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Showing Collections: 276 - 300 of 448

Mexico: Briquet and Jackson Photograph Album

Identifier: PICT-986-037
Abstract Album contains photographs made in Mexico by A. Briquet and in the Southwestern U.S. by William Henry Jackson. Subjects include: city and village views; railroads in landscapes; dwellings; civic, religious, and commercial buildings; historical sites; occupations (some cartes de visite of street vendors); markets; Precolumbian art; trees and plants.
Dates: 1880-1889

Mexico Mining Album

Identifier: PICT-996-009
Abstract Collection consists of card-mounted photographs of mining subjects in Mexico from circa 1890-1895.
Dates: circa 1890-1895

Mexico: Nineteenth Century Views Photograph Album

Identifier: PICT-986-014
Abstract This souvenir album from Mexico contains photographs of the best-known and most distinctive sights that a collector or traveler in the late nineteenth century might consider representative of that country. The photographs are well-composed and captioned in Spanish and English.
Dates: 1880-1899

Mexico Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-991-020
Abstract This collection consists of photographs, created in Mexico, depicting a wide variety of subjects. Photos from various general files were consolidated into this artifical collection.
Dates: 1853-1995

Mexico: Selected 20th Century Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-998-021
Abstract The collection includes 3 matted photographs: 2 portraits of children and 1 portrait of men at a gambling table in Cananea.
Dates: 1900-1925

Mexico Survey Expedition Photograph Album

Identifier: PICT-2020-005
Abstract The photograph album contains 77 black and white photographs. 54 photographs document a multi-national survey expedition in Mexico.
Dates: circa 1900

Michael Blake papers

Identifier: MSS-894-BC
Abstract This collection primarily contains writings, research, and correspondence, spanning Michael Blake’s forty year career as a professional writer.
Dates: 1949-2010; Majority of material found within 1960-2010

Miguel A. Gandert Let's Boogie at Okie's Album

Identifier: PICT-999-027
Abstract Photographs by M. A. Gandert of Okie's bar in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Dates: 1980-1984

Miguel A. Gandert Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-2001-009
Abstract Collection consists of black & white photographs by Miguel Gandert. Photographic series include the 1988 Amador Flores occupation in Tierra Amarilla, NM, with portraits of Reies Lopez Tijerina, Pedro Archuleta, and Rafael Flores; an NEH grant-funded series on the traditional farming communities near San Luis, Colorado and Taylor Ranch protest (1996-97); the Varrio [Barrio] San Jose project in Albuquerque, NM (1982-86).
Dates: 1977-1998

Miguel Antonio Otero Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-021
Abstract Collection includes photographs of Governor Miguel Antonio Otero, his family, and friends.
Dates: 1872 - 1939

Miguel Caro and the Mexican Fiesta Dance Company Papers

Identifier: MSS-1012-BC
Abstract Collection is comprised of materials relating to Miguel Caro and the Mexican Fiesta Dance Company of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Dates: 1967-2015

Military Camps on the U.S./Mexican Border Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-986-018
Abstract This collection contains photographs of military camps along the U.S./Mexican border.
Dates: 1930-1940

Montego Bay, Jamaica Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-992-010
Abstract Photographs taken in Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Dates: 1889

Montevideo Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-999-002
Abstract The collection contains photographs of commercial and government buildings, parks, cemeteries, and ports in and around Montevideo (Uruguay), by photographer A. Armeilla.
Dates: 1910-1920

Moradas of the Penitente Brotherhood Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-995-057
Abstract The photographs depict 19th and 20th century and crosses in New Mexico, photographed in different seasons and at different times of day. Used in the book. and crosses in New Mexico, photographed in different seasons and at different times of day. Used in the book and crosses in New Mexico, photographed in different seasons and at different times of day. Used in the bookPenitente moradas and crosses in New Mexico, photographed in different seasons and at...
Dates: 1990-1993

Mozambique Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-995-033
Abstract This collection includes photographs documenting a Portuguese expedition to Mozambique.
Dates: 1870-1900

Munson Scott Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-988-033
Abstract Consists mainly of portraits which are good examples of various 19th century photographic formats and processes.
Dates: 1864-1929

Myron Fifield Papers

Identifier: UNMA-132
Abstract Myron Fickas Fifield was the director of Physical Plant at the University of New Mexico from 1951 to 1974. Fifield was also President of the national APPA (Association of Physical Plant Administrators of Universities and Colleges) in 1958-1959. The Myron Fifield Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and documents related to his work at the University of New Mexico.
Dates: 1946-1974

