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Margolis & Moss: Photographs and Postcards of New Mexico, California, Oregon, Utah, Yellowstone, Arizona, Iowa

Identifier: HP.1982.68-MNM.1982.073-MNM.GA.2738-Hp

Content Description

(121) photographs of various sizes (largest 15x20 to smallest 2x2 1/2) and postcards of New Mexico, California, Oregon, Utah, Yellowstone, Arizona, Iowa Views and People, including: New Mexico State Capitol, Santa Fe; Starvation Peak; Chapel, Palace of the Governors, St. Francis Cathedral, F.W. Woolworth Store, Santa Fe, Pueblo Indians, "Oldest House", Coronado Shopping Center, Gravestone of Billy the Kid, unidentified women and men, Threatening Rock down, Chaco Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns; Palm Springs, California, Crater Lake Oregon, Mt. Hood Loop, Llatourell Falls, Wah-kee-na Falls, Oneonta Gorge, Bonneville, Columbia River, Fish Hatchery, Castle Rock, Multnomah Falls, Old Faithful, Castle Geyser, Suspended bridge of the Royal Gorge, view from Mt. Nebo, Beulah, Colorado by Broome Bros., Memory Park, Salt Lake City, Utah, Utah Copper Mine, Bingham Canyon, Salt River Canyon, State Capitol, Boise, Idaho, Yosemite Falls, Vernal and Nevada Falls, Sequoia tree tunnel, San Francisco and Bay Bridge, Golden Gate Park, Golden Gate Exposition

Acquisition Type



Margolis & Moss

Restrictions Apply



121 photographs

