Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 48
Abe M. Peña papers
Identifier: Ms-0434
Business, professional and personal papers of Abelicio Marquez Peña, New Mexico sheep rancher, politician, foreign diplomat, writer and alumnus of the New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts (New Mexico State University).
1894-2004; Majority of material found in Placeholder Unit Date Text
Agua Fria Village Association Collection
Identifier: AC 507
Scope and Content
Collection consists of documents and materials related to the mission and business of the Agua Fria Village Association. There are minutes, correspondence, city and county plans, materials on developments that impact the Agua Fria area, and documents pertaining to the creation of the Agua Fria Traditional Village and the association. Photographs and videos have been transferred to the Photo Archives.
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Albino Mendoza and the Teatro Casino Luís Mier y Terán collection
Identifier: PICT-2013-007
This collection consists of photos and documents primarily related to Albino Mendoza’s artistic work at the Teatro Casino Luís Mier y Terán in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Amelia Hollenback Jr. Collection
Identifier: AC 544
Scope and Content
The collection consists of diaries, journals, letters, personal and home expenses, social and charitable events, clubs and other organizations, childhood memorabilia, and photographs of the Hollenback family who lived in Pennsylvania, New York and New Mexico. NOTE: The family names and relationships in the genealogy folders (Box 1, Folders 1 and 2) of the Hollenback,Welles, and Beard families The original photographs are in the collections of the New Mexico Photo Archives (HP.2011.26). Most of...
1820-1970; Majority of material found in 1880-1920
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Armer-Reid papers
Identifier: Ms-0461
Business and personal papers of the Reid family who operated an Angora goat ranch in Kingston, NM.
Brown Realty Co. records for New Mexico residential and farm and ranch properties.
Identifier: MSS-884-BC
The collection contains residential real estate transaction records primarily for Albuquerque, NM and records of farms and ranches for sale across the state.
circa 1960-circa 1988
Charles and Jacqueline Meketa Papers
Identifier: MSS-875-BC
The Charles and Jacqueline Meketa papers primarily contain working papers and research files collected and produced during the research for their books and articles related to the Civil War and 20th century New Mexico and Arizona history.
1792-1994; Majority of material found within 1860-1990
Charles P. Loomis papers
Identifier: Ms-0442
Charles P. Loomis was a sociologist, university professor and author whose textbooks on rural sociology became standards in their field. He conducted sociological research in Tortugas, New Mexico in the late 1930s, while working for the United States Department of Agriculture, and at El Cerrito, New Mexico in 1940 and 1956. The collection comprises Loomis' research papers for the El Cerrito study, including diaries, correspondence, statistics and photographs, as well as some of Loomis'...
Chester G. Bell letters
Identifier: Ms-0227-SC
Letters from Chester G. Bell stationed at Camp Furlong in Columbus, New Mexico to his family.
Collection of D.H. Lawrence Correspondence
Identifier: MSS-868-SC
Handwritten and signed letters by D. H. Lawrence, including envelopes and photographs.
Construction Specifications Institute, Albuquerque Chapter Records
Identifier: MSS-740-BC
This collection contains records of the Construction Specifications Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico chapter. It documents activities relating to improving the process of creating and sustaining the built environment.
Donald Casad Bennett family papers
Identifier: Ms-0456
The collection contains the family papers of Donald Casad Bennett. Includes family histories of pioneering Mesilla Valley families.
Edna McClellan Papers
Identifier: AC 568-p
Scope and Content
Collection contains correspondence of Edna McClellan of New York City to collect money through chain letters to build a home in Washington D. C. for Admiral Winfield Scott Schley, commander of the USS Brooklyn and the “Hero of Santiago” of the Spanish-American War. Collection also contains correspondence between the Admiral and McClellan, legal documents concerning Schley, and a number of newspaper clippings about McClellan and the “Endless Chain” letters. Also part of the collection are...
