Folio 1
Contains 46 Results:
"MITIN" [Rally],, March 31, 1932.
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by the Comité de Frente Unico in favor of the youth of Scottsboro. This flyer announces that "this is the week of struggle against the legal assassination" of the youth sentenced to death after the Scottsboro Trials.
March 31, 1932.
"La Cámara del Trabajo Unitaria ha sido víctima una vez más del TERROR BLANCO" [The House of United Work has been victim, once more, of WHITE TERROR],, n.d.
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by Socorro Rojo Internacional. This flyer recounts the imprisonment of forty workers. It also supports the strike of transportation workers.
"Bloque Obrero y Campesino" [Workers' and Country People's Block],, February 16, 1934.
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by the Comité Ejecutivo del Bloque Obrero y Campesino. This flyer announces a manifestation in support of transportation workers, against Article 147 of the Ley de Vías y Comunicaciones, which authorizes salarial readjustments.
February 16, 1934.
"A Todos los Ferrocarrileros del D.F. Con y Sin Trabajo" [To all the Railroad Workers of Mexico City, With and Without Work],, April 1, (no year).
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by the Liga Pro- Sindicato Unico Ferrocarrilero. This flyer announces a meeting to promote the railroad workers' union.
April 1, (no year).
"Manifiesto" [Manifesto],, no date.
Item — Folio: 1
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printed by the Sindicato Rojo de Trabajadores de la Auto-Transportes Peralvillo Cozumel y Anexas, s.c.i. This poster informs readers that the Federal Work Law "does not guarantee our interests." Furthermore, it seeks support of trolley,railroad, and taxi workers in the bus drivers' strike.
no date.
"Plutarco Elias Calles" [President Plutarco Elias Calles],, n.d.
Item — Folio: 1
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Attributed to the Orden Nacionalista Mexicana. This flyer declares Elias Calles a scoundrel.
"Mitín: Obreros de todas las industrias, campesinos y demás capas explotadas de la población" [Rally: Workers of all industries, country people, and all other exploited layers of the population],, November 7 (no year).
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by el Comitéde Frente Unico de las Organizaciones Obreras de Monterrey. This flyer announces a rally against wage stoppages and readjustments, seeks help for the unemployed, and demands minimum wage. It also commemorates the triumph of the Russian proletariat.
November 7 (no year).
"Camaradas Obreros, Campesinos, Estudiantes, Intelectuales, y Antimperialistas en general" [Comrade Workers, Country People, Students, Intellectuals, and Anti- Imperialists in general],, March 7 (no year).
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by the Liga Antimperialistade México (LAM), Comité Local del D.F. This flyer announces a conference on Csar Augusto Sandino and the anti- imperialist fight of Nicaragua. It will address the Sandinista movement and the role of Mexico in the Sandinista struggles.
March 7 (no year).
"A los Estudiantes," [To Students],, n.d.
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by La Sociedad de Padres y Madres de Familia de Portales. This flyer announces that this organization is "on strike in defense of the sacred interests of the future" and invites [university] students to give classes, free, in their homes, to students affected by a strike. It names Bassols as an "enemy to children and to students."
"Camaradas Obreros, Campesinos, Estudiantes, Intelectuals y Antimperialistas en general' [Comrade Workers, Country people, Students, Intellectuals, and Anti-Imperialists, in general],, n.d.
Item — Folio: 1
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Published by the Liga Antimperialista de México (LAM). This flyer presents the same information as 2, but this flyer is slightly different in style.
"Escolares Todos: Padres de Familia: A la Huelga General!" [All Students: Parents: To the General Strike!],, April, 1934.
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by the Comité de Huelga de la Escuela 14-6. This flyer urges participation in a strike which demands free meals for elementary school students, free education, free books and study materials for students, and demands "all this before sexual education."
April, 1934.
"Por la Unidad Combativa del Proletariado" [For the Combative Unity of the Proletariat],, October 20, 1933.
Item — Folio: 1
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Mexico City, Sponsored by the Cámara de Trabajo Unitario del D.F. This flyer invites the public to a conference in order to organize workers and fight for a justand uniform minimum wage.
