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Showing Collections: 51 - 75 of 254

Cuba: Pre- & Post Revolution Photographic Collection

Identifier: PICT-2003-003
Abstract This collection contains photos of pre- & post-Revolution Cuba, including nightclub performers in Havana (1957) and 1960s portraits of Fidel Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
Dates: 1957-1968

Dale I. Perry Papers

Identifier: MSS-593-BC
Scope and Content The collection contains photocopies of articles, publications, and sections of publications, as well as bibliographical notes, handwritten notes, correspondence, and microfilm relating to Perry's research for his dissertation on art patronage in colonial Mexico. Much of the material focuses on Bishop Juan de Palafox y Mendoza and the Cathedral at Puebla, Mexico. Also included is a copy of Perry's master's thesis, The Altars of La Merced in Guatemala City: With an...
Dates: 1976-1982

Dan Chavez Papers on the History of New Mexico Government

Identifier: MSS-1033-BC
Abstract The collection contains the research and manuscript of Dan D. Chavez for his book on Soledad Chacon. Included are documents related to her and her family, letters to her, and an interview with her daughter, Lena Ward. There are also materials by and about the writer, Felipe M. Chacon, a relative of Soledad. Further, it has annotated lists of New Mexico political and judicial officials researched by Chavez. In addition, the collection has some of Chavez's preliminary work on Octaviano Larrazolo...
Dates: 1872-2016; Majority of material found within 1970-1999

Daniel Schávelzon Papers

Identifier: MSS-1026-BC
Abstract Daniel Schávelzon is an Argentinian urban archeologist and architect who has been active in archeological and architectural research and organizations.
Dates: 1890-2017; Majority of material found in 1980s-2017

D'Armand Collection of Spanish Language Documents,

Identifier: MSS-121-SC
Scope and Content This is a collection of nine Spanish language documents from the Spanish, Mexican, and Territorial periods of New Mexico, dating from 1792-1871. Five of the documents provide an insightful view of New Mexico society, government, defense, and economy during the late Spanish colonial period. Two each are from the Mexican and Territorial periods. The censuses for 1792 and 1796 have demographic breakdowns giving married persons, widowers, bachelors, and children, servants, Indians, and mestizos,...
Dates: 1792-1871

Delilah Montoya Collection Corazón Sagrado / Sacred Heart Collection

Identifier: PICT-996-021
Abstract The Project was undertaken by photographer Delilah Montoya in partial fulfillment of the Master of Fine Arts Degree at the University of New Mexico. The photographs illustrate the relationship between Christian and Precolumbian cults which both valued the heart as a divine symbol, as well as this symbol's role in ethno-historical experiences.Corazon Sagrado/Sacred Heart Project was undertaken by photographer Delilah Montoya in partial fulfillment of the Master...
Dates: 1993-1994

Delilah Montoya, "Rubia y Sombra" Folio

Identifier: PICT-2000-009
Abstract Collection contains nine limited edition color collotypes by artist Delilah Montoya.
Dates: 1996-1997

Demetria Martínez Papers

Identifier: MSS-586-BC
Scope and Content This initial part of Demetria Martínez' collection is composed primarily of news clippings documenting her involvement with the Sanctuary Movement in New Mexico. There is some biographical material, as well as articles written by Ms. Martínez, and a folder with news clippings and reviews relating to her publications Mother Tongue and Three Times a Woman. Material added to collection December 2023 containing recorded...
Dates: 1985-2015

Democratic Party (N.M.) State Central Committee Records

Identifier: MSS-66-BC
Scope and Content Boxes 1-3 of this collection contain correspondence. The material is arranged chronologically. There are letters relative to the organization of the committee in New Mexico as well as the national committee, political patronage issues with specific instances, letters of thanks to donors, requests from New Mexico precinct leaders and committee chairman for voters and tax payers lists, letters reporting on voting irregularities, and other issues. Correspondence with New Mexico representatives in...
Dates: 1916-1955 (bulk 1916-1936)

Denise Chavez Papers

Identifier: MSS-361-BC
Scope and Content The collection consists of the original donation (processed February 1981) and an addition. Included in the original donation are manuscripts of plays, 1972-1983, and newspaper clippings, flyers and programs. The addition (processed March 1995) contains a 1987 resume, newspaper clippings, flyers, programs, reviews, letters of support and publications relating to Denise Chavez' work as playwright, poet, author, actress and artist in residence. Also included are manuscripts dating from 1971-1987....
Dates: 1965-1987