1867-1918; Majority of material found in 1900-1903
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Eduardo Hernández-Chávez and Ysaura Bernal-Enríquez papers
Identifier: MSS-805-BC
This collection contains the papers of community activists and educators Eduardo Hernández-Chávez and Ysaura Bernal-Enríquez, formerly of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The correspondence, notes, news clippings, flyers, photographs, and other materials papers document their community organizing efforts in New Mexico, as leaders of the Recuerda a César Chávez Committee and the New Mexicans Against Proposition 187, as well as their work on other issues of concern to the greater Chicano/Mexicano...
Elizabeth Waters Papers
Identifier: UNMA-104
This collection contains papers from the files of UNM Dance Program founder Elizabeth Hannah Waters. It includes photographs, correspondence, news clippings, material from an exhibit about her life, dance event programs and posters, and a sketchbook.
Emma Moya Collection on the History of Old Town Albuquerque and Related Communities
Identifier: MSS-907-BC
The Emma Moya collection documents the history and people of Old Town Albuquerque and the communities of Atrisco, Barelas, Los Duranes, Martineztown, and related neighborhoods. It also contains her study of Jewish traditions in New Mexico as well as some sketches of local people and places by Joel T. Ramirez.
1854-2013; Majority of material found within 1970-1999
George W. Evans Papers Relating to Slash Ranch Hounds
Identifier: MSS-865-BC
This collection contains manuscript materials of George W. Evans, a rancher and hunter in Catron County, New Mexico in the early 1900's. The materials relate to the publication of his book, Slash Ranch Hounds.
Georgelle Hirliman Papers
Identifier: MSS-858-BC
This collection contains the papers of writer, journalist, literary performer and tarot card reader Georgelle Hirliman, with emphasis on her time in New Mexico. The papers relate to Hirliman’s writing, including The Hate Factory and Dear Writer in the Window, as well as unpublished short stories and manuscripts.
Gloria Montoya Chavez Papers
Identifier: MSS-797-BC
This collection contains the papers of Gloria Montoya Chavez, a student, administrator, writer, and advocate for Chicano/a and other minority issues. These papers deal with professional, personal, and political struggle within the University of New Mexico’s Chicano Studies and Chicano Student Services, also known as Hispanic Student Services, and in the surrounding community.
Hadassah Haskale Papers from Richard H. Schmidt, 1977-2022
Identifier: MSS-1104-BC
The collection contains Hadassah Haskale's correspondence with Schmidt and hers with her former husband, Norman C. Moser. Included are several of Haskale's translations of Hebrew works of other authors, poems, an account of Schmidt's time with her, newspaper clippings from Israel and photographs.
Harrison H. Schmitt Papers
Identifier: MSS-370-BC
The collection documents Harrison H. Schmitt’s career as NASA astronaut in the Apollo Program and as United States Senator from New Mexico (1976-1982). Correspondence, reports, maps, photographs, research files, press releases, speeches, and photographs comprise the bulk of the collection.
1937-1986; Majority of material found in 1964-1982
Jeff Bingaman Senatorial papers
Identifier: MSS-906-BC
The collection contains administrative files, campaign documents, special projects files, photographs, press and media files, scheduling documents, speeches and statements, oral histories, correspondence, legislative research files, and state office files generated in association with Jeff Bingaman’s 30 year tenure as U. S. Senator from New Mexico.
circa 1982-2012
John Nichols Papers
Identifier: MSS-820-BC
John Nichols' papers document a wide range of history and culture and personal connections in New Mexico (and elsewhere) over the last 55 years. The collection contains manuscripts, screenplays, correspondence, speeches, artwork, journals, photographs, slides, and videos.
Keep New Mexico Beautiful Records
Identifier: MSS-733-BC
This collection consists of correspondence, news clippings, administrative materials and scrapbooks relating to Keep New Mexico Beautiful, Inc. It documents the organization's participation in civic beautification and environmental education.
