House of Representatives Journal, December 5, 1864 -- February 2, 1865
Scope and Content
As of 1997, collection consists of records of the Secretary of the Territory (1851-1912), and the Secretary of State (1912- 1995). Includes executive record books and indexes, records of notaries public, legislative journals, enrolled and engrossed bills, laws of New Mexico, records of Constitutional Conventions (1850, 1866, 1872, 1889, 1906, 1910-1912), records of the Territorial Assembly (1859-1909), and correspondence of the Territorial Secretary (1851-1912). Collection also includes oaths and bonds of county officials, state agencies, out-of-state agents, and notaries public; appointments and resignations; fiscal accounts; canvasses of election returns; campaign finance reports; rosters of elected and appointed officials; private and municipal articles of incorporation; interstate compacts; irrevocable consents; attorney general opinions; automobile licenses; and trademarks, tradenames, and musical copyrights.
Some materials are in Spanish and English.
Partial finding aid.
- Creation: December 5, 1864 -- February 2, 1865
Language of Materials
Access Restrictions
Access to original territorial materials restricted; Use microfilm only (Territorial Archives of New Mexico).
From the Collection: 500 Linear Feet
Repository Details
Part of the New Mexico State Records Center and Archives Repository