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Showing Collections: 1 - 13 of 13

Adolph Bandelier Collection

Identifier: AC-012
Scope and Content The Bandelier collection consists of artifacts, documents, illustrations, maps, and photographs. For the most part all are in stable condition. The bulk of the collection came to the library upon the death of Mrs. Fanny Ritter Bandelier in accordance with the terms of her will. Other Bandelier memorabilia and artifacts were donated by various persons who were friends of the Bandeliers. Journals Of the document portion of the collection,...
Dates: August 28-December 15 -

Catholic Devotional Publications Collection

Identifier: AC-251
Scope and Content Collection consists of various Catholic devotional books and pamphlets (1755-1901). Included are small prayer pamphlets, brevaries, explanations of the Holy Word, and stories of La Virgen de la Merced, La Senora de La Salud, and Our Lady of Guadalupe. Also included is an incomplete undated Tagalog grammar book.
Dates: 1755-1901

Charles H. Lange Collection

Identifier: AC 394
Scope and Content Collection contains drafts/transcriptions for the Adolph Bandelier diaries covering 1885 - 1892 (published in four volumes by the University of New Mexico Press). Included are transcripts of Bandelier material from 1880 - 1891 prepared by A. J. O. Anderson and Fanny Bandelier. A file of approximately 820 index cards with names is also included.
Dates: 1950-1980

Edgar L. Hewett Collection

Identifier: AC-105
Scope and Content This collection contains the personal and professional papers of archaeologist and educator Edgar Lee Hewett (1865-1946). The collection includes materials from 1861-1992, with the bulk of the materials from 1897-1947. The types of materials include correspondence, manuscripts by Hewett and others, publications, archaeological notes and reports, financial records, personal documents, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, account books and ledgers, visitor registers, maps, and other miscellaneous...
Dates: 1861 - 1992; Majority of material found within 1897 - 1947

Edwin L. Mechem Correspondence

Identifier: AC-167
Scope and Content Correspondence and letters to and from the governor's office during the year 1952. He served as governor during the years 1951-1954.

The collection is inventoried largely in alphabetical order by sender. The Governor is identified as "ELM."
Dates: 1952-1964

Guide to the Bruce T. Ellis Collection

Identifier: AC-075
Scope and Content The Bruce T. Ellis Collection consists of various original and photostatic copies of the Spanish, Mexican and American period of New Mexico's history. Ellis, a former employee of the Museum of New Mexico's History Bureau, collected and saved many of these diverse documents from destruction. The collection is arranged topically and then chronologically.
Dates: 1712-1980

Haniel Long Collection

Identifier: AC-137
Scope and Content The Haniel Long Collection was originally acquired by the late John Bennett Shaw from Haniel Long, a personal friend of many years. John Bennett Shaw was a collector of books and memorabilia on Sherlock Holmes.
Dates: 1908-1990

Laguna Mission Press Collection

Identifier: AC 448-p
Scope and Content The collection consists of five items: Psalm I, Psalm XXIII (one in English and Laguna, and one in Laguna only), The Seven sacraments (published by St. Michaels Press in English and Navajo), and a pamphlet prepared by Louis A. Hieb on bilingual publications of the Southwest. Of the pieces in this collection only one, Psalm XXIII, can be specifically indentified with the W. Semple press.
Dates: 1877-1995

Louis Kraft Collection

Identifier: AC 402
Scope and Content The collection contains manuscripts for Louis Kraft's books (originals, edits, drafts); correspondence with friends, critics, writers, as it relates to Kraft's publications; magazine articles and lectures written by Kraft; his books; and photos of Kraft. Includes materials and script for the two-act play by Louis Kraft "An Evening with Ned Wynkoop."
Dates: 1982 - (open end)

Robert W Denny Collection of Rough Rider Memorabilia

Identifier: AC-061
Scope and Content Collection consists of the Rough Rider memorabilia collected by Robert W. Denny, as a former Rough Rider and Secretary- Treasurer of Roosevelt's Rough Rider Association, 1898-1955. Included are: a copy and explanations of a card index listing the names of the men who served as Rough Riders (the orginal card index is at Roosevelt's memorial home in New York City); photocopies of four photographs, 1898-1912; two copies of a publication on Rough Riders produced by Roosevelt's Rough Rider...
Dates: 1898-1955; 1898-1955; Majority of material found in 1898-1912

Rosebud Monthly

Identifier: AC 465-p
Scope and Content This Volume 1 of the Rosebud Monthly was published by 7th grade students of the Las Vegas, New Mexico, Public Schools on November 30, 1899. Editor-in-Chief was Waldo C. Twitchell and assistant editors were Grace Roseberry and Earl Norton. Every 7th grader was enouraged to submit something, "no matter what" to the monthly magazine even if it was only "one sentence," with a promise that it was being published.
Dates: 1899