Kell Robertson collection
Identifier: MSS-924-BC
This collection contains papers and recordings of poet, singer, and song writer, Kell Robertson.
1967-2021; Majority of material found within 1990-2011
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 36
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 6
- New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 6
- Subject
- Letters 47
- Clippings 15
- Correspondence 5
- Ephemera 5
- Map 5
- Mural painting and decoration 5
- Scrapbooks 5
- Oral histories 4
- Sound recordings 4
- Contracts 3
- Newsletters 3
- American poetry -- 20th century 2
- DVDs 2
- Diaries 2
- Elections -- New Mexico 2
- Indians of North America -- Government relations 2
- Legal documents 2
- Mexican American college students -- Political activity -- New Mexico 2
- Mexican Americans -- Civil rights 2
- Mexican Americans -- Education (Higher) -- New Mexico 2
- Mexican Americans -- Ethnic identity 2
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 2
- New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century 2
- Newspapers 2
- Poetry 2
- Political activists -- New Mexico 2
- Student movements -- New Mexico 2
- Academia de la Nueva Raza and Rio Grande Institute Records 1
- Acoma (N.M.) -- History 1
- Acoma Indians -- History 1
- Acoma Indians -- Land tenure 1
- Addresses 1
- Administrative records 1
- Agua Fria (N.M.) 1
- Airman Mortensen 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Economic conditions 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 1
- American Literature -- New Mexico 1
- American poetry – West (U.S.) 1
- Annual reports 1
- Arbor Day 1
- Archaeology -- California 1
- Archaeology -- New Mexico 1
- Archaeology -- Southwest, New 1
- Architectural drawings 1
- Architecture -- Societies -- New Mexico 1
- Arizona--Description and travel -- 19th century 1
- Arizona--Description and travel -- 20th century 1
- Armer, Margaret Reid, 1864-1933--Archives. 1
- Art--Slides 1
- Artists -- New Mexico -- Taos 1
- Astrology 1
- Astronauts -- United States 1
- Athletics -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque 1
- Atrisco (Albuquerque, N.M.) -- History 1
- Authors, American -- 20th century 1
- Authors, American -- New Mexico 1
- Authors, American – New Mexico -- Correspondence 1
- Autobiographies 1
- Barelas (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1
- Battleships--New Mexico 1
- Bears -- Folklore 1
- Bears -- Religious aspects 1
- Beat generation- Poetry 1
- Bell, Chester G.--Archives. 1
- Bill drafting - New Mexico 1
- Bills 1
- Boundary disputes 1
- Broadsides 1
- Buildings -- Specifications -- New Mexico 1
- Business records 1
- California -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy -- Public opinion 1
- Cartoons & Comics 1
- Certificates 1
- Cimarron (N.M.) -- History 1
- City planning -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque 1
- Civic improvements -- New Mexico -- Citizen participation 1
- Civil Rights Movements 1
- Colfax County (N.M.) 1
- College presidents -- New Mexico 1
- College sports -- New Mexico -- Albuquerque 1
- Columbus (N.M.) -- History 1
- Comanche women – Political activity – United States – History – Sources 1
- Commercial art 1
- Community Activists--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
- Construction -- Standards -- New Mexico 1
- Construction industry -- New Mexico 1
- Cowboys – Poetry 1
- Crime -- New Mexico 1
- Cuaderno 1
