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Series 4: Personal Papers, 1937 - 1942


Scope and Contents

Contains: _ Paul Reiter's personal journal (1 bound volume) containing handwritten research notes, personal notes, object lists, addresses, diagrams, drawings, charts, mostly related to his position at the Museum of New Mexico; _1 photo album (disassembled for preservation ) containing copies of historic photographic prints, newspaper and magazine clippings, and a hand-drawn map; Research materials.

01. Journal, circa 1938 1 bound volume containing handwritten research notes, personal notes, object lists, addresses, diagrams, drawings, charts, and tables, mostly related to his position at the Museum of New Mexico. Loose papers tucked in between pages of journal are now held in file folders labeled with the section of the journal in which they were originally found.

02. Photograph Album, circa 1868-circa 1940 Photograph album containing Paul Reiter’s collection of personal and historic photographs. Album disassembled for preservation, all items removed from pages and placed in folders in negative number order. Inscriptions are on small slips of paper in separate folders accompanying each item, arranged by negative number. Larger images and inscriptions are in SERIES 4 BOX 5, in negative number order. First page of Album is in OS BOX 1, FOLDER 3. Contains images of archaeological sites in New Mexico, including Chaco Canyon, Quarai Ruins, Kuaua Ruins, and possibly Jemez. Also contains copies of historic photographs from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by notable photographers such as Adolph Fisher, Christian Kaadt, Charles F. Lummis, Jesse L. Nusbaum, Wesley Bradfield, and Adam Clark Vroman. These include images of New Mexico churches and pueblos; Bandelier National Monument; Santa Fe plaza; rooms and artifacts at the Palace of the Governors/Museum of New Mexico; and Jesse Nusbaum’s photographs of School of American Research archaeological expeditions in Quirigua, Guatemala and Copan, Honduras in the 1910s. Also includes newspaper and magazine clippings and hand-drawn map of BC 51. Most of the historic photographs in the album are not original, but were copy prints collected by Paul Reiter, probably during his time as curator at the Museum of New Mexico from 1931 to 1938. Many of the original photographs for images in this album are currently housed at the Palace of the Governors Photo Archives in Santa Fe. Dates of photographs in the album are based on when the original image was captured rather than when the print was created and collected by Reiter.

03.Research Materials, 1937-1942 Contains two publications collected by Paul Reiter while he was a professor in the Department of Anthropology at UNM. Publications are related to Paul Reiter’s personal and professional interests in archaeology and ethnology, they include a report describing Native American ethnographic objects at the Denver Art Museum and the Notebook of the Society for American Archaeology


  • Creation: 1937 - 1942


Biographical / Historical

Journal owned by Paul Reiter during his tenure as Curator of Archaeology at the Museum of New Mexico. Content pertains both to Reiter’s personal research interests and his position as curator. __ Paul Reiter’s album of personal and historic photographs. The album primarily contains copies of historic photographs from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by notable photographers such as Adolph Fisher, Christian Kaadt, Charles F. Lummis, Jesse L. Nusbaum, Wesley Bradfield, and Adam Clark Vroman. These include images of New Mexico churches and pueblos; Bandelier National Monument; the Santa Fe plaza; rooms and artifacts at the Palace of the Governors/Museum of New Mexico; and Jesse Nusbaum’s photographs of School of American Research archaeological expeditions in Quirigua, Guatemala and Copan, Honduras in the 1910s. The album also contains numerous images of archaeological sites in New Mexico, including Chaco Canyon, Quarai Ruins, Kuaua Ruins, and possibly Jemez. Most of the historic photographs in this album are not original, but were copy prints collected by Paul Reiter, probably during his time as curator at the Museum of New Mexico from 1931 to 1938. __Two publications collected by Paul Reiter while he was a professor in the Department of Anthropology at UNM. Publications are related to Paul Reiter’s personal and professional interests in archaeology and ethnology, they include a report describing Native American ethnographic objects at the Denver Art Museum and the Notebook of the Society for American Archaeology.Publications collected by Paul Reiter. 3 file units: 01 Journal; 02 Photograph Album; 03 Research Materials


From the Collection: 7.4 Linear Feet (11 document boxes; 1 OS box 16x20"; 1 binder box 12x11"; 1 flat box 12x15"; 1 flat box 14.5x11.5"; 3 photo boxes 5x8") : 111 negatives; 546 prints; 304 photocards; 12 interpositives; 6 oversize maps;

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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3 file units: 01 Journal; 02 Photograph Album; 03 Research Materials

Repository Details

Part of the NPS Chaco Culture National Historical Park Repository

Chaco Culture NHP & Aztec Ruins NM Museum & Archives Program
Hibben Center Rm 307 - MSC01 1050
450 University Blvd NE
Albuquerque NM 87106 USA