Nancy C. Wood Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-464
Abstract The Nancy C. Wood Photograph Collection consists of negatives, contact sheets, slides, loose black-and-white and color photographs of Taos Pueblo, the Ute tribe, small towns in Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado. Images of Nancy Wood’s travels to European countries and to Japan are also included. The collection also consists of a small number of personal photographs as well as a small number of photographs taken by Nancy Wood’s husband, Myron Wood.
Dates: 1937-2003; Majority of material found within 1958, 1969, 1976-1979, 1985-1988, 1996-1999, 2003

Nancy Tucker Pictorial Collection of Southwest Materials

Identifier: PICT-000-885
Abstract The Nancy Tucker Pictorial Collection of Southwest Materials is comprised of photographs, postcards, and artwork of New Mexico.
Dates: 1882-1986

National Indian Youth Council Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-703
Abstract Collection contains photos of members of the National Indian Youth Council (NIYC).
Dates: 1962-1995

Navajo Uranium Miners Oral History and Photography Project Photographs

Identifier: PICT-000-622
Abstract The collection contains photographs which depict former Navajo uranium miners from the Four Corners area and members of their families.
Dates: 1996

Nelson Valdés Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-1116
Abstract Photographs of arcitecture in Havana, Cuba, circa 1980s, taken by Omar Fernández, cousin of Nelson Valdés.
Dates: circa 1980-1985

New Mexico Alliance for Arts Education Records

Identifier: MSS-660-BC
Abstract This collection consists of the records, including correspondence, memoranda, reports, and financial information, of the New Mexico Alliance for Arts Education, an organization affiliated with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Dates: 1973-1993

New Mexico and Texas 19th Century Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-465
Abstract A collection of 19th century photographs of New Mexico and Texas, mounted on cards, consisting of town views, buildings, and street scenes taken in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, Kingston, Chloride, and El Paso.
Dates: 1880-1891

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  • Subject: Photographs X
  • Repository: UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections X