- D. H. Lawrence Ranch (N.M.) 1
- Dance Companies -- New Mexico 1
- Dance costume 1
- Dance teachers -- New Mexico -- History 1
- Dances with wolves (Motion picture) 1
- Dear Writer in the Window 1
- Decoration and ornament, Architectural -- Mexico -- Oaxaca 1
- Drawings (visual works) 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 46
- Spanish; Castilian 8
- Undetermined 3
- French 1
- span 1
- Names
- University of New Mexico. Students 2
- Aberle, Sophie D., 1899-1996 1
- Academia de la Nueva Raza (U.S.) 1
- Albuquerque (N.M.). Planning Department 1
- Americans for Indian Opportunity 1
- Apollo 17 (Spacecraft) 1
- Atencio, Tomás, 1932-2014 1
- B. Ruppe Drugs 1
- Bernal-Enriquez, Ysaura 1
- Bernalillo County (N.M.). Mental Health-Mental Retardation Center 1
- Bingaman, Jeff 1
- Blake, Michael, 1945-2015 1
- Bolívar, Simón, 1783-1830 1
- Brown Realty Co. 1
- Caro, Miguel 1
- Chacón, Rafael, 1833-1925 1
- Chavez, Cesar, 1927-1993 1
- Church, Peggy Pond, 1903-1986 1
- Construction Specifications Institute, Albuquerque Chapter 1
- Conway, G. R. G. (George Robert Graham), 1873-1951 1
- Cutter, Donald C. 1
- Córdova, Nadine 1
- Córdova, Patsy 1
- Dannemann, Merilee, 1947- 1
- D’Andrea, Patricia 1
- Electrical Products of New Mexico 1
- Ellis, Florence Hawley 1
- Evans, George W., 1887- 1
- Farmer, Malcolm F. 1
- Felsenthal, Louis, 1832-1909 1
- Gingrich, Newt 1
- Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce 1
- Harris, Fred R., 1930- 1
- Harris, LaDonna 1
- Harvey family 1
- Harvey, Julian C. 1
- Haskale, Hadassah 1
- Hernández-Chávez, Eduardo 1
- Hirliman, Georgelle 1
- Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Wilder 1
- Hollenback, Amelia, 1877-1969 1
- Ibarra, Diego 1
- Ibarra, Robert A. 1
- Jaffe, Friedel -- Photographs 1
- Jenkins, Myra Ellen 1
- Kalloch, Eunice 1
- Kamerman, Kenneth M. 1
- Kamstra, Jerry 1
- Keep New Mexico Beautiful, Inc 1
- Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930 1
- Lusk, Paul 1
- McCook, Kendall, 1945- 1
- Meem, John Gaw, 1894-1983 1
- Meketa, Charles 1
- Meketa, Jacqueline 1
- Mendoza, Albino 1
- Mexican Fiesta Dance Company 1
- Minge, Ward Alan 1
- Montoya Chavez, Gloria 1
- Moser, Norman 1
- Moya, Emma, 1931- 1
- New Mexicans Against Proposition 187 1
- New Mexico (Battleship) 1
- New Mexico Commission of Public Records 1
- New Mexico Garden Clubs, Inc 1
- New Mexico. Legislature. Senate 1
- New Mexico. Legislature. Senate - Appropriations and expenditures 1
- New Spain. Real Audiencia (Guadalajara) 1
- Nichols, John Treadwell, 1940- 1
- Oklahomans for Indian Opportunity 1
- Pacheco, Consuelo 1
- Pfeiffer, Albert H. (Albert Hinrich), 1822-1881 1
- Popejoy, Thomas Lafayette, 1902-1975 1
- Porter, Mae Reed, 1889-1969 1
- Rio Grande Institute 1
- Robertson, Kell 1
- San Felipe Neri Church (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1
- Schiff, Steven, 1947-1998 1
- Schmidt, Richard H., 1939- 1
- Schmitt, Harrison H. 1
- Seltzer, Thomas 1
- Sánchez de Zamora, Maclovia B. 1
- Teatro Casino Luís Mier y Terán 1
- Thompson, Phyllis H. 1
- Tijerina, Reies 1
- Tyler, Lyman S. 1
- United States. Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission 1
- United States. Indian Claims Commission 1
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1
- Vann, S. T. (Samuel Thomas), 1879-1971 1
- Waters, Elizabeth, 1910-1993 1
- Westinghouse Learning Corporation 1
- Zeon Sign Company 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more