Showing Collections: 1 - 12 of 12
Clinton P. Anderson Papers
Identifier: MSS-20-BC
Scope and Content
The collection is divided into 16 overlapping series, and also includes an oversized folder. There is some duplication of series, reflecting multiple processing efforts over time. The series breakdown is as follows: I. Historical documents of New Mexico and the West: diaries, manuscripts, correspondence, transcriptions, printed matter, business records and other papers, mostly relating to NM territorial history. Material from New Mexico Secretary of the Territory (MSS 25 SC)...
Clinton P. Anderson Photographs
Identifier: PICT-000-020
Photographs related to Senator Anderson's political career. Also contains some 19th century New Mexican scenes and portraits collected by Anderson.
Majority of material found within 1946-1975; 1848-1975
Coronado Cuarto Centennial Commission Collection
Identifier: UNMA-007
This collection contains material from 1925-1941 with the majority of the collection concerning the New Mexico Coronado Cuarto Centennial celebration.
1925-1941; Majority of material found within 1935-1940
Dennis Chávez Pictorial Collection
Identifier: PICT-000-394
The collection contains photographic prints which document the political career and personal life of U. S. Senator from New Mexico, Dennis Chávez.
Donald E. Kilgore oral history collection
Identifier: HHC 60
This collection documents the professional life of Dr. Donald E. Kilgore (1922-2011) through two oral histories and miscellaneous materials. The Spidle oral history focuses on Dr. Kilgore's career as a physician, starting in 1953, with the many permutations of the Lovelace Clinic. The Weitekamp oral history and the two public broadcasting programs pertain to Dr. Kilgore's experiences with the first astronauts and the space program.
George F. Ellis Papers
Identifier: MSS-694-BC
This collection contains correspondence and personal papers of George F. Ellis, manager of the Bell Ranch from 1947-1970, general and subject correspondence files (1944-1945) of former manager Albert K. Mitchell, and records from the Bell Ranch, 1929-1970.
Governor Bruce King Papers, 1st Term,
Identifier: 1972-009
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official and personal papers of Governor King's first term. Includes legislative, judicial, federal and penal papers, as well as correspondence, reports and other materials from a variety of state agencies and private organizations. Some of the materials involve issues such as the very large array telescope; Space Shuttle Program; Waste Isolation Pilot Plant; Vietnam War; a port of entry at Anapra, New Mexico; and the activities of Reies Tijerina. Collection also includes...
Governor David F. Cargo Papers,
Identifier: 1969-001
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official papers of Governor Cargo. Includes proclamations; appointments; executive orders; executive budgets; address to legislature and files relating to legislative issues such as education; judicial reports and reports of elected officials; reports of administrative agencies, boards and commissions; reports of state institutions and records of the Four Corners Regional Commission and other regional commissions. Federal records include correspondence with and news clips...
Governor Jack M. Campbell Papers,
Identifier: 1959-242
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official and personal papers of Governor Campbell. The bulk of the collection consists of Campbell's official papers (1963-1966). Legislative papers include executive budgets, House and Senate bills, proclamations, correspondence with the U.S. congressional delegation from New Mexico, and various other documents. Federal papers consist of documents concerning federal agencies. Convention and conference materials pertain to various issues. Special issues involve the voting...
1936-1967 (bulk: 1963-1966)
Governor John E. Miles Papers,
Identifier: 1959-105
Scope and Content
Collection consists of official and personal papers of Governor Miles. Includes correspondence with and reports from various state agencies concerning a broad range of issues such as labor, natural resource conservation, enforcement of the Hatch Act, establishment of the Four Corners Monument, establishment of a Mormon Battalion Monument, and extension of the Navajo Reservation. Also within this collection are reports and other materials concerning the Pecos River Commission, Rio Grande Compact...
Kyle Crichton Letters to Clinton P. Anderson
Identifier: MSS-269-SC
This small collection contains two letters addressed to Clinton Anderson from author Kyle S. Crichton.
Paul J. Bernal Collection,
Identifier: 1983-049
Scope and Content
Collection consists of materials, mostly legal and legislative documents, relating to the restoration of Blue Lake to the Taos Pueblo Indians of northern New Mexico by the U.S. Government in 1970. Includes a substantial amount of correspondence between the Taos Pueblo's supporters and various federal government agencies and officials. Correspondents include representatives of the American Association on Indian Affairs such as President Oliver La Farge, General Council Richard Schifter, and...