Thomas E. Chavez Collection

Identifier: AC 581
Scope and Content Collection consists of personal and professional papers of Thomas E. Chávez as well as some papers of his father Antonio Chávez. Included are letters, correspondence, newspaper articles pertaining to their careers, professional papers and notes. Additionally, collection contains Thomas E. Chávez's school and professional notes, manuscripts, and proofs of published works.
Dates: 1957 - 2009

William Thetford Le Viness Scrapbook Collection

Identifier: AC-132
Scope and Content The Le Viness Collection consists of ten scrapbooks containing chromologically arranged works written by or about W. T. Leviness; fifteen binders containing periodicals with articles written by Le Viness arranged chronologically by date of publication; and one copy of a publication written by Le Viness entitled "The Life and Works of William Hayley: 1745-1820."
Dates: 1928-1971

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  • Subject: Publications X
  • Repository: Fray Angélico Chávez History Library X

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Publications 11
Manuscripts 6
Clippings 4
New Mexico -- History 3
Scrapbooks 3
∨ more
Archaeology -- Southwest, New 2
Correspondence 2
Diaries 2
Excavations (Archaeology) -- New Mexico 2
Lectures 2
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 2
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 2
Pueblo Indians 2
Reports 2
Translations 2
Account books 1
Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 1
Administrative agencies -- United States 1
Airports -- Finance -- United States 1
Alvarez, Manuel 1794-1856 1
America -- Early accounts to 1600 1
America -- Exploration and discovery -- Spanish 1
Apache Indians - Wars, 1879-1886 1
Archaelogy -- Southwest, New 1
Archaeology -- Mexico 1
Archaeology -- New Mexico 1
Articles 1
Artists -- New Mexico 1
Bandelier National Monument (N.M.) 1
Bilingual publications 1
Breviaries -- Mexico 1
Brown, Edmund Gerald 1905-1996 1
California -- Municipal Court (Los Angeles Judicial District) 1
Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1
Cathedrals--New Mexico--Santa Fe 1
Catholic Church -- Customs and practices 1
Catholic Church -- Prayer books and devotions 1
Chaco Culture National Historical Park (N.M.) 1
Cheyenne Indians-Wars, 1868-1869 1
Devotional literature 1
Ethnology - Southwest, New 1
Ethnology --Andes Region 1
Ethnology --Southwest, New 1
Excavations (Archaeology) -- Guatemala -- Izabal (Dept.) 1
Explorers -- Spain -- Biography 1
Extradition -- New Mexico 1
Festivals -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Firestone, Harvey S., 1868-1938 1
Fort Marcy (N.M.) -- History 1
Governors -- New Mexico 1
Indians of North America -- New Mexico 1
Indians of North America -- Southwestern states 1
Keres language 1
Laguna (N.M.) 1
Las Vegas (N.M.) -- History 1
Map 1
Maps 1
Mesa Verde National Park (Colo.) 1
Mexico -- History -- Conquest, 1519-1540 1
Mexico --History--To 1810 1
Mines and mineral resources -- Peru 1
Museums -- New Mexico 1
New Mexico -- Description and travel 1
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 1
New Mexico -- Social life and customs 1
Parole -- New Mexico 1
Plays 1
Poems 1
Poets, American -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 1
Presbyterian Church--New Mexico--Laguna 1
Printing -- New Mexico 1
Private presses--New Mexico 1
Public Schools -- New Mexico -- Las Vegas 1
Quiriguá site (Guatemala) 1
Real estate inventment--New Mexico 1
Registers (Lists) 1
Reviews 1
Roads -- Safety measures 1
Saints -- Prayer books and devotions 1
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Social life and customs 1
Santa Fe (N.M.)--History--18th century 1
Santa Fe Internment Camp (N.M.) 1
Segesser hide paintings 1
Sketches 1
Southwestern States -- Description and travel 1
State government records 1
Student publications--New Mexico 1
Syntax 1
Tagalog language -- Grammar 1
Unfinished works 1
Universities and colleges -- New Mexico 1
World War, 1914-1918 -- France 1
World War, 1914-1918--Poetry 1
World War, 1914-1918--Regimental histories--United States 1
∧ less
English 11
Undetermined 9
Spanish; Castilian 2
French 1
Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, 1840-1914 2
Museum of New Mexico 2
School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 2
Anderson, Arthur J. O., 1907-1996 1
Chavez, Angelico, 1910-1996 1