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Showing Collections: 226 - 250 of 563

Japanese WWII cables

Identifier: AC 505-p
Scope and Content Collection contains two intercepted and translated Japanese cables dated 9 August 1945. The cables discuss "Blue Force" and "Blue Strike" (U.S. Air Force); one cable describes the aftermath in Hiroshima after the atomic bomb attack, the other cable discusses possible U.S. air strike targets in Japan. Note: The cables have been reviewed in accordance with E.O. 13526 and the information is declassified by OPNAVINST 5513.16B.
Dates: 09 August 1945

J.C. Winter Letter

Identifier: AC-277-p
Scope and Content Letter discusses the genealogy of a Long Island family.
Dates: n.d.

Jemez Pueblo Grant

Identifier: AC-334-s
Scope and Content Collection consists of the Jemez Pueblo (N.M.) land grant and plat map, signed by Abraham Lincoln.
Dates: 1864

Jeremiah Iowa Architectural Collection

Identifier: AC-358
Scope and Content Collection consists of originals and copies of Iowa's architectural design work in the Santa Fe area and a few designs elsewhere. Major construction efforts include the Santa Clara Pueblo Senior Center and La Posada Resort in Santa Fe. There are a number of photographs related to his design work. Collection also contains material related to "The Center Space," a display mounted at the Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe, centering on Pueblo architecture. Iowa was the guest curator for the...
Dates: 1976-1992

Jerry Winfield Thompson Jr. Collection

Identifier: AC 598
Scope and Content Collection contains documents related to Thompson’s Forest Service including portions of his personnel file, along with paperwork and many annotated maps showing details of various forest fires in the West.
Dates: 1965 - 1986

Jesse George Holmes Collection, 1923

Identifier: AC 499-p
Scope and Content Collection consists of some copied family photos, obituary articles, and one ledger that has only two pages written in it. One page notes that Dr. Holmes gave one carton of medical "relicks" to the New Mexico History Society, and the other page is a list of deaths in 1923, name and cause of death.
Dates: 1923

Jessie De Prado Farrington Manuscript

Identifier: AC-081
Scope and Content Collection consists of the memoirs of Jessie de Prado Farrington written in 1935. The memoirs discuss Farrington's life and homesteading experiences in the early 1900s in Agua Chicquita Canyon in Otero County, New Mexico. Photographs of Weed, New Mexico, Glen-Eben (Farrington's homestead), and of various people are included. Farrington's memoirs have been published in the New Mexico Historical Review.
Dates: 1935

Jesusita Acosta Perrault Collection

Identifier: AC 508
Scope and Content The collection contains personal and political correspondence, historical research notes, essays, religious and political ephemera, embroidery stencil sketches and samples. Collection also contains materials of her children and other family members.
Dates: 1853-1960; Majority of material found in 1910-1960

Jewish Pioneers Exhibition Collection

Identifier: AC 454
Scope and Content This collection consists of Series 1: Exhibition Research (curator’s notes, biographies, family trees and photocopied images) and Series II: Exhibition Materials (exhibition book, educational matter and traveling information) related to Jewish Pioneers of New Mexico, 1821–1917.
Dates: 1998-2005; Majority of material found in 2000-2002

J.F. Collins Co. Guest Register

Identifier: AC-114-s
Scope and Content One guest register of visitors to the J.F. Collins Co. Many of the signers, including Charles F. Lummis, wrote brief remarks.
Dates: 1924-1926

J.K. Shishkin Collection

Identifier: AC-210
Scope and Content In 1968, Ms. J. K. Shishkin was assigned by Mr. Carlos Nagel, the director of the Museum of New Mexico, to write a history of the Palace of the Governors. In 1972, Ms. Shishkin submitted this manuscript consisting of 405 typewritten pages and 28 handwritten pages of footnotes. Carl E. Rosnek, Museum Director of Publications, returned the manuscript to Ms. Shishkin with editorial comments and corrections. Although Ms. Shishkin agreed to rewrite the manuscript, she did not finish the project by...
Dates: 1972-1985

John A. and Charles B. Eddy Collection

Identifier: AC-072
Scope and Content Collection is made up of a scrapbook containing clippings, letters, photographs, maps and general information on Cloudcroft, White Oaks, and other nearby communities. Also included are two short histories, one on the Eddy Brothers and one on the history of the origin of the name Alamogordo.
Dates: 1897-1990