October 20, 1933.
"Por la Unidad Combativa del Proletariado" [For the Combative Unity of the Proletariat],, October 20, 1933.
Item — Folio: 1
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Mexico City, Sponsored by the Oposición Sindical Revolucionaria de Artes Gráficas. This flyer presents the same information as 6, in a slightly different form and by a different sponsoring organization.
October 20, 1933.
"Hacemos Saber" [Let it Be Known],, n.d.
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by numerous organizations, such as the Centro de Estudios para Obreros, Sociedad de Alumnos del Centro de Estudios para Obreros, Confederación de Estudiantes Socialistas, Grupo Acción Socialista, Unión de Artes Gráficas de Talleres Comerciales, Asociación de Empleados de lal Secretaría de la Economía Nacional, Acción Anti-Fachista, Grupo Marxista Revolucionario de Estudiantes de la Universidad Gabino Barreda, Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de la Industria Papelera de la R.M., and the...
"Hacemos Saber' [Let it be known],, n.d.
Item — Folio: 1
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Printed by the same sponsoring organizations as 8. This flyer outlines the same points as 8, but has a slightly different presentation.
"Obreros, Estudiantes, Intelectuales: Gran Mitín en Conmemoración del 51 aniversario de la Muerte del Revolucionario Carlos Marx" [Workers, Students, Intellectuals: Grand Rally in Commemoration of the 51st Anniversary of the Death of the Revolutionary Karl Marx],, March 14, [1934].
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by LEAR (Liga de Escritores, y Artistas Revolucionarios), the Federación de Estudiantes Revolucionarios, the Sociedad de Amigos de la U.R.S.S., and the Liga Anti-Imperialista de México.
March 14, [1934].
"Socorro Rojo Internacional,", January 10 (no year).
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by the Sección Mexicana of the Socorro Rojo Internacional. This poster announces a commemoration of the assassination of the revolutionary student and anti-imperialist leader Julio Antonio Mella. This event will also protest Yankee imperialist intervention in Cuba, the imprisonment of Torgler, Thaelman, Dimitrof, Popof, and Tanef, accused of burning the Reichstag, as well as Hitler's having 170,000 German workers in concentration camps. Futhermore, the event protests the "legal...
January 10 (no year).
"Mitín de Conmemoración" [Rally of Commemmoration],, March 14, 1933.
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by the Comité Pro 50 Aniversario de la Muerte de Carlos Marx. The rally announced on this poster intends to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Karl Marx's death and is addressed to workers, students, and intellectuals.
March 14, 1933.
"Desnudando las Sucias Maniobras" [Revealing Dirty Manipulations],, March 5, 1934.
Item — Folio: 1
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Authorship attributed to five named individuals who explain that they are not affiliated with the Federación de Sindicatos y Obreros y Empleados de la Companía de Tranvías. Their long text refutes that published in El Boletín, number 13, from February 27, written by the Comité Central de la Alianza.
March 5, 1934.
"Estudiantes! La Autonomía Plena es un Engaño y una Maniobra! Se Trata de Arrebatarles los Pobres Frutos de la Huelga de 1929!" [Students! "Full Autonomy" is a Hoax and a Manipulation! It is About Seizing from the Poor the Fruits of the Strike of 1929!],, October 20, 1933.
Item — Folio: 1
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Sponsored by the Comité Central del Partido Comunista de México, Sección de la Internacional Comunista, and by el ComitéCentral de la Federación Juvenil Comunista, Sección de la Internacional Juvenil Comunista. This poster mentions Minister Bassols and alleges that he is trying to intervene by placing the universities and schools under absolute control of the Sectretary of Education.The poster questions the autonomy of the university.
October 20, 1933.
"A la Lucha por el Séptimo Día" [To the fight for the Seventh Day!",, no date.
Item — Folio: 1
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Printed by the Comité de Huelga de la Unión de Obreros de Artes Gráficas Comerciales. This poster was written after forty days of striking by the Graphic Artist Workers and seeks support of other workers, in general.
no date.