Jane Henderson Baumann as Older Woman, circa 1940-1969
Scope and Content
This collection contains the photographs of the Ann Baumann Trust, which was created by Ann Baumann, daughter of New Mexico artist Gustave Baumann, in order to promote Baumann’s artistic legacy and preserve his archival materials. The collection includes photographic prints, nitrate and acetate negatives, color slides and transparencies, and photograph albums documenting Baumann's life, artwork, family, and legacy.
The collection consists primarily of Gustave Baumann’s personal photographs, most notably professional portraits of Baumann at work in his various studios and snapshots depicting Baumann with friends and fellow artists; residents and places in Brown County, Indiana and Santa Fe, New Mexico; Baumann's Santa Fe home and studio; daily life and social events in Santa Fe; Native American pueblos and ceremonial dances; and towns and landscapes in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and California. Many of these snapshots were probably used as reference images for Baumann's artwork, and some of them correspond closely to his woodcut prints. The collection also contains photographs of Baumann's artwork, including his marionettes, woodcuts, paintings, and sculptures; postcards from Baumann's travels in the American Southwest and Mexico; promotional and reference photographs acquired by Baumann, probably for artistic inspiration or for use in his commercial work; and photograph albums documenting Baumann's time in Chicago, Illinois; Munich, Germany; Brown County, Indiana; and Santa Fe, New Mexico.
This collection also contains photographs belonging to the Baumann family, including portraits of Gustave Baumann and his wife Jane Henderson Baumann as newlyweds; photograph albums containing baby photos of their daughter Ann Baumann; snapshots of the Baumann family at home; the personal photographs and postcards of Jane Henderson Baumann, including portraits and snapshots of Jane with friends and family, during her acting career, during her travels in Europe, at Santa Clara Pueblo and in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and numerous cartes-de-visite, cabinet cards, tintypes, and framed and cased photographs of Jane's relatives dating from the 1860s to the 1890s; and the personal photographs of Ann Baumann, including portraits and snapshots of Ann taken throughout her life and photograph albums made by Ann during her high school and college years.
Finally, this collection contains the research photographs of Gala Chamberlain, who served as trustee of the Ann Baumann Trust following Ann Baumann's death in 2011. Most of these photographs were taken between 1980 and 2012 as research for the catalogue raisonné of Gustave Baumann's color woodcuts. Chamberlain's photographs include a substantial number of color slides and transparencies, color prints, and negatives of Baumann's artwork, primarily his woodcuts and paintings, as well as copy negatives of photographs in Gustave, Jane, and Ann Baumann's personal collections. In addition to being used for research purposes, some of these images may have been used in the published version of the catalogue raisonné.
- Creation: circa 1940-1969
- From the Series: Baumann, Jane Henderson, 1892-1984 (Person)
Access Restrictions
Collection is open to researchers on an appointment basis. Contact the Photo Archivist to request to view original material.
From the Collection: 7 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Repository