John A. Clark Papers

Identifier: AC-044
Scope and Content Collection consists of 25 journals (1861-1868) kept by John A. Clark, Surveyor of the Territory of New Mexico, a typescript of the journals, and a Confederate Army broadside from 1862. The 25 journals contain 1,943 handwritten diary pages, 48 hand drawn maps, about 50 pages, notes, expenses, lists of distances and miscellaneous sketches. Kitty Shishkin has done the typescript copy of the journals. The journals give detailed daily accounts of the writer's official and personal...
Dates: 1861-1868

John Baptiste Salpointe Manuscripts

Identifier: AC 417
Scope and Content This collection is a series of handwritten manuscripts on Indians of the Southwest. Most pages are written in English, although some are in French (Salpointe's native language) and one essay is in Spanish. Topics covered include: dances, mythology, traits, and Indian wars. He focuses on the Apache, Navajo, Papago, Zuni, and Pueblo Indian tribes.
Dates: 1834-1889

John Bouquet Postcard Collection

Identifier: AC-258-p
Scope and Content Collection consists of assorted postal cards from soliciting business firms to John Bouquet, and other persons in the Pojoque Valley, N.M.
Dates: 1881-1908

John Brockman Letters

Identifier: AC 584
Scope and Content Collection of letters from Private John Brockman of Mills, New Mexico to family and friends during his service in the U.S. Army with training in the States and deployment to France during World War I
Dates: 1917-1919

John C. Gullette Papers

Identifier: AC-100-p
Scope and Content Collection consists of a journal kept by Gullette during a trip exploring and photographing Indian ruins in New Mexico and Arizona; a descriptive list of photographs taken on the trip; and a notebook filled with descriptions of Colorado by Gullette. Collection also includes a typescript of Gullette's journal, which details stops at Chaco Canyon, the Grand Canyon, Enchanted Mesa, and Acoma Pueblo.
Dates: 1899-1900

John J. Dempsey Scrapbooks

Identifier: AC-060-s
Scope and Content These scrapbooks of clippings, primarily from New Mexican newspapers, cover the years of John Joseph Dempsey's political career from his first campaign for the U.S. Senate (1940) and his appointment as Under-Secretary of the Interior that same year, through his two terms as Governor of New Mexico (1942-1946). In all, there are 14 scrapbooks with a folder containing a few clippings from 1948. The first scrapbook (1940-1941) consists of clippings concerned only with his Senatorial...
Dates: 1940-1948

John J. Peck Papers

Identifier: AC-128-p
Dates: 1851-1852

John P. Conron Collection

Identifier: AC 443
Scope and Content This collection consists of financial and tax records for The Centerline, an interior design shop owned and operated in Santa Fe, New Mexico, by Conron and partner David deRyck Lent beginning in 1952. Collection also contains programs, plans and notes for the American Institute of Architects - AID joint "Design for People" conference held in Santa Fe in October 1966 under the coordination of Conron; and programs, plans and notes for the American Institute of Interior Designers Rocky Mountain...
Dates: 1959-1977; Majority of material found in Placeholder Unit Date Text

John S. Candelario Collection

Identifier: AC-291
Scope and Content This collection contains documents, papers, letters, and memorabilia relating to John S. Candelario and his business and property dealings. There are personal letters to him from family members and from his adopted father, Jesusito Candelario. John S. Candelario's essays, fiction, and film scripts about New Mexico are also included in this collection. Of note is an unpublished essay on Georgia O'Keeffe. Also included are detailed logs of his work which provide technical information about what...
Dates: 1895-1999

Jones Family Collection

Identifier: AC-118
Scope and Content The Jones Collection covers the years from 1844 to 1969 and deals mainly with the Jones family history in Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and New Mexico. There is an extensive amount of material on Amistad, N.M. and Hawkeye, Iowa. Material includes papers from the Godlove and Brown families of the Amistad area, as well as general material on homesteading, turn-of-the-century education and social history. On August 7, 1975 Clara May Daves of Albuquerque donated a scrapbook to the Jones...
Dates: n.d.

