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Tax records

Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus

Found in 34 Collections and/or Records:

Bernalillo County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-034
Scope and Content Holdings consist of records of the county clerk (1848-1920), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1856, 1889-1899), county commission (1876-1889, 1927), justice of the peace (1854-1899), probate court (1849-1927), and school superintendent (1858-1887). Clerks records include registers of deeds, mines, licenses, brands, oaths and bonds, mortgages, chattel mortgages, liens, and notarial records; election results, abstracts of deeds; and various other documents. Probate records include adoptions...
Dates: 1849-1927 (Bulk 1849-1900)

Chaves County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1959-237
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Chaves County, New Mexico (1870-1935). The bulk of the records cover the years, 1881-1935. Included are copies of the county clerks deed indexes that include entries that date to before the creation of Chaves County (1870-1935); a county sheriffs bond (1896); and assessment records (1891-1912). The assessment records have been microfilmed.
Dates: 1870-1935 (bulk 1882-1935)

Colfax County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1973-025
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of the county clerk (1867-1933), county assessor (1870-1892, 1917, 1924), county treasurer (1869-1927), county commission (1876-1927), superintendent of schools (1907-1908), county surveyor (1898), justice of the peace (1887-1925), sheriff (1869-1884), and probate court (1892-1929). Clerk's records include notary records, poll and tally books, voter lists, election returns, abstracts of titles, articles of incorporation, registers of licenses and brands,...
Dates: 1867-1929

Curry County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1988-004
Scope and Content Collection consists of records of the county assessor (1909-1912), justice of the peace (1961-1968), and county sheriff (1909-1916). Justice of the peace records are primarily criminal dockets.
Dates: 1909-1968 (bulk 1961-1968)

Dona Ana County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-017
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Dona Ana County, New Mexico (1852-1946). Included are the records of the county clerk (1852-1935), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1854-1923), county commission (1885-1916), justice of the peace (1863-1946), probate court (1859-1912), coroner (1864-1900), school superintendent (1876-1877), treasurer (1864-1913), road supervisor (1896, 1902), and the board of horticultural commissioners (1892). County Clerk's records include registers of deeds, brands,...
Dates: 1852-1946

Eddy County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-035
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Eddy County, New Mexico (1888-1991). The bulk of the material covers the dates 1891-1922. Included are the records of the county clerk (1891-1972, 1990-1991), sheriff (1896-1922), assessor (1891-1911), county commissioners (1891-1932), justice of the peace (1900-1940), probate court (1888-1915), superintendent of schools (1891-1923), treasurer (1891-1913), coroner (1892-1912), surveyor (1891-1908), road supervisor and overseer (1901-1910), and miscellaneous...
Dates: 1888-1991(Bulk 1891-1922)

Edward Yrisarri Collection of Jacobo Yrisarri Papers,

Identifier: 1997-040
Scope and Content Collection consists of the papers of Jacobo Yrisarri. Includes land records, estate records for various persons, financial records, and photographs. Land records include mining and warranty deeds, an abstract of title to land in Ranchos de Albuquerque, one map of land divisions in Candelaria, New Mexico, and copies of maps of the Atrisco and Elena Gallegos land grants. Financial records include tax receipts and assessments. Photographs include black and white images of Jacobo Yrisarri and...
Dates: 1870-1947

Grant County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-019
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Grant County, New Mexico (1868-1983). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1868 to 1914. Included are records of the county clerk (1868-1928), assessor (1871-1918), sheriff (1877-1916), county commissioners (1889-1896), county superintendent of schools (18895-1900), justice of the peace (1869-1917), treasurer (1888-1902), probate court (1883-1915), and photocopies or typescripts of obituaries and cemetery records. Clerks records include mining claims,...
Dates: 1868-1983 (bulk 1868-1914)

Guadalupe County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-020
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Guadalupe County, New Mexico (1893-1942). Included are records of the county clerk (1893-1930), assessor (1893-1923), sheriff (1912-1931), county commissioners (1893-1928), justice of the peace (1902-1946), probate court (1893-1928), superintendent of schools and board of education (1910-1925), and miscellaneous records (1911-1942). Clerk's records include license registers, oaths and bonds, poll books, articles of incorporation, chattel mortgages, and...
Dates: 1893-1942 (Bulk, 1893-1923)

Kaune Grocery Company Records

Identifier: AC-121
Scope and Content Collection consists of a variety of business records from the Kaune Grocery Company, including account books, business ledgers, annual reports, tax documents, and letters involving both suppliers and customers. Included in the collection are documents concerning the New Mexico Portland Cement Co. and the Bishop's Lodge, in which the Kaune family had interests. Also, the records of Kaune Food Town during the ownership of Julie Kaune are included.
Dates: 1886-1950

Lea County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-021
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Lea County, New Mexico (1920-1948). The bulk of the materials cover the dates 1920 to 1923. Included are records of the county clerk (1927-1928), county commissioners (1921-1923, 1948), and assessor (1920). County clerk records include a listing of school districts (1928). County commissioners records include correspondence (1922-1923), a resolution (1921), and a petition (1948). County assessor records consist of a record book of property assessments...
Dates: 1920-1948 (bulk, 1920-1923)

Lincoln County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-022
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Lincoln County, New Mexico (1869-1932). Included are records of the county clerk (1869-1912), assessor (1870-1912), auditor (1875), treasurer (1883-1932), sheriff (1875-1897), county commissioners (1889-1912), justice of the peace (1876-1904), probate court (1870-1920), and miscellaneous records. Clerks records include poll and tally books, voter lists, election records, mining records, and registers of bonds, deeds, and marriages. Miscellaneous records...
Dates: 1869-1932