Design and Planning Assistance Center Records

Identifier: MSS-1087-BC
Scope and Contents This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Dates: 1945 - 2017

Doctrina de Chimalhuacan Chalco Pre-Marital Investigations Register

Identifier: MSS-981-BC
Abstract 18th century marriage records from the mision of Chimalhuacan, Tepetlixpa and San Miguel Atlautla in the State of Mexico.
Dates: 1772-1777

Documents from the Archivo General de Indias and other related archives

Identifier: MSS-841-BC
Abstract The collection contains selected Spanish documents copied from the Archivo General de Indias and other archives in Spain, the Vatican Library, and U.S. Libraries, with related transcriptions and notes. Mainly focused on the colonial history of New Mexico and New Spain, with some materials for the Caribbean, Latin America, Philippines, and the U.S. Borderlands.
Dates: 1508-1821; Majority of material found within 1521-1780

Dolores Goddard Collection of Elfego Baca

Identifier: MSS-802-BC
Abstract This is a collection of correspondence, photos, newspaper clippings and articles about Elfego Baca as retained by his family after his death and collected in subsequent years. They provide a view of Baca’s political, business and family life beyond the well-known 1884 gunfight in Socorro County.
Dates: 1884-1961

Donald E. Terpstra Photographs of Latin America

Identifier: PICT-2019-010
Abstract Donald Terpstra served in the US diplomatic corps, 1975 - 2005, in several Latin American countries along the Andes. He collected visual material and photographed many scenes during his work and travel.
Dates: 1975-2005

Donald L. Roberts Collection of Music of the Southwest and Mexico

Identifier: MU-14
Abstract The collection contains recordings of Navajo, Hopi and Pueblo songs, as well as a few Apache, Ute, and Kiowa songs. A major part deals with the history and use of sand paintings, native medicine and star beliefs. There are also Matachines dances, a Los Pastores program and a concert of songs performed by the University of Chihuahua Folkloric group. The collection includes detailed explanations of the selections.
Dates: 1964-1968

Donald P. Schlegel Architectural Drawings

Identifier: SWA-Schlegel-Drawings
Scope and Contents The Donald P. Schlegel Architectural Drawings collection contains project files of work created by Don P. Schlegel between 1947-2017. Included in the collection are floor plans, elevations, design drawings, architectural studies, photographs, construction documents and other materials from Schlegel’s proposed and built structures from his academic, professional, and teaching career.
Dates: 1947 - 2017

Dorothy Woodward Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-000-170
Abstract This collection consists of mounted photographic prints taken in Mexico between approximately 1895 and 1909.
Dates: 1895-1909

E. A. Mares Papers

Identifier: MSS-368-BC
Scope and Content The collection consists of the original donation (processed April 1981) and two subsequent additions. Included in the collection are typed and hand written manuscripts of plays, poems, essays and reviews. Newspaper articles document Mares' life as poet, playwright, social critic and historian. Also included are pamphlets and posters mostly relating to appearances by Dr. Mares. Published materials in the collection include single page poems as well as journals and books. The collection contains...
Dates: 1971-1988

East Mountain Historical Society Oral History Project

Identifier: MSS-597-BC
Scope and Content The East Mountain Oral History Project collection consists of interviews conducted by Joyce Mendel with the following residents: Jose Candelaria, Bob Cooper, Adilia Garcia, Leandro Garcia, Barbara Herrera, Tom Herrera, Bill Loudon, Andres Mora, Antonia Mora, Dorela Perea, David Salazar, Jacquelyn Schaefer, M. Zanettie and Vicki Scoresone. The interviews are in a combination of English and Spanish languages. The collection also includes a tape of reminiscences from Alejandro Herrera, recorded in...
Dates: 1908-2001 (bulk, 1989-1996)

Ediciones Botas Pictorial Collection

Identifier: PICT-2004-006
Abstract The Ediciones Botas Pictorial Collection is comprised of book covers, original book cover art, illustrations, technical drawings, manuscripts, and photographs related to the Mexican book publisher Ediciones Botas.
Dates: 1916-1967

Edith Cherry and James See Built and Natural Environment Photography Collection

Identifier: PICT-2021-008
Abstract This collection includes photographic material by architects Edith Cherry and James See, captured during travels over nearly 60 years, especially focused on the Southwest and New Mexico. Subjects document their wide ranging interests, including the history of architecture, natural and created landscapes, and activities such as mining and motorcycling.
Dates: 1967 - 2022

