politics) 2
- Public lands--New Mexico 2
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 1
- Art -- New Mexico 1
- Artists -- New Mexico 1
- Artists -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 1
- Bronson M. Cutting : progressive politician 1
- Cathedrals -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe -- Pictorial works 1
- Civil defense --New Mexico 1
- Correspondence 1
- Discrimination in employment--Law and legislation--United States 1
- Four Corners Region 1
- Galisteo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 1
- Governors -- New Mexico 1
- Governors -- New Mexico. 1
- Hispanic American politicians--New Mexico 1
- Hispanic American women -- Pictorial works 1
- Indians of North America--Government spending policy 1
- Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 1
- Land Use -- Law and Legislation -- New Mexico 1
- Land grants--New Mexico 1
- Latin America--Foreign relations--United States 1
- Legislators -- United States -- Biography 1
- Letters 1
- Los Alamos (N.M.) -- Photographs 1
- Military bases -- New Mexico 1
- Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 1
- Mines and mineral resources--New Mexico 1
- Mormon Battalion Monument (New Mexico) 1
- Mural painting and decoration -- New Mexico 1
- Navajo Indian Reservation -- Boundaries 1
- Navajo Indians -- Education 1
- Navajo Indians -- Health 1
- Navajo Indians -- Land tenure 1
- Navajo Indians -- Photographs 1
- Navajo Indians -- Social conditions 1
- New Mexico -- Economic conditions 1
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 1
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century 1
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century -- Photographs 1
- Nuclear energy -- Photographs 1
- Pan American Highway System -- Pictorial works 1
- Petroleum--New Mexico 1
- Photographs. 1
- Political campaigns -- New Mexico -- History 1
- Political campaigns -- United States -- History 1
- Politicians -- Latin America -- Pictorial works 1
- Politicians -- New Mexico -- 1870-1979 -- Pictorial works 1
- Politicians -- United States -- 20th century -- Photographs 1
- Politicians -- United States -- Pictorial works 1
- Portrait photographs 1
- Public lands -- New Mexico 1
- Rio Grande -- Water rights 1
- Rural electrification -- New Mexico 1
- Sangre de Cristo Land Grant (N.M.) 1
- Strikes and lockouts -- New Mexico -- Gallup 1
- Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--New Mexico--Gallup 1
- Strikes and lockouts--New Mexico 1
- United States -- Relations -- Mexico -- Photographs 1
- United States--Foreign relations--Latin America 1
- Water resources development--United States 1
- Water rights -- New Mexico 1
- Water rights -- Texas 1
- White Sands National Park (N.M.) 1
- Women political activists -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 1 ∧ less
- Language
- Undetermined 5
- Names
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 4
- Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 4
- Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 3
- Hatch, Carl Atwood, 1889-1963 3
- Dempsey, John J., 1879-1958 2
- Domenici, Pete 2
- Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 2
- Montoya, Joseph Manuel, 1915-1978 2
- Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 1
- Austin, Mary, 1868-1934 1
- Bachrach (Studio) -- Pictorial works 1
- Bratton, Sam Gilbert, 1888-1963 1
- Cassidy, Gerald, 1869-1934 1
- Cassidy, Ina Sizer, 1869-1965 1
- Chalee, Pop -- Pictorial works 1
- Chávez family -- Pictorial works 1
- Collier, John, 1884-1968 1
- Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 1510-1554 1
- Interstate Oil Compact Commission 1
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 1
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 1
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 1
- Lowitt, Richard, 1922-2018 1
- McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957 1
- New Mexico. Coronado Cuarto Centennial Commission 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1939-1942 : Miles) 1
- Ortiz y Pino de Kleven, Concha, 1910-2006 1
- Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 1
- Parman, Donald Lee, 1932- 1
- Pecos River Commission 1
- Seligman, Arthur 1
- Tingley, Clyde 1
- United States (Title of work: Indian Reorganization Act.) 1
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1
- United States. Work Projects Administration 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more