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A.A. Jones Papers,

Identifier: 1960-025
Scope and Content Collection consists of the legal, personal, and political papers of A.A. Jones. The bulk of the collection consists of legal papers which include several land grant, business, and probate case records. Land grant case records pertain to the Maxwell, Preston Beck, Mora, Las Vegas, and Eaton land grants. Included in the land grant case records are the papers of James and Helen Beck and New Mexico Chief Justice Elisha V. Long's opinion on the Las Vegas Land Grant. Companies involved in the...
Dates: 1862-1927

Edward L. Bartlett Papers

Identifier: MSS-153-BC
Abstract The collection consists of the general correspondence of Edward L. Bartlett in his positions as Adjutant General of the Territory of New Mexico, private attorney, and Solicitor General of the Territory of New Mexico, 1882/83-1885, 1896 and 1903
Dates: 1882-1903

Edward L. Bartlett Papers,

Identifier: 1960-003
Scope and Content Collection consists of Bartlett's official correspondence as Solicitor General of the Territory of New Mexico (1890-1902); and professional papers from his legal practice (1880-1904). Solicitor General correspondence includes letters received from Frank Springer, Elfego Baca, Frederick Muller, and Pinkerton's National Detective Agency concerning Charles Siringo. Topics covered in the correspondence include the Rough Riders, Jicarilla Apaches, territorial penitentiary, Fort Marcy, and the...
Dates: 1863-1904

Frank Springer Collection

Identifier: AC-215
Scope and Content Documents contain: originals and copies of legislation to create the war memorial and its administrative branch, the Board of Historical Services, and to appropriate funds to build a new arsenal and armory. Addresses and a paper concerning World War I, that were delivered at various commencements, dedications, and memorials, are included (1917- 1919). Clippings from primarily New Mexico newspapers discuss Springer's activities as lawyer for the Maxwell Land Grant Company; Theodore Roosevelt and...
Dates: 1899-1924

George W. Prichard Scrapbooks

Identifier: AC-184
Scope and Content Two scrapbooks consisting primarily of undated newspaper clippings covering many topics, including New Mexico politics, Republican Party activities, poetry, family activities, and speeches given by Prichard. There are also several handwritten notes, and some of the newspaper clippings concern the removal of Prichard as U.S. Attorney in Las Vegas.
Dates: 1880-1908

Henry A. Kiker Papers

Identifier: MSS-57-BC
Abstract This collection contains correspondence and other papers relating to legal cases of Henry A. Kiker, and the law firm of Bickley & Kiker, 1879-1934.
Dates: 1879-1934; Majority of material found within 1901-1934

Henry A. Kiker Papers,

Identifier: 1975-005
Scope and Content Collection consists of Henry A. Kiker's legal papers. District court records pertain to civil, criminal, and probate cases in Colfax, Eddy, Mora, Quay, Taos, and Union counties. There are extensive records for Colfax County. Cases of note are the Maxwell Land Grant "squatter" cases involving the Maxwell Land Grant Co., the Maxwell Ditch and Reservoir Co., and the Maxwell Irrigated Land Co. Kiker, Bickley, and Voorhees office correspondence includes Kiker's and Bickley's political and personal...
Dates: 1888-1930

Filtered By

  • Subject: New Mexico -- Politics and government X
  • Subject: New Mexico -- Politics and government X
  • Subject: Lawyers--New Mexico X
  • Subject: New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 X

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New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 3
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 2
UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 2
Lawyers -- New Mexico 6
Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 3
Water rights -- New Mexico 3
Colfax County (N.M.) -- Trials, litigation, etc. 2
Land Grants -- New Mexico 2
∨ more  
Undetermined 5
Bartlett, Edward L. 2
Kiker, Henry A. 2
Maxwell Land Grant Company 2
United States. Army. Volunteer Cavalry, 1st 2
Albuquerque & Cerrillos Coal Company 1