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Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 414

A.A. Hyde Papers,

Identifier: MSS-191-SC
Scope and Content This small collection contains records of marriages, baptisms, and funerals at which A. A. Hyde officiated while serving as a Methodist Episcopal pastor in New Mexico. The marriage records date 1890-1893 and 1895-1897. Some of these records indicate the occupation of the groom. The baptismal records date 1891-1894 and the burials date 1890-1891. Also in the collection is a Socorro concert program dated April 23, 1889.
Dates: 1889-1897

Abe M. Peña papers

Identifier: Ms-0434
Abstract Business, professional and personal papers of Abelicio Marquez Peña, New Mexico sheep rancher, politician, foreign diplomat, writer and alumnus of the New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts (New Mexico State University).
Dates: 1894-2004; Majority of material found in Placeholder Unit Date Text

Abelicio M. Peña Journals on Latin America

Identifier: MSS0002
Abstract The Abelicio M. Peña journals on Latin America consist of his handwritten entries made while on assignment in Latin America. They provide insight into Latin America from the perspective of a foreign service operative with the Peace Corp and U.S.A.I.D, as well as commentary upon his return to the United States in between appointments and upon his retirement.
Dates: 1972-1988

Adolph Bandelier Collection

Identifier: AC-012
Scope and Content The Bandelier collection consists of artifacts, documents, illustrations, maps, and photographs. For the most part all are in stable condition. The bulk of the collection came to the library upon the death of Mrs. Fanny Ritter Bandelier in accordance with the terms of her will. Other Bandelier memorabilia and artifacts were donated by various persons who were friends of the Bandeliers. Journals Of the document portion of the collection,...
Dates: August 28-December 15 -

Albert B. Fall Papers

Identifier: MSS-131-BC
Abstract The collection contains papers covering Fall's career as U.S. Senator and Secretary of the Interior. It includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, congressional records dealing with oil scandals and Mexican affairs, and federal court transcripts and briefs relating to his legal troubles.
Dates: 1851-1927; Majority of material found in 1922-1927

Albuquerque Booksellers Coalition Records

Identifier: UNMA-023
Abstract The Albuquerque Booksellers Coalition worked with the UNM Campus Community Coalition to oppose the building of the proposed University of New Mexico bookstore on Central Avenue. This collection includes student and community generated meeting agendas, minutes, flyers, announcements and clippings.
Dates: 1990s

Albuquerque Promotional Materials Collection

Identifier: MSS-0029
Abstract This collection includes promotional pamphlets and other tourist material regarding the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Dates: 1908 - 2018

Albuquerque Works Progress Administration Records

Identifier: MSS-0014
Abstract Includes correspondence, applications for approval, plans, quotes from vendors, receipts, blueprints, and pay reports related to Works Progress Administration projects undertaken in Albuquerque between 1931-1942.
Dates: Majority of material found within 1931-1942

Alexander Brydie Dyer Papers

Identifier: AC-070-p
Scope and Content Collection consists of material related to Dyer's involvement in the Taos Revolt.
Dates: 1846-1848

Alfonso Sanchez papers

Identifier: MSS-803-BC
Abstract Alfonso Sanchez was the District Attorney for Rio Arriba County during the land struggle of Reies Lopez Tijerina and the Alianza Federal de las Mercedes. The collection consists of biographical materials pertaining to Alfonso Sanchez, as well as materials pertaining to the Tierra Amarillo land grant and Reies Lopez Tijerina.
Dates: 1856-2004; Majority of material found within 1955-1970

Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres Collection

Identifier: MSS-628-BC
Scope and Content This collection contains newspaper clippings, magazine articles, pamphlets, flyers, press releases, and broadsides relating to Alianza Federal de las Mercedes, Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres, Reies Lopez Tijerina, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, land grants, education, employment, and discrimination. The Alianza constitution is also included in the collection. An oversized folder contains broadsides, reprints and a map. This collection is composed of materials that were formerly housed in...
Dates: 1963-1997 (bulk 1967-1979)