Luna County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1978-021
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Luna County, New Mexico (1901-1970). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1901 to 1924. Materials consist of records of the county clerk (1901-1970, bulk 1901-1918), sheriff (1910-1913), county commissioners (1908-1924), justice of the peace (1901-1919, 1929), probate court (1901-1932), treasurer (1902-1913), assessor (1901-1912), and road board (1912-1917). Clerks records include registers of applications for marriage licenses, chattel mortgages,...
Dates: 1901-1970 (bulk 1901-1924)

McKinley County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1986-007
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of McKinley County, New Mexico (1901-1981). The bulk of the material covers the years 1901-1928. Included are assessment records (1901-1912), a sheriffs cash register (1912-1928), subdivision regulations issued by the county commissioners, and maps including one of Gallup (1922) and plats of Timberlake Ranch (1938, 1978-1981).
Dates: 1901-1981 (bulk 1901-1928)

Mora County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-036
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Mora County, New Mexico (1850-1922). The bulk of the material covers the dates 1870 to 1911. Included are records of the county clerk (1850-1918), assessor (1871-1912), sheriff (1879-1884), treasurer (1924), county commissioners (1880-1921), justice of the peace (1856-1910), probate court (1871-1890), superintendent of schools/board of education (1915-1922), and miscellaneous tax records (1903, 1917). Clerks records include registers of licenses, brands,...
Dates: 1850-1930 (Bulk 1870-1911)

New Mexico Property Tax Division Records,

Identifier: 1959-205
Scope and Content As of 1997 collection consists of records of the Property Tax Division and its predecessors the Equalization Board, Territorial Board of Equalization, State Tax Commission, Property Appraisal Department, and Property Tax Department (1887-1978). Records of the Equalization Board and Territorial Board of Equalization include administrative correspondence, tax assessment appeals, and ledger books of minutes from 1887 to 1914. Records of the State Tax Commission include biennial reports...
Dates: 1887-[ongoing]

Otero County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1971-012
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Otero County, New Mexico (1892-1954). The bulk of the materials are Justice of the Peace criminal and civil docket books (1900-1908). Included are records of the County Clerk (1901-1920), County Assessor (1899-1912), Justice of the Peace (1892-1942), County Commissioners (1910-1954), and miscellaneous records that include minutes of the County Advisory Board (1946) and County Extension Agent annual reports (1944-1954).
Dates: 1890-1954 (Bulk 1900-1908)

Pot Creek Logging and Lumber Company

Identifier: AC-181
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of the Pot Creek Logging and Lumber Company and its subsidiary lumber companies in the San Luis Valley of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado, 1958-1966.
Dates: 1958-1966

Quay County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1989-010
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Quay County, New Mexico (1903-1990). Included are county clerk school district election records (1986-1990), a county commissioners petition (1918-1919), justice of the peace records for one case (1904), probate court records for two cases (1914, 1931), and assessment records (1903-1912).
Dates: 1903-1990 (bulk, 1903-1931)

Rio Arriba County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-024
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Rio Arriba County, New Mexico (1847-1957). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1847 to 1900. Included are records of the county clerk (1847-1938), assessor (1870-1912), sheriff (1849-1927), county commission (1882-1927), justice of the peace (1852-1938, 1957), probate court (1848-1918), and coroner's inquests (1883-1937). County Clerk records include registers of deeds, oaths and bonds, marriages, licenses, mines, and partido contracts; poll and tally...
Dates: 1847-1957 ( Bulk 1870-1900)

Ritch Family Papers

Identifier: AC-190
Scope and Content Collection consists primarily of the business papers of Wattson L. and Lessie M. Ritch, and the Ritch Cattle Co. Includes financial records, real estate tax documents, check registers, invoices, and 19 well schedules for Otero County, New Mexico from 1957. The well schedules include information on locations, quantities, and extraction methods.
Dates: 1910-1971

Roosevelt County, N. M. Records,

Identifier: 1959-041
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Roosevelt County, New Mexico (1903-1912). Included are minutes of the county commissioners (1911-1912) and assessment rolls (1903-1912).
Dates: 1903-1912

San Juan County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-025
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of San Juan County, New Mexico (1887-1979). The bulk of the materials cover the years 1887 to 1927. Included are poll books (1889-1890) and records of the county commissioners (1927, 1979), assessor (187-1912), justice of the peace (1890-1915), and probate court (1919, 1924). Justice of the peace and probate court records are case files.
Dates: 1887-1979 (Bulk 1887-1927)

San Miguel County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1974-026
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of San Miguel County, New Mexico (1847-1942). Included are records of the county clerk (1847-1930), assessor (1870-1913), treasurer (1865-1875), sheriff (1853, 1887-1888), county commissioners (1876-1889), justice of the peace (1858-1925), probate court (1847-1940) and school superintendent (1879-1908). Clerks records include a census of Tecolote, New Mexico (1855); registers of brands, licenses, liens, deed receipts, oaths and bonds, chattel mortgages and...
Dates: 1847-1942

Sandoval County, N.M. Records,

Identifier: 1959-042
Scope and Content Collection consists of the records of Sandoval County, New Mexico (1903-1935). Included are records of the county clerk (1911-1929), assessor (1903-1912), and treasurer (1926-1935). Clerk's records chiefly concern the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (1927-1929) and treasurer's records include material on the Los Alamos Ranch School (1932).
Dates: 1903-1935