Jose D. Sena New Mexico Collection

Identifier: AC 555-p
Scope and Content Research notes, essays, and copies of historic documents pertaining to aspects of the history of Santa Fe, NM including Sena Plaza, Santa Fe businesses, and Santa Fe street names. Also included are an assessment of the Office of the Cadestral Engineer relative to lands, wills, and other matters; copy of the land grant to Juana Lujana within the San Ildefonso Pueblo Grant, 1765; an account of the death of Jesus Maria Luna y Baca on the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, 1888.
Dates: 1936-1940

Jose Quintana Letter

Identifier: AC-279-p
Scope and Content Letter by José Quintana rejecting a marriage proposal to his daughter Maria Luisa.
Dates: 1890

Joseph Bursey Collection

Identifier: AC-028
Scope and Content Collection consists of papers collected and created by Joseph Bursey, as Director of the New Mexico Tourist Bureau, 1940-1972.
Dates: 1940-1972

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  • Repository: Fray Angélico Chávez History Library X
  • Language: English X

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Clippings 52
Correspondence 32
Scrapbooks 27
Account books 25
Diaries 25
∨ more
Financial records 24
Letters 24
Minutes (Records) 24
New Mexico -- Description and travel 23
Photographs. 22
Manuscripts 20
New Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1848-1950 19
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- History 18
Reports 17
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Social life and customs 15
Certificates 14
New Mexico -- History -- To 1848 14
Programs 14
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Commerce 14
New Mexico -- History -- 1848- 13
New Mexico -- Social life and customs 13
Authors, American -- New Mexico 12
Pamphlets 12
Genealogy 11
New Mexico -- History 11
By-laws 10
Ephemera 10
Merchants -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 10
New Mexico -- Officials and employees 10
Publications 10
Menus 9
New Mexico -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 9
New Mexico -- Politics and government 9
Artists -- New Mexico 8
Las Vegas (N.M.) -- History 8
Santa Fe (N.M.) 8
Visitors' books 8
Artists -- New Mexico -- Taos 7
Drawing 7
Festivals -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 7
Governors -- New Mexico 7
Map 7
New Mexico -- History, Military 7
Poems 7
Archaeology -- New Mexico 6
Arizona--Description and travel 6
Constitutions 6
Deeds 6
Family papers 6
Indians of North America -- New Mexico 6
Invoices 6
Legal documents 6
New Mexico -- Commerce 6
Oral histories 6
Postcards 6
Railroads -- New Mexico 6
Santa Fe (N.M.) - History 6
Addresses 5
Architecture -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 5
Artists -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 5
Broadsides 5
Excavations (Archaeology) -- New Mexico 5
Family histories 5
Indian dance -- Southwest, New 5
Lincoln County (N.M.) -- History 5
Pueblo Indians 5
Receipts (Acknowledgments) 5
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Description and travel 5
Tourism -- New Mexico 5
World War, 1939-1945 -- Naval operations, American 5
Art -- New Mexico -- Taos 4
Building plans 4
City planning -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 4
Colorado--Description and travel 4
Daybooks 4
Europe--Description and travel 4
Historic preservation -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe 4
Interviews 4
Ledgers (account books) 4
Maxwell Land Grant (N.M. and Colo.) 4
Membership lists 4
Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico 4
Newspapers 4
Painters -- New Mexico 4
Photographers -- New Mexico 4
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 4
Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Campaigns -- Cuba 4
Taos (N.M.) -- History 4
Tax records 4
Wills 4
Women -- New Mexico -- Societies and Clubs 4
World War, 1914-1918 4
Advertisements 3
Agriculture -- New Mexico 3
Archaeology -- Southwest, New 3
Architectural drawings 3