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Photographs. 356
Indians of North America -- Pictorial works 53
Letters 36
Photograph albums 35
Postcards 35
∨ more
Negatives (Photographs) 30
Clippings 28
Albumen prints 23
Photographic prints 22
Mural painting and decoration 21
Slides 20
Black-and-white photographs 19
Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 19
Sound recordings 16
Correspondence 15
Landscape photographs 15
Navajo Indians -- Pictorial works 15
New Mexico -- Pictorial works 15
Pueblos -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 15
Scrapbooks 15
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 14
Albuquerque (N.M.) 12
Map 12
Posters 12
Cityscape photographs 11
Oral histories 11
Pictorial works 11
Portraits 11
Acoma (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 9
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Photographs 9
Pueblo Indians -- Pictorial works 9
Stereographs 9
Aerial photographs 8
Slides (Photography) 8
Taos (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 8
Church buildings -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 7
Hopi Indians -- Pictorial works 7
Photographic postcards 7
Portrait photographs 7
Tintype 7
Zuni (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 7
Architecture -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 6
Artists -- New Mexico 6
Ephemera 6
Gallup (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 6
Indians of North America -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 6
Mexico -- Pictorial works 6
New Mexico -- History -- 20th century 6
New Mexico -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works 6
Newsletters 6
Panoramic photographs 6
Pueblo Indians -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 6
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 5
Artists -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 5
Chimayo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 5
Cityscapes 5
Digital images 5
Land grants -- New Mexico 5
Landscapes -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 5
Moving images 5
New Mexico -- History 5
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 5
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century 5
Politicians -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 5
Reports 5
Taos Pueblo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 5
Apache Indians -- Pictorial works 4
Architecture -- New Mexico -- Photographs 4
Artists -- New Mexico -- Taos 4
Authors, American -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 4
Belen (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 4
Church buildings -- Mexico -- Pictorial works 4
Elections -- New Mexico 4
Grand Canyon (Ariz.) -- Pictorial works 4
Indian arts -- North America -- Pictorial works 4
Indians of North America -- Photographs 4
Pueblo architecture -- Pictorial works 4
San Ildefonso Pueblo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 4
Transparencies 4
Zuni Indians -- Pictorial works 4
Acoma Pueblo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 3
Aerial photographs -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque 3
Agriculture -- New Mexico -- Pictorial works 3
Architecture -- New Mexico 3
Authors -- Pictorial works 3
Authors, American -- New Mexico -- 20th century -- Pictorial works 3
Camel Rock (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 3
Chaco Canyon (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 3
Chiapas (Mexico) 3
Church buildings -- New Mexico 3
Clovis (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 3
Collotypes 3
Color photographs 3
Colorado -- Pictorial works 3
Contracts 3
Cuba -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works 3
Cyanotypes 3
D. H. Lawrence Ranch (N.M.) 3
DVDs 3
Dakota Indians -- Pictorial works 3
∧ less
English 415
Spanish; Castilian 52
Undetermined 7
French 6
German 3
∨ more  
Gilpin, Laura, 1891-1979 7
Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 7
Billy, the Kid 6
Meem, John Gaw, 1894-1983 6
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 6
∨ more
Wittick, Ben, 1845-1903 6
American Indian Movement 5
Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930 5
Martínez, María Montoya 5
Tijerina, Reies 5
University of New Mexico 5
Waters, Frank, 1902-1995 5
Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 4
Brehme, Hugo 4
Briquet, Abel 4
Cobb, William Henry, 1859-1909 4
Detroit Photographic Co 4
Hermanos Penitentes 4
Historic American Buildings Survey 4
Knee, Ernest, 1907-1982 4
Tingley, Clyde 4
Albuquerque Indian School 3
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company 3
Banks, Dennis 3
Caplin, Harvey, 1914-1984 3
Carson, Kit, 1809-1868 3
Church, Peggy Pond, 1903-1986 3
Fergusson, Erna, 1888-1964 3
Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) 3
Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 1879-1962 3
Martínez, Demetria, 1960- 3
Means, Russell, 1939-2012 3
Moon, Carl, 1878-1948 3
Palace of the Governors (Santa Fe, N.M.) 3
Santa Fe Fiesta 3
University of New Mexico. Students 3
Villa, Pancho, 1878-1923 3
Abbey, Edward, 1927-1989 2
Aberle, Sophie D., 1899-1996 2
Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres (U.S.) 2
Alvarado Hotel (Albuquerque, N.M.) 2
Austin, Mary, 1868-1934 2
Baca, Jimmy Santiago, 1952- 2
Bennett & Brown 2
Brown, W. H. (William Henry), 1844-1886 2
Bunting, Bainbridge 2
Catron, Thomas Benton, 1840-1921 2
Charles Ilfeld Company 2
Chase, D. B. (Dana B.), 1848-1897 2
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 2
Cobb, Eddie Ross, 1862-1945 2
Columbus, Christopher 2
Democratic Party (N.M.) 2
Dingee, Tyler 2
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 2
Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Mexico) 2
Federal Art Project 2
Ferrez, Marc, 1843-1923 2
Fred Harvey (Firm) 2
Gandert, Miguel A. 2
Garrett, Pat F. (Pat Floyd), 1850-1908 2
Geological Survey (U.S.) 2
Geronimo, 1829-1909 2
Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda, 1942- 2
Hall, Douglas Kent, 1938-2008 2
Harjo, Joy 2
Hillerman, Tony, 1925-2008 2
Hopper, Dennis, 1936-2010 2
Huning, Franz, 1827-1905 2
Immaculate Conception Church (Albuquerque, N.M.) 2
Jackson, John Brinckerhoff, 1909-1996 2
Ketchum, Black Jack, 1863-1901 2
Kolb Bros 2
Los Alamos National Laboratory 2
Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928 2
Luna, Solomon, 1858-1912 2
Martin, Agnes, 1912-2004 2
Martinez, Julian, -1943 2
Maxwell, Lucien Bonaparte, 1818-1875 2
Momaday, N. Scott, 1934- 2
National Endowment for the Humanities 2
New Mexico (Battleship) 2
New Mexico Folklore Society 2
New Mexico Military Institute 2
New Mexico. Legislature. Senate 2
Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan), 1887-1975 2
O'Donel family 2
O'Donel, Charles M., 1860-1933 2
Otero Family 2
Phillips, Bert Geer, 1868-1956 2
Robb, J. D. (John Donald), 1892-1989 2
Rose, Noah H. 2
Sagel, Jim 2
San Felipe Neri Church (Albuquerque, N.M.) 2
Schmidt, Henry A. 2
Silko, Leslie Marmon, 1948- 2
Sinclair, John L., 1902-1993 2
Snow, Milton 2
Sullivan, Carol, 1935- 2
Tingley, Carrie Wooster, 1877-1961 2
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