1903-1976 (bulk 1960-1970)
Filtered By
- Names: Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 6
- New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 5
- UNM Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center 1
- Subject
- Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 4
- Annual reports 4
- New Mexico -- Officials and employees 4
- Proclamations 4
- State government records 4
- Addresses 3
- Extradition -- New Mexico 3
- Governors -- New Mexico 3
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 3
- Pardon -- New Mexico 3
- Anapra (N.M.) 2
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 2
- Ranch life -- New Mexico 2
- Water resources development -- New Mexico 2
- (Lawrence) Lucas Case. 1
- Aerospace Medicine. 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 1
- Apportionment (Election law) -- New Mexico 1
- Astronauts 1
- Authors, American 1
- Bell Ranch (N.M.) 1
- Blue Lake (N.M.) 1
- Business records -- New Mexico 1
- Cattle -- Breeding 1
- Cattle trade -- New Mexico -- History 1
- Civil defense --New Mexico 1
- Conservation of natural resources -- New Mexico 1
- Constitutional history -- New Mexico 1
- Constitutional law -- New Mexico 1
- Downtown Docs (Albuquerque, N.M.). 1
- Education -- New Mexico 1
- Elections -- New Mexico 1
- Employees -- New Mexico -- Bell Ranch 1
- Fee-for-Service Plans. 1
- Festivals -- New Mexico 1
- Four Corners Region 1
- Fowling -- New Mexico -- Bell Ranch 1
- Governors --New Mexico 1
- Hospital Administration. 1
- Hunting -- New Mexico -- Bell Ranch 1
- Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 1
- Labor -- New Mexico 1
- Land tenure --New Mexico 1
- Legal documents 1
- Legislative proceedings 1
- Los Alamos (N.M.) -- Photographs 1
- Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 1
- Military bases -- New Mexico 1
- Mormon Battalion Monument (New Mexico) 1
- Mural painting and decoration 1
- Navajo Indian Reservation 1
- Navajo Indians -- Photographs 1
- New Deal, 1933-1939 -- New Mexico -- History 1
- New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 1
- New Mexico -- Politics and government 1
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century -- Photographs 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1967-1970 : Cargo) 1
- Nuclear energy -- Photographs 1
- Oral histories 1
- Otolaryngology. 1
- Pan American Highway System -- Pictorial works 1
- Pardon --New Mexico 1
- Photographs. 1
- Pictorial works 1
- Political campaigns -- New Mexico 1
- Politicians -- Latin America -- Pictorial works 1
- Politicians -- New Mexico -- 1870-1979 -- Pictorial works 1
- Politicians -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 1
- Politicians -- United States -- 20th century -- Photographs 1
- Politicians -- United States -- Pictorial works 1
- Portrait photographs 1
- Ports of entry --New Mexico--Anapra--Planning 1
- Rain and rainfall -- New Mexico -- Bell Ranch 1
- Rain-making -- New Mexico 1
- Ranchers -- New Mexico 1
- Reconnaissance Aircraft. 1
- Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- United States 1
- Rio Grande -- Water rights 1
- Rural electrification -- New Mexico 1
- San Miguel County (N.M.) -- History 1
- Sangre de Cristo Land Grant (N.M.) 1
- Taos Indians--Government relations 1
- Taos Indians--Land Tenure 1
- Taos Pueblo (N.M.) 1
- Tourism -- New Mexico 1
- United States -- History -- 1945- 1
- United States -- Politics and government -- 1945- 1
- United States -- Relations -- Mexico -- Photographs 1
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Project Mercury. 1
- Very large array telescopes --New Mexico 1
- Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975 1
- Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975 -- Veterans -- New Mexico 1
- Voting machines -- New Mexico 1
- Washington Cathedral 1
- Water resources development -- Colorado 1
- Water rights -- New Mexico 1
- Water rights -- Texas 1
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Economic aspects -- United States 1 ∧ less
- Language
- Undetermined 5
- Names
- Montoya, Joseph Manuel, 1915-1978 4
- Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 3
- Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 2
- Domenici, Pete 2
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 2
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 2
- Lujan, Manuel, Jr., 1928-2019 2
- New Mexico. Coronado Cuarto Centennial Commission 2
- Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 2
- Anderson, Robert O., 1917-2007 1
- Association on American Indian Affairs 1
- Bachrach (Studio) -- Pictorial works 1
- Bataan Memorial Methodist Hospital (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1
- Bernal, Paul J. 1
- Campbell, Jack M., 1916-1999 1
- Chávez family -- Pictorial works 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
- Consumers Tobacco Company 1
- Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 1510-1554 1
- Crichton, Kyle, 1896-1960 1
- Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876 1
- Davis, W. W. H. (William Watts Hart), 1820-1910 1
- Democratic Party (N.M.) 1
- Dempsey, John J., 1879-1958 1
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 1
- Ellis, George F. 1
- Hatch, Carl Atwood, 1889-1963 1
- Heath, Herman H., -1874 1
- Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 1
- International Association of Rotary Clubs 1
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 1
- Kenney family 1
- Knox, John Harvey 1
- Krick, Irving P. (Irving Parkhurst), 1906-1996 1
- Lane, Rose Wilder, 1886-1968 1
- League of United Latin American Citizens 1
- Lovelace, W. Randolph, II (William Randolph), 1907-1965 1
- McGehee, Micajah, 1826-1880 1
- Mechem, E. L. (Edwin Leard), 1912-2002 1
- Mitchell, Albert K., b. 1894 1
- New Mexico Cattle Growers Association 1
- New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 1
- New Mexico Emergency Relief Administration 1
- New Mexico Insurance Agents Association 1
- New Mexico Public Health Association 1
- New Mexico Wool Growers Association 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1939-1942 : Miles) 1
- New Mexico. Governor (1971-1974 : King) 1
- Pecos River Commission 1
- Red River Valley Company 1
- Ritch, W. G. (William Gillet), 1830-1904 1
- Spidle, Jake W., 1941- 1
- Tijerina, Reies 1
- Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 1
- United States. Coronado Exposition Commission 1
- United States. Indian Claims Commission 1
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1
- United States. Work Projects Administration 1
- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (N.M.) 1
- Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education 1
- Zimmerman, James Fulton, 1887-1944 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more