Caballero de Croix, Mexico, announcement of his arrival by Bucarely y Ursua., Dec. 25
Archival Record — Reel-frame: 10:892
Identifier: 696
Scope and Content
From the Collection:
Collection consists of administrative, civil, military, and ecclesiastical records of the Spanish colonial government in New Mexico, 1621-1821. Records cover both the local and provincial levels, and include correspondence between officials in Santa Fe and Mexico. Few pre-Revolt documents are contained in this collection. Significant documents from the Pueblo Revolt period (1680-1693) include Antonio de Otermin's 1681 journal of the attempted reconquest of New Mexico, and various administrative and judicial records for the exiled government in El Paso del Norte, Diego de Vargas' journal of the 1692-1693 reconquest and the subsequent re-establishment of Spanish government through 1691. Also included are accusations of the Cabildo of Santa Fe and a series of depositions against Vargas in 1697-1698, together with numerous administrative, military, and judicial records reflect the political and social turmoil of the post-revolt period. The materials over the next 120 years of Spanish rule span a broad range of subjects, revealing information about such topics as domestic relations, political intrigue, crime and punishment, material culture, the Camino Real, relations between Spanish settlers and Native Americans, the intrusion of Anglo-Americans, and the growing unrest that resulted in Mexico's independence from Spain in 1821.
Collection is in Spanish.
Collection is in Spanish.
- Dec. 25
Language of Materials
From the Collection:
Access Restrictions
Access to original materials restricted. Use microfilm only (Spanish Archives of New Mexico II).
From the Collection: 21 linear feet, 22 microfilm rolls linear feet
Repository Details
Part of the New Mexico State Records Center and Archives Repository