Eduardo Hernández-Chávez and Ysaura Bernal-Enríquez papers

Identifier: MSS-805-BC
Abstract This collection contains the papers of community activists and educators Eduardo Hernández-Chávez and Ysaura Bernal-Enríquez, formerly of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The correspondence, notes, news clippings, flyers, photographs, and other materials papers document their community organizing efforts in New Mexico, as leaders of the Recuerda a César Chávez Committee and the New Mexicans Against Proposition 187, as well as their work on other issues of concern to the greater Chicano/Mexicano...
Dates: 1982-2006

Edwin Berry Oral History Interviews and Songs

Identifier: MU-20
Scope and Content This collection consists of 30 CDs each containing one hour of oral interviews and/or renditions by Edwin Berry (Baca), a pioneer resident of Tomé, New Mexico. These interviews were conducted by Dr. Rowena Rivera, a former professor of Spanish at the University of New Mexico. In 1979, Dr. Rivera interviewed Edwin Berry, who was at the time 66 years old. Mr. Berry gave an account of life in the Tomé area in the early part of the 20th century. In addition to the oral history, the recordings...
Dates: 1979-2000 (bulk 1979-1982)

El Español de Nuevo México y Colorado Contemporáneos

Identifier: MSS-1120-DC
Scope and Contents The collection consists of 26 Spanish language interviews conducted in 2022 by Dr. Mario Del Ángel-Guevara for his dissertation in the Spanish and Portuguese Department at the University of New Mexico. The goal of Dr. Del Angel-Guevara’s corpus of the Spanish language spoken in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado was to create an updated corpus of Spanish speech samples in the twenty-first century obtained from interviews of diverse Hispanic populations throughout northern New Mexico and...
Dates: 2022

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  • Repository: UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections X
  • Language: Spanish; Castilian X

