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Collection of D.H. Lawrence Correspondence

Identifier: MSS-868-SC

Scope and Content

This a collection of handwritten and signed letters from D. H. Lawrence, amassed by the Center for Southwest Research. The collection was formerly called, “D.H. Lawrence Letter and Photograph to George Conway." The title change reflects the addition letters, miscellaneous envelopes, and a photograph in March 2012.

The letter from Lawrence to Conway discusses life in New Mexico, progress on his Mexico novel, "The Plumed Serpent", and mentions the devastating illness he contracted in Oaxaca. Letters to his publisher, Thomas Seltzer discuss progress with his (Lawrence's) writing and publishing plans, contracts, and upcoming travel plans to Mexico. A confrontational letter from Lawrence to publisher B. W Huebsch, severs their relationship. Envelopes addressed to Thomas Seltzer and Mrs. Thomas Seltzer in Lawrence's hand and a photograph of a Jan Juta's portrait sketch of Lawrence are also included.

A letter dated 17 April 1925 and written to the "Lawrence Eight" at Trenton Senior High School was added to the collection in September 2018. Lawrence wrote from the Del Monte Ranch in Questa after returning from a trip to "Old Mexico." In this philosophical letter, he discusses virtues such as courage, soulfullness, and hope. This letter was donated to CSWR by Mark Raybould.


  • Creation: 1920-1925


Language of Materials


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research. Researchers should use the digital version of this collection. Originals are housed in high security area.

Copy Restrictions

Limited duplication of CSWR material is allowed for research purposes. User is responsible for compliance with all copyright, privacy, and libel laws. Permission is required for publication or distribution.

Biography / History

David Herbert Richards Lawrence (D. H. Lawrence) was born at Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England on September 11, 1885. In 1906 he began a two year teacher-training course at University College, Nottingham and in 1907 began writing The White Peacock. By 1910, The White Peacock was published and Lawrence had begun work on Sons and Lovers; shortly after, he gave up teaching. In 1912, Lawrence met Frieda Weekley and eloped with her the same year, although she did not get a divorce from her husband and marry Lawrence until July 13, 1914. During this period, Lawrence wrote and had published several novels and works of poetry. In 1922, they traveled to Taos, New Mexico and the Kiowa Ranch, their first home in America. The impetus for coming to Taos was his lengthy correspondence with Mabel Dodge Luhan who gave the Kiowa Ranch to the Lawrences. From 1923-1925, Lawrence divided his time between Mexico, New Mexico, and trips to Europe. During his time in New Mexico, Lawrence was involved in the swirl of the Taos art colony, and with his English compatriot, Dorothy Brett. The Plumed Serpent was published in 1927. Lawrence finished and published Lady Chatterley's Lover in 1928. D.H. Lawrence died in France, March 2, 1930. Frieda Lawrence returned to New Mexico in 1933, and in 1935 D.H. Lawrence's ashes were brought to the Kiowa Ranch where a small chapel was built to receive them


1 Folder

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Handwritten and signed letters by D. H. Lawrence, including envelopes and photographs.

Physical Location

High Security

Collection Available Online

Complete contents available via New Mexico's Digital Collections

Related Material

D.H. Lawrence Papers Center for Southwest Research. University of New Mexico.

Finding Aid of the Collection of D.H. Lawrence Correspondence, 1920-1925
B. Silbergleit
© 2012
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
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Finding aid is in English

Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131