Architecture -- New Mexico 3
Articles 3
Authors, American -- 20th century 3
Bandelier National Monument (N.M.) 3
∧ less
Undetermined 371
Spanish; Castilian 2
French 1
Museum of New Mexico 20
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company 15
Hewett, Edgar L. (Edgar Lee), 1865-1946 12
School of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.) 11
Fred Harvey (Firm) 9
∨ more
Palace of the Governors (Santa Fe, N.M.) 9
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 9
Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928 8
Meem, John Gaw, 1894-1983 7
New Mexico (Battleship) 7
Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) 6
Long, Haniel, 1888-1956 6
Prince, L. Bradford (Le Baron Bradford), 1840-1922 6
Taos Society of Artists 6
Walter, Paul A. F. 6
Austin, Mary, 1868-1934 5
Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, 1840-1914 5
Baumann, Gustave, 1881-1971 5
Cassidy, Ina Sizer, 1869-1965 5
Chavez, Angelico, 1910-1996 5
Cutting, Bronson M., 1888-1935 5
Historical Society of New Mexico 5
La Fonda (Hotel : Santa Fe, N.M.) 5
Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan), 1887-1975 5
Old Santa Fe Association 5
Springer, Frank, 1848-1927 5
United States. Army. Volunteer Cavalry, 1st 5
Blumenschein, E. L. (Ernest Leonard), 1874-1960 4
Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968 4
Cassidy, Gerald, 1869-1934 4
Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944 4
Horgan, Paul, 1903-1995 4
Lamy, John Baptist, 1814-1888 4
Museum of Fine Arts (Museum of New Mexico) 4
O'Keeffe, Georgia, 1887-1986 4
Villa, Pancho, 1878-1923 4
Billy, the Kid 3
Blumenschein, Helen G. (Helen Greene), 1909-1989 3
Blumenschein, Mary Shepard Greene, 1869-1958 3
Charles Ilfeld Company 3
Clark, Ann Nolan, 1896-1995 3
Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 1510-1554 3
Dillon, Richard Charles, 1877-1966 3
Fitzpatrick, George, 1904-1983 3
Fletcher, Alice C. (Alice Cunningham), 1838-1923 3
Los Alamos National Laboratory 3
Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 1879-1962 3
Mechem, E. L. (Edwin Leard), 1912-2002 3
Museum of International Folk Art (N.M.) 3
Rhodes, Eugene Manlove, 1869-1934 3
School of American Archaeology (Santa Fe, N.M.) 3
Simmons, Marc, 1937- 3
Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905 3
Wittick, Ben, 1845-1903 3
Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 2
Asplund, Julia B. (Julia Brown), 1875-1958 2
Barker, S. Omar (Squire Omar), 1894-1985 2
Baumann, Ann, 1927-2011 2
Berninghaus, Oscar E. (Oscar Edmund), 1874-1952 2
Bloom, Lansing Bartlett, 1880- 2
Bradford, Richard, 1932- 2
Candelario, J.S. (Jesus Sito), 1864-1938 2
Chapman, Kenneth Milton, 1875-1968 2
Chavez, Dennis, 1888-1962 2
Church, Peggy Pond, 1903-1986 2
Clark, Willard (Willard F.) 2
Clever, Charles P., 1830-1874 2
Cullum, Kate H. 2
Curry, George, 1861-1947 2
Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 1857-1900 2
DeHuff, Elizabeth Willis, 1886-1983 2
Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank), 1888-1964 2
Dutton, Bertha P. (Bertha Pauline), 1903-1994 2
Ellis, Bruce T., 1903- 2
Federal Writers' Project. New Mexico 2
Fergusson, Erna, 1888-1964 2
First National Bank of Santa Fe 2
Hermanos Penitentes 2
Historic Santa Fe Foundation 2
Hollenback, Amelia, 1877-1969 2
Hudspeth, Andrew Hutchins, 1874- 2
Hurd, Peter, 1904-1984 2
Ilfeld, Charles, 1847- 2
Lippard, Lucy R. 2
McKinley, William, 1843-1901 2
Messervy, William S. 2
New Mexico. Coronado Cuarto Centennial Commission 2
Otero, Miguel Antonio, 1859-1944 2
Pershing, John J. (John Joseph), 1860-1948 2
Rapp, Isaac Hamilton, 1854-1933 2
Renehan, Alois B., 1869-1928 2
Republican Party (N.M.) 2
Republican Party (N.M.). Central Committee 2
Seligman, Arthur 2
Southern Pacific Railroad Company 2
Spiegelberg family, 2
St. Vincent Hospital (Sante Fe, N.M.) 2
Twitchell, Ralph Emerson, 1859-1925 2
United States. Forest Service. 2
United States. War Relocation Authority 2
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