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Photographs. 45
Sound recordings 24
Mural painting and decoration 14
Letters 12
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 11
∨ more
Oral histories 11
Map 9
Clippings 8
Postcards 8
Posters 8
Correspondence 7
Land grants -- New Mexico 7
Lithographs 7
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 7
Prints -- Mexico 7
Folk music -- New Mexico 6
Land tenure -- New Mexico 6
Music -- New Mexico 6
Photograph albums 6
Prints 6
Songs, Spanish -- New Mexico 6
Cityscapes 5
Alabados 4
Albumen prints 4
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 4
Country music 4
Folk dance music -- New Mexico 4
Folk music – New Mexico 4
Hispanic Americans -- Music 4
Linocuts 4
Mexican American poets 4
Mexico -- History -- Revolution, 1910-1920 4
Mexico City (Mexico) 4
New Mexico -- History 4
New Mexico--Ethnic relations 4
Photographic prints 4
Political posters 4
Portraits 4
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- Social life and customs 3
Architects 3
Architecture--Designs and plans 3
Caricatures and cartoons -- Mexico 3
Christmas plays, Spanish -- New Mexico 3
Church buildings -- Mexico -- Pictorial works 3
Church music -- Catholic Church 3
City and town life -- Mexico 3
Contracts 3
Corridos 3
Cristero Rebellion, 1926-1929 3
Fanzines 3
Fiddle tunes 3
Flamenco 3
Folk songs, Spanish -- New Mexico 3
Frontier and pioneer life -- New Mexico 3
Hispanic American women -- New Mexico 3
Hymns, Spanish -- New Mexico 3
Indians of Mexico 3
Indians of North America -- Music 3
Mariachi 3
Markets -- Mexico 3
Matachines (Music) 3
Mexico -- History 3
Navajo Indians -- Music 3
New Mexico -- Ethnic relations 3
New Mexico -- Genealogy 3
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 20th century 3
New Mexico's Digital Collections 3
Old-time music 3
Pictorial works 3
Presidents -- Mexico 3
Prints, Mexican -- 20th century 3
Pueblo Indians -- History 3
Screen prints 3
Sheet music 3
Slides (Photography) 3
Spain -- Colonies -- America -- Administration 3
Wood-engraving, Mexican 3
Account books 2
Acculturation -- New Mexico 2
Agriculture -- New Mexico 2
American poetry -- Mexican American authors 2
Architecture 2
Architecture -- New Mexico 2
Argentina -- Politics and Government -- 20th century 2
Art, Mexican 2
Articles 2
Authors, Argentine -- 20th century 2
Aztecs -- History 2
Bird's-eye views 2
Broadsides -- Mexico 2
Bullfights -- Spain 2
Chicano movement--New Mexico 2
Chile -- Pictorial works 2
Chile--Politics and government--20th century -- Posters 2
Church buildings -- Mexico 2
Cityscape photographs 2
Cityscapes -- Mexico 2
Collotypes 2
Comic books, strips, etc. 2
Costume -- Mexico 2
∧ less
English 142
French 6
Portuguese 6
German 5
North American Indian languages 5
∨ more  
John Donald Robb Archive of Southwestern Music 18
Taller de Gráfica Popular (Mexico City, Mexico) 13
Estampa Mexicana 7
Méndez, Leopoldo, 1902-1969 7
University of New Mexico. University Libraries 7
∨ more
University of New Mexico. Center for Southwest Research 6
Briquet, Abel 5
Bracho, Angel, 1911- 4
Robb, J. D. (John Donald), 1892-1989 4
University of New Mexico 4
Bloom, Lansing Bartlett, 1880- 3
Castro, Fidel, 1926-2016 3
Guevara, Che, 1928-1967 3
Mérida, Carlos, 1891-1984 3
Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 3
Scholes, France V. (France Vinton), 1897-1979 3
Waite, Charles B. (Charles Burlingame), 1824-1909 3
Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres (U.S.) 2
Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 2
Anguiano, Raúl, 1915-2006 2
Archivo General de la Nación (Mexico) 2
Brehme, Hugo 2
Burrola, Ray 2
Calles, Plutarco Elías, 1877-1945 2
Catron, Thomas Benton, 1840-1921 2
Charlot, Jean, 1898-1979 2
Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547 2
Cox & Carmichael 2
Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Mexico) 2
Ellis, Florence Hawley 2
Franco, Francisco, 1892-1975 2
Gordon, David, 1909-1979 2
Graña, César 2
Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 2
Lamadrid, Enrique R. 2
Larra, Raúl, 1913-2001 2
Lupercio, José María, 1870-1929 2
Manilla, Manuel 2
Mares, E. A., 1938-2015 2
Martínez, Demetria, 1960- 2
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 1832-1867 2
Montoya, Delilah 2
O'Higgins, Pablo, 1904-1983 2
Ortiz family 2
Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 2
Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 2
Rivera, José A., 1944- 2
Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 1794-1876 2
Slick, Sam L., 1943- 2
Smith, T. Lynn (Thomas Lynn), 1903-1976 2
Tijerina, Reies 2
Tireman, L. S. (Loyd Spencer), 1896-1959 2
University of New Mexico. College of Education 2
Van de Velde, Paul 2
Vargas, Diego de, 1643-1704 2
Yampolsky, Mariana, 1925-2002 2
Zalce, Alfredo, 1908-2003 2
Zapata, Emiliano, 1879-1919 2
ASARO (Group of artists) 1
Aberle, Sophie D., 1899-1996 1
Academia Hispanoamericana de Ciencias y Letras de Cádiz 1
Academia de la Nueva Raza (U.S.) 1
Acequia de Abajo (Sandoval County, N.M.) 1
Adams, Eleanor B. (Eleanor Burnham), 1910-1996 1
Aguirre, Adela W. de 1
Aguirre, Ignacio, 1900-1990 1
Air Force Association 1
Alamo Navajo Oral History Project 1
Alari family 1
Alari, José Ignacio, b. 1746 1
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (1976-1990) 1
Albuquerque Museum 1
Albuquerque Public Schools 1
All One Company 1
Alonso, Luis, 1951- 1
American Association for International Conciliation. Pan American Division 1
American Folklore Society 1
American G.I. Forum 1
American GI Forum Women 1
American Valley Company 1
Anaya, Rudolfo A., 1937-2020 1
Anduaga, José E. 1
Angel, Frank 1
Apodaca, Antonia 1
Apodaca, Jerry, 1934- 1
Aragon, Manny M. 1
Archivo General de las Indias 1
Archivo Histórico de Cartago 1
Arellano, Juan Estevan 1
Arellano, Romolo 1
Arenal, Luis 1
Areu, Manuel, 1845-1942 1
Armeilla, A. 1
Armijo family 1
Armijo, Nicolas T., 1835-1890 1
Armijo, Nicolas T., 1865-1947 1
Arrieta, Emilio, 1823-1894 1
Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca 1
Atencio, Tomás, 1932-2014 1
Aubert, Francois, 1829-1906 -- Pictorial works 1
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