Box 5
Contains 49 Results:
Northwest Area Plan, Volume 1: Existing Conditions, City of Albuquerque, NM, undated
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Northwest Area Plan, Volume 2: Goals and Issues, City of Albuquerque, NM, undated
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Northwest Area Plan: Volume 1 - Existing Conditions, City of Albuquerque, NM, 1989-08
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Northwest Mesa Area, Albuquerque, NM, 1982-08-12
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Northwest Mesa Area Plan, Albuquerque, NM, 1985
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Northwest Mesa Escarpment Plan, City of Albuquerque, NM, 1987-11
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Northwest Mesa Escarpment Plan, City of Albuquerque, NM, 1988-03
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Northwest Water Policy & Law Symposium, Bozeman, MT, 2006-12
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
On Nature and Nomenclature: William Whewell and the Production of Architectural Knowledge in Early Victorian Britian, Albuquerque, NM, undated
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Open Space Master Plan: Goals and Objectives and Public Comment, City of Albuquerque, NM, 1990
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Oral History as Expert Voice: Difference, Representation, and Rigor in the Narrative Documentation of Community Based Practices, Detroit, MI, 2001-03-23
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Our New Capital City: A Report to the People of Alaska, Anchorage, AK, undated
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Pajarito Arroyo Corridor Plan, City of Albuquerque, NM, 1990
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Pajarito Mesa Water Station Installation Feasibility Study, Bernalillo County, NM, 2006-12-19
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Park System Facility Plan - First Draft, City of Albuquerque, NM, 1994-02
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Parks and Recreation, Open Space and Trails Network Master Plan, Public Comment Report, 1991-01
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Part 3 East Mountain Area Plan, Albuquerque, NM, 1979-06-19
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Paseo del Norte, North Albuquerque Acres Sector Development Plan, Albuquerque, NM, 2001-02-20
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Patterns of Business Activity: The Midscale Manufacturerer in New Mexico, 1987-09
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Planned Communities Criteria: Policy Element, Albuquerque, NM, 1991-02
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Planner's Complicity in Structural Racism: Some Promising Theoretical Responses, Albuquerque, NM, 2001-01-23
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Planning on Uncertainty: Multi-Layer State Water Planning, New Mexico, 2003-01-28
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Politica y Sociedad escuela de ciencia politica, 1988-01 - 1988-06
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Preliminary Results of Survey of Albuquerque Businesses, 1977-10
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.
Private Property Rights and the Planning Process: A Case Study, 2000-05
This collection houses projects worked on by the Design and Planning Assistance Center, housed within the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of New Mexico. Included in the collection are transportation plans, progress reports, development plans, studies, guides, design agendas, management strategies, city codes and ordinances.