Alice Bullock Collection

Identifier: AC 344-p
Scope and Content The collection consists of miscellaneous cards, letters, articles, and brochures. It includes an untitled typed manuscript on the history of the creation of New Mexico Territory. There is an essay " Santa Fe, City in Two Worlds" written by Fredric Brown (1906-1972), and a pamplet titled "Last Will and Testament of Charlie Masters".
Dates: 1951-1975

Alice Bullock Papers

Identifier: MSS-478-BC
Scope and Content The collection consists of literary manuscripts, feature articles, photographs and research materials of Alice Bullock, writer and educator. Published and unpublished book and story manuscripts include an unpublished autobiography, entitled "Middens", and a manuscript for a book on stamp collecting for children. Subject files containing research notes, articles and printed material on New Mexico travel, folklore, history and personalities. Business and personal records contain book reviews by...
Dates: 1951-1984

Alice Scoville Barry Collection of Historical Documents,

Identifier: 1959-016
Scope and Content Collection consists primarily of official government documents from New Mexico's various historical governments: its Spanish colonial government (1684-1821), its Mexican government (1821-1846), and its American government (1846-1863). Subjects included are the reconquest of New Mexico, the collection of taxes, official appointments, Indian affairs, and religious matters. Items of note are Diego de Vargas' journal of the Reconquest (1694-1790), Commandante General Pedro de Nava's refusal of...
Dates: 1684-1863

Alliance for Innovation in Science and Technology Information (AISTI) Records

Identifier: MSS-1065-BC
Abstract Collection consists primarily of administrative records and program materials of the Alliance for Innovation in Science and Technology Information (AISTI).
Dates: 1992-2008

Altrusa Club of Las Cruces records

Identifier: Ms-0146
Abstract Records of a Las Cruces ladies service club. Includes correspondence, financial records, minutes, newsletters, scrapbooks and clippings and organizational material which contains by-laws, binders, mailing lists, membership card, seals and lists, President's reports, manuals and workshops, yearbook and information from Altrusa International and District Ten.
Dates: 1940-1979

Alvarado Hotel Photograph Collection

Identifier: PICT-995-053
Abstract This collection contains interior views of the Alvarado Hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Dates: circa 1900-1968

American Association of University Women, Las Cruces Branch records

Identifier: Ms-0290
Abstract An organization of women who are college graduates involved in community projects, legislative lobbying actions, and social interaction study groups.
Dates: 1937 - 2019

Ann and Susan Kent Collection

Identifier: Coll 0044
Scope and Contents Notes, Correspondence, Masters Thesis, Ephemera Collection consists of various documentation related to Susan Kent and Ann Kent’s travels in the Southwest and Mexico between 1926 and 1930, attending the UNM Field School sessions in 1929 and 1930. This includes correspondence, Field School Bulletins, written accounts from Anna Kent of her experiences, copies of articles, and the Masters thesis of Susan Kent.
Dates: 1924–1982 (bulk dates: 1924-1933)

Anthony Louderbough Oral History Collection

Identifier: MSS-954-BC
Abstract This collection consists of five oral history interviews conducted by Anthony Louderbough with individuals depicted in the related Anthony Louderbough Pictorial Collection.
Dates: 1968-1973

Antonio A. Sedillo Papers,

Identifier: MSS-679-BC
Abstract This collection contains one scrapbook and three folders consisting mainly of newspaper clippings pertaining to the formation of the Progressive Party in New Mexico and the controversy created by a purposed survey to determine the level of racism among high school students, both events occurring in the early 1930s. Also included are some speeches and correspondence of attorney Antonio A. Sedillo who was a member of the Progressive Party.
Dates: 1932-1937

Arthur Olivas Collection

Identifier: AC-175
Scope and Content Collection consists of photocopies of historical documents and three original bound volumes pertaining to New Mexico businesses, 1850-1934. Historical documents (1850-1894) include military orders and forms of the occupying United States Army (1850-1883) and Henry Jenkins' handwritten and typescript account of his capture by Confederate forces in Mesilla on the Rio Grande (1863). Bound volumes (1911-1934) include: a ledger from the Las Vegas Coal Company (New Mexico), 1922; a daybook from the...
Dates: 1850-1894

Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Payroll Ledger

Identifier: AC 487-s
Scope and Content One ledger of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company (ATSF) containing ca. 450 pages of payroll information listing payees' names, locations, departments, and pay. Ledger covers the Rio Grande and Pecos railroad areas including parts in Colorado. Payees are generally separated geographically and by departments such as "Mechanical," "Engineers," "Firemen," "Enginemen," "Signal and Telegraph," etc.
Dates: February 1928

Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company Stockyard Records

Identifier: MSS-136-BC
Abstract This collection contains records kept by Russell Nicholas, foreman of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway stockyards in Albuquerque and Abajo, N.M. The papers relate to aspects of stock transfers through Albuquerque's busiest railroad stockyard.
Dates: 1916-1928

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  • Subject: New Mexico -- History X
  • Language: English X

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UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 209
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 64
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives 48
New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 44
Albuquerque Bernalillo County Special Collections Library 30
∨ more  
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 80
Photographs. 54
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 50
New Mexico -- History 42
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 42
∨ more
Clippings 39
Letters 32
New Mexico -- Officials and employees 32
Reports 29
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1951- 27
Correspondence 26
State government records 26
Administrative agencies -- New Mexico 25
Minutes (Records) 25
Annual reports 22
Publications 21
New Mexico -- History -- 20th century 20
Oral histories 20
Account books 17
Diaries 17
Territorial records 17
Scrapbooks 16
New Mexico -- Description and travel 14
New Mexico -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 14
Albuquerque (N.M.) -- History 13
Sound recordings 13
Financial records 12
Manuscripts 12
New Mexico -- History -- 19th century 12
New Mexico -- History, Military 12
New Mexico -- Politics and government 12
University of New Mexico -- History 11
Land grants -- New Mexico 10
Map 10
New Mexico -- Businesses -- History 10
Legal documents 9
New Mexico -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works 9
Addresses 8
Albuquerque -- New Mexico -- History -- 20th century 8
Business enterprises -- New Mexico -- History 8
Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 8
New Mexico -- Social life and customs 8
Ranch life -- New Mexico 8
Authors, American -- New Mexico 7
Frontier and pioneer life -- New Mexico 7
Indians of North America -- New Mexico 7
Mural painting and decoration 7
Newsletters 7
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- History 7
Water rights -- New Mexico 7
Albuquerque (N.M.) 6
Black-and-white photographs 6
Certificates 6
Governors -- New Mexico 6
Interviews 6
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- To 1848 6
Photograph albums 6
Photographic prints 6
Proclamations 6
School lands -- New Mexico 6
Wills 6
Artists -- New Mexico 5
Business records 5
Extradition -- New Mexico 5
Health care New Mexico 5
Land tenure -- New Mexico 5
Las Vegas (N.M.) -- History 5
Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 5
New Deal, 1933-1939 -- New Mexico -- History 5
New Mexico -- History -- 19th century -- Pictorial works 5
New Mexico--History 5
Posters 5
Railroads -- New Mexico -- History 5
Spain -- Colonies -- America -- Administration 5
University of New Mexico--History--20th century. 5
Archaeology -- Southwest, New 4
Arizona--History 4
Broadsides 4
Cattle trade -- New Mexico -- History 4
Contracts 4
Conveyances 4
Elections -- New Mexico 4
Family papers 4
Football -- New Mexico -- History 4
Governors --New Mexico 4
Indians of North America -- Education -- New Mexico 4
LULAC papers 4
Land grants -- New Mexico -- History 4
Mexican Americans -- Politics and government 4
Navajo Indians -- History 4
New Mexico -- Commerce 4
New Mexico -- Education -- 20th century 4
New Mexico -- Militia 4
New Mexico--Ethnic relations 4
Periodicals 4
Physicians -- New Mexico -- History 4
Postcards 4
Provincias Internas (New Spain) -- History 4
Socorro County (N.M.) -- History 4
Student Movements -- New Mexico -- History 4
∧ less
Undetermined 104
Spanish; Castilian 27
French 3
Navajo; Navaho 2
Chinese 1
∨ more  
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company 6
Bloom, Lansing Bartlett, 1880- 6
Charles Ilfeld Company 6
Museum of New Mexico 6
Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 6
∨ more
Villa, Pancho, 1878-1923 6
Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres (U.S.) 5
Alianza Federal de las Mercedes 5
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company 5
Baca, Elfego, 1864-1945 5
Tingley, Clyde 5
United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs 5
University of New Mexico 5
University of New Mexico. Center for Southwest Research 5
Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 4
Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 4
Hermanos Penitentes 4
Lamy, John Baptist, 1814-1888 4
Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 4
Pershing, John J. (John Joseph), 1860-1948 4
Ross, Edmund G. (Edmund Gibson), 1826-1907 4
Scholes, France V. (France Vinton), 1897-1979 4
Tijerina, Reies 4
Vargas, Diego de, 1643-1704 4
Vigil, Donaciano, 1802-1877 4
Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975 3
Bent, Charles, 1799-1847 3
Billy, the Kid 3
Brunswick, Marcus 3
Catholic Church. New Mexico 3
Chavez, Angelico, 1910-1996 3
Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 3
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 3
Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547 3
Federal Writers' Project. New Mexico 3
Fergusson, Erna, 1888-1964 3
Historical Society of New Mexico 3
Ilfeld, Charles, 1847- 3
Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928 3
Mitchell, Albert K., b. 1894 3
Momaday, N. Scott, 1934- 3
New Mexico Federation of Women's Clubs 3
Red River Valley Company 3
Rittenhouse, Jack D. (Jack DeVere), 1912- 3
Seligman, Arthur 3
Spidle, Jake W., 1941- 3
Tisdall, Arthur J., 1856-1898 3
Twitchell, Ralph Emerson, 1859-1925 3
Adams, Eleanor B. (Eleanor Burnham), 1910-1996 2
Adams, Kenneth M. 2
Adolph Letcher and Company 2
Archivo General de las Indias 2
Armijo family 2
Art Students League (New York, N.Y.) 2
Aubry, François Xavier, 1824-1854 2
Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, 1840-1914 2
Cassidy, Ina Sizer, 1869-1965 2
Corbett, Edward, 1919-1971 2
Davis, W. W. H. (William Watts Hart), 1820-1910 2
Democratic Party (N.M.) 2
Democratic Party (N.M.). State Central Committee 2
Federal Art Project 2
Fitzpatrick, George, 1904-1983 2
Fred Harvey (Firm) 2
Furlong Studio 2
Gross, Kelly & Company, Inc 2
Harjo, Joy 2
Heady, Ferrel 2
Herlihy, Barry Herbert (1939-2016) 2
Herlihy, Ernest Herbert (1895-1985) 2
Herlihy, Frank George (1898-1989) 2
Herlihy, Jenny Martha Schultz (1860-1953) 2
Herlihy, Lester B. (Lester Barry), 1891-1974 2
Herlihy, Richard 2
Ilfeld family 2
Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 2
Jones, Andrieus Aristieus, 1862-1927 2
Keleher family 2
Keleher, Loretta Barrett, d. 2000 2
Keleher, William A. (William Aloysius), 1886-1972 2
Kelley, Shawn 2
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 2
Larrazolo, Octaviano, 1859-1930 2
Long Canyon Cattle Company 2
Long Canyon Ranch (N.M.) 2
Luna family 2
Luna, Solomon, 1858-1912 2
Mandelman, Beatrice 2
Mandelman-Ribak Foundation 2
Mansfield, Joseph K. F. (Joseph King Fenno), 1803-1862 2
Martin, Agnes, 1912-2004 2
Martínez, Antonio José, 1793-1867 2
Meriwether, D. (David), 1800-1893 2
Minge, Ward Alan 2
New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 2
New Mexico. Department of Education 2
New Mexico. National Guard 2
New Mexico. Solicitor General 2
O'Donel, Charles M., 1860-1933 2
Otero, Sellar & Company 2
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